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Past and Present (Closed)

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:01 am

Shinka smiled and nodded. "Yes, well, there is the castle, which I will go to if you three would like, but other than that it's never somewhere I'd like to be," she said, slightly testing to see if anyone cared only about her money, which was always something she was weary about. "There is also the town square down a new paces or the town gates where the forest leads out to," she continued. It was quite a small town with not much to do, but the outside world was much too vast to even think of exploring yet.

Kyto smiled. "You two would know better than us, so whatever you want to go see I'm sure we'll be fine with," he paused and then looked to Ruki, "Right?" Kyto felt like he would love to go see some famous places before they left, but he didn't know where the places were, the place he was in at that moment, or, well, anything else for that matter. He just found it best if someone else chose for him.

Brock looked over the girl--Kaiko. Damn, she was fine. He shook his head slightly--mind out of the gutter boy! He then smirked to himself as he thought of how much of an attitude she gave he and as he thought more into it he smiled even more. It was pretty hot, and not because she was playing "hard to get", he knew she had no attraction to him at all, but because it was spunky, cool, the opposite of everything he was. It was great. He silently laughed at himself as he finally caught on to what he was thinking, but honestly, who could have helped it?

Kianna nodded. "Yes, it is," she paused as she chose her words carefully, "but when you work for the government, you get paid quite a sum, especially with the whole 'You need to save the world' thing riding on your shoulders," she mentioned once more. When she thought back to her sentence she saw a tinge of rudeness in there and shook her head as she closed her eyes for a second. "Excuse my rude words, I didn't mean it that way. There is just a lot going on," she hated to act in such a way, it was awful of her, but with the fate of the world sitting with the two people in her house, she had to be very careful what she did.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:45 am

Yumi smiled and then clinged onto Shinka's arm, "Ooo we should go to the town gates or the town square, isn't there a big festival going on for the king?" She began to get excited, "I've never been dancing either, it would be so much fun to do something like that!" she suddenly stopped what she was saying and then looked towards the boys and became shy again, "Well only if you guys would like."

Ruki gave her a small smile and then looked to Shinka, "I'm really good with whatever. You guys would know better at where we should go. besides, the festival does sound kind of fun." He chuckled at Yumi who's eyes had lit up.

She let out a sigh and put her hands on her hips as she glanced over towards the Brock guy. She shook her head and said, "I hope you find yourself at home princess." She growled and then said, "If you need anything, you should ask the butler." She then noticed her sister taking the Aki guy into a different room. She rolled her eyes. She was helping some pretty retarded guys, why was Kianna wasting her time with them?

Aki smiled as he was gently placed on a table. He noticed Kianna's great looks and then shook his head. "Its alright Kianna, really don't mind. I could really use a drink though." He chuckled and then looked into the light that was shining down on them
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:38 am

Shinka looked to Yumi and smiled happily--it was so great to see someone so happy. "Of course, let's go to the festival. It sounds great!" she noted as she offered her arm to Yumi. When Yumi linked arms with her she smiled. "And we're off!" she said in a joyous tone, walking ahead of the two boys with Yumi by her side. "Yumi, you'll absolutely love dancing, and you'll be great at it too," she offered her support.

Kyto smiled as he looked to the two girls. They were such happy, free spirits. "If only girls were like that back in our world," he noted to Ruki as the followed behind the girls. "They are much more pretty when they smile," he loved the look of happiness, it fit everyone greatly; too bad that seemed to be a rarity where they lived.

Brock smiled. "Actually, I'd like to talk with you, maybe you could show me around?" he offered and then he looked around the house. "Or should I be asking a butler for your time?" he asked before turning back to her with a gentle smirk on his face. He knew she didn't enjoy his company, but what could he say?--he was addicted to it.

Kianna nodded. "Some water please?" she asked one of the men standing next her her. Soon he was gone, to be back with water shortly. When he had come back she smiled, nodded to him, and bid him a gentle "Thank you". "Here you are," she said as she handed him the water slowly. She moved over by Aki's side as she helped prop him up so he could drink some of his water. "I am sure we can fix your back in no time, so I am very sorry for the pain you're in right now," she said in a sincere voice.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:48 am

Yumi giggled, "I'm so excited Shinka! Your going to have to teach me though because I don't know how to dance!" She still laughed even if it was something she didn't know how to do. She loved being able to have new friends. Her life seemed to be taking a turn after she had met shinka and the two boys.

Ruki nodded and smiled as he looked over towards the girls. They did look more beautiful with there natural skin color instead of some orange dirt that was being put on their faces. Everything about them was so natural and amazing. He loved the smiles that appeared on their faces and couldn't help but feel happy.

Kaiko put her hands on her hips and shook her head. She wanted to get to the lab and didn't need some rat boy following her around. She was frustrated. He didn't need to know about what she was either. "What do you want to talk about? I'm sure the butler can show you around." She didn't have time for this.

Aki let out a small chuckle after getting a gulp of water, "I'm actually used to feeling pain its really not something I'm scared of anyways." He gave her a small smile, "I've done worse then this." He then drank some more water when she had offered it and then rested back.
you've got the hang of it.

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Age : 28

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:58 am

Shinka giggled. "Nothing to teach my dear, just simply move your feet with the music," she looked to Yumi with a bight smile. "I know you'll do just great," she promised. This was a girl with a lot of spirit, and Shinka knew when someone had a lot of spirit they would be a great dancer.

Kyto nodded in encouragement of the two girls. "Yes, you'll do great Yumi, I know it," he noted as she hollered up to them. He was actually pretty excited for the festival. He had, obviously, never been to something like this before and he knew it was going to be something he remembered forever.

Brock looked around for a butler and then shook his head. "Nahh, they can't give me the same smart-Alec remarks as you can. Only you're that good at the sarcastic arts," he promised her with a smile. "So where to first?" he asked, as if she had already said 'Yes'.

Kianna bit her lip as she put her elbow on his back. "Okay, so please don't scream if it hurts," she pleaded. She didn't want to tell him, but he had completely popped one of his vertebrae out of place from the rest, which wasn't very common, but was something they could fix--at least nowadays. As she put on her special glove, completely mechanical, she winced. Putting her hand right below her elbow as put her weight into her elbow. "1......" she started, "2......" her hand twisted into place, "3!" Suddenly Kianna pulled her hand back, pushing in with her elbow, and then slammed her hand into his back. Leading right after that there was a large "Crack!" as she grimaced in pain for him.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:51 am

Ruki smiled towards all of them and then looked towards Shinka. She was so kind and always sweet towards Yumi. He wondered how long they had known each other and if their friendship was like Ruki's and Kyto's. He smiled towards his friend, "Dude, I don't think we've ever done anything like this before. I'm pretty excited."

Yumi smiled back towards Kyto and then faced forward and smiled from what Shinka had said, "Thanks you guys." She shouted and then suddenly noticed the sun that was beginning to set. As they got closer to the town square the music was soon reaching her ears.

Kaiko let out a sigh and placed her hand on her forehead, "Must you really walk with me? There really isn't much to show you maybe the bathroom and where you will be sleeping but that's all you can see really." She rolled her eyes cause she knew that he would probably complain, "I'll show you where you will sleep and the bathroom but thats it. Then you better leave me alone."

Aki let out a yelp and then placed his face into the pillow that was on the bed and let the pain pulse at his back. Everytime he would breath he felt a sharp pain but not the bad, more like the good kind of pain. "Thanks." he managed to get out and then his face went back into the pillow.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:55 am

Shinka smiled, "Oh goody! Do you all hear that? She stopped walking when turn turned to look at everyone. Oh my, isn't it just the best thing you've ever heard?" she giggled and took Yumi's hand. "Common!" she shouted with spirit and joy as she ran toward the music, pulling Yumi along with her in an overly-excited manner.

Kyto chuckled. "Me too, though we need to be careful how we dance. We need to follow whatever one else is doing, no modern moves or it might mess up something," he warned. While he wanted to just kicked back and have fun, he knew they needed to be weary of the actions they had.

Brock smiled. "You're wish is my command," he paused and then smiled, "as long as we take the long way." Brock was the annoying type, he knew that much, but that didn't mean he had no heart. He liked the sassy attitude and wanted to bask in its glory for as long as possible before he was sent back to "Hell".

Kianna frowned when she heard the yelp and let the pain flow through her as well. "I'm so sorry," she let her voice trail away as she looked at his body; the poor thing. She hated putting people through that, and it was very rare that she had to, but with all of the people out there nowadays, she had to know it if she was going to be the head of any government cooperation.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:44 pm

Yumi giggled and started to pace her as they got closer and closer to the music. "I'm so excited!" She shouted and once she got there her mind was blown. she never really had gotten close to the festival she was always sitting in the back and watching all the beautiful and handsome men and women dancing with each other. She never knew that she would be dancing with friends.

He nodded in agreement, "This could be harder than we think. anyone we talk to could basically change the future." He then looked towards the girls, "Even if they are full of spirit and are very sweet, we seriously have to be careful with them." He whispered and then suddenly noticed the lights and noticed the girls standing in awe.

Kaiko sighed, "What is wrong with you?" She then began to walk out of the living room and down the long hallways. She didn't like Brock, she knew for sure that he was nothing but a heap of trouble. She turned her head slightly to see that he was following her. All she knew was that if she didn't speak to him that it would probably make him leave her alone.

Aki sighed softly and mumbled, "Its alright Kianna, don't worry about me." He gave her a weak smile then rested his head and let out a heavy sigh. "You really shouldn't worry so much." He said as a whisper and then glanced up towards her sad face. He didn't like when someone was in pain because of him.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:37 am

Shinka giggled and then turned to Yumi, Shinka still holding Yumi's hand. "Dance with me," she said in a thrilled tone before pulling her with her to the dance floor. Everyone was dancing in circles, as couples, friends, family--everyone in sight was dancing or tapping their feet and clapping to the beat. She took Yumi's arm and started skipping, spinning, dancing, twirling, and every other variation of moves that everyone knew.

Kyto stood there in wonder at the spectacle unfolding in front of him. It was amazing, the dancing, the laughter, the joy, the candle light; everything caught him off guard. "Look at this man, it's awesome," he noted as he looked from the girls to the rest of the people around him.

Brock smiled as he looked to her. He knew she hated him, it was plain to see, but why not try? It wasn't like he was going to be stuck in the future forever, so what was the harm in it? "So have you ever time traveled? Ever seen someone from the past like me?" he asked as he looked around the house in wonder of all the thing they hard. He could only imagine ever being THAT rich...

Kainna shook her head and slightly laughed at his comment. "It's not like I just started caring and worrying so much when you got here, I've been doing this my whole life silly," she then looked to him with a forced smile as she rubbed her hand up and down his back, looking for any bumps or knots in his back. "Sorry about this by the way, but I need to make sure the back is alright now," she warned, knowing it probably felt weird for a stranger to be rubbing their hand all over your back.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon May 07, 2012 1:36 am

Yumi had never felt so happy. She looked to her new friend, Shinka, as they danced along with everyone else. She giggled and was swung around. Yumi had never known how to dance and yet she was doing at that very moment. Her heart was full of joy as she danced. When the music came to an end she clapped her hands and gave Shinka a hug, "Oh that was so fun!"

Ruki smiled to his pal and then stared at everyone and how amazing it looked. It was nothing like the city where people were cruel to each other and always saying words that would hurt others. These people were friendly and kind to each other. They didn't lower each other as they danced along with music.

Kaiko sighed and shook her head, "No, your one of the first time travelers I have ever met before and probably the most annoying ones at that." He reminded her of someone else she knew here in the future though, she just couldn't put her finger on it as she walked through the hallways.

Aki let out a chuckle and said, "Well you sure are a nice person. Probably someone that could make a man pretty happy." He then let her fingers slide up and down his back, "And it really doesn't bother me."
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon May 07, 2012 9:58 am

Shinka smiled as she hugged Yumi back. "Let us take a break for a while before we dance some more. Would you like something to eat everyone?" she asked as she looked from Yumi to the two boys. She thought about the sea food house they had. It was just recently built and only the finest food was sent there. She knew everyone would just love it!

Kyto looked to the girls as they danced. "God, they look gorgeous," he noted. He watched them until they were finished and then smiled when he heard something about food. "Where were you thinking?" he asked, pretty much up for anything at the moment.

Brock felt a pinch in his stomach, only a little one, but it was still there. Was he really that awful? "Aw, common, I can't be that bad," he noted to her. He knew he was a pretty big ass, but it was all fun and games, right? He looked around the mansion-like house as he thought of what they did for a living. Maybe his joking just seemed rude to rich people like them...

Kianna almost laughed when she heard him say that. "We'll you would be the first to say that," she told him as she continued to massage the knots out of his back. "Also, I'm glad you don't mind it, it is something that I really do think should be done, you know?" she knew she was probably rambling, but she didn't really know what to say to such an important man. I mean, these two travelers pretty much ran the future.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed May 09, 2012 9:36 am

Ruki smiled and nodded to Kyto. Both girls seemed to glow with joy and excitement. Not many of the girls in the city would act like this. All they cared about was there looks and what clothes they needed to wear in order to impress someone. These girls were all natural. "Go ahead and pick where we eat ladies."

Yumi jumped excited, "mmm yes I can't wait!" She then looked towards the boys who also had answered yes to dinner. Than more dancing for the rest of the night, this could only get way better. This night was probably one of the best nights of Yumi's life

She shook her head and stopped at a door, "Frankly I don't like you." She said matter-of-factly, "The way you talk and think your all high mighty, its not for me." She then opened the door, "This is the bathroom. Guest bathroom so you can only go to this one." She noted. Kaiko may not have been fully human, but she still could feel feelings and she knew that she hated men with big attitudes. She had one herself.

Aki chuckled and closed his eyes, "Well I've very greatful to you." He sighed letting her hands run all over his body. "Just had to say, your probably have the most magical fingers ever." The way they smoothly ran across his back as they got the knots out only made it feel good.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu May 10, 2012 10:46 am

Shinka smiled. "Wonderous! I hope you all like seafood!" she said excitedly. She suddenly did a little skip, then started for the food place. She was so excited to take people out and treat them to something. It felt so good hanging out with people that actually cared about her and not just her money. She walked around the town with the dorkiest grin on her face as she spotted the sea food place. "There it is!" she said as she pointed to it gently.

Kyto smiled when he saw the restaurant. He loved sea food, and he knew this was a time before all the chemicals were in the fish and lobster and shrimp, so he was really excited for how this was all going to taste. He knew, after he had clean sea food, the old stuff back in 'his world' would never taste near as good.

Brock winced slightly, but didn't let it show. He honestly didn't think he was that bad, was he? The hall was silent for a moment until he finally nodded his head, staring at the bathroom door instead of Kaiko. "Well I'm sorry for seeming to be such an ass," he said in a very gentle voice. The hall was silent again as he stared intently at the door. When he finally remembered how awkward he must have been seeming, he cleared his throat and shook his head. "So, anyway, what else is there to see?" he asked, throwing away the previous subject in fear of more hurt.

Kianna giggled gently. "It's all in a day's work. I'm glad you are finding it relaxing though," she said with a smirk. She found herself continuing to massage him, even though all the knots were gone. When she finally figured out what she had been doing, she abruptly stopped. "Alrighty, all done," she said in a rushed tone. She looked around for a butler and found her head butler standing to the side of her. He gave her an "I-know-what-that-was-all-about" smile and then let it slowly fade away.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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