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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:42 am

Brock nodded but before he could say anything Kat woke up. He looked over to where Kat was and decided they needed to get going soon. "Alright," he said, standing up and walking into the other room. "So, we need to leave in just a bit, however, I would like us to change a bit before we go. We need new clothes, hair dye, and probably some colored contacts," he told the two. When they looked at him weird he puled out a piece of paper from his pocket and when he opened it and showed it to Kat and Peyton the sign read: "Wanted Alive $50,000 reward for each". It had each of their pictures on it and they all looked exactly the same.

Kat looked at the sign with fear riddled inside of her. She pulled at her hair gently as she thought of losing her lovely blonde hair. She had been the same hair color all her life and she never had even thought of changing it, but if it was change your hair color or die, she was going to go with the hair coloring. "Okay," was her only response.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:48 am

Peyton frowned, she'd die her hair, if it would work. "Hair die doesn't work on me," She said and bit her lip, she'd tried it before. Her bright red hair got her made fun of when she was little and she hated it back then. The contacts and clothes would be helpful though. "It just fizzles away and burns, makes an awful smell," She explained and frowned more.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:53 am

OOC: Gonna pick up some Red Robin BRBRBRBRBRBRBRRRBBBB
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:56 am

Brock nodded. "Alright, I'm going to go get the stuff. There is a store just down the way. So if you guys would give me colors and clothes that you guys might want I'll go get them. I just think it might be too dangerous for all of us to go," he said as he looked to the door and thought about how hard it was simply getting there with all those posters floating around.

Kat nodded. "I guess light brown hair dye, green contacts, and can you get me another dress? You know my style. Just something flowy," she asked in a sweet voice. She was still a bit groggy, having just woke up. She never really was a "morning" person, she always liked to lazy around after waking up.

Ooc: lol Okay. xD
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sat Jun 09, 2012 7:56 am

Peyton sighed, glanced over her shoulder at a mirror and looked back to Brock, "I guess blue contacts, uhm, and just pick something," She said and then went back to the bathroom to sit. She didn't want to change her appearance. She wanted to be herself, inside and out for Brock. That may have sounded silly, but it was true.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:25 pm

Brock nodded as he walked out the door. When he was finally to the store he got the right hair dye for Kat, dirty blonde for himself, the right contacts for Peyton and Kat, and brown contacts for himself. He looked around the store and thought about what to get the girls. When he saw what he wanted for everyone he checked out with everything, paid in cash, and then walked back to the room. He had separate bags for everyone so they could all just go into the bathroom and change completely when they were ready. When Brock got back he set the bags on the bed and then went into the other bathroom and changed, coming back out looking completely different.

Kat then went into the bathroom next and changed everything out. It took her a little while with the dye, since she didn't really know how to work the stuff, but she was way too proud to ask for help. When she finally got it all done she walked out of the bathroom, plastering a fake smile on her face. She was really upset she had to change what she looked like, but the fact of the matter was, Kat looked beautiful. Her new dress fit her just right, her eyes still had the same optimistic sparkle, and her hair still flowed just as naturally.

Brock's clothes: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Cute-anime-boy-__-anime-guys-643-1

Kat's clothes: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Kjlhsdfjksd

Last edited by its_me_kimmy on Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:39 pm

When it was Peyton's turn, it took her a while. She had to spray her clothes to make sure they didn't burn off of her. Then she tied her hair up with a ribbon, something she never did. Then she slipped into her clothes, and finally last but not least put in her bl. When she stepped out she actually looked pretty different. Tying her hair up made a difference and her eyes were an intense ice blue, piercing and intimidating. Her outfit suited her wonderfully, accentuating her bust, her tiny waste and long legs. Actually Peyton was sort of a knock out.
Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Alexandrea

Last edited by i_be_peyton on Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:44 pm

Brock's jaw dropped when he saw the two beautiful women in front of him. "Alright, that's it. Give me the clothes back. I'm getting you both nun outfits," he said as he stuck his hand out, and smirk on his face as his sarcastic tone lingered in the air. The mood seemed to lift just a little as his joke panned through the whole room. Brock waited for at least a giggle from the two before he would have been satisfied with leaving the hotel.

Kat giggled gently as she turned to the full-wall mirror that was next to the bed. "We don't look that great, do we?" she asked. Kat had no connection to what looked good or not, on anyone. She always thought the ones she loved looked good, it was just a natural reaction to her, but she really didn't know if all three of them looked that way to all people. She stared at Peyton and herself in the mirror, looking both over for a little while as she smiled.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:48 pm

Peyton looked at Brock and then at herself in the mirror. She didn't like this, these people changing her this way. Kat looked wonderful though, which made her smile. Peyton had always admired other girls for being so attractive looking. Biting her lip, Peyton fidgeted with her tied back hair, she was just glad that hair dye didn't work on her. She actually liked her red hair, even if it made her stick out like a sore thumb.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:55 pm

Changed photos
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:56 pm

Brock felt dissatisfied with the lack of laughter, but he expected as much. "Alright, you girls ready to hit the road?" he would have asked them if they wanted to eat, but they couldn't risk being in this place any longer. Changing look would work up to an extent, but their faces were still the same and they hadn't changed too terribly much. They needed to get out of there and fast.

Kat's smile turned sour quickly. Leaving again already. She was so tired of always running. Even though it had only been a couple of weeks, it felt like an eternity to her. Kat looked over to Brock again, forcing a smile and nodded. "As ready as we can be," she said in a gentle tone. She knew everyone else was thinking it, just no one was ready to say it, but no one was really ready.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:02 pm

Peyton nodded in agreement with Kat and then looked at Brock to lead the way. When they finally went on their way Peyton kept silent. She didn't really have much to say in the first place, and was worried about everything. Worried about her self, about Kat, and Brock. It was a lot of pressure she was putting him under asking him to take care of her and his sister like this. If Peyton could handle this herself she would have, but she was rather frail.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:19 pm

Brock could feel the tension in the air as the walked out of the city. "Well aren't you two little balls of sunshine today," he said, once more in sarcasm, only this time he wasn't being funny. He knew that this all was a bad situation they were in, but he thought, especially with Kat, that they would be trying to make the best out of the situation. "I get this sucks," he started, "but we have each other and we're getting out of this awful place and sooner than later we can start our lives. I would expect you two, especially you Kat, to think on the bright side of things." How was it that Brock, of all people, was the one thinking the best?

Kat lowered her head in disappointment with herself. She knew she should have been thinking on the bright side, and she felt awful for letting Brock down like that, but she just didn't know how much more of this she could go through. That last healing really took a lot out of her, more mentally than physically. She knew she wasn't that powerful, and it killed her that she couldn't really do anything, so she knew one day she would just be sitting there, unable to help at all, healing or fighting.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Sun Jun 10, 2012 2:21 pm

going to bed, Night.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:42 am

Going to reply? xD
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:42 am

WEll shit, I thought I was the last I didn't even look LOL
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:49 am

lol xD Nice.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:53 am

Peyton had never really been an optimistic person, she was always very practical. Overly hard on herself most times but, practical. It made her frown when he said what he did. She was never one of those people to joke around in the first place, now he was expecting her to pretend to be happy? Peyton glanced over Brock and she decided to try and be tough. Peyton plastered on a pained smile, "Sorry," She said and forced a little spring into her step. She did her best to not think about all of the danger she had put these two in.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:12 am

Brock looked to the two and then shook his head as he turned back around. "I don't expect you guys to be sorry, I'm just surprised that you two are being so depressing," Brock continued to walk out of the city as he thought of Peyton and Kat. ""If we just give up then there is no point in running. If you two are just going to give up and let depression take over we might as well just turn ourselves in and forget about freedom," he paused, "if that's what you two feel like." He wasn't going to turn himself in, he was simply trying to make a point.

Kat shook her head when he mentioned that. "I'll never give up!" she said, the optimism heard in her voice. She meant that, she really did. She would never give up! She could see herself, someday, sitting on a porch with her husband, a kid or two running around playing; that was her future. If she had to fight every day to get to the future she would.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:18 am

Peyton looked at Brock and felt a little twinge of pain on her heart. Peyton frowned and she stopped moving, her hands were shaking a little angrily. She was so tired of people acting like they knew her, expecting her to be one way when most of the time she couldn't help it. "Y-you barely know me," Peyton breathed her breath shaky. Her hands were lighting up in tiny flames. A lot of anger from years was building up, and though she was trying to stop it, she couldn't help herself. People always tried to tell her how to be, how she should act, and of all the people Brock was telling her this?
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:42 am

Brock stopped and turned around. Great, what had he done this time? A pep talk was really going to throw Peyton over the edge? Was she really teetering that bad? "I know I haven't known you for that long, I'm just trying to be there for you two," he said in a confused tone. Kat had gotten it, she wasn't angry with him, was she? He looked to Kat and read her emotions, but all he saw was a fire burning in her eyes, one of optimism and passion, ready to take on the world again. Had he not been obvious enough in his pep talk? Was there something he said that was wrong?

Kat looked to Brock and then to Peyton. Kat walked over to Peyton and looked into her eyes, seeing what was wrong. "Peyton, he wasn't trying to be mean or force anything upon you," she paused and tried to think of what to say. "What he was doing what his way of motivating us," she looked to Brock with concerned eyes, not knowing if she was making anything better, or just worse. Looking back to Peyton he eyes pleaded with her to calm down and understand what Brock was doing. "I know that he would never try to be rude or mean to either of us."
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:51 am

Peyton smirked, it was not a comforting movement. Her eyes burned behind her contacts, her fiery hair lifted into the air lifted by the heat waves coming from her body. "I didn't ask for your help, I didn't ask for either of you!" She half shouted, her voice was shaky and loud. The real Peyton would never do this, she didn't know what had come over her. A lot of emotions were welling up and bubbling out of her all at once. Soon, her fists were engulfed in her own flame, licking up her arms in a scary way. "I should have left when I tried the first time," She spat, this whole time she was talking though she kept her eyes away from the gazes of both Kat and Brock. Stepping away her hands still a flame Peyton let her intense eyes flicker over Brock and Kat before she jerked herself around and headed in the opposite direction. "Don't follow me," She said over her shoulder, acid stinging the edges of her words.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:01 pm

Brock stood there, unable to move, unable to speak, the lump in his throat making it hard to breathe. He watched the woman he wanted to be with walk away, not knowing what he had done to push her to this point. He did something he always told Peyton to stop doing and bit his lip in anger at himself and sadness that he had hurt Peyton. He couldn't do anything but just stand there, lost in his mind.

Kat looked from Peyton to Brock and then back to Peyton. Well if Brock wasn't going after her Kat would! Kat hurried to catch up with Peyton, all along hollering after her. "Peyton, please, stop this," Kat pleaded with her. "Peyton, we need you, don't do this," finally catching up to Peyton, Kat's voice got smaller and smaller. When Peyton still didn't turn around she felt an ache in her heart but knew what she needed to do. "Peyton, stop this!" she yelled and then wrapped her arms around Peyton tightly, hugging her. She winced here and there, but the only thing she could feel was the overwhelming need to get Peyton to come back with her. Kat's skin boiled, yet never burned away. Her powers made it so she could never stay hurt, but under the constant heat her skin kept boiling and healing and boiling, never burning. "Please Peyton," tears lined her cheeks from the pain of her skin but she never let it show in any other way. "Don't do this."
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:50 pm

Peyton froze a moment, the fire on her hands dying down so that her hands only smoldered. Whipping around fast she shoved Kat back, hard. Peyton watched as she flew back and hit the ground with a loud smack. For a moment she smirked, and then that look turned into a pained one, her eyes dying to a bright and sparkling hue with a hint of sadness like they always were. Her hands went up to her temples in pain, and she screamed, a pathetic cry out. Falling to her knees she shook her head hard, as though she were trying to get something out. When she finally stopped she began to sob into her hands. She saw what she had done to Kat, and how Brock looked so hurt. Someone had brought forth all of these emotions, someone was in her head telling her what to do. They knew where they were, and they had prayed on her vulnerable and weak mind. She did something she couldn't control , but still she was beating herself up about it.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 11 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:01 pm

Brock head sobbing and felt a pain in his spine. He ran over to Kat and Peyton and saw Kat laying on the ground, emotionally broken, and Peyton sobbing, also emotionally broken. He looked around, someone had done this to them, he just knew it. "We need to go now," he said and quickly ran over to Kat and Peyton. First he put Kat on his back, then he picked Peyton up in his arms. "We'll talk later and rest then, for now, we need to go," he said as he spread his wings and took off as fast as he could, getting away from everything quickly.

Kat lay on Brock's back, wiping away the tears that still lingered in her eyes and on her cheeks. She winced in a rush of sudden pain, but then it was all gone and she could feel her body able to move again and her spine working properly. She sighed in relief and just hoped Peyton was feeling better.
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