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I don't care who you are, READ THIS!

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I don't care who you are, READ THIS! Empty I don't care who you are, READ THIS!

Post  Morgan Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:03 am

If you guys haven't heard, today, December 14th 2012, there was a shooting in Newtown Connecticut. A male went into a school and shot 20 kids and 7 adults including his mother and then killing himself.
I think my friend stated the best on Facebook,
"Can you imagine being one of those parents?... Excited about Friday, happy about the new toy you got your child for Christmas, anxious for the weekend, and mildly concerned about average things...and then you get THE CALL saying that your son or daughter was shot at school today. WOW! And think of all the survivors and kids everywhere who will now be petrified to go to school, a place that should feel especially safe!! CHILDREN!!!!!! Children who will never graduate high school, experiance their first love, achieve their goals and dreams, have a wedding and children of their own! My mind is blown. I want to vomit. Sadness encompasses my broken heart. Why?! Why?! Why?! What is this world coming to......"

I don't care if your christian, jewish, atheist or whatever....Pray for these families. Pray for the parents who have to bury their children. Pray that someday they can find peace and know that their kids are finally safe. Pray that the kids that kids that witnessed all of this will soon find peace. They have been scarred with the images of today forever. Pray for peace. Its all we can do.
Rest In Paradise Sweet angels. You're safe now.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27
Location : Virginia

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