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short(ish) rant.

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short(ish) rant. Empty short(ish) rant.

Post  Taylor Mon May 07, 2012 10:37 pm

i think some of you will remember the post i made a while ago, fuck this was like MONTHS ago, about that guy i really liked "asking me on a date"? not sure if most of you read any other update from that. but i'm going to kind of go in detail on that.

so i'm paraphrasing here, but he basically said "taylor, i want to take you on a date to prove you're pretty" and i was freaking out, because i'm pretty much the ultimate virgin in anything involving relationships (besides hugs, but mind you, never even held someone's hand okay), so i asked if he was serious. he told me he was. i spent the night crying because i was so happy.
he fucking lied.
i messaged him once about it. got no reply. my friend asked him about it and he just said "what.."

needless to say. i don't like him anymore. i got over him a bit after that because i realized how much of an asshole he is.

still. i saw him yesterday and he completely ignored me. stared RIGHT AT ME, i said hi, and then he looked away and walked over to his friends. then someone i've known since i was 5, who is also his friend, also ignored me when i tried to say hi.
at one point he came up to the group i was with. talked to these two girls (both named paige, but i'm going to talk about them using their hair color because we referred to them as "green paige" and "blue paige") and again completely ignored me. blue and green talked to him for kind of a while too. my friend laura eventually got angry (angry for me, i think lol), and walked over to him and said "thanks for acknowledging our presence, ian" and dragged me away from them.

i probably shouldn't care, because i don't like him at all, i like someone else even, but it's just bullshit. you're going to lie to me about something that was very important to me, and then ignore me? you don't do that. you fucking don't do that.
alright, now keep going.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  babydoll16508 Tue May 08, 2012 4:01 am

That really is bullshit. I mean, well, I don't want to go off into a rant on this, which I feel coming, and so, I'm just going to say, he's a fucking douche and good thing you didn't date him because you'd probably wouldn't have been happy with someone like that.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  Taylor Tue May 08, 2012 4:25 am

yeah i am pretty glad that it didn't happen in the end. he kind of did some other doche-y stuff before this, and i kind of pushed it away because i liked him so much. and idk. that was just kind of the thing that made me open my eyes and realize that my friend was right and he was an ass ;-;
alright, now keep going.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  Morgan Tue May 08, 2012 4:26 am

I have been in the same place as you sweetheart. He is an ass wipe as we like to call them. He also enjoys sucking monkey balls! Hehe. Any guy that is going to tell a girl, "Hey I'm gonna take you out so you see how beautiful you are," and then later says its a lie is an ass hole! You don't tell a girl that! Any girl! Whether you be stunningly gorgeous or not. Everyone is beautiful in my eyes until they prove to me that they are not.
I have been head over heels for this guy Jacob. At my school our lunch is called "Hornet hour" (Our mascot is the hornet) and its not just lunch. You can go get help from teachers, make up tests and just hang out, for an hour! All four grades have it at the same time. Well me and my friend Emily walk around and everything, well 2nd half she walks with her boyfriend. So I was going to walk with Jacob. He used the same excuse each day "Oh I have to finish my math test." He purposely only did a few questions so he wouldn't have to walk with me. I felt horrible. I still do because he even told me that he didn't like me after I poured my heart out to him about how much I liked him. I told him all my secrets and everything because he had me thinking he liked me too. Like we don't talk or anything, we sometimes smile at each other but he avoids me all the time. Even in english, the only class we have together. It's just like, I know it shouldn't get to me, but it does.
Its like why must girls get the feelings and guys never do. But I can't really say that. There is this guy who has asked me out every day since friday. His name is Steven and he towers over me at 6'6. I liked him in January but he didn't like me. Called me ugly and all these horrible names and now he is begging for me to date him. I sorta like him, but you know when someone says those kinds of things, its hard to see past it.
But, anyway, he is a jerk. Don't let him get to you. Thats all he wants, to see you crumble. Don't do it! Don't crumble for a guy are jerkish as him.
I love you with all my heart darling. You are amazing. I will fly to where ever you live and beat his ass if need-be.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  babydoll16508 Tue May 08, 2012 4:33 am

I'm glad your friends made you see the bigger picture! If you have a good friend, a really good friend that you know you can trust and won't betray you, then listen to them. The problem with liking someone is that you're eyes and judgement are so clouded because all you want is that person, while your friends can see through the facade. That's why they say love is blind, because it clouds your judgement!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  Taylor Tue May 08, 2012 4:35 am

Aw, that's awful. what the hell. guys can be so fucking insensitive, honestly. but yeah i get what you mean about the guy calling you names. he's stupid if he thinks that he can get away with that... like, come on. no. and i won't let him lol. i never see him again anymore, anyways. this was the first time i saw him since... like... i want to say december? it was a little bit before he told me that. we go to different schools and don't really hang out with the same people, thank god.
but love you too, and awh! haha. i'll beat up any guy that's giving you trouble, as well.

problem is, the friend that knew he was an ass doesn't really talk to me anymore. i fucked that up somehow. at least i think i did. either that or she just randomly doesn't like me. so i don't really have anyone to talk to with guy shit. but that's true. when i tell people who i like know they give me the weirdest look ever and ask why haha. i just wish that i didn't like anyone, though. not for a while. i just want to survive high school and not have to be bothered with liking people and getting hurt because they don't like me. it's so stupid when i really think about it. i'm too young to care, but i do. it sucks.
alright, now keep going.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  babydoll16508 Tue May 08, 2012 4:42 am

Well try talking to them, and if that doesn't work, then oh well. They weren't a true friend. A real friend takes the good with the bad, and instead of just leaving, at least attempts to work it out. If they were meant to last, they'd still be with you in the end. Oh trust me love, I understand. All the guys I've ever liked I can't be with or just doesn't like me, and it sucks. I've been talking to this guy and we liked each other, but he won't date me, so it's no point. Currently, I don't like anyone, I just don't give a fuck! I can understand why your friends might ask why, but if they're good friends, and anything does occur, they'll be happy for you and be like, 'oh, well that's cool.' Smile But trust me, there's nothing more that I hate than having a crush. Because crush rejection is worse than normal rejection in my opinion.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  Taylor Tue May 08, 2012 4:51 am

i have been trying. it's kind of a long story. she always cancels on me every time i try to hang out with her. she makes it obvious that she likes her other friends more than me. i'm honestly about to give up with her. it's no use. but ugh. i hate it more than anything when two people like each other but one of them won't go out with them. like WHY WOULD YOU EVEN TELL THEM YOU LIKE THEM? it's just leading them on. i hate that. and like they all approve of him, he's just really weird haha. i guess look-wise he isn't their idea of perfect, but i don't really care about that so. and yeah, same with the rejection thing. when i like someone, i don't just have those stupid crushes where i like them for a day and then get over it. oh no. i've only liked two people in my entire life, and i've liked the first one for over a year and i liked him a LOT, and the guy i like now i've like for about five months and counting, and i like him a lot too. which i also really hate and it sucks lol. most of my friends don't crush like that. but they know a lot more guys than i do. so maybe that's it, they're just more social or something? i don't know, really lol.
alright, now keep going.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  babydoll16508 Tue May 08, 2012 5:08 am

Oh, I see. Well then forget it. If she was your friend then she'd forgive you even if you did something, and move on. I mean, unless you've repeatedly broken her trust or something like that, but I mean, even though I don't know you really, you don't seem like that person...It honestly seems like we have a lot in common. ME TOO! If I like someone, I really like someone, and that's the way I've always been! My friends can like two, three, four guys at the same time! And then there's me and I like one guy and I like him for like years! One of the biggest crushes I've had was when I was younger (from like 3-5) so I probably shouldn't even count it, but I do. But I've liked a grand total of 4 guys, not including the one I'm currently talking to. Well, I'm glad they approve of him. Looks aren't nearly as important as personality is! I KNOW RIGHT??? OH MY GOD! Like, we've talked on the few times and for hours and this one time he was like,'Oh you're so cute.' 'Oh you're adorable.' 'I don't understand how you're still single.' Blah, blah blah. 'I wish I met you last year, because then we could date.' He won't date me because he's going to college at the end of July,and even though I said we could just enjoy each other until he leaves, he won't just ask me the fuck out! I mean, listen to this, he told me he was going to ask me out the day before we hung out, and he didn't! Whenever he text he compliments me and is like a major self esteem booster.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  Taylor Tue May 08, 2012 5:16 am

yeah, trust me, i did not do that haha! if i did do something, i'm really clueless as to what it was. and i've asked her a few times if she was mad at me and she's said she isn't so. but yeah omg! the friend who is like mad at me likes about 6 people right now, and i'm just like.. HUH? how do you even do that. but yeah, i always think the guys i like are really weird until i start liking them lol. like after talking to them i'm like wow they're actually really cool -instantly likes-. but ugh.
what kind of pisses me off is that the friend who's mad at me, she was dating this guy right. and he broke up with her for actually kind of the same reason that guy won't date you. he's going to college soon. and she said why can't we just date until thne, and he said it'd hurt too much. so he won't date her. and now this other guy likes her, and she likes him too, but SHE WON'T DATE HIM, and she sees nothing wrong with this, even though she was so hurt by her ex doing that to her. i just don't understand people. if someone hurt you, and you know how bad that feels, why would you do it to someone else?
alright, now keep going.

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short(ish) rant. Empty Re: short(ish) rant.

Post  babydoll16508 Tue May 08, 2012 5:25 am

Yeah,I understand. When I'm mad at people, I make sure they know why! hahaha.Well, if they're my friend that is.Hahaha, oh wow. That's funny! My friend does stuff like that, so I understand. Oh, wow. I know what you mean completely!!! I don't understand humans anymore! They're soooo irrational and do some of the stupidest things. I was working in a group and this kid was picking on this other kid, and the kid knew what it was like to get picked on, he was picked on all through middle school! And I was like,"I live by if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."And the other girl in the girl in my group was like,"Well, when you have kids, and you send them into the real world with that then what are they going to do?" I was like, seriously? You know what I mean? It's about tact and not being exceedinly cruel for no reason!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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