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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:47 am

Okay, so I need someone to talk about Hunger Games with. Like, really bad. Hardly any of my friends have read Hunger Games,(though I'm practically forcing them to because they're SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD) so I want to talk to you guys about it.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Jenna Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:16 am

I only clicked this to put my opinion about The Hunger Games out there:

We read it (the first book) as a class last semester and I hated every second of it. I'm not even kidding. Everyone else went on to read the rest of the books and I just stopped.
I thought that it was a terrible idea for a book and that she should have stoppe after the first book.
Eighth grade is going on a field trip to see the movie and I'm gonna be the only one not going because I refuse.

That being said, we're reading The Giver now and it's an amazing book. ^_^
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:24 am

Really? What did you not like about the book? I understand that most people wouldn't like it if they didn't like that genre of book, but.
I didn't really like the Giver, I don't know why. We read it in 6th grade and I just couldn't get into it.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Taylor Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:33 am

I still need to read the last book ;-;

I understand not liking it, but I don't get how it's a terrible idea. It's original, new, the writing is very good. I joined this club in the beginning of the year, and we were going to take a trip to see the movie when it came out, but long story short, I'm not in the club anymore lol. I think the movie's going to be HORRIBLE, though.
alright, now keep going.

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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:58 am

Yeah, I'm really pissed that they're not going to have Madge in the movie. It's kind of bullshit. I mean, she's the reason Katniss got the Mockingjay pin in the first place. I don't see how they could do a lot of the fight scenes, though. Especially seeing as how a girl gets her skull bashed in. It seems like it would be a bit much to be PG-13 unless they didn't have it as gory as it would have to be to match up with the books.
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Sauske Is A Cat
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Taylor Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:43 am

Yeah, I agree. I'm pretty sure the last time I checked the actors, I didn't like the casting decisions either, but I kind of stopped following what they were doing with it though a while ago.
alright, now keep going.

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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:22 am

I'm not really going to say I don't like the casting decisions quite yet, just because, you know, the movie hasn't come out yet, so they could be great and portray the characters really well. But, they could also suck and make me go cry in a corner over how horrible the movie was. Either way, you never really know until you watch it.
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Sauske Is A Cat
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Fennec Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:31 am

They made Cinna a black guy....
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:24 am

I know! I don't get why they did that. I mean, honestly. They could have found a good actor that fit the description of Cinna given in the book. It wouldn't have been that hard.
Sauske Is A Cat
Sauske Is A Cat
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Fennec Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:46 am

Actually, when you think about it... Gold eyeliner wouldn't show up very well on a white guy. You need dark skin. ;P
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

Post  Sauske Is A Cat Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:13 am

But stilllll. :C
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Sauske Is A Cat
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I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD* Empty Re: I need to talk to someone about Hunger Games. O.O *SPOILER ALERT AHEAD*

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