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Make a Deal With God

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Make a Deal With God Empty Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:32 am

Do you love someone enough to take all of their pain away? Most would answer yes.
But what if, instead of their problems disappearing, their problems became yours?
After speaking to the almost-God of this world (who calls himself God, anyway), he will, for the right price, use his power to swap all of your circumstances. You will get their sickness, their heart-aches, and their problems. You stay yourself, but with a whole new set of problems.
It will not affect smaller things, such as romantic relationships or skin complexion, but you may get a disorder, a sickness, or anything else major enough.
The only way to change back is to have someone speak to “God” to beg him to swap with you, kill God, or become God’s slave until you die.
God is also an often cruel ruler who can be selfish. No one knows why. As such, some people have been forming rebellion and attempting to take him down. Unfortunately, God is a powerful man, not one to be trifled with. Still the people try…

Note: “God” is simply the…king, so to speak, of the place the characters live in. He does not actually live in the sky, nor is he the protector of heaven or the like. He’s simply someone who has power enough that he managed to take the throne, and arrogant enough that he has his “subjects” call him God.

Be literate.
A few sentences in a bio really shouldn’t be that hard, so, please, put some effort into. It doesn’t have to be a novel or anything, but…y’know. Three sentences or so shouldn’t kill you.
This will be carried out long-term style.
If you go too long without posting or notifying me, I might just kick you out. Depends on my mood.
I’m a bitch. So be on your best behavior.
Romance is awesome and encouraged. Seriously. Please. I’m begging here.
“God”, whoever plays him, is the only one with powers.
Anyone can play “God,” because I’m not in the mood. :D


Wren Shinigami
Wren is 15 years old.
Wren switched situations with her older sister. Unfortunately, said sister was killed just a month later in a gunfight. Now Wren’s only option left is to either become one of God’s slaves or take him down.
Wren’s stuck with a something like lung cancer and ever-deteriorating eyesight. Oh, yeah, and she’s poor as a church mouse. She acts tough, but underneath her flippant and unflappable attitude, she hasn’t the slightest idea of what she intends to do about her sickness and grows closer to cracking every day. She fears dying as her sister did, but is too stubborn to become a slave. She hangs with the rebellion and steals food from them to scrape by.
Make a Deal With God HisuiakaJadeII

Liam Jonathonson
Liam is roughly 19 years old.
Liam is completely healthy and very happy. His now dead mother cannot say the same, however.
Liam’s mother took his disease and died for it. In an act of revenge and anger he joined the rebellion and has risen in the ranks steadily since he joined. He’s good with any weapon and strong, but also merciless, seeming not just emotionless or intense but numb and unfocused. Fighting is the only time when he’s focused or seems to feel anything. Some say fighting – and killing – is what keeps him alive. Liam has a bit of a reputation, and some fear him, some respect, but most know of him.
Make a Deal With God Animeboy102

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:57 am

Zero Aura
He is a lonar that doesn't really care about anyone else. He does odd jobs and sort for money and will take any job for the right price. His mom was killed because of taking the person she loved disses. He didn't stay with her after that and left. He uses swords and staffs.
Make a Deal With God Boy
Ember Kiro
Ember is your normal ten year old. She basicly goes to school hang out with her friends and everything. She really shouldn't be alive now though since she was born with a weak heart and body. But her dad switched with her and well, he's not here anymore. Her mom kept it a secret though.
Make a Deal With God Kara
alright, now keep going.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:34 am

Thank you for joining! :D

If you don't mind, I'd like to wait a day or so to see if anyone else wants to join...we can start then.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:49 am

Ok, sounds good to me
alright, now keep going.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  RastaaaRuby Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:58 am

Can I join?
you got this down pat, bro.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:24 pm

You may most definitely join. <3

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  RastaaaRuby Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:36 pm

I'll post my profiles tomorrow, 'cuz It's like 2:30 here.
you got this down pat, bro.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:19 am


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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  RastaaaRuby Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:01 am

She got cancer when she was eighteen, and her brother, he traded with her.
He died a year ago, and it broke her heart.
Now she's gonna kill Him.
He's gonna die, and she's gonna be part of it.

Make a Deal With God 35683568

His mother, she was blind.
She wanted to see, just to look at her son just once.
Takeo traded places with her when he was eight.
She's sick now, she's gonna die soon.
Takeo's joined the rebellion. He wants to save himself, and his mother.
you got this down pat, bro.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:44 am

YAY! Let's begin, then.

IC: Wren watched the people walk through the streets with hungry eyes. She wasn't well hidden, but most people were too wrapped up in their own problems to notice her, anyway. Her jeans were stained and her shirt in just as poor condition. Her face was smudged with dirt and grime and her hands were badly blistered. She looked just as poor as she was. As though prompted by this thought, her stomach growled. She groaned and glared down at the offending body part, mumbling, "Shut up. I'm hungry, too."

Liam walked through the streets, gun in hand. This wasn't rare, and only mothers with children or older people paid his weapon any mind. Plenty of people paid him attention, though. He sighed. Most just whispered and pointed, but a few came up to him directly. He pushed them aside and kept going. He didn't need nor want the attention he'd inadvertently earned.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:35 am

Ember was walking home from school as she carried her bookbag. She looked around at all the people and sighed closing her eyes.

Zero was sitting in a tree branch, he watched as people walked by paying no mind to him."I wonder if today's going to be more exciting."He said softly as he waited for anyone that had a job for him.
alright, now keep going.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:11 am

Wren saw a girl who seemed to be on her way home from school, and Wren grinned crookedly. Oh God, just thinking of any money she could pilfer from the girl... who stomach growled more loudly again at the thought of eating. She stumble-ran out of her hiding spot, running into the girl and carefully reaching into her purse in the process, quickly pulling out the wallet before the stupid girl could notice it. "S-S-Sorry!" she exclaimed quickly, backing up some, looking poised to run away, and gasped, "people were chasing me and-- and-- I'm sorry I ran into you!" she bowed quickly, still glancing for imaginary pursuers. She was a good little actress, if nothing else.

Liam watched a poor girl run into another, and he just barely saw her steal the other's purse. He smirked. "Kids these days..." he mumbled with a small chuckle, lighting a cigarette.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:37 am

eva_strange wrote:Wren saw a girl who seemed to be on her way home from school, and Wren grinned crookedly. Oh God, just thinking of any money she could pilfer from the girl... who stomach growled more loudly again at the thought of eating. She stumble-ran out of her hiding spot, running into the girl and carefully reaching into her purse in the process, quickly pulling out the wallet before the stupid girl could notice it. "S-S-Sorry!" she exclaimed quickly, backing up some, looking poised to run away, and gasped, "people were chasing me and-- and-- I'm sorry I ran into you!" she bowed quickly, still glancing for imaginary pursuers. She was a good little actress, if nothing else.

Liam watched a poor girl run into another, and he just barely saw her steal the other's purse. He smirked. "Kids these days..." he mumbled with a small chuckle, lighting a cigarette.
Ember blinked."It's all right really, but.....if you wouldn't mind....would you please give me my money back...."She asked seeing her wallete. She then looked the girl up and down."You don't have anywhere to stay."She said softly and thought for a minute."If youu want you can come with me."She said smiling slightly as she looked up at her."Come on."She said cherrfully smiling.
alright, now keep going.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  RastaaaRuby Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:52 pm

Ali lent against a brick wall, one leg propped against it. Her bandaged wrist rested on her knee, her hand hanging loosely. She looked a picture of ease - another young man, with little to do and no where to go. Yup, she looked like a man. Her shirt was two sizes to large, in order to hide the knives on her body. In the process, the loose folds of fabric hid her small breasts easily. Her shortly cut hair fell in her eyes, hiding a lot of her fine boned face. A thick beanie was pulled over her ebony hair, further hiding her face. A small but powerful hand gun was stuffed into the waistband at the front of her overly baggy jeans, which hid the knives strapped her her legs.

Takeo walked slowly down the street, dark glasses hiding his misty eyes. Though his eyes no longer functioned, he could still see. Through the thin soles of his shoes, he could feel the vibrations of the earth. When he had first been blinded, he'd been helpless. But slowly he developed some kind of sixth sense, which let him see with his feet. Like they said - lose one sense, and the others grow stronger.
you got this down pat, bro.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:09 am

"Damnit," Wren cursed, handing her her wallet back. "That normally works so well. And you don't look very smart, let alone smart enough to have noticed," she said bluntly, leaning closer and tilting her head, as though studying her, then pulling back. "And no thanks, girl. I'm just fine alone. I'll just find some other poor stiff to steal from." She turned her head casually and saw a man who's eyes were hidden by his glasses -- one of the rebel stiffs she hung around with sometimes. "I got some people to mooch off, anyway."

Liam watched the girl's eyes and noticed that they went to Takeo. He walked to said man, hitting him playfully in the shoulder with a smirk. "Want an autograph?" he asked with a small grin, then added, "What's going on with you?"


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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:20 am

Ember smiled as she took her wallet back putting it back in her purse."Uhhh...thanks I think."She said softly as she blinked. She nodded as she said no and smiled."If you say so....just thought I'd offer."She said softly and looked down."Atleast let me give you some clothes."She suggested smiling.
alright, now keep going.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  RastaaaRuby Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:01 am

Takeo pulled a face. "Ah, Liam the comedian." He murmured, a small smile pulling at his lips. "Fancy meeting you here." He returned the blow, landing one on Liam's shoulder. "Not much, not much at all." he responded, running his fingers through his hair. "Did you see Ali before?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. He pointed at her, a few metres down the street.

Ali grinned at the sound of her name and looked up, blowing hair out of her eyes. She walked to where the two stood, hand in her pockets as she mooched along. She walked like a guy, and could talk like one if she needed too. It was all very helpful when it came to avoiding others. "Nice one T. You're getting good kid." She thumped him on the shoulder, baring her teeth in a grin. She shook her head to clear the hair which hand once again fallen in her hazel eyes.
you got this down pat, bro.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:42 am

"New...clothes," Wren said, as though testing the sound of it on her lips. She smiled, evidently liking what what she heard. "Yeah! If you're in a giving mood, then, yeah, totally," she said with a wide grin.

"Didn't even notice. I kept thinking you were a guy," Liam added, looking at Ali. "Of course that's probably the point." He took a long drag on his cigarette, enjoying the familiarity of the action, and then asked, "want one?"

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:56 am

Ember smiled and nodded as she motioned for her to follow her."Yep, come on....I don't know If I will have anything that you'll like but who knows."She said as she started to walk.
alright, now keep going.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:37 am

Got grounded. Because parents are evillll beings.

IC: "Hey, if it fits, I'll like it. I'm in no position to be choosy," Wren said, then coughed violently into her hand, doubling over as she walked. She shook her head, clearing her perpetually-blurred vision, and then asked, "It's not like...uber-frilly, is it? Not that I dislike frills, they're simply not..." she coughed again, "...convenient when you live on the streets."

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  RastaaaRuby Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:02 pm

Ali took an unconscious step back. "Uhm... No thanks. I'm not a smoker," She replied. At least, not anymore. Her habit was the reason she'd gotten cancer, and the reason her brother died. She'd started smoking pretty early, at about fourteen. At first it was just a once a week thing, but soon she was going through two packs a day. They were easy for her to get, and free too.

Takeo raised a brow, digging his hands into his pockets, his dark hair falling in his covered eyes.
you got this down pat, bro.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:08 am

Ember shook her head and giggled softly."It depends on what you choose....and like I said if you wanted you could stay with me."She to her as she smiled. She continued to walk and then came up to a house> She opened the door waiting for her to walk inside.
alright, now keep going.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  eva_strange Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:23 am

"I like where I live," Wren said with a grin, walking in. She looked around, hands on her hips, and nodded, impressed. "Pretty nice joint here," she said. "Very nice. Anyway, I like...I like where I am right now. I like the freedom I have, even if it's not all that...easy." She looked down at herself and added, "Could I use your shower?" she asked, determined to get as much out of this unexpected charity as possible.

Liam shrugged at Ali, then looked at Takeo. "I take it that's a 'no' for you too?" he asked him. He glanced at the sky and sighed softly. He glanced at Takeo and Ali again, shaking his head. Smoking hurt him, which was probably why he loved it. Anything that came with risk of death excited him. Smoking to a small extent, but it still made him at least a little less dead inside, although fighting was the only thing that could completely revive him.

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Make a Deal With God Empty Re: Make a Deal With God

Post  zerofz1 Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:56 am

Ember nodded and smiled."Ok, everyone likes something different."She said as she looked over at her."Ya, I live with my mom...."She said softly and listened to her. She nodded at her question.'SUre, just come to my room when you are done, it's the last door at the end of it."She nodded as she looked around."THe bathroom is the first door in the hallway."She said and smiled as she walked to the bathroom."I"ll get you a towel if you want to start the water."She said smiling as she opened door looking for some towels.
alright, now keep going.

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