Roleplaying Without The Rules.
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Closed off from the world.

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Closed off from the world. Empty Closed off from the world.

Post  Kobe. Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:13 am

Stolen from my sister.

Guys; You left her about seven years ago. You ran away for whatever reason.
you never considered coming back until now. You know she was probably heartbroken,
when you left without saying anything, and as far as you know, she thinks that you moved
away. Now you guys are in highschool, and turns out you guys are attending the same
highschool. It may be a good thing, for her, but it isn't so much for you, because you changed
in those years that passed. You aren't that sweet, thoughtful, playful kid you once were. In those
few years that passed, you've become coldhearted, and isolated, refusing to let anyone so much
as attempt to heal the pain going on inside you.

Girls; He was your friend, your first love when you guys were younger. He made your life worth
living. Then one day, he just dissapeared. You thought he moved, and you also thought that you'd
never see him again, but on the first day of being in highschool, could it be that he's back? Could
it be, that he's the same? When you go to him, and try to catch up, you realize he's changed. He's
giving you the cold shoulder, he's turning his back on you, and you're determined to find out what's
wrong with him. You'll stop at nothing to find out.

1. Even Genders, because I have to pair.
2. Romance welcome, and encouraged.
3. Please be lit. Minimum is 3 sentences at the least.
4. All races welcome ;3 Not everyone has to be human.
5. I am God and you all are my Minions, what I say, goes.
6. Sooo, Join! Oh and please read everything.

Rowen Chapel.
I left so many years ago.
I ran away, I just had to.
I couldn't take the pain and abuse anymore.
It was too much to handle. I know that leaving her
alone, wasn't the best of things to do, but if I would
have stayed with my parents, getting beaten, and
abused day after day, I would have died sooner or
later. I heard my father died two months ago in a
car accident, and I heard my mother killed herself
because she couldn't take the pain of being alone.
Now I'm back, but I've changed, I'm not the same
sweet, playful, silly guy I once was. Now I'm cold,
isolated, and afraid to let anyone in. I'm sorry, I can't
even trust my one and only true friend.
Closed off from the world. 185167

Iris Cornell.
He left me.
I don't know why, but I'm sure he just moved.
Well, I'm starting highschool, and I don't think
I'll be too good at making friends, since I'm
almost certain that I'm socially awkward. I
don't know how to talk about what other people
like, and that makes it hard for me to make friends,
but he, He was my friend, no matter how different I was
because he was also different, he made my life so much
better, We were even in a band together,
and now, it's been about seven years, and I have to
find someone like him. But don't worry, I'm still as cheerful
as ever.

Closed off from the world. 159812
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1110
Join date : 2010-09-15
Age : 31
Location : The Land Before Time.

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Closed off from the world. Empty Re: Closed off from the world.

Post  Dragoono Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:26 am

ive havent the slightlest idea of how to do a girl really, but ill try,
i cant have pics it sucs, but im in a goverment program so thats my excuss

drake dragoono
i left, i didnt want to, but my power over air and lighting was becoming a problem, so i left without a word, im back, under control, my powers halfed and locked with a key around my neck, i missed her, im back living in a house my parents left me, a secret you should know, the powers that are locked up, well they just get stronger every year, i havent used them since i locked them up a year after i left.

Victoria stanley
he just lefti dont know if is cuase of my curse or my gift, but its not my fualt my mom was a werewolf, it my damn wizard dads, but either way i hope i can keep them both secret, my parents want me to train to become strong and powerful, but i just wanna be a normal girl,
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 1185
Join date : 2010-10-10
Age : 30
Location : a forest, missouri

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