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Over Mastered. (Closed)

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:38 am

Yumi was shaking as she stared at the two boys and little Kat who was in between them. She knew that human boys couldn't stop from fighting even a neko boy had to prove something, they had to prove something to each other in order to mark who was stronger or they would have fights like this all the time. She felt tears flowing down her cheeks.

Ruki glared at Kat, "Kat... please don't get involved." He balled his fists and glared towards Brock. His words had burned into his brain. All he wanted to do at that moment was punch Brock and hurt him. Suddenly when he noticed Kat's eyes full of sorrow. He clinched his teeth and left the scene heading to the bedroom and slamming it hard. The anger boiled in his stomach and all he wanted was to beat brock.

you've got the hang of it.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:42 am

Kat looked from the door where Ruki had disappeared through, to Brock who's face was full of regret. Suddenly, with the tears still stinging her face, Kat ran to the door where Ruki was. She slowly opened the door and slipped inside the bedroom, closing the door quickly behind her. "Ruki, please talk to me..." he pleaded in a whisper.

Brock looked to where Kat used to stand as he picked up the flower she had dropped when running to the bedroom. With the flower in hand, he turned to Yumi. Soon he was to notice the tears on her face. "Oh God, Yumi, I'm so sorry," he was soon right next to her as he wiped the tears from her face. "I am so sorry," he said once more as he pulled her in for a gentle hug. "I am sorry Yumi, I didn't mean to upset you," he whispered in her ear.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:31 am

Ruki sighed and took his hat off. "What is there to talk about Kat?" He threw his hat down on the floor in frustration. "It would probably be better if I left, I already cause a lot of tension with that fool out there! plus..." He paused before he said anything. He knew that if Brock found out who he was, he was probably going to be hunted down by him and the cops.

Yumi sobbed, "Brock..." She then buried her face into his chest without saying another word. She just wanted to be embraced by him. She had nothing to say to him. She sobbed for a moment not realizing that she was shaking from fear. She was such a chicken and a cry baby.
you've got the hang of it.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:43 am

Kat sighed as she walked over to the bed slowly , picked up his hat, and sat down. She studied the hat, which was sitting in her lap, as she spoke slowly. "And go where? Run forever?" she shook her head, "You know just as well as I that there would be regret for the rest of your life hidden somewhere in your heart. Then what would you do? Could you ever move on? Ever be happy? Now I am not saying go out there and tell Brock in this state, but you should at some point in time, even if you leave right after that." Kat lifted the hat up to her head and put it on slowly. She was so intrigued by the hat, she had never held one before or seen one so closely. She bit her lip as she felt the urge to rip it off her head, but she kept it on to tryout the experience.

Brock sighed heavily as he felt her shaking. He slowly started to sit as he brought her down with him. When they were both sitting he held her in his lap gently as he stroked her hair slowly and with care. "I'm so sorry," he whispered again. He knew this was his fault and he hated seeing Yumi this way; it killed him inside.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:59 pm

Ruki looked at kat and sighed, "I dont want to ever tell him. The problem would be that I could lose my life from him or the cops, either way I'm a dead man, but before I meant you guys I was perfectly fine!" He placed his face into his hands and sighed softly. He then whispered, "Why do you care so much Kat?" he then glanced towards her.

Yumi felt terrible for crying, she wanted to stop for Brock's sake because he was worrying about her, but it seemed that the tears wouldn't stop. Her heart raced faster each sob and then she had finally reached her point to where she couldn't cry anymore. She clasped onto Brock's shirt and closed her eyes as if she was a baby in a mothers arms.
you've got the hang of it.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:36 am

Kat sighed at his comment and closed her eyes. His next comment, however, really threw her off. "Why do I care?" she asked in a confused voice as she looked up to him with puzzlement. "Why wouldn't I care is the better question. You saved us, helped Yumi and me, and you are a part of this group now. I don't want you to hurt as much as I don't want Yumi and Brock to hurt. I really don't think Brock is going to call the cops on you and if he tried I would stop him. It was a simple mistake, something you obviously regret very much, and you don't deserve to die over that," she shook her head as she walked over to the window and looked out to the happy flowers that shone through the dark days.

Brock sighed. "Listen to me Yumi, please don't feel bad or scared. I was in the wrong and you have every right to be upset and I just want to help you feel better. You mean a lot to me and I never want to scare you or hurt you in anyway at all." It killed him to see her this way, and all he wanted to do was help--to make everything better and take away all her sadness.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon May 07, 2012 1:30 am

Ruki's mind was boggled. "Yet, there is still a hatred for humans... it would be so easy to do it again and I know that I feel bad for doing that to Brock, but there is still that feeling of joy that they were killed. I have such a distaste for humans that it means nothing to me to be friends with Brock." He then looked away from her as he stared towards the door. He was nothing but a killer.

Yumi looked at him through a bit of blur in her eyes from the tears that were still resting on her waterline. She then blinked and they slowly rolled down her cheeks. She liked Brock--liked him a lot for that matter. She finally closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Brock.
you've got the hang of it.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon May 07, 2012 9:49 am

Kat shook her head. "You have a common hate. I used to despise humans for all they put me and my family through, but it's no matter. I met Brock and he hated un-natuals, and that all changed because we both got to know one another. Not all humans are the way you think they are, just like Brock found that not all un-natuals are awful. Please, just give it a shot.." Kat was down to her last idea. The flower thing worked and got them to stop fighting, but it didn't make Ruki forgive himself...

Brock hugged Yumi tightly. "Don't cry Yumi, please. You're too beautiful to cry," his voice trailed off as he pet her head gently. He stroked her hair as he held her against his chest in a loving manner. He wouldn't let go until he had fixed the sadness he had created. "Please Yumi, I'm so sorry.."
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue May 08, 2012 10:57 am

Ruki sighed, "I don't want to talk to Brock and I don't plan on getting to know him anymore... I'm sorry Karin but this is who I am... I won't fight or argue with anyone but I'm still going to be me." He sighed and then rested his head against the pillow on the bed. He stared at the ceiling and closed his eyes, not wanting to speak anymore.

Yumi sniffed and then glanced towards Brock. She gave him a small weak smile and then rested her head against his chest, "Its not your fault Brock..." she whispered and then began to close her eyes from the weariness that it had caused her. She hiccuped and then took a deep breath before all the tears had finally stopped
you've got the hang of it.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed May 09, 2012 7:42 am

Kat walked over to the bed in worry. She looked at him with worry, but didn't say a word. She no longer knew what to say, she was out of ideas. She sighed as she sat down on the ground next to Ruki's bed. She was going to be there for him, she had to. Kat could tell Ruki was alone and hurt, and she wanted to give him as much help as she could. She let her back lean against the wall slowly as she closed her eyes in thought.

Brock rubbed Yumi's back gently as he forced a smile. Soon after he picked her up and walked over to a nearby wall. He let is back slide down against the wall as Yumi was still in his arms, then he lay Yumi on his lap. Her head rested gently on his thighs as he brushed her hair out of her face gently and slowly.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed May 09, 2012 9:52 am

Ruki opened one eye and glanced down towards Karin. He felt bad that she was sitting there against the wall. He felt a little warmness in his heart though at the thought of her still sitting near him and his stubbornness. Not many people could deal with the stubborn brat of Ruki. "If you want to sleep, you can take my bed." He said softly and sat up.

Yumi looked up towards Brock knowing that she was feeling something strange in her heart for him. He was so kind to her unlike any other human. She didn't understand the feeling in her chest and noticed that her heart was pounding faster and faster as she stared into his beautiful eyes.

you've got the hang of it.

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu May 10, 2012 10:34 am

Kat opened her drowsy eyes and stared at Ruki for a minute before she processed what he was saying. "Oh no no," she protested quickly. "You can have the bed, it's fine. I am okay here," she told him confidently. It wasn't like it was her first time sleeping on the floor or on cement. Actually, if she thought back, there was rarely ever a time when she didn't sleep on the floor. She almost laughed at the silliness of it all, but kept quiet and looked back to Ruki. "It's fine, I promise."

Brock could feel Yumi's heart rate pick up as he smiled down to her. Her eyes, he noticed, almost seemed to sparkle in thought. He was so glad to be with her, around her, even if it wasn't the same for Yumi. He loved being there with her, and even if all he could ever be to her was a friend then that was okay with him, as long as he got to be with her.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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