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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:17 am

Peyton was glad he was smiling again, when he picked her up Peyton smiled too. She was so light it seemed when he lifted her, he didn't struggle at all to lift her into the air. Brock offered to her to grab her things and she nodded, "That'd be wonderful," She said and nodded. "I'll check on Kat," She said and slowly got to her feet, but, once out in the hall she was pulled into a secret door in the wall. She tried to scream but a electrifying hand clapped over her mouth. It was Andrew. Great.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:23 am

"Just be careful," he called after her with a smile. He waited to see if he heard any thuds to indicate she had fallen down, but he heard nothing of the sort. With a smirk he started to pack Peyton's things into the very small bag she had brought with her. Once he was done packing her stuff he looked around the room to make sure had had gotten everything. "Looks good," he said to himself before sitting down on the bed to wait for Kat and Peyton.

Kat walked down the hall slowly. She decided she would wait by her room instead, as to not disturb Peyton or Brock if they were having a serious conversation. She stood there for a long while, waiting, and wondering what was taking them so long. Deciding she might as well park it for a bit, she put her back on the wall and slid down it slowly, sitting on the ground.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:27 am

Peyton struggled and then screamed as loud as she could when Andrew's hand slipped from his mouth. "BROCK!!" She shouted as loud as she could. Ripping from Andrew's grip she ran toward the hidden door she was drug through and kicked it open, but, before she could get through it she was hit on the head, hard. Blood ran down her forehead as she tried to get free, for someone who loved her, he was a little more abusive than caring.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:38 am

Brock, when his name was called, popped up like a jack in the box. Running out of the door he found another door swinging open. "Peyton!" he ran down the long hallway to the door, it taking longer than he would have liked. Pushing the door out of the way he looked around the room. Nothing. Where was she? "Peyton!" he then looked down to the ground and saw blood, lots of it. His hands started shaking and his eyes blackened. He closed his eyes then and shook his head. When he opened his eyes they had returned to his normal ocean blue color. "Peyton! Where are you?" he called in desperation.

Kat ran to where Brock was and gasped when she saw blood. "O-okay," she paused and looked away from the blood, her stomach twisting. "Brock, calm down, we'll find her," she promised as she looked around the room. When she found a trail of blood she pointed to it before closing her eyes and turning her head again. "Look, right there. Let's follow that. I'm sure we'll find her," she said and followed Brock as they both walked through the very large and dark room.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:44 am

Peyton shouted again, trying to break free but, was too weak. She was drug around to a wall where she was hung up by her hands. Her head pounded and she couldn't take it much longer before she would pass out. Andrew was there in front of her, not trying to spoon some sort of sweet smelling liquid into her mouth. This is when she started kicking and screaming furiously. When the spoon came close to her mouth she clamped it shut and turned her head away. As she struggled the ropes holding her wrists dug in deep, causing her to bleed there too.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:49 am

Brock heard Peyton again, but which door? There were several. He looked around in confusion, his mind running with thoughts. Quickly he just started choosing doors. He opened the first one and ran in. Looking around he saw no one and nothing. Three more. He opened the next and ran in yet, there was no one there. Two. Opening the next door and running in he saw Peyton, and the blood. Oh God, all the blood. Brock's eyes slowly started to turn black and when he saw Andrew his hands lit up, electricity flooding into the room. "What do you think you're doing?!" his voice was loud and booming, commanding the room.

Kat rushed in after Brock and when she saw Peyton she felt the knife in her stomach as it twisted more and more. Blood. So much blood. For someone that could heal others, she hated blood way too much, it made her sick to her stomach. Not having enough time to calm down Brock and go help Peyton she decided to help Peyton instead. "Peyton, you still with me?" she asked as she tried to undo the ropes.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:54 am

Peyton's eyes were dazed and dull, she nodded in response though. She kept her eyes trained on Brock, not in fear but, in worry. Andrew had turned around now and was looking at Brock, his hands also lighting up blue. With out thinking Andrew was going to strike. Kat had worked Peyton free by now and she was on her feet, barely. When Andrew raised his hand Peyton dove between him and Brock. The electricity smacked into her chest and she flew back hitting against the wall with a sickening hollow crack. That would have been her ribs. Peyton laid crumpled on the floor in a broken bloody pile.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:05 am

Without further delay, right when he saw Peyton fly back from Andrew's blow, he punched him square in the face, electricity flowing into Andrew's face and a loud 'Crack!' coming from his nose, of which Brock and just broken. After Brock kneed Andrew in the stomach and the electricity was too much and he crumbled in pain, Brock ran to Peyton. Electricity was suddenly gone from Brock and he pulled Peyton into his lap slowly. "Peyton, you're so stupid..." his voice trailed off as tears lined his face. Brock could have taken that blow, he was made of the same stuff Andrew was. He shook his head as he closed his eyes and held her in his arms gently.

Kat took a staggered breath and closed her eyes, unable to look at Peyton. Her hands then started to glow and she started to work on Peyton. She would take a while, that she knew, however, she didn't know the extent of all of her injuries. "Cracked skull, broken ribs, four, rope burn to the degree of cuts on wrists, internal bleeding, sprained ankle, and back injuries," she listed as she checked out all of the things wrong. First off was the back injury, those were the most dangerous. After that she would work on the cracked skull, ribs, and then internal bleeding. She would get to the cuts and the sprains at the end, but she didn't know if she could fully heal all of her.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:15 am

Peyton just lay limp in Brock's arms, she looked awful dirt and bloody. There were bumps from where her broken ribs stuck out. Blood dripped from her head and mouth, her hair knotted from struggling with Andrew and the shock she had taken. Her breathing was ragged and jumbled, not smooth like a healthy person's would be. The dark circles under her eyes were now a deep purple, she would have a black eye. Her fingernails were cracked and broken showing that she had fought, struggled hard. Her thin body looked frail like stained glass might be before it's put in a box for shipping. Something beautiful, but frail, to the point where you almost didn't want to touch it. As Kat worked her breathing seemed to get better, but only a little. She'd be weak for a long while after this.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:23 am

Brock knelt his head down as he let the tears fall from his eyes. "How dare you..." his voice was quiet, yet strong, almost sounding like a growl. He held Peyton close to him, not daring to let her out of his sight in the house ever again. "You know, I thought you had some decency as a man, knowing that you should never harm a lady no matter what," his voice was raspy, you could tell he was pissed, "but you have no idea of decency. All you are is a rich, pompous little jerk that isn't used to not getting what he wants, so you'll go to any extent, even to the point of almost killing the one you so say 'love'. That isn't love," Brock paused, not caring if any of this sank in with Andrew or not. "You're just sickening," he spit out the last word with hate and distaste.

Kat continued to work, wincing as she did so. They were large wounds and she knew she wouldn't be able to completely heal Peyton. She shook his head in worry. If Kat wasn't able to step it, Peyton would have died. Kat didn't dare say that, because she knew if she did Brock would kill Andrew right then and there on the spot. While Brock didn't seem too powerful, he was much more than anyone could have guessed.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:32 am

All Andrew did in response was cough up some blood. When he finally did speak his voice was soft and dull, "Don't let her go," He said and sighed, he was giving Peyton to him, trying to be a good guy in the end, though it wasn't possible. "She's a gem," He said.
Peyton started to cough, some blood mixed into her saliva. Taking as deep of a breath as her body allowed she forced her eyes open. Her eye lids felt heavy like someone had attached 5 pound waits to them. "Brock.." She breathed in relief, and lifted her arm, pressing her hand to Brock's cheek. It hurt to have her arm up like that, but there was so much pain all over it didn't really matter. "Why are you crying?" Peyton asked, her voice soft like a lullaby. Gently she brushed Brock's tears from his cheeks and let her hand fall back to the ground. As Brock tried to find his words Peyton looked at Kat was working away at her mangled body and smiled, a weak smile of thanks.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:39 am

It took everything in Brock's power not to go over there and beat Andrew to hell just as much as he had to Peyton. When he felt Peyton's hand in his check he instantly cooled down. "Just worried for you," he whispered. He worked himself to stop crying as he took a few deep breaths. "How is she?"

Kat smiled back to Peyton, he smile just as weak as Peyton's. "She's doing better," she said in a very small voice. She didn't know how much energy she had left, all she knew is that she would work until she passed out. Peyton's back, head, and ribs were completely healed. She worked on the internal bleeding and wrists next, healing all of the internal bleeding, and heal most of her wrists until she got dizzy and had to steady herself with her hands. "Stop," Brock told Kat, his eyes full of worry. "Both of you need to rest," he told them both.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:48 am

Peyton saw what was happened to Kat because of her, healing her because Peyton was too weak to handle herself. She pulled from Kat, her wrists would heal on their own. Andrew was laying in a heap on the ground and she forced herself to her feet to get over to him, and before Brock could say a word she laid into Andrew, punching him over and over hard. After a few moments she stopped, she had beaten him enough to knock him out. "Take us out of here," Peyton said over her shoulder to Brock, not making eye contact.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:04 am

Brock nodded. He put Kat on his back, almost as if giving her a piggy back ride, and then picked Peyton up in his arms. He was lucky he was strong because, while the two were light as a feather on their own, together they were a little more trouble, especially when he didn't have a lot of mobility because they were both 'in the way' in a sense. He was glad to carry them everywhere, and it wasn't hard, he was just happy he was able to.

Kat had passed out the moment she got onto Brock's back, sleeping the days away. Energy, that was something she needed.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:08 am

A few days later when Peyton woke up from passing out from weakness she was in a bath tub. It was empty of course and she was stiff. When she finally came about she looked around, there were prim white towels and little soaps. They were in a hotel, where she didn't know but a hotel none the less. Slowly she stepped from the tub onto the linoleum, she had no shoes on which made her nervous. "Brock?" She asked but stopped when she saw both Kat and Brock sleeping in a bed. She knelt down beside Brock and kissed him on the cheek. She didn't want to be loud and wake up Kat, she needed the rest.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:21 am

Brock felt warmth on his cheek and then opened his eyes slowly. When he saw Peyton standing there he smiled. "Feeling better?" he asked in a whisper. He tried not too move too much so he didn't wake up Kat. He felt horrible about having to have Peyton sleep in the bath tub, but when he had tried out the bed it didn't work too well. As he was laying on the very small burn mark on the bed, he didn't want Peyton to see it, he knew it would only upset her.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:23 am

Peyton nodded and smiled, "Yeah I am," She said softly, and then looked at Kat, "How long have we been out?" She asked softly, and then looked around the room. It was a suit very large and fancy, they were only in part of it, on of the bedrooms. "And how did we afford this place?" She asked.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:27 am

"About three days," he said. He then looked around the hotel. "I know some people too," he said. They weren't exactly friends, but they owed Brock big time and this was only one of the many favors they would have to do for him in his lifetime. Brock was about to mention the Wanted posters he saw around town, but he then remembered Kat was sleeping and didn't want to bring anything up until she awoke.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:30 am

Peyton nodded and then went back to the door way of the bathroom and sat on the linoleum where she wouldn't burn something. Brock could see her from here, and she could see him so it wasn't so bad. Smiling slightly Peyton pulled her knees to her chest, then frowned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pull you into all of this," she said softly, looking at her feet.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:34 am

Brock rolled out of bed with ease and shook his head. "Don't be sorry, he said as he walked into the bathroom and sat next to Peyton. He hated how she always put herself in blame's way. It wasn't her fault the guy was psychotic and was ready to do anything, and I mean anything, to get Peyton back. As he noticed Peyton in a ball ball on the bathtub he felt like sighed. The one good tings about that man's house was that Peyton could touch everything and not worry. He bit the inside of his cheek in thought, knowing one day he would do the same for Peyton.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:36 am

Peyton looked at Brock and smiled, "I'm just glad you're okay," She said and rubbed her chest as if remembering what it felt like to get hit by lightning the way she did. Peyton was sure that Brock could have taken that blow a lot better than she did, but she didn't want to see it happen. When she got onto another train of thought she blushed and looked up at Brock, "I'm glad you popped into my life," She blurted out and then looked away from him quickly.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:45 am

Brock smiled and put his arm around her slowly and gently, pulling her into his hug. "I'm glad for the same thing," he whispered into her hear before he kissed her head gently. He really was so glad she was safe and out of harms way, at least for the time being. He was going to keep her safe no matter what it took; the both of them, Kat and Peyton, would always be safe with him. However, that Andrew incident made him pretty over bearing now; it would take a lot to convince him to let them out of his sight.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:48 am

Peyton smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Snuggling into him she sighed happily and shut her eyes. "You know, I really love being so close to you," She said softly, "Your energy is so much different than Andrew's, so much...magnetic," She said, her tone soft and loving.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:51 am

Brock had to swallow hard when he heard Andrew's name. Being compared to him hit Brock like a bullet. "I suppose," he said, a smile on his face. Faking emotions was something he was no only good at, he was great at it. Knowing that that monster was just like Brock, it killed him. Not really having thought of it before, Peyton was right. They had the same force flowing inside of them, the same exact thing that had hurt Peyton so bad. And even though Kat wouldn't admit it, Brock knew she almost died that day...
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 10 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:00 am

Peyton could feel the way he had reacted, "What is it?" She asked softly and then thought a moment. She looked up in worry and sighed, "You're nothing like him," Peyton almost spat. "You have to know that, you'd never do what he did on purpose, at least not to me, or to Kat," She said and put both her her hands on his shoulders, "You're a wonderful man, no matter what you've done, in the past. You've saved my life so many times, protected me when you barely knew me, you're my personal angel," Peyton told Brock.
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