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The Hunger Games

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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:42 am

Scarlet gritted her teeth as the girl tribute was chosen. "Scarlet Heartstone." The voice rang loud and clear through the crowd. A couple people around her turned to stare at her. She walked up to the stage proudly, but silently. Everyone in District Seven was looking at her, she was sure of that. She bit her lip nervously. Well this sucked...

ooc: for his in Scorch's post i meant the mayor, not scorch... that would be weird.

ic: The girl's name was called first, River... The last name was blurred by the thousands of gasps as the mayor dropped the pice of paper. His face was chalky white as his daughter stood up. Scorch smirked to himself. It severed her right to die in the Hinger Games. All those years of her taunting poor children of their fate. And now, she was too dainty to defend for herself. She was as good as dead now.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:17 am

"Rowan Blackwood!" Rowan lifted her head as thousands of faces turned in her direction. She walked up to the stage, ignoring the sympathetic and pitying glances. Inside she cursed the Capitol. She stepped up onto the stage and when Effie offered her hand to shake, Rowan just glared. Effie blinked. "Okay, it's time for the boy tribute..." She practically hopped excitedly to the boys' reaping ball and pulled out a name. Rowan didn't catch what she said, but a twelve year old boy shuffled onto the stage, tears rolling down his face. Rowan knew this boy. Eller Hawke. He was almost like a little brother to her. She looked down at Eller and frowned, taking his hand. He clung to her like a lifeline but said nothing.

Aaron's name rang out and everyone turned to look at him. He was already walking to the stage, climbing the steps. He crossed his arms over his chest when the escort held out a hand to shake. The man frowned and then smiled again, clapping each of his tributes on the back. Mara stumbled and Aaron made no move to steady her. "Well, folks, here are your tributes!"
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:49 am

Scarlet tuned out the rest of her ceremony with her own worried thoughts. The only part she was mildly interested in was the male tribute, who was as tall as her, but only sixteen. She almost knew it would be him. His family was one of the poorest in the District. She guessed his name had been in the ball at last a hundred times. When the entire sha-bang ended she was finally escorted off the stage by the other tribute... What was his name again? Oh, Falcon, something.

Scoeches name rang through the grim silence. He grimaced. Of curse it would be him to go into the Hunger Games with the lamest parter. He mentally rolled his eyes thinking, Just my luck. He climbed the wooden steps slowly onto the 'stage'.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:02 am

Rowan and Eller were rushed off the stage after the Reaping and taken to the train, which would take them to the Capitol. Haymitch, their mentor, stumbled in after them. He was very drunk. Eller back away from Haymitch and held onto Rowan's hand tighter. Haymitch laughed like a moron. "Go pass out somewhere, Haymitch. We don't have time for you," snapped Rowan. He grumbled and staggered off as the train started to move. "Rowan, don't let go," Eller whimpered. "Of course not, Eller. You can come and lay down in my room," she murmured. She pulled him along to go and find her room.

Aaron pushed away the hands that tried to usher him off the stage and walked by himself. Mara walked behind him stiffly. When they got to the train, Aaron found his room and stuffed his head under a pillow. He grumbled obscenities about the Capitol, not caring that there was a possibility that everything on the train could be recorded on camera.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:11 am

Scarlet was practically pushed onto the train. Falcon was right behind her along with the mentor. She walked to her room, thankfully on the far side of the train. She sat down on her bed. Out of the corner of her eye was a camera, on the wall. She tried not to stare at it, but she couldn't help but glance at it a few times.

Scorch stumbled onto the train right after his mentor. He glanced over his shoulder. Most people were smiling, but not for him, but because their children were safe for another year. Or they had made it through all seven years of their reaping. He made a quick wave and the train was moving to the Capitol.

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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:20 am

//Come on, be creative and make some names for the escorts and mentors. Smile Ooh, and I'm going to make Eller a constant character.

Rowan found her room quickly and hurried inside with Eller. He let go the instant he saw the bed and walked up to it, climbing under the covers as if he were five. Rowan sighed and sat next to him, stretching out her legs over the covers. "Go to sleep now, Eller. We'll figure out what to do at dinner." Eller nodded and dropped off to sleep.

Aaron glanced up at the door. His mentor had knocked, cheerily telling him to come to dinner. Ugh. He got up and trudged gloomily to the large dining room, filled with more food than he'd ever seen. He sat down, kicked his feet up onto the table, and didn't touch any of it.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:33 am

ooc: okay

ic: Scarlet finally got bored and got up trying to find Falcon. He was in his room. She sat down next to him. "Hey." He looked up at her. "Oh, hey." They talked for an hour or so, discussing strategy and arguing over if weapons or food were more important. But, Scarlet knew what they were both thinking. Nothing mattered as long as they got to the cornucopia first. She shivered, thinking what would happen if they got there last.

Scorch pushed past his mentor, Alice. Half her face was covered in scars and her hair was still growing back from four years ago when she had won. He found his room and sighed. It was too comfortable and radiated a creepy, welcoming vibe that gave him the chills. All the sheets were bleached white.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:59 am

Graymark, Aaron and Mara's mentor, was discussing the Opening ceremony and Training scores with them. Mara just sat there and flinched every time the words 'weapon' and 'death' popped up in the conversation. Aaron completely tuned out what he was saying, until it was time to watch a recap of all of the Reapings. The got up and went to the sitting room, where they flipped on a large television to watch as 22 other kids were sent to die. Only a couple stuck in Aaron's head. District 12: A tall girl with long dark hair and powerful-looking arms. Rowan. A sniveling 12 year old next to her. Eller. Poor kid. District 7: A slightly shorter girl- Scarlet, he thought- stood next to another taller guy. District 11: A medium built guy, tall and thin. Scorch. And then it was over.

Rowan heard the knock at the door and jolted awake. "Come on! Up, up, up, you two," chirped Effie. Rowan had the powerful urge to wring her overly-cheerful neck. Eller woke up slowly. "Come on, shrimp. Let's go and fill our bellies," said Rowan, forcing a smile. Eller nodded sleepily and got up with Rowan. They found their way to the dining room. Haymitch was leaning back in his chair, a cold cloth to his eyes and forehead. Must have a hangover, thought Rowan. Good. Let him suffer, she mused.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:12 am

ooc: when I saw ur post I was like: O.O that is long

ic: Scarlet sighed and looked at the clock. "Well I'm going to eat." She stood up and walked out of his room. Behind her the door shut, and she knew he was following her. The dining room was huge, bigger than she had ever seen, with more food than she could ever eat. It angered her that the Capitol had all this food to spare for people about to die anyway, and not the starving country that they were trying to dominate over. She only took a bit. Enough to fill her stomach without starving her, and not causing her to gain any unwanted weight. The challenge of the Hunger Games started on the train, now. Not on the playing field. After dinner she would have to talk more strategy with Falcon again. If she wanted a chance to win this sick joke of a "game". The only way she would have a chance was to surround herself with alliances and backstab them later. Nice? No. Conventional? Yes.

Scorch left his room, disgusted. He found River in her room, sobbing. Her eyes and nose were red and puffy, her sheets stained with tears. Moments like this almost made him feel sad for her, but only almost. He smirked slightly. "Disappointed? I thought the Hunger Games was an honor between you politician families. Or is that just the sick joke you play with the commoners to keep each other separate?" He sat down next to her. "Well? Got any ideas on staying alive?"
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:37 am

"Eat until you feel like you're going to burst, Eller. We need to fill up as much as we can before we enter the arena in a few days, so we have more staying power than the others; We won't be too tempted to grab more than needed from the Cornucopia," she instructed. He looked a little lost at first, then he smiled and started to fill his plate. Rowan grabbed a few rolls and a partly charred piece of beef. As Eller and Rowan ate, Rowan glanced occasionally at Haymitch. He sipped miserably at a glass of water. She smirked. "So, Haymitch," she said, clearing her throat. He looked up with bloodshot eyes. "Too miserable to discuss our strategies? Or are you too lazy," she asked, smiling sweetly. Eller stared at her over a glass of orange juice, then looked at Haymitch. Haymitch laughed. "Feisty, aren't you," he said. The words sounded more like, "Fishty, arn yoo?"

Aaron started to walk back to his room, but someone grabbed his arm. Aaron looked over his shoulder, annoyed. It was Mara. "C-can you come to my room for a minute? P-please?" she stammered. He rolled his eyes and followed her.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:51 am

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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:17 am

Scarlet watched Falcon eat like a pig from the other side of the table. As much as she would like to, she couldn't blame him for his table manners. It was definitely the Capitol's fault that nearly everyone was uncontrollably starving themselves to death. She pushed her finished plate away and stood up. Their mentor, Garret, was across the room staring at her. Scarlet rolled her eyes and walked over to him. "Is there something I can help you with?" she asked rudely. Garret nodded and responded calmly. "Yes. You and Falcon meet me in my quarters after you finish..." Garret glance over at Falcon who was devouring a trout. Scarlet followed his eyes and made a disgusted face. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him turn to face her again. She mimicked him. Garret looked as if he was recovering from the same disgusted face Scarlet had made. "Well I'll see you after he finished his... snack. Garret stood slowly and left the dinning room at the same pace. Scarlet watched him go until the room shut loudly behind him. She quickly turned back to Falcon who was finished with the fish and eating... something she couldn't identify, and was sure he couldn't completely identify either.

River bit her lip. "I-I didn't ever think it would happen to be. My name was only entered five times this year. It's not fair. Some poor kid who entered a hundred times should have gotten it. I don't want this!" she whined. Aaron took a deep breath. "Okay, look Miss Rich Girl. It doesn't matter what you want because you got chosen and you can't change that." He took her hands, trying to get her to focus on him and not her lap. "Listen," he hissed. "The only way one of us will make it out alive is if we're cunning and we form alliances. If you don;t want to live that's your problem I'll kill you first, but I'm going to live and win this thing. So chose what you want now."
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:02 am

//Frick that's a long post...!

Haymitch cleared his throat, noticing he sounded as drunk as he felt. "Here's a good piece of advice. Stay alive," he said with a smirk. Rowan wished she had her staff with her to beat him senseless. But she knew that would just scare Eller. "What about our costumes for the opening ceremonies? Are we going stark naked and covered in coal dust like two years ago?" she asked bitterly. Haymitch shrugged and sipped at his water again. Rowan sighed and continued eating.

Mara closed the door behind Aaron, and before he knew what was happening, he was slammed against the wall, his head banging into a painting. He was seeing stars. Mara was suddenly in front of him, pinning him to the wall. "Damn, you're stronger than you look..." he said, dazed. "I'll do whatever it takes to win these games, Aaron. If you ruin my chances, you'll be dead before you enter the arena," she snarled.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:18 am

ooc: it took forever

ic: Scarlet stood opposite Falcon. He looked up when her shadow cast over his eyes. "Yes?" he asked with his mouth full of the unidentifiable food. Scarlet rolled her eyes. "Look finish up, and don't eat too much. Well, just stop eating now." She pulled the full plate away from him. "You want strength for the hunger games. Not a belly-ache and ten extra pounds of flab," she criticised eyeing his chubby cheeks. She turned and started to walk out. "Meet me in Garret's cabin if you want to stay alive," she called over her shoulder. Almost immediately she heard the screech of his chair pulling back and footsteps behind her. He caught up with her easily. "What are we discussing?" Scarlet rolled her eyes. "Staying alive."

River nodded. "Fine, i'm with you, but I won't take any crap from you alliances like getting food or water or staying up to watch while everyone sleeps." Scorch smirked. "Yeah, well I don;t think they'll be taking any crap from you either." He reached across her and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. They were late to see anything else that was important live, but the Capitol usually demanded that the ceremony be played at least for the next 24 hours in honor of the reaping. Yep. The reapings were playing.

Last edited by kitty_cat on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:33 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:28 am

//Meeeeeehhhh!!! You said 'Aaron,' not Scorch!!!!
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:32 am

I think i will go scream at the sky now... lol
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:45 am

"Oh.. Rowan, I can't hold any more. Can we just watch the Reapings and go to bed?" Eller moaned, clutching at his tiny midsection. "Heh. Sure, Eller." She pushed away her plate and switched on the television, watching a recap of the Reapings. Yep. There were her and Eller on stage. Her, cold and unforgiving, glaring at the cameras, and Eller clutching her hand tightly. She'd had just about enough, and it was good because hers was the last district. She switched off the television and stood up, heading for the door. Eller hurried in front of her, disappearing through the door just as Haymitch called her back to the table. And only her. Rowan craned her neck to look at him. "Only the strongest, hardest, and smartest survive the Games, Rowan. I'd drop the child if I were you," he said, sympathy flooding his eyes. Rowan knew he wasn't insulting Eller. He was speaking the truth. But Rowan glared at him and stormed out of the dining room, following Eller to her room.

Aaron's eyes focused, though he was still slightly dazed. He scowled and grabbed Mara by the shoulders, pushing her away roughly. "Bitch. I wasn't trying to steal any glory you might have. I honestly don't care if anyone lives or dies. Not even me. I don't care about fame. So have a hissy-fit on some other guy. Not me." Aaron shook his head and tore the door open, waling out and slamming it behind him.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:57 am

Scarlet walked into Garret's room without knocking. Garret looked up and nodded. "Okay. Well strategy is the most important. First get to the Cornucopia. That's the most important. If you get there first, weapons if what you should grab first." Falcon shot Scarlet an 'I told you so' look. "But," Garret continued, "If you're not there first grab food, and lots of it. That way you can offer it to stronger people for alliances." Scarlet rolled her eyes. "If they're stronger than us they should have gotten to the Cornucopia first and have more food than us." Garret shook his head. "Only if they're fools. You want weapons, because that's what everyone else will grab first. This way, if you get the best weapon you control the Hunger Games, well not exactly, but you know what I mean."

Scorch sighed watching the poor children's faces when they were called up. The mayor was probably sitting at home right now thanking his lucky stars that District 12's male tribute had been balling and made a bigger spectacle than him. Scorch smirked. The little kid would be easy to take out, which left the girl defenseless. Of course she was probably thinking the same thing about him and River. He glanced back at her. She was chewing her nails nervously.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:20 am

//Aaron is going to get a super short post. I'm running out of steam here rofl. But hey, we would make great partners if we re-wrote the hunger games haha

Aaron found his room once again and dropped into bed, falling asleep quickly.

Rowan stepped into the room after Eller and closed the door. "Eller, I need to know any talents you might have that might give us a chance in the Games," she rushed, sitting cross-legged on the bed, her eyes wide. Eller sat on the floor and stared hard at his hands for a moment. The he looked up. "I know a lot about healing and medicine," he said, the sentence almost formed like a question. "Good! That's good, Eller. Anything else?" Rowan knew she was pushing him a bit too much, but she needed to keep this child alive. Eller frowned and shook his head. "Not unless you count running away from the Cornucopia screaming for my mother. Which I'm going to be good at," he said, his mouth almost grinning. Rowan chuckled. "Okay, okay. We can discuss this when we get to the Capitol. Bedtime now, darling," she murmured, laying down on the bed and holding an arm out to him. Eller crawled into the bed and snuggled as close as he could get. "'Night Rowan..." They fell asleep almost immediately.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:34 am

ooc: yes.

ic: Scarlet nodded. Garret, Falcon, and she sat in Garret's room for the next two hours talking strategy. As the clock on the wall chimed ten, Garret pushed the out of his room in mid-sentence, mumbling about how they needed their sleep. Scarlet went to bed right away, but she could hear Falcon in the other room pacing around in circles, right before she drifted off to sleep.

Scorch scanned the faces of the other tributes carefully. He was almost expecting a Thirteenth District, but that would be impossible. River wouldn't look at him anymore, so he left. It was already late, eleven, and he needed as much sleep as he could get. Today might have been the worst day of his entire life, but that was only so far...
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:41 am

//Time skip? We'll arrive at the Capitol.
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:56 am

ooc: ok
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:58 am

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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Abby Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:10 am

I'll rock paper scissor you... oh wait... fine.

Scarlet was woken up by Garret shaking her awake. She sprung to her feet. Falcon was already standing next to him. "Oh, sorry," she mumbled, half-awake. Garret shook his head. "Come on, we have stuff to do."

Scorch woke up early, very early. He wandered around the train aimlessly until he found his mentor, Alice's room. She was awake too. He knocked on the door and walked in. She looked up form her lap. "Oh, it's you." She looked over his shoulder. "Is there anyone with you," she asked like she already knew the answer. Without letting him answer, she continued. "Look, that girl, River. She's got enough power to bring you far, but she's too weak to win. You've got a good advantage here. Play to your strengths." Aaron stared at her puzzledly. "What's she good for besides killing?" Alice smirked. "Nothing. It will be easy to turn everyone against her and gain their trust." Aaron nodded. "Oh."
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The Hunger Games - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hunger Games

Post  Fennec Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:38 am

//Roleplay post OVERLOAD!!!!!!!! xD

Rowan and Eller were jolted awake by an almost deafeningly loud bang on the door. Haymitch. "Wake up, you two, and come get your first look at the Capitol!" Under his breath, Rowan heard him mutter, "It very well might be the last piece of civilization you ever see..." Then his heavy, uneven and drunken footsteps as he walked off. Eller sat up and stretched his short legs. Rowan looked him over. He always reminded her of a tiny little wolf cub. Messy black hair that fell into his face; a small, compact body that could fit into most any crawl-space, and short legs, which were actually very fast. He could outrun most children that were years older than him. "Come on, Eller. Let's go see the Capitol," she said, trying for a little enthusiasm. They walked to the back room of the train, which had a huge window spanning the length of the room. Rowan stopped dead as she looked up at the Capitol. Buildings that touched the sky, made of a reflective glass-like material. White marble statues of former presidents, spouting water in intricate patterns. And the people... They looked so strange! Strangely made-up faces, adorned with cat-whiskers and tattoos of even stranger looking characters. Multicolored wigs and... skin. Some had skin shaded in different colors such as red, green, and purple. They were hideous. Haymitch's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "You can close your mouth, sweetheart," Haymitch slurred. Rowan, without noticing, had opened her mouth in awe at the strange and new surroundings of the Capitol. She closed her mouth and glared at Haymitch. "So, you woke us up to watch the freak-show," she snapped. Haymitch smiled. "I think I'm going to like you, Rowan. Mostly because you're the only person with enough guts to say the Capitol people are freaks. But, no. I'm required to wake you up so we can get off the train." Rowan noticed the train was slowing, the people outside, with their strange looks were running closer, to get pictures with the District 12 tributes.

Aaron's door flew open. "Come see the Capitol, Falagor," roared Graymark. The use of Aaron's last name made him scowl. "Don't call me that," he grumbled, pushing up from the bed. He followed after Graymark. Mara had joined them, putting on her sniveling baby routine. The lines between Aaron's eyebrows deepened. They found their way to the back of the train with Graymark's help, and Graymark pulled away the dark curtains covering the windows. Aaron looked up and had no reaction. Mara, on the other hand, was gaping, open-mouthed, like an idiot. "Close your mouth, or you'll swallow flies, you moron," muttered Aaron, smirking slightly.
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