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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  HopelessComedicAttempt Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:15 am

Hey guys. So, I was writing a short story / drabble for a contest on Meez,
and I decided to post it here, since I want some critique. (:
It's basically from the point of view of a child.

Another Birthday Suit; By Jessie

The pain was unimaginable. My eyes hurt, my skin hurt, my bones hurt, my toes hurt. Too abruptly for pleasure, my world was reduced to a sharp, broken-glass like hole that I didn’t like that much at all. I had known this was coming, ever since, well, I don’t know. Ever since I felt her stress, her preparation, smelled the food, listened to the tunes played into my ears. Her stomach had been warm, comfortable, familiar, I had loved it more than anything in the world. It even had a watery, dream-like quality to it, I never really had to be awake; this peacefulness wasn't something I wanted torn away from me.

This wasn’t the first time, though. I think I should have gotten used to this process by now. I’m out, I screech like some kind of banshee, I get wrapped in a blanket, get placed in a plastic crib, and then fall asleep to adoring eyes, unable to move my limbs in the insanely tight swaddle. Last time, it had been a little worse, though. There hadn’t been a warm, soft blanket, or an incubator. I should have been happy to have been placed into this glorious new world, but I wasn’t. I wasn’t happy at all. Frankly, you could even say that I was unhappy. My cries echoed through the white walled, overly-windowed room, and salty tears poured down my bright red cheeks in buckets. I should have stopped, and I knew it, but I couldn’t. It was impossible.

Memories, longing memories, washed over me in a cold storm of clouds and rain. I wanted my old life back, when all this pain was over and done with, when I didn’t even remember it anymore. I was too busy with cooking, cleaning, caring for whoever needed my help, buying new clothes. Going through the kind of pain that only women went through, not the kind children went through; and even my silent coronation to womanhood, which only I would ever acknowledge, and never be happy about; becoming queen of a small kingdom with my king who even I ruled over.

This pain was stupid, and useless. If only time travel could be invented already. If I could only just skip to love, skip to the happiest moments in my life; if I had any. Cold pierced my naked skin, even as the swaddle was folded over me like another womb altogether. It wasn’t as warm, or as familiar, so I struggled. With all my childish might, and half-developed muscles, I struggled. It was useless. Before I knew it, I was in the arms of some woman that I barely knew, but loved. I loved this woman, staring at me like she loved me. Everything was blurry and suddenly silenced, but I knew. Abruptly, I forgot about that old life I longed for, and my brain hurt as it was reduced to something I couldn’t name, for I was too stupid.

I was silenced, because I didn’t know who I was anymore. I was just a daughter now, nothing more.

"She's beautiful."


Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 31
Location : Your pants.

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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:28 am

Why is everything you write so amazing? GAH.
It's like..asjdbflaksdfhklasdf.


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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  HopelessComedicAttempt Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:35 am

Because I'm amazing like that.
(Oh, and modest too ;D)

Thanks dear. :3


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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 31
Location : Your pants.

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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:38 am

Haha, it all makes sense now. ;D You're very welcome.
By the way, why did you get banned? O.o
I sent you a PM about it, but you never seem to respond to my PM's on here.


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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  HopelessComedicAttempt Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:54 am

I got banned for inactivity.
I'm still getting used to this place, though.
Yeah, sorry about that, the PM process is confusing.
I'm stoopid.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 31
Location : Your pants.

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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:56 am

I don't understand that. That would make people less likely to go on, if you're going to ban them for that..
And you have been posting, though!


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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  HopelessComedicAttempt Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:00 am

Yeah, I was posting, but I'm not mad about it,
don't worry 'bout nothing, sweetums.


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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 31
Location : Your pants.

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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:03 am

I was just under the impression that only people that haven't posted anything would be banned, but oh wellllll.


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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  HopelessComedicAttempt Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:15 am

/bored sigh
Sorry darlin', but I'm pretty beat.
My posts are either going to be retarded or nothing at all.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 31
Location : Your pants.

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Another Birthday Suit [Short Story] Empty Re: Another Birthday Suit [Short Story]

Post  Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:19 am

I'm tired, too. >.>
I've been posting crap in everything lately. I don't know whether it's from lack of motivation, or because it's always been that way, and I just hadn't realized until now.


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