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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:45 am

This month has been horrid for me. I've been sick with bronchitis, backstabbed and relationship problems. I have no where to turn and need one smile or laugh. Someone help?
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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Abby Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:52 am

Hello :D
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:11 am

Hello Darling :D
Ive needed someone to talk to.
Havent been feeling myself.
Dont want to live Neutral
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Abby Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:15 am

Well I'm not much of a therapist, but there's always something worth living for.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:19 am

It's just alot has been going on.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Roaringflames Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:21 am

Really now, Suicide, well talk to me, I am the loneliest person in my school and it never bothers me, i just put it behind me and keep walking forward

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:29 am

Well Im not all that simple.
My parents are divorced and my mom is remarried. She is gay so a bunch of smart remarks because of that. Im the short, blonde, band geek. I was dating a guy named Logan. We broke up because I wouldnt kiss him because I have my reasons. After me and Logan broke up I burned everything he gave me. I got together with a boy named Thomas and he dumped me today for the same reason. both boys wouldnt let me explain. Now they are both spreading crap around about me on facebook and text messages.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Abby Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:33 am

I'm a band geek too. And I just yesterday someone posted to facebook that they would cut off my head with a wrench, burn my body and the entire grade would dance on the ashes... this girl who doesn't like me for no reason like it. -.- As for parents it's not so great on the other side of the spectrum with the 'perfect family'
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Roaringflames Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:56 am

My parents are divorced, I don't care and in fact, Drop facebook, It is the most annoying piece of crap on this earth, That's why i don't have it. Those comments, ignore them, Lie your ass off with people, make up crap. That is what the boys are doing to you 1st person(can't get name right). What i suggest you do is to find someone like a teacher and tell them kitty, she'll get expelled for sure on terms of violence. Now for the gay parents, let em' be, it's not all that bad, People still have things against them, Yet many people are like that, Come to me with anymore problems and I'll solve em'

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Abby Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:59 am

Well i was thinking of getting her in trouble with the counselor or something to just give her shit, but she's also friends with one of my good friends and idk how that will do down.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Andyyyy Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:54 am

Suicide is just never the answer. I know there are lots of times when you feel like shit, but really? How do you know that the after-life, whatever it is, will be better than what you're going through now? It could be worse for all you know.
People just suck. They're terrible. They say things about you behind your back, they hurt you in any way that they can. People are just... cruel. & Guys are douche bags. Don't let them get to you. It sucks right now, but it'll get better. I promise. Just keep your head up and stay strong, talk to people. If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. Sometimes it's easier to talk to strangers rather than your friends, but I don't know if that's just me or not.
you've got the hang of it.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:11 am

Strangers are easier to talk to because you don't see them everyday. I've thought about suicide many times. I'll be 14 April 15th and now have thought about suicide for four years. It's hard for me to get my feeling put into words, mainly because I feel like noone cares. I write stories a lot, get my "Friends" to read them and they always say it's crap. I want to be a singer, photographer, or writer. They say I suck at it all. It's hard to fine people to accept you, I tell my friends about my role-plays. Mainly my one on one with you Abby. They look at me like I'm weird.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Roaringflames Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:23 am

Oh my god... Four Years?... What the hell is wrong with your friends, they're just tearing down your emotional wall that you have, drawing you to kill yourself just to get a somewhat thanks. Listen I'll be there for you if you want, but just online, seeing how much sorrow you have just by not getting attention, reminds of .Hack// G.U + vol 3 with the atoli monster thingy who wants to kill others just to get attention, how pathetic that is, anyways shit FACEBOOK, because of it's world wide members, they can hear that talk about you as well, I say Facebook is stupid and should be closedown, also i tried my hadest not to use the f word

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Andyyyy Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:24 am

Yeah, strangers are easier to trust too, I think. They won't go off telling everyone how you feel. I'm really sorry that you feel that way. I know how you feel exactly. I've tried to do it before. I had a gun. I had stolen it from my dad, but I didn't have the guts to do it. I tried, I really did. I just couldn't go through with it. As much as I hated life, and the people in it, there were just some things that were worth fighting for.
Believe me, there are tons of people who care! Maybe they don't show it well, but they do. And your friends? They don't seem like such nice people to be friends with, honestly. I'd love to read something that you've written, I'm sure it's wonderful. I'm sure that even if it isn't the best, it's got loads of potential! I mean, everything has potential. Don't listen to them, keep following your dreams. There'll always be someone who believes in you, who cares.
I really don't talk to anyone who I know in real life. I mean, at school I hang out with them just so I don't feel alone, but do I ever hang out with them out of school? Not really. I have more friends that I truly care about online, than I do with people that I've met in real life and see on a daily basis. I don't know, I'm sure a lot of people on this website care about you. I'm sure a lot of people would care if you killed yourself. It just isn't worth it.
you've got the hang of it.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Abby Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:25 am

I tried to get my friends into roleplaying. Like my true friends. No the people at my school who we all have the mutual agreement to ruin each others life, but like family friends. Yeah it didn't work....
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:30 am

Its just, I write about stuff. Important things. My nephew has Aspergers Syndrome (A type of autism) and my current story that has no title is about a girl with Aspergers. They read it and said it was horrid. I wanted to die.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Andyyyy Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:34 am

I wouldn't care what horrid people like that think. Like I said, I'm sure the story was wonderful.
you've got the hang of it.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Roaringflames Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:41 am

It was good the jessica's story, 4 good paragraphs, nice real life reference. When I write, I am always open to opinions and suggestions, maybe you should be too, and of course, we all care about you, even if we hated you, we don't want you to die just because your not befriended at school.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Andyyyy Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:47 am

^ I agree. I think it should be obvious, since you've got strangers offering you comfort, that you are wanted, and that people care about you. I know that life's a bitch, and that sometimes it doesn't seem like anyone likes you. But they do. Just always remember that.
you've got the hang of it.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

Post  Morgan Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:56 am

Its just, everything Ive ever done has been beat down and made me feel like a failure. Where is one suppose to go when there is no where to go?
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.  Empty Re: I just need someone to talk to. Someone to make me smile.

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