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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:28 am

Brock opened his mouth to say something, but stopped. It was obvious she didn't exactly want to talk with him, so he found it best to leave her alone. "Bye," he said gently as she walked away. He turned around before she was completely gone and started back for his room.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:36 am

Peyton retreated to the library. Her sinful place. The place where she knew she should never be but when willingly. She stopped holding her breath then, there was something about that boy that really made her t nervous, like she's never seen this kind of thing before. Slipping off her gloves she ran a hand through her hair. Carelessly she set them down and went to look, forgetting to put them back on. Nothing good would come of this.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:40 am

Brock walked back into the room silently and slowly and sat on the bed across from Kat gently. He was tired; tired of trying to be friends with people, tired of being in this crazy house, tired of trying to keep up with life's standards. Brock then plopped back onto the bed and closed his eyes, sighing gently as he did so.

Kat looked up from behind her book, the last two pages lingering on her mind. "She leave?" when Kat got a nod back she nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry Brother," she told him in a gentle tone before hurrying through her last two pages. When she was done with the book she closed it gently and set it down with the rest of the books she had finished with care. "Maybe she's just nervous. She'll come around sooner or later. Just be nice and smile when you see her," she said in a positive outlook. She stood up from the bed slowly and looked to her stack of finished books. "Can I take these back?"
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:45 am

Peyton was walking through one of the isles when she bumped into another 'patient' slightly burning her and causing her to drop her books, "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Peyton stammered and bent down with out thinking, grabbing hold of the book. Instantly it went up in flame, frightened Peyton threw the book in a backwards direction and it hooked a shelf leaving a fire trail on the pages of it's comrades as it went. The library was on fire.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:56 am

Brock nodded. "Yeah, I'll help," he offered as he picked up most of the books. He left about three there for Kat to take as he walked slowly out the door. He walked down the stairs, with Kat following. When they got to the library Brock froze. Fire. There was fire everywhere! Brock panicked and turned quickly to Kat. "Hurry, go get all our stuff and get out of the building. I'll meet you by the big apple tree they have in the back. Please just take what we need most and hurry out!" he said before dropping the books and running into the library. "Hello?" he called out, looking for anyone who needed saving.

Kat nodded quickly as she picked up the books he had dropped. She, and the books, ran back to their room. She dropped the books on her bed, took only the best ones and shoved them into her bag. She grabbed as much as she could, packing only what she loved most, and threw the bags onto her back. She checked every drawer and made sure there was no money left behind and whatever money she did find she stuffed it into the bags. When the room was clear of anything they needed or wanted, she ran out of the room, down the hall, out of the building, and to the apple tree. When she got there, her forehead had beads and beads of sweat and she felt the need to continuously cough.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:02 am

Peyton was the only one is the library, what had she done? Were their more people in here? She'd killed people, she just knew it. Smoke was flowing into her lungs causing her to cough and weeze. Over her hacking she hear a boy's voice. SOMEONE'S IN HERE!? She went running looking for them, shelves were falling down around her, flaming books too. "HELLO!?" She called as loud as she could, then she collapsed. The smoke was too much for her, and all she could do was cough.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:26 am

Brock heard only one voice in the library. When he looked over he saw her--the girl from before. He quickly ran to her and picked her up gently. Bookshelves coming down around him, he ran out of the building as fast as he could, making his way through multiple burning rooms as he did so. Once he was finally out of the building he looked around for Kat. When his eyes finally set upon her, he ran over to the tree and set the girl, Peyton, down gently. "Hello? Peyton? Can you hear me?" he asked.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:30 am

Peyton wasn't responding now, no coughing, nothing. Her pale face was covered in soot and her clothes singed. But no where was she herself burned. When it came to fire, really the smoke was the only thing that got to her. Soon nurses were coming and looking for her, acting as though this wasn't the first time she had done something this. They were ticked and would probably punish her severely for this. She wasn't terrible strong so too much 'punishment' would probably kill her. "Hey you!" One of the nurses called running toward Kat, Brock, and Peyton. They looked furious as they stomped their way over.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:41 am

Brock stood up and stepped in front of Peyton and Kat, as if to protect them. "Kat, pick up our thing please. Maybe get your wings ready, okay?" he mentioned before the people came over. He didn't want any confrontation, so he would try his best to work everything out. After all, that was what he was supposed to be here for, right?

Kat nodded, stood up as well, and slowly picked their few bags up. She watched the girl on the ground more intently than anything or anyone else. She wanted to make sure she was okay. If not, she knew what she could do to help. Kat was ready to leave in the blink of an eye as she listened to everything going on.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:46 am

Peyton was still laying limp on the ground, in the same state as she was before. There was a slight jagged movement of her chest. It was easy to hear the smoke in her lungs if you listened. Her breathing was garbling and rough. "Step aside!" Said a nurse eyeing Peyton. "All we want is the girl, not a problem," He tried to be calm, but the way he looked at Peyton suggested a inhuman insanity inside of him. "No problem," He repeated more sadistically.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:49 am

Brock shook his head. "I want no problem either, but you can't have the girl. Just be on your way and no one has to get hurt," he told the nurse. He could hear the rattle of the cough Peyton had and it worried him. He let his eyes set into the nurse's as he waited for a response.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:54 am

"Look, " Started the man,"If you don't let us have her, she's gonna die," He was serious this time, a flash of concern crossing his face. This was merely concern for what would happen to him if she died, but real concern none the less.
Peyton could hear talking, but couldn't quite make out what was being said, slowly she forced herself onto her side which started a coughing fit. Her long red, soot covered hair fell in her face hiding it. "W-wha..." She faintly mumbled. She felt really weak and unstable physically.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:57 am

"Die?" Brock was confused and concerned, and he could see the same concern on the man's face. "How?" he asked. He didn't know what to do. His emotion conflicted as he thought through all the things he could do at the moment. He knew that he needed to keep this girl safe, but he didn't know what option would actually do that.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:01 am

Peyton's eyes finally focused on what was happening and she drew back. Trying to force herself to her feet she fallback down with a light thwacking sound. "K-keep them..." She started coughing, black saliva coming from her mouth into her hand. It was the soot mixed in to her spit. "..Away," She breathed roughly and forced herself to her feet and supported herself with the tree.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Jun 01, 2012 12:28 pm

Brock looked to Peyton, then back to the other guy. "I can take care of her. I think it's best if you just leave us all alone," he warned as he felt energy pulsing through his veins. He wouldn't let anything happen to this girl, it was his moral duty, one of which he planned to keep.

Kat stepped toward the girl as she started to fall, but when she grabbed onto the tree she felt that the girl would be fine. She stepped back again and watched the scene play out.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:31 am

Peyton looked up toward the boy, there was something about him that drew her in. Something she had never felt before. At least not that she could remember. Biting her lip she glared at the nurses around them. "I will burn this whole place to the ground!" She shouted then looked at the tree, the bark was charred from where she was leaning but it wouldn't light, it was too most inside the trunk. Sighing she looked toward the house, people trying to douse the flames she had caused. Smirking she looked back to the nurses. "I may just.." She leaned down her hand gliding just about the grass, though full of water the blades were small. They would light in seconds and a wild fire would be every where. This upset the nurses and one drew out a gun, firing just by Peyton's head hitting the tree. She flinched and looked to see who it was, but all of them were holding guns now. "Great..." Peyton breathed weakly.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:45 am

"HEY!" Brock barked out as he stepped toward the nurses with guns. "Put them away," he said slowly. He then glanced back to Peyton and then to the nurses once more. "No fires will be started if you just leave us alone. Now, put the guns away, and go back inside," he demanded as he watched them with angered eyes.

Kat looked around in confusion of what was going on. She didn't know whether to take the things and run or stay and wait for a fight. Kat just watch closely as she went through all the options in her mind.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:33 am

The nurses started to do as they were told, worried about their own well being. One charged at Kat, seeing her as the weak link. Peyton still rather weak flung herself in the way. The nurse made contact with her and fell to the ground screaming. Peyton reached down holding the mans wrist frowned. She was only doing this because she had to, not from anything other than need. The man started to turn red, then blister all over. He was burning alive, with out the flames. When he stopped screaming Peyton looked at Kat and then limply fell to her knees. This action sprung chaos. The nurses were either running at them or running away. People running back and forth trying to shoot but losing control and dropping their guns. Peyton tried to get back to her feet, but it was hard. When she finally did she was wobbly. "Y-you..." Peyton breathed at Kat, "Take your brother and get out of here," She had a faded, but serious look in her eyes.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:44 am

Brock looked to Kat in a serious manner. "Time to go," he said and suddenly his shirt ripped and black wings sprung from his back. He picked up Peyton, who he thought was close to passing out, and then looked to Kat. Kat's white wings were out and she had already taken off. Brock followed suit, dodging bullets here and there.

Kat felt bullets wiz by her, but she had no concern for them. She continued on fly, getting hit a few times, but the wound closing up instantly. Sooner than later they were out of range of all the bullets. She knew that should would probably have to heel Brock or Peyton when they landed, so she just let her mind wander while she still had time.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:48 am

Peyton would have tried to run, scream, or maybe even thrash to get Brock to let go. But, he wasn't burning, was he? Peyton's foggy mind couldn't make sense of what was going on at this moment. They seemed to be flying, and Brock, he wasn't.....she fell unconscious then. When she woke up they were near a lake. Some place that seemed secluded. She was still a little fogged up but other than that she felt a lot better. Her lungs had seemed to clear for the most part. Sitting up slowly she looked around. 'Where are we?" Peyton asked rather, herself than any one else.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:53 am

Brock looked back from Kat to Peyton. They had landed over an hour ago, and they were deep in the forest by now. "We're in the forest, probably seven to ten miles out," he assumed as he looked around. He went back to checking out Kat, being an over protective brother as always. "So are you okay Peyton?" he asked as he continued to focus on Kat.

Kat laughed gently and then pushed Brock away. "I've told you over a hundred times, I'm okay," she said before pushing at him again. "Go look at Peyton," she said. When Brock finally sighed and turned to Peyton, Kat giggled even more. She then laid her head on the tree she was leaning on gently and closed her eyes, listening to the sounds of the lake.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am

Peyton looked at the two and couldn't help, but smile. Then the smile faded fast, she remembered being in his arms. "The question is, are you alright?" She asked as her eyebrows knitted together. Looking him over he didn't seem to be burned and this confused her. "You should be like that nurse.." She inquired under her breath. Why wasn't he harmed. Peyton glanced at Kat and wondered if she had no affect on her too. Then she thought about the nurse and became sick to her stomach. "Excuse me," She said softly getting to her feet and running off a few yards away. She was hidden from the world now, well at least she hoped. That was when her weakness showed and she sobbed.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:18 am

Brock looked back to Kat. "I'll be right back," he said before he ran after Peyton. As he looked around he was soon to stumble upon Peyton behind some covering. When he got closer he could hear her sobs. Brock's heart twisted slightly as he saw her so weak, so fragile. He bit his lip in worry and walked up to her slowly. "Peyton? Hey, don't worry, it's okay," he said as he knelt down next to her. He put his hand on her back gently, trying to comfort her. "Everything's okay, I promise."
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:02 am

Peyton heard him come over and when he spoke she couldn't help, but want to be comforted by him. His hand touched her back and she jerked away reflexively. "D-don't," She stammered and looked in horror down at his hand. There again, was no burning. "What are you?" She asked out loud with out even thinking. Her dark lashes stuck together with tears she looked him up and down. Not in fear, but curiosity.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 2 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:10 am

Brock almost laughed. 'A monster' is what he wanted to say, but he skipped over that. "What do you mean?" he asked instead, curiosity flowing through him mind. He had just touched her back, he didn't see what the big deal was. Maybe he was being too personal for her? He understood that. I mean, he barely knew the girl, yet he had just taken her away to the forest. Still, he awaited an answer, letting time tick by slowly.
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