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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:09 am

Kat kegoing on her rant when she eard the two talking about her. "I don't care about the rain. It's that rude Ruki that I am sick of! Gah! How could anyone be so inconsiderate and ungreatful? How I ish he could hear this right now. Maybe he would cange his pace then," she paused for a moment before continuing. "Alright, I know a little place over here, let's go," she kept talking in her language because she was so mad and didn't know which one she was speaking in at the moment. "But seriously, if Ruki does that on more darn time, I will just--" she cut herself off as she mummbled to herself silently.

Brock looked from Yumi to Kat then back to Yumi slightly wide-eyed. "Well alright," he said as he shrugged off whatever it was that Kat was ranting about. "Sorry about the rain Kat," he mentioned, thinking that was why she was so mad. "I will try to pay more attention next time," he toldher as he followed slowly behind her.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:39 am

She nodded at what Kat said about them having a place to stay and then motioned for Brock and Ruki to follow behind them. Pixi and Shadow were climbing on Brock trying to hid from the rain in his big jacket.

Ruki looked towards the ground and felt a surge of anger coming into his body. That no good Kat didn't know what she was talking about. She didn't even know if. He began to get angry and feeling extremely uncomfortable with his ears folded down and the rain that was beginning to pour. Once they were in, he was going to find himself a private room and take off his hat.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:16 am

A small shack soon came into view. Kat opened the door and walked inside, looking around as she did so. "I need to cool down. I am going to the back where there is a porch and I am going to stay out there for a bit. Plase don't come out to try and talk to me. I'll be back in in a bit," Kat hated getting upset, and usually she didn't, but Ruki was just so rude and she couldn't stand it. She walked out back and sat down on the cool pavement.

Brock nodded as he walked over to the wall and leaned on it, watching everyone break into groups. He felt sadness surge through him as he saw how divided they were. It just killed him to see how upset everyone was.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:34 am

Ruki glared towards Kat who walked towards the back porch and then he glanced over to Brock, "Hey I'm taking that room over there. Please don't disturb me." He then marched over towards the room and slammed the door. He sighed and pulled his hat off. His black ears perked up and then he yawned. "That damn Kat.." He growled quietly.

Yumi sighed and then looked towards Brock who had a sad look on his face. She then in front of him and placed her head against his chest. His heart was racing a little at the moment and then she wrapped her arms around his body, "It'll be okay."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:26 am

Kat let her anger stop as her body cooled, the gentle drops feeling good here and there, though she was thankful she wasn't in the actual storm. She thought about everythin and thought of how mean she was. She sighed, feelingterrible, and decided that she would say she was sorry. She walked into the shack again and waved off the worried looks from Yumi and Brock. "I am just going to tell him how sorry I am," she said before opening the door, walking into the room, and closing the door behind her. "Hey I just wanted to sa-" she stopped as soon as she saw them--his ears. She looked to the hat on the floor and then to his perky ears as she started to blush. She felt like she had walked in on something very bad. She suddenly spun around. "I--I am so sorry. I uh--I just--I.." she let her stuttering voice trail off as she let her eyes sneak a peak behind her before turning back around to the wall.

Brock sighed once Kat was gone. "I sure hope so. Kat saying sorry gives me hope though," he said as he let his arms wrap around Yumi gently and slowly. He held her against his chest protectively as he thought about the kiss they had shared and how they hadn't talked about it since then.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:08 am

Ruki was surprised and when she came in and saw his ears, he knew he was done for. He quickly snatched his hat up in his hands and pulled it over his head. He closed his eyes in frustration and then looked over towards her, "Please don't tell the others." he mumbled and then walked over towards the bed. His ears were yet again pressed against his head but it was better than letting her see them.

Yumi's ears twitched a little and her tail flicked a little behind her. She was extremely happy that he had wrapped his arms around her small body. She wanted to look up at him but then she remembered the kiss that they had shared. What did he think about kissing the one thing that had caused him so much pain?
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:44 am

Kat closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning around to face someone she didn't understand at all. "But why?" she asked as she opened her eyes to look at Ruki. She then saw the hat on his ears again and bit her lip. She put her hand to her ear and pressed them down, but let them up soon after because of the pain it caused her. "Why do that to yourself?" she asked as she walked over to his side. She sat down on the bed next to Ruki and took off the hat, watching his ears flip up. "Why hurt yourself like that when it's so much nicer to just be free?" she sked as she slid the hat away from Ruki.

Brock looked down toward Yumi as he put his hand on her cheek gently. He ddn't know why or how, but he knew he had feelings for Yumi and they weren't going away any time soon. Others would have thought he was just using her, but he trully felt deeply for her.
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Post  bree_bree15 Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:35 am

Ruki looked over towards her confused face and shook his head, "I am free. When I don't look some kind of..." He paused and then let out sigh, "Its just better off this way..." He glanced towards the floor and said, "Just please... don't tell the others. I rather keep this a secret." He hated being unhuman especially what has happened to him in the past. It was all terrible experiences being a slave and as long as he had his hat on, they wouldn't be able to find him.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:46 am

Kat didn't understand. "What about when we get to the free states? Will you let your true self out then?" she asked as she kept the hat away from him. She didn't get it. She and Yumi both had been through a lot as slaves, but Kat knew she would never hide her ears like that; her ears were part of her pride and her life.

Ooc: Yumi??
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:48 am

occ: oops

yumi stared up into brock's eyes and smiled as a small blush came to her cheeks. she sighed softly still feeling like she didn't deserve her since she was just some unhuman. she looked down towards her feet trying to hid her face with her hair

Ruki shook his head. "i wont travel into the free lands with you. that will be the place the humans will look for me at." he let out a sigh and closed his eyes, "I rather hide what I am, I'm more scared of myself when I see these eyes or have eyes on me from other people."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:23 pm

Brock put his hand on Yumi's chin and lifted slightly so he could see her face. "What's wrong?" he asked. He looked to her blush first and then to her eyes, looking for anything that would help determine her mood. She seemed flustered and upset about something, but he had no clue what.

Kat shook her head. "And you lost me again. My owner will always be after me, but once I am in the free states he can't do anything. I would never hide myself for what I was. I mean, how on earth would what you are scare you?" she let out the last part in an exassperated tone.
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Post  bree_bree15 Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:58 am

Yumi blushed even more, "Well... uh..." the words just seemed like they weren't coming out. She was so nervous around Brock and she needed to get over that. Yes he was human but she cared about him, more than she has cared for anyone.

Ruki sighed, "Its a really long story... I rather keep it to myself." He laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, "All I have to say is I need to hide, and no even if I'm in the free states on not free at all. Its because I've done something against the law which has brought me to a very difficult problem."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:14 am

Brock his lip. "If you don't want to tell me you don't have to, I get it," he assured her. Yes, he would still be curious, but he understood. The self confidence Yumi had must have been very low, or at least from what he imagined. People were always calling her names and putting her down and that didn't really ever boost a person's spirits..

Kat sighed and shook her head. "There you go shutting people out again. All we try to do is help you and we could find a way to protect you, but without knowing what is going on or even knowing that you are unhuman doesn't allow us to even try..." Kat let her voice trail off as she shook her head again and stood up. "Talk to me when you feel like opening up. I am always here," she promised as she closed her eyes for a small second and then opened them again and put the hat gently on the bed. She slowly walked out of the room and back to the porch.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:25 am

Yumi smiled softly feeling a bit relieve wash over her shoulders. She finally had calmed down a little for some reason she just couldn't talk without getting the feeling of being slapped. She then whispered, "Thank you Brock." Then she slowly rested her head down on his chest again.

Ruki watched her leave and then stared down towards the bed. He couldn't tell them that he was a unhuman. He knew the man that was with them, he used to be a unhuman slave at his home. He was the one that had killed his family... He placed his face in his hands. Brock probably wouldn't remember who Ruki was but it wasn't the only family of humans he had killed... he was nothing but a murder and he couldn't tell anyone that.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:05 am

Kat looked out into the rain and bit her lip. "Common Ruki..." she let her voice driftoff into the sweet pitter-patter of the rain as she thought deeply into what he had said. What on earth could have been so bad that he couldn't at least tell the group? Wha was with that? Sh sighed and shook her head as she closed her eyes.

Brock hugged Yumi to his chest as he listened to her gentle breating. The silence, at times, was nice to him. He could hear the gentle rain outside and the promise of wind on the walls of the shack, which always seemed very nice and peacful to him.

Ooc: Awwww snap! Didn't see that one coming. xD
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:22 am

Yumi wanted to hold her breath so that there wouldn't be any movement just the silence between them. The sound of breathing wasn't so bad though. In fact it was comforting to Yumi. She glanced up towards Brock. He seemed at peace and not on the edge like he usually was. She glanced towards his lips and then blushed remember the moment they had shared.

Ruki sighed and stood up. He knew for sure that he wouldn't be able to tell the group. Even if Kat would be frustrated with him, he couldn't bare to see the son of the family and he knew that right away he would be sent away to have him killed
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:49 am

Kat needed the thoughts to go away, she just had to. She walked into the rain and out of the comfort of the cover of the shack. The rain hurt at first, but then in shooted her mind and thoughts and made her, just for a small moment, forget what she was supposed to be thinking about.

Brock smiled as he looked down to Yumi. He leaned over slightly, just enough to where his lips met Yumi's for a blissful moment. He felt his heart race as he thought of being with Yumi and the second time they had shared this moment. He didn't know how Yumi would react, but he hoped that she would love it just as much as he did.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:18 am

Ruki, with frustration and anger, punched his bed knowing that it wouldn't help just getting angry about something like this. If Kat knew what he had done, what would she do. He wanted to tell someone but obviously not this group since the very man was in the group.

Yumi was surprised by the sudden movement but she felt her heart fluttering and her stomach jumping with joy. She wanted to stay in that moment with Brock. It was probably the best moment of her life where everything was set on pause and it was only her and him.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:26 am

Kat let her mind run and her thoughts soon came upon her parents. She let gentle tears run down her face as she took her hand in her other one with care. She held her hand in comfort as she thought back to the few happy memories she had with her parents and lingered there as the stinging rain continued to hit her.

Brock Let hslips linger on Yumi's as he tried to regain his thoughts. Afer the fuzz flew from his mind and he remembered wat was going on he let his lips part from Yumi as his head moved away from hers just enough so he could look into Yumi's eyes. He tried to read the expression she had to see if she felt the same as him or if it all was juat a one time thing.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:23 am

Yumi gave him a small smile and rested her head onto his chest. She couldn't believe they had kissed again. Her heart was racing and she hoped that he couldn't feel it against his chest. Her eyes closed, for that moment she was probably the happiest neko alive.

Ruki let out a heavy sigh come from his mouth and he walked out of the bedroom. He noticed Yumi and Brock cuddled together and he covered his mouth, "Gross." He said rudely, "Come on Yumi, a human?" He shook his head and walked towards the kitchen.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:34 am

Brock looked to Ruki in confusion. "Excuse me?" he asked. What was his deal? A human? Well wasn't Ruki a human as well. I mean, Brock thought it was just rude in general to say something like that, but why was he more upset with Yumi for being with a human than the other way around? This guy was something else...

Kat walked slowly over to a rock that was sitting in the middle of a small what-look-like-a-garden. She sat down on the rock and let her eyes linger on all the beautiful flowers. It made her happy to see the flowers, with all their bright color, still shiny through the dark night. Kat sometimes thought of herself as one of those flower--all she had to do was stay bright through the dark times and everything would be okay.
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Post  bree_bree15 Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:08 am

He shook his head and smirked before going into the kitchen, "You heard me Brock, I really don't like you and honestly why would a neko want to be kissing you anyways?" He knew he had said it the wrong way and felt slightly ill in the belly of worry. He was yelling from the kitchen as he found himself an apple from the fridge.

Yumi frowned and let her arms drop to her side. She felt bad for Ruki but right now she felt utterly horrible about what she had done. Brock was a human and she was a Neko this wasn't right for them to even be doing such things.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:42 am

Brock was pissed. "What did I ever do to you?!" he raised his voice in anger, but then closed his eyes and sighed. He shook his head slightly before saying, "You know what? Forget it Ruki. If you don't like what we are doing you don't have to travel with us. Get caught by the police for standing up for a Neko, I am sure they won't go easy on you." Annoyance filled the air as he turned to Yumi with a gentle smile, which was soon to leave when he saw the look on her face. "What's wrong?" he asked as he grabbed her hand and held it ever so gently.

Kat could hear the yelling from all the way in the garden. She bit her lip as she tried hard not to frown, but when more yelling was soon to find it's way to her ears the frown also seemed to find a way onto her face. Kat sighed in sadness and then looked to the flowers. She then grabbed one and pulled it ever so gently out of the ground, a small "Sorry flower" following it. She then started to walk toward the house, which was quite a way when she looked at it.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:36 am

Ruki started filling up with anger and he stormed from the kitchen, "I'm not standing up for that pathetic neko!" He began to get angrier, "Why would I get caught by the cops? they have no use of me are you stupid or something? If I leave what you are doing then maybe I would be better off because the cops wouldn't want anything to do with me."

Yumi looked to Brock and shook her head, then she looked over towards Ruki and moved far away from Brock as she noticed Ruki getting closer and closer, his face full of anger. "uh..." Where was Kat? She knew something bad was about to happen and she was scared.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 5 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:27 am

Brock stood up as he looked Ruki in the eyes. "They would want you because you aided in the hard of another human and helped two nekos get away from their owners. Don't you understand that? Are you crazy? You really think they will just let you off?" his voice rose as he watched Ruki get closer and closer. "And don't you EVER call her pathetic again or I will personally see you to a hospital bed you conceded prick!" he balled his fists up in anger--no one would ever talk about Yumi like that.

Kat heard the last few sentences ad saw two silhouettes getting closer to each other. She ran as fast as she could through the door and in between the two men. Tears were burning Kat's cheeks as she looked to the two in sadess--her body already soaked with water. "Please, stop this!" she pleaded as she looked to the simple flower in her hands. "Look at this, look at this lovely flower. Even in these dark times she stays bright and happy, standing out in a sea of darkness. You two need to do the same. This isn't good for the group. The secrets and lies, the fighting and screaming--it needs to stop," tears continued to line her face as she looked from Ruki to Brock and then the flower.
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