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Naruto, Legends Arise

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:12 am

I think trying to make it hard yet not to hard. i then turn into fire a solid burning flame.

"Try this one."
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:19 am

i step into the fire un fazed and unharmed "fire is a gas too" i say letting my hand slide through yoru flames "and earth is tasteless dirt and wood, nothing like you " i luagh "ice is to cold for your heart, lighting cant keep up with you, and light is a shadow to you"
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:26 am

I laugh because I couldn't help myself.

"My my I didn't know you were a poet."
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:44 am

i shurg "never tried before" i luagh too
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:45 am

"Well stop right there you just might start melting hearts."

I laugh.
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Experiment 627
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:03 am

"how about only for you?" i sit down and look at you
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:20 am

I sigh getting tired of using the elements and of this strange feeling of being watched. Just to make myself feel better and less paranoid I turn back into air and spread my whole body 10 kilometers and counted 6 men 5 yards away watching us and planning on capturing us. I then return to where I had been standing and went into my original form and sighed again shaking my head at our predicament.

"Dude check the area with your eyes and tell me what you see."
Experiment 627
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:48 am

"crazy people wanting us for a army of some sort" i green eyes spinning "blue clouds?" i ask hoping you know " ive heard of red ones for akatski but not blue ones"
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:57 am

I sigh again and teleport in front of them.

"What do you want know I told you know."

"We want you to be the head general of the shikashi army."

"No leave me out of it I don't want anything to do with you people. Now go away."

"Alright. You have now forced our hand. If you don't want to go willingly we will take you by force."

They then surround me and all of them grab me at once.

"Really, you have got to be kidding me."

I then went totally nothing but fire. They all jumped back and put the fire out. They then got water and threw it on me but I had already turned into wind.

"Not today boys."
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:04 am

"ugh!" my eyes spin rapidly my hand sform aa few seals "TiMe Of DeAtH" the people slow down and i turn them so they are attaking each other, " doomed team " i lay a paper bomb on then and jump back "time of reality" i say and it speeds back to normal

gtg for a bit
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:11 am

I look around and smiled.


I then incarcerate the bodies and stand there bored out of my mind.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:39 am

i wrap my arms around your waist "got you" i smile
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:55 pm

I sigh feeling that I had used up to much chakra and not enough sleep and suddenly blacked out.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:31 am

"knew i should get my hands on you soon" i pull you close then teleport to my hideout in the moutains. i lay you on my big bed in my room and leave you there and start the hide out up eletricity water and vetillation, "man its been about a year i need to get some food while shes out" i leave the base and leave you a note

----be back soon, your in my hideout, it may be a little dusty or dirty, havent use it in a year or so, make your self at home, if hungry just wait be back with good food from the leaf village----
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:39 am

I knew subconsciously that he had taken me somewhere safe but I couldn't wake up. I felt the elements pouring energy into me. It soon got so intense that I wanted to shout but I couldn't do anything. I felt my body leave the bed surface and the elements form a shield around me. The wind making a circle with fire, water, electricity, and earth circling it. I had no control what so ever so I went with the flow and let it do it's thing. I knew it would take a few days to heal and the elements were trying to make sure nothing happened to me while I did so.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:51 am

i com back with ingerdients see you in a orb of elements i slowly preparea 2 coruse meal with homemade noodle, fresh chicken meat slowly cooked and fish chips diced up with other veggies and herbs "this should take a little while itll give me somthing to do" i say and contine slowly working
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:57 am

After a couple hours the elements form a spear and shot me right in the center of my chakra network. I then wake up and scream out in agony and curl in a ball as the elements find their home in my chakra once again.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:04 am

i stand beside you eyes spining wildly "yoru power isnt a girt its a curse," i say to myself the food finished and waiting for you in a heater so it wont be cold, "you arlight" i ask you looking into your chakra system and body with my eyes,
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:09 am

I get up exhausted and still hurting but hiding it very well.

"It is both a gift and curse. For every gift there is always a price that comes with it. This is mine. And yeah I'm alright."

I then sniff the air. And my mouth starts watering.

"I really hope that, that is food I smell and that I can have some for if not you will deferentially have a problem on your hands."
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:23 am

i look at you evilly "ill share if i get my kiss" i smile "and then this homemade slow cooked, fresh ramen dinner with many side dishes is yours" i wave at a wid espread of food "plus dessert" i point at a dessert table, i look at you and luagh " im a hell of a cook"
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:28 am

I give you the evilest look I had and growled at you.

"You know I rather go to bed any ways."

I then head to outside and breath in fresh air. After seeing a lake I jump into it and sighed as the water healed the pain the elements had caused earlier. I the sunk to the bottom and found a nice underwater cave with a hot spring and feel asleep recovering better that when I did on the earth. I felt the water wrap around me like a cocoon and start to slowly heal me. I then drifted into unconsciousness and let my body heal slowly.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:36 am

i follow you after freezing the time around and in the food so it wont spoil, i watch you waiting with a stupid smile on my face
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:39 am

After the water no longer surrounded me I woke up and looked a round.
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Dragoono Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:45 am

"welcome back ready to eat ?" i giggle a little
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Naruto, Legends Arise - Page 4 Empty Re: Naruto, Legends Arise

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:56 am

I look at you confused for a moment and then remembered everything and sighed.

"I probably come off as some nut job don't I"

I look up at the cave ceiling as I say this.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
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Location : Under my bed hiding from the mosters in my closet.

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