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Make You Feel My Love. (Short Story)

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Make You Feel My Love. (Short Story) Empty Make You Feel My Love. (Short Story)

Post  HopelessComedicAttempt Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:06 am

<3 I know it's cheesy, but read it.
(This is all there is, I'm sorry.)

"When the rain is blowing in your face,
and the whole world is on your case,
I could offer you a warm embrace,
to make you feel my love."

-Make you Feel my Love, by Adele

I swear I could feel myself standing on the edge of the earth. My vows, my lies, my truths, they were all being tested. My trap could flap as long as I lived, but now was when my heart was really tested. It beat edgily, as if it knew it could be silenced in a minute. I would expect it to be beating vigorously, making the best of its seemingly last seconds.

The border of the door seemed only to lead to nothingness. Nothing had happened yet, and already I felt like throwing myself into that nothingness my mind had created. The door shouldn’t have opened; I shouldn’t have let it open. He shouldn’t have forced me to test myself like this, even though somehow, sickly I was enjoying it. My heart was beating on the edge because it had never felt anything like this before, this endless grip on it, now tightening even more, his sense of more belonging that it had ever felt before. It was frightened, and I was frightened by what this guy could do to me.

He could force me to jump off a bridge with just a look, he could make me laugh when I was angry, he could tell me to jump, and make me ask ‘how high?’ Elijah Finnegan had a grip on me like no one else, and I hated it, it was painful, but I wanted it. I wanted him, I was too young to want something so bad like I did, and I knew it with every fraying fiber of my being. He surrounded me, dripped down my neck, tugged on my strings. I couldn’t make him do anything; I was the puppet in this situation.

All I could do was watch him fall even more in love with me, like I had striven for, for who knows how long.

My puppeteer stared at me with those wide eyes - the best feature about him – waiting for me to let him in. Clearly I was taking too long, standing in the door like this, the silence lingering. The way he stared at me, I felt a little violated, but in a pleasant way, and it was like he was seeing me and not seeing me at the same time. Perhaps he was caught in the same web of thought as I was, standing on the same edge as I was.

I stepped aside, finally, allowing him inside. Without hesitation, Elijah trudged through the threshold, and past the barriers of welcome I hadn’t quite set yet. All the way to the living room he went, as if he knew my apartment that well. His whole form was sagged, broken, his bones slowly dissolving among his muscles, not quite powder yet. We didn’t speak, even though I felt the obligation to, we didn’t break the heavy, humid silence.

My heart still beat, to my surprise.

By the time I reached him, standing in the living room like a lost child, he was waiting for me. He stared at me, like I had really taken that long, the brown liveliness of his eyes dulled down by whatever emotions he was holding inside his mediocre face. I hated him for that, looking so vulnerable. But I had asked for it, hadn’t I? All my promises were really being tested now, weren’t they, I had promised him a warm embrace whenever he needed it.

Then the perfect thing dawned on me. The whole world was on his case, the darkness choking him like a noose, ready to watch him fall into its hands. This was the exact situation I had promised to help him out of, this exact hole I had promised to help him climb out of. He needed me now. He had never needed me before; my promises had been emptier than anything I had ever said. I didn’t know that he would never want, or need someone like me. I had known forever that I was perfect for him, I was the girl he would come to, and I was the girl. He had had the nerve to prove me wrong all these years.

Everything washed away in the shower of his humanity. He needed me now, and that was all that mattered. Broken promises, strangled hearts, and half-white-lies - all barely invisible even to me - in tow, I pounced on him gently. Elijah’s body collapsed under mine, his bones finally dissolving as I gave them a push, but he was content now. He leaned into me, his face buried in the crook of my neck and shoulders. Silently his face grew hot with the tears he had been holding in a long time, and he finally built up the strength to return my hug.

“Thank you,” he whispered. I smiled, hopelessly knowing that he wasn't really mine.


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Age : 31
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Make You Feel My Love. (Short Story) Empty Re: Make You Feel My Love. (Short Story)

Post  Jenna Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:44 am

I love you forever.
I just read this on meez and I was like,"Damn, that's good."
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 26

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Make You Feel My Love. (Short Story) Empty Re: Make You Feel My Love. (Short Story)

Post  HopelessComedicAttempt Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:18 am

Damn, thanks. :3


Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 31
Location : Your pants.

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