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Over Mastered. (Closed)

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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:53 am

Aki sighed and then looked to his drink and then took a drink he set it down and looked over to Brock really confused. It made him feel weird and suddenly he passed out on the counter.

Yuri nodded, "Yes Kat I understand." She glanced up at the humans who were glaring at them. Why so mean? What was so different about us? They were scared.... Thats what Yuri finally figured out. Humans were scared of un-humans cause... At any moment there is going to be an un-human that could start using there powers....

Brock looked over to the bartender and smiled. "So quickly. Thank you," he said and got up, setting down the money for the drinks and a tip. He then rushed out the back way and into the target. He looked around for Kat and Yuri, but couldn't find them. He then turned to a human. "Um, Ma'am? Have you seen two un-humans without their master?" Then woman's eyes widened and she nodded frantically. "Yes yes! They are over into the medical supplies. They have been saying their master is very ill and they need medichine for her. Is that correct? Are you the sick master?" Hell... What had they gotten themselfs into. "No Ma'am. I am just the sick master's son. I was told to come over and help them out after I got home from work." The woman nodded in understanding and pointed to where she last saw then. Brock hurried over to were the woman said. "Kat? Yuri?" he asked.

Kat's ears perked up and she looked around, soon seeing Brock. She tapped Yuri and smiled. "It's Brock Yuri!" she smiled and hurried over to Brock in a happy way. She didn't like the way people stared when she was alone, she never had,and Brock would make it better.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:02 am

Yuri's smile was plastered on her face once she saw Brock she walked slowly behind Kat and smiled, "I'm sure that your alright... took you long enough though." She laughed a little but then became quiet once she noticed that some humans were looking at her. This made her more uncomfortable then anything in the world. She hated how the humans would stare at her like she was some monster from another world. Her ears lowered on her head and she looked down at her feet once and a while taking a few glances at Brock.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:16 am

Brock smiled to them, then remembered who, no, what they were. "Okay guys, did you get eveything? Remember, we need some swim suits for the kids," he saw that they had nothing. "Let's go get some since you don't have them yet," he nodded and waited for them to lead the way.

Kat smiled and almost hugged Brock, but then stopped and looked around. "Okay," she said and nodded in respect. She looked to were the swim suits were and walked slowly toward them, holding Yuri's hand.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:06 pm

Yuri held onto kat's hand and looked at the swimming suits. She wanted a bikini but always thought she was to fat to wear one she hated one pieces. She sighed when she saw a blue poka dot one. She saw that the bottoms were like spandex and didn't look like it would crawl up her butt. It was a bikini top which made her think about it
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:18 am

Brock looked over to the bikini that Yuri was looking at and smiled. "Good choice," he said and walked over to the suit. He then saw Kat looking at a multi colored one with white as a backround. He grabbed that one as well. He put them both in the basket, then started to the front of the sotre. He looked back to where Kat and Yuri still stodd and nodded. "Come on."

Kat looked at a cute swim suit, then saw Brock pick it up and blushed. It was really cute and she liked it a lot. She had never owned a swim suit before, but she had always hear of swimming. She blushed and looked to Brock. "B-but.." her voice trailed off as she watched the other people walking around and she just nodded to Brock and started toward him, Yuri's hand still in hers.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:31 am

Yuri still held onto Kat's hand and when she saw that Brock had grabbed the swimming suit she wanted she blushed. She couldn't wear that?! what if she looked bad in it? she started to panic a little inside her head and then looked at Kat and then when Brock smiled and said come on. She then started to walk slowly taking kat with her
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:47 am

Brock smiled at the both and looked at the clerk, handing him everything so he could check them out. He smiled when he realized it was a human and looekd at the man with respect. "Thank you for working here," he said with a grin and then looked to Yuri and Kat.

Kat looked to the man and smiled. She had never seen a human clerk before, other then this man. She had been here many times before for her master's and had made sure to check out at his line every time.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:30 am

This was really a shock to Yuri she stared at the man and smiled respectfully but was still in shock. She then bowed and followed Brock out of the building and then sighed softly out of boredom. She couldn't wait to get her swimming suit on.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:39 am

Brock smiled as they walked away from the bar, far away from the bar. Yuri's master would be out for a while yet, so they would have time to go swimming and get home without having to deal with him. "We'll go home and get changed, then go swimming," he told them.

Kat smiled and nodded, thinking back to the man in the store. "We should have invited the worker to go swimming," she told the both of them, thinking it was rude not to have.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:30 am

She looked at Kat a little confused, "Maybe...." she then looked back towards the store, "doesn't he need to work though?" She then glanced over towards Brock and sighed softly she looked down at her feet trying not to look at him. why was she blushing? why was she scared at that moment...
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Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:12 am

Brock shook his head. "He has hour, and could request time off, but I don't think he would want to go with strangers Kat," he smiled, then looked over to Yuri, who was blushing. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but decided not to until he was alone with her again.

Kat blushed and nodded. "Probabaly, but I thought it would have been nice and maybe made him feel better," she stated.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:18 am

She chuckled a little then said, "Alright! Can't wait to go swimming." She glanced over towards Brock again and smiled. He was really handsome plus very sweet. when they first met, he really would have careless. But now, maybe she would find out later exactly what happened....
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:37 am

Brock nodded and saw the apartment that he lived in and smiled as Kat walked ahead of them. He then looked over to Yuri and walked over to her. "What are you thinking about?" he asked her, wondering why she was blushing.

Kat giggled as she scurried up the stairs. She saw that Yuri was blushing and wanted Brock to talk to her about it, so she hurried ahead.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:29 am

She looked at Brock and blushed even more and stuttered, "Uh... I uh..." She looked towards her swimming suit and then to him again, "I'm just excited I guess...."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:30 am

"About?" he asked her. He really was still curious. He was so oblivious to people's feelings about anything, other than the obvious sadness and happiness.

Kat giggled as she watched them from the stairs.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:31 am

Yuri smiled a little trying to make her blush go away and said, "I just can't wait to go swimming it sounds like it will be so much fun!" She then sighed a little realizing that she had no idea who to swim and at some points she was kind of scared of water. But no way was she going to tell everyone. Yuri then said, "Well...... I hope that you will have a good time too." She was now blushing when her eyes locked with his.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:15 am

Brock knew he could make a move on ehr at any moment, one that humans would always do in everyday lives, but he rejected his feelings, his eyes still locked with her in an unfortunate case of being unable to look away. "I am sure I will," he told her in a gentle voice.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:33 am

She felt her stomach jumping around and her blush got even redder. Why wasn't he doing anything? He probably just doesn't like me that way. She sighed a little and smiled before turning away from him and heading towards the bathroom braking there intimate eye locking
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:52 am

Brock soon, without thinking, grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in closely. He kissed her deeply, then realized when he was doing. He soon figured out he didn't care what he was doing and continued to kiss her. He felt heat rush through his body and knew that even if they were in plain daylight, no one would be able to see then because they were in the back way.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:15 am

Yuri was really surprised but closed her eyes kissing back. She felt her heart pounding harder then ever in her chest. Her brain was swirling like it hand no idea what to think. Yuri had arms around him now still not believing if this was real. Was this just a simple dream? Suddenly she pulled away to look into his eyes and blushed even more deeply then ever.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:39 am

Brock looked surprised at himself and at Yuri. She had kissed him back? He soon spoke, "This is real," not knowing what Yuri was thinking, but knowing that he was questioning if he had actually just done that. Yes. He in fact did. And he was happy that he did too.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:47 pm

Yuri was surprised about the whole thing and without thinking she hugged him then kissed his cheek. pixie and shadow came around the corner and jumped onto Yuri's shoulder. she had pulled away by now and then looked to her feet. "i dont understand... im nkthing but a slave... my last slaveholder would do that to me... but not as sweetly as you did." she blushed saying that
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Over Mastered. (Closed) Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:31 am

Brock shook his head, sad that he was not her first kiss, only because of the way she had her first kisses. "The way your owner kissed you was not a real true kiss," he tried to explain. "I will never do that to you, in that spiteful way," he promised her, a vow almost. "I kissed you because I like, as a person, not because you are a slave," he said in the nicest way possible. No. She was no longer a slave, she was part or his home, a guest.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:49 am

Yuri still had her arm rapped around his neck and she blushed pulling away slittly and said, "uh, I have to uh... go get ready." The she hurried to the bathroom shutting the door and locking it with her swimming suit still outside with him. She blushed, unlocked the door, walked back over to him, taking the swimming suit the going back into the bathroom.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:27 am

Brock chuckled, handed her the swim suit, and walked over to his room to quickly change. He closed the door, threw on the swim trunks, and walked back out, his shirt still on. He would take it off once they got to the lake.

Kat was standing there smiling, knowing what had happened. She had already changed and had her normal clothes over her swimming suit.
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