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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed May 30, 2012 3:52 am

Plot: You were sent to a place where you know no one and everyone is there because of the same reason you are. You all have a certain power that needs to be controlled. Everyone at Wayward "crazy" house does. None of you are really crazy though, that's what the doctors said but, at Wayward house they know better. You live here until you get your powers under control, it's a huge mansion and there is no way out unless you ask permission.

Kat Eleese Fuize
15 Years old.
She can bring good to anyone she pleases, but she can also bring bad..
Kat cannot stay inside a house or building too long, it makes her sick. She loves to just sit outside and let the sun heat up her body. Her parents died when she was very little and her brother has been taking care of her for a long time. She is very shy, but when she gets to know you she is very sweet and kind. Fighting isn't her thing, but she knows how to. A few years after her parents died her brother taught her slef-defense. She hates it when people pick on her.

Brock Fuize (He doesn't like middle names.)
19 years old
He has this "electric current" that flows through his veins, and he is VERY short tempered.
Brock doesn't like people and never has. Every sense he was six, he has been homeless, along with his poor little sister. Some drunk guy hit his parents head on and killed them, and the drunk got away with it too. Brock is always angry and will kill you if you hurt his sister at all.

Last edited by its_me_kimmy on Wed May 30, 2012 8:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Wed May 30, 2012 5:51 am

Power: Fire.

At the house for: Schizophrenia (but not really)
Peyton is usually quiet and reserved. She is always alone. Her power causes her to not be able to touch anything with out it burning. When she was young she hadn't developed her powers, but when they DID develop (age 7 or 8 ) she ended up killing her own parents.
She wears special clothing that is resistant to her powers including gloves so she can touch certain things, and she isn't exactly sure how to use them to her will yet.
Peyton has firey red hair and soft pale skin.
Her eyes are bright and her smile crooked but smooth.

Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} 36062610492144164
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed May 30, 2012 7:53 am

Looks good. xD
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Wed May 30, 2012 7:54 am

Why thank you darling. :3
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed May 30, 2012 8:00 am

So are we ganna do this thing? xDD
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Wed May 30, 2012 8:14 am

Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Tumblr_lymr6sv8YO1rnbxp7o1_500

You can post first! LOL
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed May 30, 2012 8:19 am

Kat skipped up to the "Crazy House" happily; it was very hard to upset her, she was mostly coming here because she was related to Brock and he got upset very easily. Kat twirled around in a circle, making her dress pan-out. "Doesn't this place look pretty Brock?" She smiled and continued skipping toward the house. She had no reason to be there, but she loved her brother more than anything and there was no way she would lose him.

Brock snuffed and kicked a rock along the path he was walking. "Sure sure," he answered flatly. 'Yeah right, fun...' Brock thought as he followed his sister into the institution quietly. He was pissed that he had to come to the institution, but he knew they were right to send him away. He was a monster and he always would be.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Wed May 30, 2012 8:29 am

Peyton was sitting a lone in the homes library, she was skipping out on her meds today. She hated the things, she never liked the feeling, they made her feel numb and she was always so lost. Peyton was browsing the books in the back corner of the library her hair was glistening in the musty and dusty light seeping through the window her ember eyes glowed in it. Stretching she reached up for a book, knocking several down in the process. It was hard to keep a grip on the books with her gloves on, and if she wasn't careful they'd ignite in flame. "Crap.." Peyton muttered to herself and looked around nervously, wondering if there was anyone to see her being clumsy.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Wed May 30, 2012 8:52 am

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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu May 31, 2012 12:34 am


Kat walked slowly into the home, her eyes glazing over in the process. "Wow Brother, look at this place. It's huge!" Kat looked back to Brock and smiled. "Don't be so doom and gloom Brother, we'll make this work, promise," she told him in a gentle voice before she went over and hugged him tightly.

Brock was about to protest when he looked over to Kat, but her eyes pierced his heart and warmed it slightly. Her hug then shut him up for good. A gentle smile creeped onto his face as he hugged her back. "Alright, if you say so," he said in a more 'uplifting' tone. When the hug was over he made his way to the front desk. "We are here for our 'problems'," he said gently, trying to be as nice as possible. "Under the name Brock Fuzie," he said and waited for the girl to check them in. Once she was done she handed them a key and told them their room number.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Thu May 31, 2012 5:41 am

Peyton didn't dare try to put the books back, being in the library was something that was already dangerous for her. She loved to read though and only was it possible when she was younger, before her powers had gone and hurt everything. She sighed and stepped back form the books, she should go get someone to pick them up but, avoiding them is what she did best.
Peyton's ears perked up when she heard people voices, ones she didn't recognize before. New? Probably she thought. More people to be mean to her. Sighing she slipped from the library, her long flamed hair flowing like ribbons behind her with her speed. She didn't want to be in the library when the tour was given and hopefully the new comers wouldn't see her if she left now while they were at the desk. Unfortunately the door to the library was near to the front desk.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:09 am

Kat smiled as the lady took them through the nearby doors into the library. Kat's eyes, once again, almost glazed over at the sight. All of those books, there were too many to even imagine. Kat help her breath and closed her eyes as if it were a dream, but when she opened her eyes and started to breath once more, it was all still there. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed as she ran over to a self and started picking out book after book.

Brock, unlike his sister, wasn't very into reading. His eyes scanned the room slowly and in a bored manner. When Brock saw a girl fleeing the scene, his eye brows furrowed together; she seemed in a hurry. Suddenly Brock caught a glimpse of the girl's face. His stomach twisted in an odd kind of way and his expression changed from boredom to curiosity. She was just so--what was the word he was looking for?--beautifully different. Brock stared off in the direction the girl had headed, even though she was long gone by now.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:40 am

Peyton barely got a glance but there were two people. A girl and a boy, they looked similar so she assumed they were related. Quickly she made for her room hoping not to get stopped. Taking her meds was the last thing she wanted to do right now. When they put her on her med's she can't remember anything from before, and she wakes up in her room alone and groggy. She didn't want to know what they did to her but, also didn't want to let them do it. What ever it was. Sighing she pushed her door open, someone had been in her room. There were clothes every where her draws out of her dresser and her bed messed up. Was it punishment for skipping out? Probably. They must have been looking for something to draw her in with but, it seemed to no prevail.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:49 am

Kat pulled her bag in front of her and stuffed books upon books in her bad before the lady cleared her throat. Kat looked up at the lady and when she was met with a scowl she smiled sheepishly at the lady. "You can come back and get more books later. For the meantime, I think that's enough," she told Kat, which only made Kat frown slightly. She loved books, why couldn't she just take the ones she wanted?

Brock watched the lady interact with Kat when he saw Kat's face. He suppressed a chuckle before figuring he'd help Kat out a bit. "Uhm, excuse me ma'am," Brock started, which demanded the woman's attention. When the woman turned around he smiled to Kat and then paid his attention to the woman. "So how many people live in this house? And is there a chance for getting out on good behavior?" he asked. The woman started to explain the house rules to him, of which he couldn't have cared less about, and Brock let his eyes wander to Kat stuffing more books gently and quietly into her bag. Brock smiled and nodded every so often when the conversation called for it.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:57 am

Peyton was cleaning her room when a knock came at the door. "Peyton, medicine time," Said the voice. It was one of those brute nurses. Peyton shook her head and dropped the clothes in her hands. "N-no!" She cried, which only would get her in trouble. The door was busted open and Peyton shouted trying to dodge the man but to no use. He grabbed her long hair and pulled her hard to the ground. She made contact with the hard wood with a sickening thwack. Her forehead had split slightly above her eye brow. Blood ran in a small stream down her pale skin. "Come with me," Said the nurse twisting Peyton's arm behind her back and pushing her along down the hall. The man was wearing think fire resistant gloves so he could handle her.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:13 am

Kat's head popped up suddenly when she heard a thud. "Brother...?" her voice trialed off and when she heard screams she winced in worry. "Brother..." her voice was more demanding now, like he needed to do something about what was going on, or at least give her some answers. As she looked around the lady's voice chimed in. "That's nothing deary, don't worry about it. So how about we continue our tour?"

Brock shook his head. "I'd like the tour to be over if you don't mind," he said in a dead pan voice as he looked in the direction of where the screams were coming from. "Common Kat," he said, offering his hand out. Once she took it he walked out of the library and down the slender hall toward all the noises. "Hello?" he called out, his voice muffled by other noises. When he was down the hall he saw the beautiful girl and a heavy coated man, both struggling. "Excuse me sir, but what are you doing with her?" he asked in a louder tone than before. He took a step forward, ready to intervene if necessary.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:16 am

Peyton met eyes with the boy and winced in pain. "Don't.." She breathed, looking back down a few droplets of blood splashing to the wood floor. "Get out of my way, boy," Said the nurse and twisted Peyton's arm harder, causing her to wince. "Keep moving," He barked coldly to her and she did as she was told. Biting her lip she fought back tears of pain and disappointment.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:22 am

Kat looked to Brock with fear, knowing what was to happen. She let go of Brock's hand and when he looked down to her she gave him approving eyes. "Save her," she whispered to him. She took his bag and stepped out of the way.

Brock nodded to her and then looked back to the man that was hurting the young woman. "Hey!" he barked back, "Leave her alone this instant," he ordered the man as he slowly walked toward the two. He could feel energy surging through him as he balled up his fists. He didn't give a damn about this place or anyone here, he would do what he thought was right and never think twice.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:30 am

Peyton flinched at his words. Not only would he be in trouble for this, but she would be too. They would never believe that this wasn't planned. The nurse smirked and whipped around throwing Peyton at the boy. She smacked into him hard. Gasping, she waited for a scream but, all he did was catch her. He didn't burn? Peyton's fired eyes went wide and she stepped back fast. She expected herself to hurt, but she didn't. The nurse realized this and frowned. "Get to your room, NOW!" He shouted as more nurses were headed up the stairs. Shocked Peyton just locked her eyes on him and stared. Who was this boy? Did he stop people's powers? The nurse grabbed to Peyton again and pulled her into a secret door in the wall that when shut looked like another panel in the wall. "Get to your room son," Said another nurse pointing to a room a few doors down. He glanced at Kat and pointed to another room for her, "You're over there," He told her.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:50 am

Brock looked around at all the people and then looked back to where the girl had been. Where had she gone? "Ma'am? Ma'am!" he looked around helplessly, but the young woman and the man were both gone. He mentally kicked himself as he looked around in despair for what he could do. "Alright, alright, don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm going," he said as he shuffled slowly to his room.

Kat followed behind Brock slowly as she looked around at all the nurses. She knew where the lady had gone, but with all the people around, there was no way they would make it down there and get the girl before something bad happened to all involved. She knew that, as to not make everything worse, they needed to settle down for a moment, then when no one was looking, sneak down there. Kat set her bag on the bed when she got into the room and looked up to Brock.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:57 am

In the morning, Peyton woke up in her room, not remembering anything after that boy trying to help her. She sighed and placed a hand on her forehead. Her head was spinning and she didn't feel so good. Getting to her feet slowly she ran her fingers through her hair and checked the split in the mirror. It had been at least 2 days since the indecent and the cut had already scabbed over. Peyton got dressed in a black sort of low cut top and red leggings. She didn't bother putting shoes on, she never went out any way. Peyton was glad that she only had to take medicine twice a week. Stepping out into the hall she slipped on her gloves and started down the hall. Her smooth fiery hair swaying with her light step.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:01 am

Brock poked his head out the door and looked around for the beautiful girl. When he saw her he sighed. He felt as though he needed to say something, but he didn't know what. Suddenly he felt a push on his back. When he looked behind him, he say his sister egging him on. "Hurry, before you miss your chance again," she told him. He took a deep breath, nodded, and then started down the hallway. "Miss? Uhm, miss?" he gently hollered as he jogged to catch up with the girl.

Kat looked toward her brother and the young woman. She smiled gently as she walked slowly back into her room. She opened up her bag and pulled out one of the many books she had stashed away for later. She almost laughed at the woman's words. She would be done with all these books in no time, and since she took so many, she wouldn't need to make so many trips.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:08 am

Peyton flinched when she heard a voice in the lonely and dimly lit hallway. It was still rather early, not much sunlight was coming from the windows yet. Turning she saw the boy from before, the one that had tried to help her. When he stopped beside her she withdrew afraid of making contact with him. Then she remembered touching him before and her heart began to thump nervously. What was he? Taking a deep breath Peyton's fiery eyes met his cool ones. "Yes..?" She asked softly, her voice was sweet and melodic. Being this close to him made her nervous causing her shake slightly. The draft in the hall carried her cinnamon scent past Brock.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:14 am

Brock smiled, taken aback slightly by her gorgeous appearance. As he shook away his manly tendencies he offered out his hand. "Fuzie," he said in a gentle tone, noticing she was a bit sheepish, "Brock Fuzie. I was the one in the hallway from a few days back. I'm really sorry if I caused you even more trouble. I was just trying to help." Brock looked up to her as offered up a half smile as, in some way, a peace offering for causing the scene he did. His ocean blue eyes lit with hope that she wouldn't hate him for what he had done as his mind raced with the thought that maybe--just maybe--he hadn't made things worse for her that day.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:19 am

Peyton smiled at him, there was no need to be 'cold' for lack of a better word. He had tried to help her and besides she didn't remember what happened after that. Looking at his hand she bit her lip. Then remembering her hands being gloved she took his and shook it. "Peyton, Peyton Istalo," She told him copying his tone almost mockingly. Then she slipped her hand from his sheepishly, "Don't worry about making things worse, I don't remember anything any ways. So even if you did, I wouldn't of known it," Peyton explained. Her ember eyes shifted away from his face and she turned around her hair whipping into place behind her. "See you," She said coolly.
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