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Over Mastered. (Closed)

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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:52 am

Ruki glanced over towards Brock unsure if he could really trust him. Ruki didn't trust any human and he wasn't going to start. He then pushed it out of his mind and said, "Ruki." He watched Brock suspiciously and then glanced up ahead, still being very aware of the two.

Yumi stood up from the step when she saw Brock and Kat. She giggled and waved towards them and then saw another figure. She let her arm fall to the side and stared at him curiously. Then she looked towards Kat hoping that she would have information about this new traveler. She took a sniff and couldn't smell anything, but something seemed way to off.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:26 am

Kat saw Yuri up ahead and smiled. She then started to speak in tongues, her neko launguage being used so the new comer couldn't understand what she was saying. "Yuri, hello! This new guy, his name is Ruki, helped save me from the owners. I don't know if you smell it too, but I feel off about him and I think we should stick close to Brock even though this man did save me," once she was done she looked over to Brock and smiled. "Yuri is up ahead," she said in her 'normal' voice.

Brock felt a smile spread across his face as he heard the news of Yuri being at the house still. "Thank God," he said in a gentle voice as he smiled to Yuri and waved to her. He was so glad to see she was there and safe.
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Post  bree_bree15 Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:07 pm

Ruki scruntched his nose and looked at Kat. He knew the tongue because he was one of them. Though he smirked to himself knowing that he would be able to hear all conversations between the two and also will be able to keep a good secret going for him. He looked ahead to see this 'Yuri' girl to see her waving.

Yuri listened to what Kat said and then nodded as she ran up to them. She giggled and gave Kat a hug and then held onto Brock. Then she moved away and looked at Ruki wondering what he was, he just didn't smell human.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:20 am

Brock hugged Yuri happily and smiled. He then looked to Ruki as he saw the look on Kat and Yuri's face. He let is slip past him as he didn't want ruki to know what they were thinking. "So we need to pack up some stuff, take what we want, and then leave for a while. The owner's will try to get back at you two again if we don't book it out of here soon," he said as he walked toward the apartment.

Kat followed behind Brock but stayed far enough behind so she could keep an eye on Yuri and Ruki, not wanting anyone out of her site. "I don't have much," she said, noteing as to what she was taking.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:01 am

Yuri nodded and also said, "Me neither. All I have are the clothes on my back." She then saw Shadow and Ginger walking slowly to her and purring as they ran their bodies against Yuri and Kat's legs. She then looked towards Kat and glanced towards Ruki and said in their tongue, "I think maybe we should figure out who this guy is."

Ruki closed his eyes as he followed slowly behind the three of them. He listened to what Yuri said and smirked. He was going to love it everytime they talked in their tongue, cause he would be able to understand everything they say.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:29 am

Kat nodded. "Yeah, I think, while we are taveling, we shouldn't say much about ourselves. I'll tell Brock about it later so we can all remember to keep quiet. Meanwhile, let's try and research this guy a little bit, get at least something on who he is," Kat then looked to Brock and Ruki and smiled a sweet and innocent smile.

Brock looked to the two and nodded. "I know that, but we can get some of my money from here and buy you more clothes. We'll figure it all out, promise," he said, ignoring the fact that he didn't understand a word they were saying after the 'we have nothing' speech.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:39 pm

Ruki smiled to himself more than towards Kat knowing that he wasn't going to tell them anything and he would try very hard to get them all to talk. He was pretty good about that. He had his hands in his pockets as he watched Brock more causiously then the girls. He was a human and he couldn't be trusted.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:15 am

Kat loked to Ruki and Brock and smiled. "Well okay. I'll grab the bag I left on your couch and get another bag and put some food and stuff in it for the road. Meanwhile, you can get the money and everything," she said before she flashed both of them a small smile and skipped off to the couch.

Brock nodded. "Alright, I'll go get some of my stuff together," he said as he started for his room and where he kept his money. "Ruki, I don't know if you are coming along or not, but if you are you either need to get some stuff from my place or we need to stop off at your place. Pick one," he said before walking into the other room.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:11 am

Ruki placed his hand into his pockets and shook his head with his eyes closed, "That won't be necessarily." He then watched as Kat and Yumi searched for stuff to back

Yumi glanced over to Ruki who was being untterly confusing. She then shook her head and began to search again. This Ruki guy really made her curious about him and wonder if he was really worth trusting.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:38 pm

Kat looked up in wonder. She wanted to ask why, but it wasn't her place, or at least that was how her mind worked at the moment. It was two humans talking, or at least one human and what she thought to be another, and that wasn't her place to interupt.

Brock looked back from his room. "And why is that?" he asked in a gentle, but very puzzled tone.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:11 am

Ruki shrugged, "Its not to your consern really." He then yawned, "I'll wait outside if thats alright." And without waiting for a reply he walked out the front door. He sighed and sat down on the front steps. This was completely bothersome for him but he would mooch off these guys for a while till he decided that he wanted to go somewhere else.

Yumi sighed and looked over towards Kat and brock who were both staring towards the door that the mysteries Ruki had walked out on. Yumi finished packing and waited for the other two
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:42 am

Kat finished up with the food and sighed as she walked over to the couch and plopped down. "What is with him?!" she asked in a slightly annoyed tone. They were just trying to help and he kept being ruder and ruder as the day went on. What was with him? Seriously?

Brock shook his head and went into his room, grabbing any cloths he thought he would want, the could work for the girl for a little while, and any that he thought might work for Ruki, even though Ruki had told him not to get anything for him. He then packed everything into a bag quickly.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:07 am

Yumi looked towards Kat who was a little frustrated about the guy. She just shook her head and sighed, "Something must have happened to him or something." She then looked towards the door and said, "He seems pretty human..." Pixi and shadow then jumped onto Yumi's shoulders and began purring. Yumi noticed Brock was finished packing and quickly she stood up with her bag in her hand and waited at the door.

Ruki sighed and stared off somewhere, the first time in a while he got lost in his thoughts about what he wanted to do. Maybe thats all he would do is mooch and then scram. That's what he had done to other unhumans that followed a human. Humans were nothing but pigs yet these two girls were following this man. It made him quite curious about why.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:02 am

Kat shook her head as she grabbed her bag and stood up forcefully. "I don't care what happened. Brock's family was killed by unhumans and he isn't an inconsiderate jerk," she said, saying the 'inconsiderate jark' part slightly louder so that Ruki could hear her. "I am glad the guy helped and everything, it was very nice of him, but all we are trying to do is help him out and he is being rude and selfish. We don't deserve that and it is very upsetting," she said and walked to where Yumi was standing, waiting for Brock.

Brock walked out of the room with all the bags he packed. He didn't dare say anything because he didn't feel it was his right to, or his fight to pick. Kat obviously had very strong feelings about being polite, but Brock didn't have those same feelings. Did it piss him off that the guy was acting like that? Hell yeah, but not as much as Kat, so he felt that wasn't his place to say anything.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:37 am

Yumi sighed and said, "Maybe its different. You could be judging him pretty rudely Kat. We don't even know him yet." She placed a hand onto Kat's shoulder and smiled, "I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for his behavior. Everyone always has one." Pixi then jumped onto Kat's shoulder and cuddled up close to her neck noticing how she was all tensed up from frustration.

Ruki smirked to himself as he listened to the coversation inside. They were all just very clueless and they weren't ever going to see the none rude side if thats what she's looking for. Ruki decided though that he wouldn't cause problems with the human cause if he did, well the Ruki would probably try to kill him...
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:17 pm

Kat shook her head. "I'll leave him alone, but there is no reason to be that way to us. We have all been through a lot, so it's not like we don't know pain and what he is going through. I don't care what it is, he should be nicer," she purred to pixie in a gentle tone and smiled to her.

Brock nodded to Kat, showing he agree with her but still didn't dare to say anything. He then opened the door. "Alright, time to go. Ruki, you can either come or not, you don't have to, but we are leaving," he said before walking out the door as he stpped around Ruki.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:12 am

Yumi shrugged and then followed behind Brock. She glanced down towards Ruki and then still was close to Brock as if he was going to harm her. He didn't seem like a threat at all. If he even tried though Kat and herself could take care of him. He was nothing but a human but Yumi hated violence. Most likely Brock would be the one to fend of a person like Ruki.

Ruki stood up and smiled as he placed his hands into his pocket. He looked at Kat who was just coming out of the door of the house. He saw Pixi on her shoulders and chuckled to himself a little. He remembered how he had a fellow friend like that always at his side wherever he went. That was until his owners had killed his friend. He frowned and then looked towards Brock. How can these girls trust him at all?
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:43 am

Kat felt her other personality come out more, not another person, just another side of her that she didn't usually show. "Do you have a problem Ruki?" she asked in a very light tone so Yumi and Brock didn't hear. She saw the look he was giving Brock and it made her get a bad feeling in her stomach, and she always listened to what her gut said because it was always right.

Brock looked back to see Kat and Ruki talking. He decided not to do anything about it because, again, it wasn't his place to do so. He kept walking and knew that Kat would catch up with them. He was, though, a bit worried about the Ruki guy, so once they turned the corner he stopped and waited for the both of them.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:22 am

Ruki glanced back towards Kat and gave her a fake warm smile, "No not at all. Just enjoying this wonderful day." The sarcasm was really thick and obvious as it came from his mouth. He then rolled his eyes and followed behind Yumi and Brock. He pulled the hat down just in case it was coming off. His ears were folded and he cringed at the pain

Yumi stood next to Brock and let her eyes wonder around. She was kind of curious was to where they were going. She noticed that they were heading towards the forest. Maybe walking towards the village on the other side of the forest. But she wasn't for sure, all she was doing was following Brock and trusting in whatever he was planning on doing.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:31 am

Kat glared at Ruki as her anger started to boil, but she set her anger aside for Yumi and Brock. She walked up to the two and smiled. "So where is it we are going Brock?" she asked as she looked around the unfamiliar place.

Brock nodded as he continued to walk. "We have to go where unhumans are free. Until we get there we will always be on the run from cops or owners or whoever thinks they can take you two away," he sighed as he looked over to Ruki, not knowing if he should have been saying that in front of him. Suddenly he found that he didn't care. He was getting the girls out of being owned one way or another.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:46 am

Ruki heard what Brock said and still couldn't believe that any unhuman could trust a human. Who knows, maybe Brock was some lying human that was trying to get these girls hopes up, "So where do you plan on going Brock? Through the forest to the next town?"

Yumi glanced at Ruki not liking his whole sassy know-it-all attitude. She then looked towards Brock still wondering where they were going. She would like to know but didn't like the way that Ruki thought the group had to owe him something.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:51 pm

Kat scoffed at Ruki and felt her anger boil more, but kept it down and just walked past him. She couldn't stand the way he acted, what was his deal? All they had done was e nice to him. He really needed to check his attitude before Kat did it for him.

Brock sighed as he felt the tension in the group. "We need to go to Oregon. I hear everyone is free over there, living in peace with one another, you know?" he looked around and sighed. "But I have heard that it has spreadthroug some towns, so we just keep walking 'till one of them is free."
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:36 pm

Ruki shrugged his shoulders, "Well your the boss." He knew that this was probably going to be a stupid idea. He was filling these girls heads with false stories. He then glanced towards the sky noticed that the clouds were getting dark. He groaned and waited for Brock to say something about them. He hated the rain more than anything. It was probably a un-human thing though. All the unhumans that he talked to hated getting rained on but was okay with getting in a bath tub

Yumi listened to brock and nodded. She could feel the tension and knew that Kat really didn't like Ruki. She glanced to Brock and sighed a little. Maybe it was time to make those guys get along. She then glanced towards the sky also and said, "Its going to rain soon." She hissed a little through her teeth.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:20 am

Kat as soon filled with anger as she went off in the un-human language. "Gah! Shut up Ruki! Did anyone ask you? No! We didn't! If you don't like the way we do things then you can just leave! You act like you know everything and who we are and like we owe you something but we don't! You can leave whenever you would like if yu really hate it so much. Oh my gosh, no one has ever been so rude as you are. What is your deal?!" Kat continued on in her un-human languange, choosing that because, since Ruki was a human he couldn't hear what she was saying. She started walking further ahead she she mummbled more in her language.

Brock looked to Kat as she stated going off and sighed. "Yeah, it is going to rain. Do you guys not like the rain or something?" he was taking a wild guess that that was why Kat was going off, but he had no idea.
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Over Mastered. (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Over Mastered. (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:13 am

Yumi nodded, "It'll probably be better if we go and get some shelter. Most likely thats why Kat isn't being herself. I'm pretty used to the rain cause my owner would usually leave me outside when it did." She sighed and then heard what Kat had said. She lowered her ears and whispered, "Kat isn't happy either... she's really mad."

Ruki was surprised at what he heard but acted like he didn't hear it. He wasn't trying to act that way but he was a human of course he was going to treat him unwell. As for Kat and Yumi, he never would want to treat them like they were humans. They were his kind and they probably had to deal with a lot like he had. Just not as much. He hissed silently as he felt a raindrop hit his cheek.
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