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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

WalrusFaces (Layla)
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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:51 am

Welcome Liet :3
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty A proper appoligy and explanation for all.

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:53 am

hawkward wrote:Again I apologize to Liet, but at this point fuck you guys.
Leave. Really. Just fucking leave. I don't care. And if you stay just leave my friends alone and that will be that. But if you aren't going to apologize for being asswipes, neither will I, and you CAN expect hostility from me.

We have been apologizing, both my friends and yours. Its just that we're both seeing to two different points of views right now. :/
You guys feel like you're being attacked, well, believe it or not, so do we. Theres a difference between talking it out and screaming at each others faces on this. And we should stop putting the blame on each other and think about what we did. I know what I'm saying, I went to counsling for stuff with my mom like this.

Even though this makes me sound like a super hypocrite from my in character reply :'D Whoops.
But, time to correct myself, right? I bet you want me to as well. In my last attempt in trying to calm things down, I'm gonna say to everyone what my counsler had to tell me with my mom.

You guys see us as new people barging into your family. You feel like you've just been attacked, since you are the ones in charge and have been here longer. So you are offended for the large amount of us new players comming all at once. I fully understand that, and now you feel as though what happend to you all last time to create this website will happen again. I fully understand and respect this. I just got annoyed easily earlier from what happend to us and our friends the other day.

Now, for the people comming from FS, including myself, this was an attempt in leaving the anon troll. What happend was that people were being suspended for no good reason. So...We came to this site, happy and hopefull since there are less rules. I've been roleplaying for over a year, so it felt weird to be treated new. When I saw the warning that was given to my friend (Spain), I defended her because she and the people on formspring are like family to me. When I'm sad and feel lonely, I go onto formspring and talk to my friends there. It makes me so happy.. So I understand on how you see the people before we came here as your family.

So really, we both had good intentions, not purposly trying to make anyone feel attacked or hurt. But sometimes its hard to keep in the bottled feelings and oppinions inside you, so, in we both reacted in ways, I know we both agree could have been way better. I fully apoligize for this being so long, for my rudeness, and for troubling you all. We aren't bad guys. You aren't bad guys. We were just caught up on our own beliefs on what happend, not on how the other person felt. We may have hurt your feelings. You may have hurt our feelings.

Hopefully, this came out making sence... Because if something that came from counsling failed, I really don't think i can invest any more time into this disscusion. Thanks if you read this all.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:00 am

she apologized so i believe the best thing to do is to apologize ourselves if you guys even reading this . . . . . .

I _(Insert one of my names here)_ Apologize for my rude behavior and one day i hope well all look back at this and laugh :3

WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:04 am

Twin :3 wrote:she apologized so i believe the best thing to do is to apologize ourselves if you guys even reading this . . . . . .

I _(Insert one of my names here)_ Apologize for my rude behavior and one day i hope well all look back at this and laugh :3

I hope so too! ^^ Oh, I'm so relived that it's calming down some. :'D That's a lot of weight off my shoulders now. <3

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  Morgan Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:18 am

Eh...I'm still very, disappointed. I haven't gotten an apology. But whatever. No need to apologize. Because I'm done and ugh!!
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:22 am

Uh neaveh they did just apologize, they did it as a to the whole group thing instead of putting individual names but its okay we have settled this :3
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Happy ending now?

Post  TheOriginalAsia Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:28 am

Well, hopefully everythings settled now.

Again, I'm saying sorry to everyone.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  Yonda Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:29 am

Wow, okay. So, I missed all the drama when I was away eating burgers and playing cards, huh? I see that the fight for the most part is over, but I'm going to go ahead and put in my two cents.
Before I begin, though, I want everyone to know I am not being hostile. I am simply giving my comments on 7 pages of arguing, which was really ridiculous.

As it has been determined, when xSpain said that we were "dominating" the site, it was meant to be taken as a figure of speech. Someone obviously got offended by that, and that's understandable, seeing as the older members here joined this site to get away from the newbies that were flowing in on their old forum. However, xSpain apologized, so that's when it should have ended. Unfortunately, one of the FSers decided to defend xSpain when whoever (ah, sorry. Just too lazy to look up the username again) stated that she was offended. This then turned into a whole family defending family feud. Honorable, but it got way out of hand, seeing as people started just throwing insults at each other. To be completely honest, I was kinda laughing my ass off on this side of the screen, because it reminded me of the Capulets and Montagues and I thought I was done with Romeo and Juliet back in the 9th grade.

Now, to the older users; I understand that you are family and probably felt threatened when a ton of people just started joining. However, to immediately come in and say that you felt threatened and that you "immediately don't like newbies" is very wrong and immature, especially when you do not know why we all came flooding to your site. You had to have known there was a good reason; and if you thought right away that it was so we could sabotage your site, that's awfully judgmental of you. Side note; I know some of you were welcoming and kind right away. Thank you for that; it personally made me feel good to know that you specifically weren't mad that us FSers were stepping on your turf.

FSers; Obviously, we are family too, and when you all felt xSpain was being attacked by the older users, you felt the need to defend her. That was the wrong move, especially after xSpain apologized for a poor choice of words. Remember, we are coming from the outside, and it is completely unwise to argue with the older users here because (and here, I will apologize to the older users in advance; I mean no offence, I am simply stating a fact) no matter who was in the wrong, the creator of the forum would side with the older users because the older users are her family.

As for the reason why we all came to your site, let me explain and clarify for you.
We have our own little RP community on FS, and this anon started harassing the RPers there. Eventually what happened was the anon reported several users for sexual activity, and three of the RPers got banned from FS; myself being one, Asia being another, and Liet being the third. Everyone in our RP started getting into a mass panic and started protecting their accounts, but a lot of people wanted to move to a different site for refuge/further protection. That's how we found this site. We didn't come to take over the site; most of us were just depressed and panicking because of that dickface of an anon and we were looking for a place where our accounts wouldn't get deleted. I think that is also why the argument got out of hand; when you threatened to delete our accounts. We are a close family, too, and we simply wanted to have a place to RP without any worries.

All in all, both sides were very immature and the fight got way out of hand. Next time, before pointing fingers and accusing each other of doing this or doing that, know the stories of each family. :l

Beside all that, I honestly did find the argument a little hilarious. Call me weird, but I think it's fucking funny when tempers get out of hand and supposed young adults start acting like 3 year olds.

Edit: Demanding apologies from the opposite side won't help the situation. As long as each side acknowledges that they did something wrong, there should be no need for demanding apologies; that will in fact only make you seem like you believe you did absolutely nothing wrong, when we all know that is not the case. Everyone here (with the exception of maybe Liet, since she was trying to be a peacemaker) added fuel to the flame, so everyone is in the wrong in some sort. So don't demand an apology when you yourself won't give one or at least acknowledge that you were wrong too.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty It's like Jerry Springer

Post  LietuvaHetalia Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:03 am

Can we all hug now?

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  Morgan Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:05 am

Why dont we all just say that I was the reason for the fight? Okay lets all agree on that. Im done with this and I have a lot to think about after tonight.

Might be my last post on here for a little while.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  TheOriginalAsia Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:08 am

Let's just not blame anyone and say it's all over, tay? c:

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:09 am

I will take allllll the blame :3 that way there is no fighting!!!
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  Yonda Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:12 am

NeavehBaby wrote:Why dont we all just say that I was the reason for the fight? Okay lets all agree on that. Im done with this and I have a lot to think about after tonight.

Might be my last post on here for a little while.

You are not to blame for the fight. No one is to blame for the fight; there is a thing to blame for the fight and that is; everyone got too damn defensive.

Don't blame yourself, don't blame others, don't blame anyone; just blame emotions.

I can't stop you from leaving, but if you do, then just know that it's not your fault that this fight started. :l

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  Jenna Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:00 pm

I am here to formally apologize. I have done so to Liet (I think that's her name, please don't kill me if I'm wrong.) but not to the others.
I will admit that I am wrong, and while they are my family, I shouldnt have gotten into it about it.
During this argument Liet and I were messaging back in forth coming up with solutions. I suggested that you guys make your own forum like we did, but I know what a trouble that is.

While I never mentioned this to Liet, I have come up with a solution:
We can all stay here together. While I know that what you guys do is fantasy, would it be all right if I made you guys your own sub-forum on the site? Like after Fantasy RP it would say Hetalia RP and you guys would have your own subsection. I hope you guys don't feel like I'm seperating you guys from us, but I think that it would fit both of our needs and lets us co-exist. You guys can still freely post in OOC, but you'd have your own sub-forum.
If you guys agree to this, it'll be up soon.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  TheOriginalAsia Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:04 pm

Jenna wrote:I am here to formally apologize. I have done so to Liet (I think that's her name, please don't kill me if I'm wrong.) but not to the others.
I will admit that I am wrong, and while they are my family, I shouldnt have gotten into it about it.
During this argument Liet and I were messaging back in forth coming up with solutions. I suggested that you guys make your own forum like we did, but I know what a trouble that is.

While I never mentioned this to Liet, I have come up with a solution:
We can all stay here together. While I know that what you guys do is fantasy, would it be all right if I made you guys your own sub-forum on the site? Like after Fantasy RP it would say Hetalia RP and you guys would have your own subsection. I hope you guys don't feel like I'm seperating you guys from us, but I think that it would fit both of our needs and lets us co-exist. You guys can still freely post in OOC, but you'd have your own sub-forum.
If you guys agree to this, it'll be up soon.

Sounds like a great idea! <3

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  AwesomeMein Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:45 pm

Jenna wrote:I am here to formally apologize. I have done so to Liet (I think that's her name, please don't kill me if I'm wrong.) but not to the others.
I will admit that I am wrong, and while they are my family, I shouldnt have gotten into it about it.
During this argument Liet and I were messaging back in forth coming up with solutions. I suggested that you guys make your own forum like we did, but I know what a trouble that is.

While I never mentioned this to Liet, I have come up with a solution:
We can all stay here together. While I know that what you guys do is fantasy, would it be all right if I made you guys your own sub-forum on the site? Like after Fantasy RP it would say Hetalia RP and you guys would have your own subsection. I hope you guys don't feel like I'm seperating you guys from us, but I think that it would fit both of our needs and lets us co-exist. You guys can still freely post in OOC, but you'd have your own sub-forum.
If you guys agree to this, it'll be up soon.

I like that idea too! ^^

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  Yonda Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:23 am

Sounds like a good solution to me. c:
Thanks a lot for understanding.

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For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3 - Page 5 Empty Re: For Hetalia Rpers Coming From Formspring <3

Post  LietuvaHetalia Fri Nov 25, 2011 3:15 am

Agreed! :3

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