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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:38 pm

Jasey shrugged she handed the vile to Alexx, she didnt care for magic, it was a wicked thing she didnt care to deal with. She sighed a bit looking at his expression, she could tell he knew exactly who she was and her leaving had upset him, "You knew her didnt you," she whispered sitting down next to him.

"Yes, once long ago, I can barely grasp the memory, but she;'s there" ALexx sighed and stood from the table. "Excuse me Jasey thank you for the dinner but ill be going now." He stepped out through the back door and stumbled into his shed where there was a small bed and books. He set the pouch of pieces on the shelf and glanced over at a silver box. It contained his own pieces but he had encrypted it with a special tonic that blocked him from its memories. He had always planned on burying it or throwing it off a cliff, yet still he kept it. Just in case one day he would be strong enough to bear the memories.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 1:46 pm

As Peyton walked off, she glanced over her shoulder. "I should have stayed to eat, build up my strength." She thought out loud to herself. But she had to keep going, if she stayed to long in one place he was bound to find her. Many people were working for him, under false promises. A chill ran down her spine as she thought of him, the one memory she had of him. He was dangerous, or at least she thought he was. He would stop at nothing to kill her or harvest her powers. Though she wasn't sure what those were yet. It was already pretty dark, and it wasn't safe for her to be out in the open like this.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:01 pm

Jasey knew what she had to do, she also knew she wasnt going to like it. She finished the rabbit and stood from the table, she grabbed a long flowing white cloak made of rabbit hide and put it on. She also grabbed her weaponry and a blanket. She stopped by Alexx's shed where he was curled up asleep, she tossed the blanket over him tucking it around his shoulders. She pulled up the hood and swiftly ran through the forest the way that Peyton had just run. She could hear voices so she leapt into the trees. Soon a man followed by to provocatively dressed women passed beneath her. "If shes near well smoke her out! weve already got the fire going." she heard him say. Fire? Then the smoke hit her nostrils and it was coming from the direction of the hut. She flew through the branches of the trees soundless as a bird as she rushed back. She could see the flames licking the shed where he slept. She broke through te door and scooped him up grabbing the pouch of pieces and his little silver box before taking off. she set him outside and ran back to salvage what hadnt yet burnt. SHe grabbed his cloak and her bag filled with food before she was caught across the head with a fallen log that had once been part of the roof. She kept moving know she had to get Alexx and herself somewhere safe.

ooc:sorry for the uber long post
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:10 pm

Peyton soon smelled the smoke. Quickly her head jerked up. It was so strong she knew it wasn't far. "That hut!" She gasped, whipping around she ran toward it, seeing the flames lash about as they wreaked their havoc. "Alexx!? Jasey!?" She looked around, were they still inside? If they were burning they didn't scream. On a whim she ran into the flames, looking around a silver box caught her eye. It seemed like maybe it would have been important to someone so she grabbed it. As she looked for an exit she didn't see one. "HELLO!?" She shouted, her vision was becoming blurry and finding an exit seemed impossible. Dropping to her knees she hacked and coughed the smoke burning her lungs. As she slipped fully to the ground her head swam, she was losing consciousness. As her life was slipping something inside of her awoke a sort of magic, one of her powers so it seemed which killed the fire with water, leaving her their covered in soot, burned and wet. Cold on the floor, un moving.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:28 pm

Jaseys breathing was labored but she managed to drag herself over to where ALexx lay. She could tell that she herself was badly burned but Alexx seemed mostly unharmed. "Alexx?" she croaked giving his shoulder a bit of a shake. She smiled as lazily rolled over and blinked. Now knowing he was safe her mind was free to pass into unconsciousness and even though she heard him calling her name it was about time she had a good rest.

Alexx shook Jaseys shoulder tears streaming down his face as she wouldnt respond. rasping breaths were the only sign she was still in the land of the living. He saw the pouch of pieces lying not to far away when he saw the magic, he started to lift it to her lips when she started to speak again, "No my son ill be fine i only need to rest." he recorked the bottle, now she was hallucinating, "Your sons dead Jasey he died when the memories went away." he whispered placing a hand on her head. "No, Alexx you are my son, and your a very special little boy,and i love you." and those were the last words before she gave one last shuttering breath. And with that Alexx could to nothing but sob, he gently rocked his upper body back and forth gently holding her, the burns had been to bad to heal and now his mother who hed never truly known was dead.

ooc: sorry it was hard managing two different personalities i was getting them mixed up :c
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:32 pm

//sobsobsob SO SADDDD

Peyton lay still, the charred house around her in ruin. She was in bad shape too, her chest heaving up and down, her lungs still fighting for the clean air they needed. A elven man stepped into the ruin looking around, "I bet you anything she didn't make it out alive." He said coldly as some men started to search the mess.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:42 pm

Alexx shook the soot from his hai and wiped his face, He would have to give her a proper burial some other time but for now he needed to find Peyton. He grabbed her weapons and bag of food slipping the pieces pouch into it. He headed back up to the hut by dashing through the tree branches. He could spot three men scouring the ruins of the house. He took one down with an arrow killing him instantly but he was quickly yanked from the tree by a tall man with dark hair like a shadow around his head. "Whats yur name boy?" His accent was thick and southern. "Alexx Liam Day." Alexx said proudly rising to his feet. "Heh how many pieces ya got?" Alexx stared him in the eye "Pieces are worthless just like old memories, I dont need them, all i need is the time i have now." Alexx stepped forward until he stared the man eye to eye. His were a cold blue while the mans were a hard black, as if they weren't eyes at all. The man began to laugh. "This kid has no idea how powerful and important he is because he doesnt want to remember! He probably knows where the girl is too." Alexx could feel the mans hands lifting him by the scruff of his neck.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:46 pm

"I found her!" Someone shouted and they stepped out with Peyton in their arms. She was burned and covered in soot, her arm hanging limp as the brute carried her. HE looked just liked the man who was addressing Alexx.
"Very good.." Cold voice said, and stepped from the shadow. It was Andre, Peyton's hunter. "Is she going to live? She wasn't supposed to run into the flames that idiot." Balanced on her chest was the silver box."She had this.." The brute said pointing to the box, "Must be worth something if she went in fer it." He said and shrugged.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:50 pm

Alexx recognizing the bx bit the mans arm and snatched it, "Dont touch it!" he growled pulling it close. "I can heal her so shell live, but you have to set her down, and step back." he slipped the silver box into his bag and waited for the brute carrying her to lay her in the grass.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:54 pm

Andre looked toward Alexx, "Heal her and then step away." He said coldly as he watched him go toward Peyton. He snapped his fingers and his men were around them in a circle, keeping a watchful eye.
Peyton laid on the ground her chest heaving violently. She didn't look good at all.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:01 pm

"Get some water, teres a stream nearby," Alexx said cooly to one of the men, he watched as he sprinted off. He pulled out the blue vial and set it to the side. He did a thrusting technique with his fists against her lugs to get her to cough up any smoke still left in her system. He took the water from the man who had now returned and lifted Peytons head gently, he let the water slowly trickle into her mouth until she slowly came too. She was still coughing but she would be alright. Alexx felt himself being jerked upwards into the arms of one of Andres brutes. "Dont you dare hurt her." Alexx growled, "Or ill open the silver box, and that wont be enjoyable." he wasnt completely lying. it WOULDNT be enjoyable it would cause him to regain his memories and anything else contained in his pieces.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:07 pm

Peyton was still weak and for the most of of consciousness, but she WOULD be just fine. "Snatch her up, we need to get going." Andre snapped. "We've been tracking her for far to long and she has set us back, we must find her pieces and get rid of them for this to work..." He informed his men as though he had told them this one million times. AS she was being lifted into one of the mans arms her eyes fluttered open and she gasped. As she began to struggle she was struck along the face and winced blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. She was lost and confused.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:07 am

Alexx went into a rage, "Stop youll kill her!" he growled thrashing out at the man. He reached for the mans throat clawing at his face.He gracefully brought his feet up over his head and landed a kick to the mans jaw who dropped him stunned. Alexx raced over and climbed up the back of the man who was holding Peyton and sat on the mans broad shoulder, he took off his shirt and leaned over to wipe the blood from her face. On his back scars stretched like whisps of wire. He couldnt remember how he got them but he did know it was a good choice he made before hand.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:43 am

Peyton, who was groggy now from being smacked so hard tried to struggle. She didn't know how she was going to get out of this one her sword was still in the rubble. The man carrying her dropped her in surprise when Alexx jumped onto his shoulders. Peyton hit the ground like a ton of brick but sprung up quickly, but not as gracefully as she would have otherwise. She sprung toward the rubble, her weapons were there and she needed them. But, to her dismay it was Andre who stopped her this time. He snatched her long hair and threw her down hard. After she caught her breath she was picked up and a knife was being held to her throat. Andre's piercing eyes locked with Alexx's. "If you want her alive then I suggest that you stop." He smirked at the look on Alexx's face.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:50 am

Alexx froze, Then he took a slow step forward. Then another, and another until he was right in front of them. "You wont kill her, you need her. For something, i dont know what it is but it requires her alive." Alexx stopped and looked at Peyton where her face still gushed blood. He took his shirt and dabbed at her face again, waiting for Andre to make him stop. WHen she stopped bleeding he felt himself jerked back up by one of his goons. "What should we do with the boy? He has a bag filled with pieces and that silver box that doesnt open." ALexx rolled his eyes, "Thats because only i can open it stupid." he grumbled his feet dangling. He felt like a stray pup being carried by the scruff of his neck.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:55 am

When they 'man handled' Alexx something came over Peyton and her chest felt heavy. "D-DON'T HURT HIM!" At that Andre pressed the knife in harder to her throat causing a gargled gasp. She gripped his arm and struggled to get free as a small stream of blood slid down to the hollow of her neck. "Why don't you just shut up!" Andre snapped into her ear. Her vision was going in and out, she was losing a lot of blood, and on top of that she hadn't had much to eat in a few days, she was weak.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:03 am

Alexx struggled but this man was tougher than the other one, "Peyton!" he screamed as the blood poured out of her neck, "Stop it! You're going to kill her!" he tried not to sob as a dazed look came over her. "Sop your screaming your giving me a headache!" he heard andre snap as he threw a knife that buried itself in Alexx's leg. His blood drizzled out a crimson red much brighter than normal peoples.He groaned a bit at the pain but he refused to scream again in fear that he might hurt Peyton.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:10 am

When the knife buried into Alexx's leg with a sickening thwack Peyton couldn't take it and she screamed, loud. This really pissed Andre off and he bludgeoned her in the head knocking her out. Andre swiftly wrapped his cloak around Peyton and himself and they were gone in a fit of black smoke. His goones were left behind and shoved Alexx down to the ground. "Stay put, 'er boss will do away wit ya!" one said and walked off.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:22 am

Alexx ripped the knife from his leg and sent it into the back of the mans head, "Lesson one Andre, dont leave a boy with a weapon alone with your idiotic hench men." he growled attempting to stand, "Dammit." he whispered he couldnt even stand! he focused on trying to stop the blood, if he was going to save Peyton he had to make sure he didnt die of blood loss. "I know you can hear me, and i know your still there." He said looking around the forest. He could feel the mans presence like a rabbit would sense its prey. "Why dont you show your self?"
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:26 am

Andre was still there, but more of a watcher than really being there. His power was strong and he knew how to use it well. "I have better things to go than to worry about you!" His voice boomed. A blood curdling scream was heard off in the distance, it was Peyton. "Don't worry little boy, we'll take good care of her." And with that he was gone.
Peyton wasn't sure where they were, Andre had only captured her once, and this wasn't the same place she was dragged to. She wondered as she looked around if they took Alexx here, too. Or maybe they....she stopped the thought, thinking that way wasn't going to help her.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:44 am

Alexx mumbled a bit to himself, maybe he could lure him out with Peytons pieces. Now that he knew hers were the little glass shards he had dozens of them. He crawled, half draggin himself over to the rubbles of his shed. He pushed away bricks and ash finally finding a small golden box. He waved it in the air a bit, "Is this what you want? Her memories? I have them right here! But only i can open the box!" Alexx said waiting for his response.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:50 am

A dark and sinister voice chuckled on the wind. "You must bring them too me if you want to see Peyton alive." He said, "I could kill her or let her live. Both ways would benefit me greatly." He laughed again, and on the air was another one of Peyton's screams. She wasn't sure what was going to happen to her, she was too weak to fight. All of his brutes were pawing at her, and snapping their nasty teeth in her face. "G-GET OFF!!" She shouted, but it did no good, it seemed that were going to have their way with her.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:07 am

"Where are you then?" Alexx asked trying not to let his voice waver as he heard her screams. He found his way to a tree and pulled himself to his feet. "At least give me a hint!" he yelled as he tore a branch from the tree to use as a cane. If they even laid a finger on Peyton he would slaughter them all. He limped forcefully back into the night, it had grown dark now and the moonlight flickered off his skin like moonbeams on water. His blue eyes flashed with a fierce intensity as he promised himself that as long as he lived no harm would come to Peyton.
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WalrusFaces (Layla)
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:12 am

"She is where the water lay still." he said, his words quizzical as though he were enjoying this entirely to much.
Peyton was soon changed up after being beaten, among other things. She sobbed, as a man stood before her, a whip in hand. "Where are they!? How many have you helped find!?" He shouted, and when she again, refused to respond the whip came down on her with a satisfying crack. She screamed.
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Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED) - Page 2 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find. (CLOSED)

Post  WalrusFaces (Layla) Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:27 am

"You Andre are an asshole."Alexx said as he started out to the lake farthest from where he was now. It was the only lake that had no current and the water never moved not even if you skipped a rock. It would take him all night and half to day to reach there, unless he could capture and tame a beast. Tameing beasts was instant they either liked ou or they killed you. Jasey had been a pro at it, they naturally liked her fierceness but hed never tried. He threw a rock ten feet from him and howled. The noise usually got the attention of the great dog beasts which used to be the size of a dog but when the world lost its memory everything grew larger except for the humans. He could hear its footsteps before it appeared. Its coat was pure white and its eyes were a piercing blue. "I have waited for the day when you would finally have the courage to call." it spoke with a steady beat as it walked toward him. "My mother belonged to Jasey so naturally i would belong to you, but only if your heart is true." Alexx said nothing only stepped forward. "Whats your name Beast of the woods?" He asked looking into its eyes. It was as if he were staring at his own. "My name is Fletrir." Alexx nodded and using his good leg propelled himself onto its back. "We must go to the lake." And with that the great beast set off, Alexx doing his best to stay on.
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