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Past and Present (Closed)

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:17 pm

Alright posting characters. Smile hope you can match lol I hope this is alright and that your cool with the two girls and one boy.

age: 17
From: Past
Bio: Find out for yourself Smile
Past and Present (Closed) Anime5

age: 18
From: present going into past
Bio: Find out.
Past and Present (Closed) 606732-1

age: 18
From: present
Bio: goes into future
Past and Present (Closed) 7af52ac2ce0e4dd746fc469f6b0c1a3eb06ca72c

age: 17
from: future
bio: find out
Past and Present (Closed) Giselle

Last edited by bree_bree15 on Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:02 am

Shouldn't we have four??

(One from present going to future, one from present going to past, one in past, one in future?)
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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:03 pm

yeah, I'll add one more. sounds good.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:59 am

Awesome! ^_^ I am kind of busy today, so I will do my profiles tomorrow for sure. (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:08 am

Alright cool beans Smile
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:06 am

Going into future
Kind. Caring. Tries to pass off as being a non-caring popular who keeps to himself.
Past and Present (Closed) Left0110

In the past
Shy. Loving. Bubbly. Music is her life.
Past and Present (Closed) Mmmmm10

In the future
Hard core. Sarcastic. Very fagile but hides it with her sarcasm and fake personality.
Past and Present (Closed) Nnnnnn10

Going into past
Artistic. Loves music. Doesn't pretend for anyone.
Past and Present (Closed) Oooooo10
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:02 pm

So lets see we'll need a setting and how we're going to start. I'll start it off if you want.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:12 am

Go ahead and start. (:
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:57 am


Yumi wondered in the village with her bare feet being prickled by the small grass that was still growing. She glanced around and smiled towards the bread. She looked around and then smirked as she slowly slipped by the cart while taking a piece of bread for herself. (uh medievil times. Dunno really the date)

Ruki yawned loudly as he rested against the back of the benches in the park. His friend had told him that he was suppose to meet him here today. Though it was pretty obvious that Ruki could careless about what his friend had to say. Most of the time it wasn't even that important. (our present time)

Aki wondered the streets with his ipod headphones plugged into his ears blasting out hard rock music. He banged his head to it and then would step with the beats as he walked towards town. (Our present time)

Kaiko glared at the man that had her captive. "Let me go you cybro-freak!" She hissed and yanked away the chains jingled as she fell to the ground. The building was full of Cybro-men that it freaked her out. And she was next to have her brain pulled out and put into a robot. Who wanted a mind thinking robot anyways?! (2060)

Last edited by bree_bree15 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:06 am; edited 1 time in total
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:48 am

(Can you maybe put like times next to them for at least the first post so we know have far into the past and future and what time "present" is.)
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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:59 am

Shinka smiled as she rested her head on the gently flower bed. "Why is it just so lovely?" she asked in a small voice, looking to the sky for the answer. She knew there would be no reply, but sometimes she liked to think there would be, that nature would one day reply to her like her music always did. She listened to the gentle steam only a few inches away from her and giggled lightly, not remembering how she had ever even found this place.

Kyto smiled as he walked up to Ruki. "Hey man!" he said as he punched his shoulder and sat down next to him. "So check it out, I've got BIG news today, and this is big, trust me. Nothing like 'Oh, Sarah kissed Odio and he hated it', or something like that, this stuff is BIG big!"

Brock watched the people in the park walk by in a stand-offish manner. He had nothing better to do, so this was his day. He decided in that moment that he really needed to get a life. Maybe he would get a girlfriend, even if he didn't like the chick. At least he would get to go somewhere sometime. And hell, if he needed to, he could dump her anytime.

Kiana walked into the building, dressed as a CIA government official. 'I am going to save you Kaiko, don't you worry!' she thought as he looked around the building in charecter. She let the mental GPS guild her to where she had to go, slowly manuvaring through the piles of metal and pipes to finally come to the holding cells. 'I hope I'm not too late..' he thoughts rang through her mind.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:34 pm

K the dates are on the last post.

Yumi smiled to herself at yet another successful steal of the day. She kept wondering down the village before she started to eat the bread. Yumi wasn't one of the wealthest personage in the village. In fact, she was at the bottom of the food change. She wore rages that made people look at her funny and no shoes.

Ruki glanced at Kyto wondering if it really was something like 'Sarah kissed Oita' but he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Alright Kyto whats going on?" Kyto seemed unusually excited. Not like he was bouncing of the walls with a smile on his face but he was more then usual.

Aki still wondered the streets. His life was the 'All-Perfect-Life' some would say he has. He noticed Brock, one of the guys from school, wondering around the park. Aki still had his headphones in and he wasn't planning on stopping by and talking to Brock anyways.

Kaiko heard Kiana in her thoughts and thought back, 'You better hurry your ass up!' The guy came closer and grabbed the chains and breaking them while someone else held onto her. 'There taking me to the lab!' The Cypro-men started to take her towards the backroom of the holding cells and placed her on a table in a very white room. She fought with all her might but there was no way she could get free. "Damn it." She mumbled onto her breath
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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:53 am

Shinka's eyes popped open as she heard the snapping of a few twigs. When she looked around she saw a girl in rags walking with some bread. She looked awfully dirty and quite worried for how young she was, about Shinka's age. "Ma'am, excuse me, are you alright?" her voice was as sweet as honey and her dressings as gentle as silk could get, yet she found herself not above, nor below anyone.

Kyto smiled. "I found this really cool thing. I am not sure exactly what it does, but I think it's some sort of teleportation device," he paused and watched the look on Ruki's face. "Look I swear, this thing is real. Just come with me and I'll show you.." his face was drop-dead serious as he stared at Ruki, longing for him to believe.

Brock noticed Aki walk by as he tried hard not to scoff at him. The "perfect pretty boy" finally was showing his face around town again, like he was one of the normal kids. He shook his head in dismay at the lifestyle Aki had. If anyone could ever have been so lucky... He shook his head at the sight of Aki and then turned his head away in a small feel of disrespect.

Kiana then felt her worry as the fear plunged through her. 'I'm coming!' Suddenly she burst through the door and waved her CIA badge around like it was a gun. "Back away from the girl and the CIA won't press charges like it had to last Christmas. You remember how in debt you guys were after that, right? Do you really want that again with all the holiday's coming up? I trully don't think your manager would be too happy with that, so put the girl down and walk away," her voice ran through the room and echoed before she walked over to the girl, her heels clicking noisily as she walked. She offered Kaiko her hand as she looked around the room for anyone to judge her athority(SP).
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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:05 am

Yumi gave shinka a big smile and nodded, "I'm fine. Thanks for asking though." Yumi bowed and then continued walking. She was quite bubbly for being a girl in rags. She hated looking at herself though, it was hard to see people always staring at her funny and asking questions like 'wheres your family'. It broke her heart most of the time. She then caught a glims of herself at one of the blacksmiths and realized she wasn't alright. She looked really skinny, not to skinny but to the point where people would think she was starving, her clothes her covered in dirt and they were nothing but rags. Yumi didn't look at the girl who was a little ways away.

Ruki started at Kyto with an extremely confused look that said 'man you are insane' but he stood up without saying a word, shuffed his hands into his pocket, and said, "Alright," He sighed, "If its that amazing, show me this than." Ruki didn't believe one word that came out of Kyto's mouth but he had nothing better to do so why not check it out and see what foolishness Kyto would come up with.

Aki realized the look that Brock was giving him and he had to brush that aside. Most people thought that he was just ruining his 'perfect life' because he was so involved in doing that bad stuff. There was a reason why he drank most of the time but he didn't bother to tell people. He shouldn't be anyone's role model yet a lot of people crawled at his feet.

The robots scruffed and slowly moved away from the table, "You'll regret this human." Kaiko smiled and stuck her tongue out at them. She then looked at Kiana and gave her a hug, "Aw thank goodness you were in time. Lets get the heck out of here." She then grabbed Kiana so she could climb off the table quickly
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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:31 am

Shinka stood up slowly, grabbing the small parka that she had with her, and walked over to the girl. "Well if you are fine," she said as she walked up not to her and smiled, "then you wouldn't mind coming to brunch with me, would you?" Shinka refused to let this poor girl go by her without helping. She refused to make it obvious that she felt pitty on the girl as well though. She wanted the girl to just feel normal, something no one probably ever did for her.

Kyto smiled and popped up out of his seat. "Awesome! This way," he said as he walked toward the lake they had in the small park they were in. It really was a quaint little place they had there; noting special but really quite nice. He smiled as he rounded the row of bushes that seperated the lake from the rest of the park. He stopped when he saw the small mechine and smiled, waiting for Ruki to see it as well.

Being in the same place as Aki was pretty sickening for Brock. That kid had everything he could have ever wanted in life, yet he always chose the throw it out the window and go down a path of bull shit and nothingness. Brock shook his head once more as he looked to the grass at his feet, the music from his IPod a gentle backround to his thoughts.

Kiana looked to the bots in disrespect. "Don't blame me, I am just the messanger for the CIA. You want someone to blame blame them. The CIA knows they might regret it, but they need this girl for some tests. Now that is all I can say, but you know messing with the CIA is never a good choice, and your boss knows that for sure, so be carful what you say Bots," Kiana turned away at that point, grabbed Kaiko's wrist, and dragged her out of the room with slight force. She hated being mean like this to her, but the role was the role and she wasn't going to break charecter just so Kaiko didn't have a bruised wrist or ego. She escorted Kaiko out of the building slow and steady, her heels clicking around through the halls, bouncing back to her every so often. When she got outside she looked around for the car to pull around and pick her up. When it did she waited for the door to open, the tossed Kaiko inside and got in herself, the door closing behind her.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:58 am

Yumi was surprised by the question but then she smiled and nodded, "I would love to go with you." She tried to make her voice sound not so excited but it was really obvious you could hear it. She could tell how nice the girl was a not even know her. She was very greatful for that. "Whats your name by the way?" She asked as they started walking towards a breakfast house.

Ruki sighed and followed slowly behind Kyto. He was kind of curious at where he was taking him and when he rounded the corner he was in shock. He pulled his hands out of his pocket as he slowly walked close behind Kyto, "What in the world is that Kyto?" He asked in a small tone. It was a very strange machine plus it was in a very unusual place.

He felt anger towards people who gave him the 'your so perfect yet your drinking and all this stuff. Whats your problem?' Aki didn't have a problem. He didn't drink all the time and he wasn't some addict to the nonsense that people presumed he did. Aki knew he had money and that he could get whatever he wants. But with people who don't care about you and cheat on each other, such as his parents, then why is everyone saying he has some perfect life? Aki sighed and noticed at the corner of his eye a small ring on the ground of the park. He stared at it for a moment and then picked it up.

Kaiko let out a sigh of relieve and then looked towards her wrist that Kiana had so forcefully held onto. "Well I'm sure glad thats over with." Kaiko grinned towards Kiana and then rested her head back in the car. She didn't want anymore tests and hoped that Kiana was just kidding about her being tested by the CIA. Kaiko was a very strange human, and Kiana knew that sense they were sisters.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:53 am

Shinka smiled to her and stopped so she could introduce herself formally. "My name is Shinka, part of the Antina household. Yourself?" she bowed to her gracefully and then looked up to the girl, standing up straight and proper. Though she could be very unproper when she was by herself, that was not how she acted around others, nor how she intended to act around others.

Kyto smiled. "I am not really sure. It has some sort of clock thing on it and, stop me if I'm wrong, but it looks kind of like a time-machine," he knew how outragious(sp) that sounded, but he had this strong feeling, and he always went with his gut on pretty much everything. "What do you think?"

Brock looked over when Aki's sudden movement caught the attention out of the corner of his eye. He looked to him in the most incospicuous way possible while still seeing what was going on. He watched the ring and Aki carefully.

Kiana nodded. "Yeah, over with..." she let the answer hang in the air as she loked out the window. What had the world come to lately? She certainly had no idea. As far as she saw it life sucks, no matter who you were. Hell, she was a CIA and one of the most powerful ones, but that didn't get her sister out of shit and it was always a target on her back when she walked around as a CIA, people gunning for her, asking her why she wasn't doing anything, but there was nothing to be done. They Bots had taken over and she was just a meer human...
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:24 am

Yumi stared at her a little confused, "My names Yumi... I uh... don't remember what house I was from.." It had been awhile since she was away from her family and since the tragic outcome of a terrible man... She didn't bow or do anything that was really proper instead she just smiled at Shinka's kind way of greeting.

Ruki began laughing and then placed a hand on Kyto's shoulder, "I think you my friend are crazy." He then walked over towards the machine. "I mean its probably something that a hobo must have fixed up." Ruki then walked over towards it and kicked the machine. He began to laugh but soon his laughter stopped when the machine began to shake and soon a bright light was coming from it. Ruki covered his eyes and soon felt Kyto against his side.

Aki stared at the ring and suddenly noticed a button on the side. He pressed it and suddenly it opened to reveal a watch. He watched it tick-tock and then closed the top of it up. He then thought about putting it on his finger and when he did. Everything went dark and soon he was watching himself walk past Brock and the glares that they gave each other. He quickly pulled the ring off and appeared back to where he had been.

Kaiko sighed and rested her head back, "Everything will turn out all right. Just wait something will happen and we'll be save from those damn bots. If I was some superhuman I would honestly screw with those damn things and then laugh at the boss who made them. I'm so tired of those crazed up things." Kaiko then closed her eyes, "They killed ma and pa too.. I'm not going to let that rest." Kaiko was completely different from her sister, not exactly though. Kiana was in the CIA and Kaiko was always the one getting into trouble.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:06 pm

Shinka smiled. "No need to say your house dear, that is just how I greet, I am sorry," she bowed once more and then shook Yumi's hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you." She then started for the breakfast house for a small brunch, hoping that the company brightened the girl's day; it certainly did for Shinka. Though all company brightened her day, she still thought this girl was very sweet and kind.

Kyto looked around, not knowing what was going. "What did you do man?" he looked around more in a confused manner. The only thing he could see was white all around him and Ruki a few inches away from him. What was going on? Where were they? Suddenly everything seemed to get darker and darker. "Ruki??"

Brock looked to Aki in dismay, his brows furrowing in confussion. He then walked over to Aki, not giving a damn who he was at that point any more. "What the hell was that?" he look to the ring in confusion and puzzlement.

Kiana sighed. "Well you are the closest we are ever going to get to supernatural at the moment Kaiko, though I know you already know that," she said in a gentle tone, the driver looking back to them with a sad look on his face while they waited at a stop light. Their family friend, Jon, he knew everything so there was no need to worry, and he cared for them more than they ever cared for themselves.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:54 am

Yumi liked having people to talk to. Most people were always trying to just chase her off or would make fun of what she looked like. She hated how people would treat someone they barely know so cruelly. She followed Shinka close behind feeling like a lost pup for some reason.

"Ah what the-" He was cut off short as he blacked out. When he opened his eyes, he was staring at the sky. his vision was blurry but quickly his senses were reacting and he sat up quickly and looked to his side to see Kyto laying there in a daze. "Hey man are you alright?"

Aki glanced up towards Brock. He was a little shocked at what had happened, "Hell if I know." He then looked towards the ring. "But, I just saw myself doing something I was just a few moments ago." He had the ring off of his finger and then he glanced over towards Brock. "Maybe I'm just drunk..."

Kaiko sighed and looked out the window. She hated being something like the supernatural thing that people could place tests on. Kaiko watched some people walking down the street as if everything was alright. Either they were Bots or they were some crazy people that had finally accepted this crazed up place.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:39 am

Shinka smiled as she waited for the door man to open the small door to the breakfast house. She walked in happily, though she could feel all eyes on her and Yumi. "A table for two please," she said, continuing to ignore the weird glances and stares from everyone.

Kyto nodded. "Yeah, I am fine," he looked around to see horses roaming around and the gentle sound of what seemed like metal being pounded in the distance. "Where are we?" he asked as he let the ACTUAL fresh air seep into his lungs.

Brock shook his head. "Normally I would just agree with that and walk away, but you dissapeared for a minute there and there is no damn way I'm drunk." He stared at the ring in wonder. He felt the urge to take it away from Aki and examine it, but it wasn't his place to do so, so he left it where it was in Aki's hands and just waiting for Aki to do something.

Kianna sighed along with Kaiko. "I'm sorry, I know how you hate being told that, but you know it is true sis'. You are pretty much the only one we, or at least I, have to hope on anymore," and everyone in the car knew she was right. Kaiko wasn't the usual human, and Kianna had no clue how the genes got mixed up like they were, but it happend and that was all they could say.
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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:14 am

Yumi had never eaten in such a nice place. She felt uncomfortable with all the eyes on her and Shinka. She stayed close to Shinka and tried to avoid any eye contact that would make her even more uncomfortable with the snickers they would give her. They sat down and she stared at the table not knowing what to do.

Ruki shook his head and stood up. He looked around and took a deep breath. "Don't call me crazy but I don't think we're home anymore..." He saw the wild horses and then noticed some small village houses, "Maybe they can tell us where we're at?" He pointed towards the homes and then looked at Kyto who was still sitting on the ground.

Aki looked towards Brock and then smiled, "I wonder if we can go to the future... If this ring is some kind of time machine, maybe we should try it out. What do you say?" He smirked and then looked towards the ring. He'd see what happens in the future and where he would be... Maybe he wouldn't see himself but who knew... it was worth a shot.

Kaiko rolled her eyes. She wanted nothing to do with tests and other issues that, whatever she was, could cause. She placed her head against the window and then yawned, "Well, we should hurry and figure out what the hell is wrong with me so I can be done with all the tests." Kaiko felt a small pain in her chest when she said she had to try and figure herself out. She didn't even know who she was or what she was..
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:52 am

Shinka smiled as she looked at the menu. When she noticed how uncomfortable Yumi seemed to be she sighed. "Deary, do you not want to eat here?" she asked. She could go back to te house and get something made for the both of them. She understood why she felt so odd with all the faces staring at them, though it wasn't all because the girl wore rags, some of it was who Shinka was as well, which is why she didn't go out much, only to very secluded areas.

Kyto nodded. "I KNOW we aren't home anymore..." he let his voice trail off as he stood up slowly. "Hey, there is a resturant over there, we can just ask someone in there," he said before starting toward the place. It was really weird, though he could tell the difference in the air, the grass, everything. Where were they?

Brock wasn't really up for a field trip with Aki, especially Aki wasn't really his favorite person on the planet, but who would pass up an opportunity like that, even if it probabaly wasnt going to work? He nodded his head and waited for Aki to figure out what to do with the ring so something would happen, though he had no clue what it would be. He stood their in wonder as he thought of what would happen.

Kianna sighed once more. "Look, you know who you are, you just don't know what you can do yet. Don't you dare think for a second that what you are makes you any differnt from the person you are. I know who you are, you are my loving sister that just has a lot of questions that need to be answered and we will do that, I promise," she said, having been through this conversation with her sister before. She knew how Kaiko felt, and she felt terrible about it, but there was nothing she could really do at that point other than give stupid speeches.
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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:42 am

Yumi looked up towards Shinka and felt like it would be rude to say that she would rather go somewhere else. So instead, she just smiled and said, "This place is nice and I've never tried the food here. I guess its alright." She always was like that. Trying to hid her every emotion that would show weakness.

Ruki shoved his hands into his pockets and nodded as he followed slowly behind Kyto. When they started to head towards the resturant he noticed a few people staring at their odd clothes. Ruki didn't like the thought of not being home anymore. Something about their clothes though weren't right. A lot of them wore rags and torn clothes. There were no roads or big buildings. Where were they?

Aki remembered that on the side the ring popped open to show a clock. He pressed the small button and fast foreward it. He didn't know what he was doing but hoped that this would work. He then closed the ring and it began to glow.

Kaiko nodded and looked out the window. She had heard this same usual speech before and it made her really disappointed that this was all she would get for now. She suddenly noticed something flashing towards the park and then glanced towards her sister, "Did you see that?" She then pointed in the direction where the flashing light was disappearing.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:28 am

Shinka smiled a weak smile as she nodded to Yumi. "I know it is a bit uncomfortable, but just forget all of them. I am sure you will love the food they serve here. It is gr-," she then stopped s she heard gasps in the resturant all around her. She then looked to the door and saw two very strange men standing at the entrance, their clothes very weird and different. She felt suddenly, somewhere in her gut, to go to them, nd she ALWAYS listened to her gut and her instincts. "Yumi, I know you would have liked to try the food here, but let us eat at my house instead. We shall have a lovely picinic with some very delicious meat and tea," she then grabbed Yumi's hand gently as she continued to the men. "Excuse me sirs, but I would enjoy it greatly if you came with my friend and me," she then, with her free hand, grabbed one of the men's arms and tgged him along slowly and gently.

Kyto nodded as he looked around. Everything looked really, well, old. Not old as in "Wow that place needs to be re-done", but "Wow, I have only sen this stuff in history books". He was soon t otice how out of place they were wit all the staring eyes. Suddenly a young women and her friend, both gorgeous, walked up to them and tugged them out othe resturant. Confused, he asked simply, "Where are we going?" No reply made him uneasy.

Brock suddenly felt lightheaded as he closed his eyes. When he reopened them he was in whiteness, complete whiteness. "Aki?" he asked as he looked around for anyone. Soon the light dissapeared and he was in coplete darkness, unconcious as soon as he noticed the light was gone.

Kianna looked over in wonder. "What is that?" she asked in confussion. "Driver, please pull over to where that light is. I would like to check it out." Once he pulled over Kianna smiled and said, "Thank you so much." She then slowly opened the car door and stepped onto the pavement. "What is that Kaiko?"
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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