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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:07 am

The world has fallen to ruins, very little people had survived. People can't remember everything about themselves. They're all lost, and confused, trying to survive. Day by day each person goes to find there own 'pieces'. Each persons 'pieces' eventually become an object that will completely restore their memories. These 'pieces' are hidden throughout the world, and each person's pieces look different. Some people are out to destroy others pieces, or help others find them while they look for their own. Where do you stand?

2/25 pieces found

Peyton has been looking for pieces for as long as she can remember. Her pieces are little colorful shards of glass, so far the shape of the object is unable to be identified.
She is tough on the outside, but she really is hurting on the inside. All her family was killed when the world fell. Peyton is skilled in fighting, and can handle herself in most fights though she is pale and frail.

Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Keiaru7

Last edited by i_be_peyton on Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:31 am

Jasey Rae
3/30 pieces found

Jasey has been looking for her pieces ever since she saw someone regain their memory, it had made them so happy, and shes been hurting for so long that she strives for that happiness. Her pieces appear to be little beads she is unsure of what it will become yet but she has her suspicions. She cant remember her family or anyone else, only her name and the pain. Its as if theres a demon in her eating away any happiness she once knew leaving her to despair. She often comes across as dark, cocky and arrogant, She gets along easily but is often temperamental and cruel.She is a somewhat skilled fighter but mostly survives on her stealth and speed.

Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) 46426-blackbird-sword-white-white-hair

Sorry my pic is so large :c
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:35 am

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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:48 am

Should we make it a one on one :3
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:49 am

We could. (:
Might be kinda hard though having two same gender. XD ya know?
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:10 am

I can add another character :3
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:12 am

If you want that would be AMAZING.

Here have a cookie! LOL
//hands you a cookie. :3
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:19 am

:DDD I love cookies :3

Alexx Liam Day
0/27 pieces found

Alexx Is lazy and could care less if he ever regained his memory, he believes that maybe the memories that are buried should stay buried. He may seem young but he is extremely intelligent for his age he also doesnt see much point to anything but still helps in his own way, though he may take some convincing.His pieces look like little screws, wires, nuts, and bolts. Hes not sure what it would make, he actually had almost all his pieces before he rescattered them because once the memories started returning they only caused him grief so he found it better to forget.

Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) 268072-bigthumbnail
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:25 am

//WOW thats a good character. (:

Peyton was alone, sitting on what used to be a majestic building. It had been a long day and she had been scouring the area looking for her pieces. None were to be found. "Damn it.." She mumbled to herself as she stood brushing rubble from her skirt.
The sun was setting and she was in need of shelter, a little ways off there was a forest. Maybe there was something in there she could make into a little lean-two or maybe a hidden cave on a hill side. She didn't know, but it was worth the look. Jumping down she landed gracefully onto her feet her pink hair falling like silk ribbons in the air.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:36 am

ooc: Thanks :DD

Jasey was walking her usual grounds picking up the rabbits she had caught. She would need plenty of food whenever she went to search for pieces the next morning. Fragments of memories had already started returning but it wasnt anything important only her name and where she was from. She walked into the small hut that had been her home for the past few months, she couldnt believe she was leaving tomorrow, but she had already scoured this place high and low and couldnt find any pieces.

Alexx opened one eye and looked down between the branches of the trees he had been napping in, He had a house to live in but he preferred the wild air. He could see a young girl with feathery pink hair, you could almost mistake her for a bird. He leapt gracefully from the branch, and with a few flips and twirls he was standing just across from her, "Who are you? I might give you fair warning my lady that you are trespassing into Jaseys woods and if she finds you shell suspect you of stealing her rabbits or pieces. SHe doesnt mind me much of course, shes way too cocky for that, but you, you look like competition." Alexx took a few steps forward to inspect her. "Pardon me, My name Is Master Alexx Liam Day, at least Master used to be my title before the ruining of the world and the loss of memories."
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:42 am

Peyton was stopped by a blonde man, probably the same age as she. As he spoke he showed a rather cocky air about him. "I'm sure.." She said after he was done talking. "I'm only passing through, and if this...person, has a problem she can face me. If you haven't noticed this world and it's lands really don't belong to anyone anymore." She smirked and brushed past him, the wind picking up her vanilla sugary scent as she walked. "I'm not too worried, Alex." She said with a glance over her shoulder her rose eyes glinting with humor.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:51 am

Jasey cooked one rabbit for her supper tonight and as usual she would cook one for Alexx and leave it just a little ways away from the house. She smiled a bit at the thought of the little runt, she had encountered him stealing one of her rabbits once. He was quick, almost faster than her but he proved useful with his intelligence and now she could catch as many rabbits as she liked with the traps she had designed.

Alexx smiled and leaned against a tree, "At least allow me to provide you with some food and a place to sleep, out of kind hospitality, i might eve have a few of your pieces." Alexx smiled that always caught peoples attention, memories were always the best way to make someone listen, he was always finding the things wether he wanted to or not, he didnt understand why people found it so hard, so often he would collect them, just in case their owner passed by. He had originally planned to destroy them, but that was not his choice to make of course.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:58 am

For one moment, Peyton lost composer. "Pieces?" She asked, her voice was smooth and musical. She placed her hands on her hips turning on her heels. "And why would I stay with you? I have no idea in the slightest who you are." She said as she looked Alex up and down. Her milky skin glistened in the light of the setting sun causing her soft rose hair and eyes to stand out.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:05 pm

"You dont even know who you are yourself, yet you still trust yourself to get your food and keep your pieces dont you," Alexx said turning around to walk out of the shad e of the tree the sunlight glancing off his golden hair making it looked like fire in the setting sun. "You dont have to come if you dont want, but most pieces are valuable to their owner, i see no worth in them myself, but of course i know most things others dont." He continued walking listening for her footsteps behind him.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:10 pm

Peyton sighed, even her sigh was musical. "Fine, " She started after him regretfully, "You've got me, for now." She bit her lip in worry then shrugged it aside. "And just to let you know, " Peyton began, "I do know who I am...well part of me anyways.." She mumbled the last part to herself. She had been lucky to find a few larger pieces for the first two times. She knew her name, her likes and dislikes, and where she had come from in somewhat detail.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:18 pm

"Thats what they all think."Alexx muttered dashing through the woods with Peyton on his heels. He decided he would drop her off at Jasey's for a bite to eat, then take her by the shed to see if any of the pieces were hers. Hopefully Jasey wouldn't be too cranky, hed packed all the pieces into a pouch yesterday for tomorrows move, maybe Peyton could even join them, she was strong and could probably help fend off the beasts that now roamed the lands.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:21 pm

Rolling her eyes, she followed. Silent, she took the chance to take in what was around her. When a house caught her eyes. It was rare to find a building in tack, especially one like this. It was cute and quaint, not giant but not small either. "Where in the world are we going?" She asked a hint of irritation to her musical tone.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:34 pm

Jasey could hear a double set of footsteps, one she recognized as Alexx's but the other was un familiar, setting the rabbit on the counter she grabbed her bow and arrow and dashed out side quickly drawing it she stood at the ready, "Alexx, what have you done bringing this girl here." she growled her violet eyes flashing as her white blonde hair floated on the breeze.

"Jasey set down your weapon, she came for a bite to eat, and to see if i had any of her pieces." ALexx said cooly stepping in front of Peyton. "I would advise you to not interfere with my plans if you want to find your pieces as well." Alexx took Peyton's hand gently, "Come the sheds back here, the rabbits aren't ready yet." he pulled her around the quaint little hut to a blue building that resembled a phone looked extremely small. "Dont worry its Dimensionally Trancedental. Its a lot bigger on the inside."
WalrusFaces (Layla)
WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:40 pm

Peyton stood her ground, her presence strong. She locked eyes with the girl in front of her. She must have been the one who was using the house at the time. The one Alexx had referred too before. When Alexx gripped her hand she relaxed and let her mind slip away from the girl. "She really knows how to roll out the welcoming mat..." Peyton mumbled under her breath as they made it around the house. When the 'booth' was in sight she smiled, she had a place...the thought slipped. She felt an empty and confused feeling where she had thought she remembered something.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:47 pm

Jasey stood a little flabbergasted at Alexx's actions, hed always seemed content not to bother her, what had gotten into him? She stepped back inside, she had made a deal and she planned to keep it, if Alexx wanted to take care of a little girlfriend to then fine it was none of her business, as long as he helped her find her pieces.

"Dont mind Jasey, shes just upset that i didnt find anymore of her pieces today." Alexx grabbed the bag of pieces from a high shelf, "Do you have any idea what your pieces look like?" he asked walking in through the back door of the hut, and pouring out the contents onto the kitchen table just a few feet from where Jasey stood making the rabbits, she was oddly cool and relaxed.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:56 pm

Peyton eyed Jasey and then looked down at the contents of the bag. There were some thimbles and there were some pearls, marbles, and a few jewels. There was one that caught her eye. "That one.." She said and picked it up, it was a beautiful blue and purple color that turned green in the light. "That one is mine.." Her musical voice soft and memorized. Her eyes looked off, as though she was looking into the heart of something, beyond what you can really see. When she snapped clear and shook her head, her vanilla scented hair wafting back and forth. Quickly she jerked around, "Thank you, you've really helped!" She stepped gracefully through the door, as she did this she was opening a leather pouch and looked old and word and slipped the glass shard inside.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:04 pm

"Hey there, you cant run out yet miss! YOu havent had dinner yet." Jaseys voice was soft, not musical like Peyton's more like a mournful breeze. Her white hair flared as she turned. "Its rude Alexx is giving you a memory and your not even going to stay for a rabbit?" Jasey walked over easily pulling her back inside and closing the door, "Its too dark out now, the beasts are coming."

ALexx leaned against a chair, he knew Jasey wanted her now that he said she was useful. Now she might end up staying for a while. "How many pieces do you have now any ways Peyton?"
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:08 pm

Peyton felt her hand on her arm and rolled her eyes. As she came back inside she was met by questions. "This would be my third." She said looking at her feet. Looking toward Jasey she looked her up and down, not in a threatening way, more of a quizzical one. "I do know how to handle myself against those things." She informed her, glancing at the brilliant sword on her back. "I used to be the daughter of Marian.." Marian was one of the worlds leaders, a strong military one. To most Peyton would seem like royalty, but she wouldn't have anyone see her that way if she had the choice.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:25 pm

"So, just because of your identity back then doesnt make you who you are now." Jasey said taking the rabbits off the fire, they were now fully cooked and ready to be eaten, " I myself have three pieces, i now know that i was a princess from the realm of Taraiti but that doesnt mean im still the same woman, now im a wanderer and a babysitter for a nosy little 15 year old!" she said playfully glancing back at Alexx. Taraiti was a peaceful kingdom that once supplied the worlds music and entertainment along with skilled assassins.

Alexx grinned as he took a bite of the small rabbit that was placed in front of him. "How long have you been searching Madame Peyton?" he asked looking up at her through his bangs which constantly fell in his eyes. His blue eyes were steady on her face, it was like a ocean was expanding out infront of you. He looked down at his plate once more.

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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:30 pm

Peyton set her jaw coldly. Who were these people? Thinking they could hold her here? They may have been being nice, for the most part. But she needed to get moving. Slowly she grabbed something from one of her pouches and set it down on the table. It was a little blue vile. "Well, since..." She trailed off, she hadn't told there people of Andre, who was hunting her. "A long time it seems." Looking back down the the blue vile she smiled. "This here is a bit of magic. It's for healing of the heart and mind." She said. "For helping me, I give it to you. But you must excuse me, I need to be going." And with that she again turned and left the house, this time setting off faster intending to not be caught.
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