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Past and Present (Closed)

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:31 pm

Yumi noticed the strange men and was extremely confused at there attire. It was a lot better than hers for sure but it was stuff that she hadn't seen before. She suddenly felt self-conscious and looked foreward as she blushed. Shinka get moving them along towards her house and Yumi could hear one of the boys asking a bunch of questions.

Ruki was shocked at the sudden motion when the girl had grabbed his arm. He looked at Kyto and shrugged his shoulders thinking maybe they could help them. Ruki had no idea where he was and it worried him that maybe they had done something terribly wrong.

Aki was laying on the ground unconscious. It felt like his head was drumming when he began to slowly open his eyes. There was a flashing light in the sky from where it seemed he came from. He then closed his eyes and placed his arm over his head.

Kaiko glanced at the disappearing flashing light and then began to walk faster not answering her sisters questions. She then looked over towards the bodies that rested on the ground. She stared at them and then glanced towards her sister, "Look over there..." She pointed in the direction and then glanced back towards them.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:40 am

Shinka pulled them aroundte side of her house and towar the very secluded garden that was in her backyard. When they were in the backyard she let go of Yumi's arm and grabbed the other man's arm as she looked them in in the eyes as she studied teir expressions. "Where did you stranger's come from?" she asked in a gentle voice. Being a patron's dagher of this small town she felt the need to keep the people safe; the king certainly wasn't going to.

Kyto looked to the girl with slightly wide eyes. His expression then turned to puzzlement as he looked over the girls. "Uh, we are from Japan," he looked to Ruki for some answers, but soon after watching Ruki's expression he guessed he wasn't going to get anything from him. He then looked ak to the girls.

Brock opened hs eyes slowly as he felt strong pain surging through him. He then grabbed his head in pain, "Gah!" He put both hands to his head as he winced in pain. What the hell was this?

Kianna looked to the tw ment on theground as she walked slowly toward them. When she saw the one wincing in pain she paniced. "Oh my gosh. We need to help. Uhmm, we shoudl call someone," she hurried over to the two and put her hand on their heads. "Are you two okay? What is wrong? Please say something," she pleaded with them.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:08 am

Yumi stared at them in confusion and then she hid behind Shinka. Yumi hadn't heard of a place called of Japan probably because she has never been out of the town she lived in now. She then tapped Shinka's shoulder and whispered, "I think... these guys are from some weird universe. Maybe Aliens!!" She still hid behind Shinka even if she didn't know her that well, she was still kind to Yumi.

Ruki cleared his throat, "Let me put it this way ladies, do you know what year it is?" He felt a sweat beam slowly sliding down the side of his face as he realized the fear of them being in a different time. He didn't even know where the the machine thing that brought them here went.

Aki moaned and then slowly began to open his eyes, "Can I get a glass of water? Feels like I got way hungover!" He slowly sat up and glanced to Brock, "nice Brock, you finally joined the party." He smiled and then winced in pain as he brought his hand up to his face. "Damn it my head hurts!" His head was pounding as he tried to focus on the girl in front of him.

Kaiko stared at the men in confusion. Kianna was being helpful but something was out of place. She glanced towards the sky where the flashing light had been then she looked towards the men and their clothes. Their clothes were out of date. She studied them and said, "Kianna... you should probably think before you help these two." She still studied them trying to figure out what they were. Aliens maybe? She circled far from them and began to pace.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:24 am

Shinka shook her head. "Do not be silly Yumi, there is no such thing," she thought for a moment. "Maybe God has sent them to us," she noted. "This is the year 1643. Who has sent you here? And what other year would this be on the account that it stays a year for so long?" she looked over the men with wondering eyes. Was ths what angels looked like? Well, they were very good looking, so there was every possibility that was it. "Hmmm, angels," she thought aloud in a very gentle voice.

Kyto looked at them with wonder. "Angels?" he asked as he looked himself over. Was that really what they looked like? Suddenly he went back to the year. "16- what?? ou've got to be kidding me!" he looked around himself, at the surrounding area as he felt panic surge through him.

Brock looked to the women and then pushed the girls hand away gently. He was, after the moment of sheer pain, alright. He lay there and looked up to the sky in confussion. "Why shouldn't she help us? We aren't diseased or anything.." he scoffed as he looked over to the girl who said that.

Kianna sighed. "I don't care sis, they are in need of help," she said before turning to the guy who as in pain at the moment. "It's okay," she said as she put her hand on his forehead gently and put her other hand on the small of his back. She applied some pressure where her hand that was at the small of his back was. "Does this hurt?" she asked as she looked into the man's eyes, looking for any type of pain.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:14 am

Yumi watched as both of them began to panic. She then tapped Shinka's shoulder, "I don't think they're aliens or angels." Both of them were having a metal breakdown and Yumi sighed, "You guys need to calm down in order for us to help you guys."

Ruki felt his whole body go numb. 1643?!?! It wouldn't leave his mind the year that it was. They had traveled back in time. Ruki began to wobble as he fell to the ground. "1643.." He whispered. He then looked towards the girls. Maybe this was all just a dream, he glanced over towards Kyto, "Hey dude I need you to hit me, maybe I'm dreaming."

Kaiko glared down towards the guy on the ground. Already she didn't like him, "Whatever Kianna..." She slowly made her way to the guy that was laying on the ground staring at the sky, "You know your lucky my sister is so nice. I would have left you for dead." She gave him a evil grin as her sarcastim was hidden. She felt an elbow coming from her sister and then began to help figure out what was in pain.

Aki stared back at the girl and shook his head, "All that really hurts is my butt and head." He winced when she had touched another part of his back. "Also that part of my back kind of hurts too."
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:32 am

Shinka nodded. "Maybe so..." she let her voice trail of and when the man fell to the ground she gasped. "Oh my, are you okay?" she asked as she walked over to him and offered her hand to hlp him up. "And please don't hit him, he just fell and did nothing wrong to you. You both are quite strange, wanting to get hit and whatnot," she said as she looked to the man on the ground.

Kyto looked to the two girls and then shook his head. "You aren't deaming man, I know it. Everything is too real to be a dream," he then looked over the clothing once more. "You think Jakie is playing a prank on us or something?" he asked in a gentle voice.

Brock laughed. "Well then please tell your sister I said thanks," he said before the girl started to poke and prod him. "Wha's got you in such a bad mood little lady?" he asked as he fashedher a smile. He knew he was no longer home, so why not fuck around alittle?

Kianna frowned. "That's not good. That could mean ingury to your spine and maybe more damage then we think. I will need to have a look at you back at my house, plus I couldn't just leave you two here. I willget you both some food and get you back on you feet. Maybe you can explain to us why you are wearing such odd clothes then," she said as she stood up slowly. "Grab my hand," she said as she crouched a little, enough to where she could keep her hand on the man's back still to help him up.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:56 pm

Yumi stared at them a little confused, "Well obviously you guys need some help." She then looked to Shinka and smiled, "Maybe these guys are just different and they need some help fitting in." She knew exactly what they were feeling in a way. She then smiled down towards them, "Maybe they're from another kingdom."

Ruki looked up towards Shinka his face pale with confussion. He grabbed her hand and stood up staring at this strange girl then finally answer Kyto's question, "No, Jakie didn't pull one of his pranks. If he did then it wouldn't have looked like this!" He then opened his arms big for Kyto to realize that the air and everything was different.

Kaiko grunted and poked his forehead, "That is none of your concern." She glared at him and then looked towards her sister, "I think this ones fine. He can make it on his own." She then stood up and stared down towards him.

Aki grabbed the girls hand and slowly made it to his feet, "Thank you by the way. You'll get the answers you want."
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:35 am

Shinka looked to the men in a strange way. "But I have been to the surrounding kingdoms, this is not how they dress. I have never seen anything like this in all my days, even all the weird traded things we get," she said as she shook her head. "Where are you two from, if I may ask. You said Japan, but in what country is that?" she said as she studied their clothes and expressions.

Brock started to laugh as he looked to the sky. "Well that's just great," he said, ignoring the girl, not by purpose of course. He then walked over to the gentle bush that held many roses in it. He let his hand travel across the rose petals as he bit his lip in frustration.

Brock started to smile. "Yes, please ma'am, leave me here to rot away from my dear friend. I am sure I will somehow make it, and even if I don't, that's okay too," he let the sarcasm lay thick as he looked at the girl who wanted to leave him behind, a smirk on his face the whole time.

Kaianna. "We can't leave him behind, that wouldn't be right. Then we wouldn't be any better than the Bots," she looked to the man she was helping up.She kept her hand on the small of his back the whole way to the car, supporting him as they walked. "You will have to excuse us and our suspiscions, we are in some pretty hard times right now," she told them, not knowing if they knew or not.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:03 am

Yumi stared towards the guy at the rose bush. She sighed and then looked towards the other man that was completely oblivious to everything that was happening to them. She let a small sigh and whispered, "I don't think asking where they live will help Shinka.."

Ruki completely blocked out all sounds as he stared off somewhere. He couldn't believe this. How was he and Kyto going to get home. Did they have to search for the time machine? Would they be stuck here forever? Ruki then looked towards the girls, "Do you think you could find us some clothes?" He had to think of something and right now they obviously looked like some aliens.

Kaiko folded her arms and rolled her eyes, "Fine." She then looked towards Brock and stuck her tongue out at him. Very childish and she knew that but her sister would probably scowl her if she said anything else. She then kneed down and helped Brock up to his feet with his arm around her shoulder, "You know, he probably is a bot. I don't like him as he doesn't like me." Kaiko mumbled under her breath.

Aki listened and then a question soon popped into his head, "What are the bots? Wait what year is this?" He asked extremely confused by the whole, 'hard time' thing. He then glanced around at the buildings, some seemed broken down and others looked all new. There was also another section that seemed like something or someone had been at war.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:55 am

Shinka sighed and nodded as they both ignored her. "Not very polite, but that is okay. Yes, I have plenty of money so we can go get you clothes now if you would like," she offered as she pulled out her pouch of coins.

Brock nodded. "Yes, that's very kind of you. Thanks," he said before turning around to look at Ruki. "Hey, snap out of it man, the lady is talking," he said, pushing him slightly to get him out of his daze.

Brock nodded at the question. "Yeah, what ARE bots?" he repeated. "And I'm not abot, whatever that is," he noted as he looked over to the girl. "But I can be if that's what you want," he sad, smirking at the girl. There was something about this girl that just made it very fun to mess with her. Maybe it was how she got so upset with him; he guessed that was it.

Kianna sighed. "We are at war right now with the Bots. The Bots are just what they sound like, robots, only these things have minds of their own and are pretty similar looking to humans, though there are differences you can see if you look close enough," she paused and looked to the buildings. "Buildings get destroyed daily when you are at war..." she let her sentence drift away as she looked to the sky in longing of a peacful time. She wished there was something she coud do about everything, but there wasn't...
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:27 am

Ruki shrugged his shoulder away from Kyto and then looked towards the girl, "Would could use those clothes. Thank you." He gave her a warm stunning smile. He hadn't realized how pretty both the girls were until he actually looked at them.

Yumi sighed and then looked over towards the other boy who seemed to be the guys friend. "Do you guys need anything else? I can try and help out but I don't have much." In fact she didn't have anything but she was a least going to be useful.

She just smiled back towards Brock, "You know I hope you are too so then my sister and I can be the living shit out of you." She then looked towards her sister and smiled, "I really hope he becomes a bot. Then those dumb asses can take his brain out and I don't have to deal with him."

Aki stared at her saddened face and said, "Hey sooner or later someone is going to step up to those things and everything will be all better." He knew he had to be in the future. Maybe he could do something to help out here so the girls could live a peaceful life.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:56 am

Shinka looked to the men. "It really is no problem, I promise you that," she said and flashed them a smile. They were both very nice looking men and she had no problem helping them, it was the polite thing to do of course and she couldn't turn away when someone was in need.

Brock shook his head. "No thank you miss, we just nee some clothes so we can fit in a bit more. But thank you so much," he offered his kindness as the only thing he had. He didn't know why they were being so nice or what he had to give in return, so kindness was the only thing he could give up at the moment.

Brock started to chuckle. "This one is feisty, isn't she?" he asked with a chuckle. It was fun to mess around with the girl, she seemed to be able to play along pretty well too. He then stared to wonder how much it would take to make her blow her top. He smirked.

Kianna shook her head. "That's what my sister and I are trying to do, but it isn't working too well. A group of peope would need to stand up, but everyone is too afraid. We just..." she let her voice trail off as she bit her lip. Suddenly the flash of her parents' death ran through her mind. "We don't have much faith left," she reminded herself, and the man with her.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:31 am

Aki stared at Kianna and sighed, "Maybe Brock and I could help." This was one side of him that no one really saw and I guess he could show a little kindness to those that really needed it. They looked like they were in distress, "Don't give up faith."

Kaiko rolled her eyes and then smiled towards him, "Well of course I'm feisty. I was born like this." She pretty much was telling the truth. She was born feisty and full of energy. Probably her powers did that too her when she was born but no one knew.

Yumi smiled and said, "Well if you need any help getting around or something I, or we can help you? Right?" She giggled at her new found friend Shinka and giggled as they started to walk towards market to get some clothes.

Ruki smiled and nodded, "Really though thank you so much." He followed behind the girls and then looked over towards Kyto, "Hey bro, how do you think we'll get home?" He whispered. He was pretty worried about it because things could be a lot different in the future if they were in the past. Just the minor things could change it.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:27 pm

Shinka was oblivious to what the men were talking about as she nodded to Yumi. "Of course. We will try our best to help out. If you need a place to stay you can stay with us," she hinted at the 'us' part so Yumi understood that she could stay at Shinka's house as long as she wanted. Shinka looked around at the merket place for clothes, each looking too small.

Kyto sighed. "I know man, I know. I have no idea what to do or how we are going to get back. All I know if we need to get some rest after this long day and then we will go searching for the thin tomorrow," he looked to the sky, seeing that it was already getting darker.

Brock chuckled. "Good, I like 'em that way," he said, not really paying any attention to anyone but the girl he was talking to. She really seemed to catch his attention, which many girls didn't do unless it was one of their "bodily charms".

Kianna tried her best at a smile and nodded. "We all try, but after so long in this mess it's hard to keep up hope," she told him in a gentle voice, trying to keep the opptimistic sound in her tone of voice. She then found the car and opened the door, helping the man in as she kept his back straight. "You both are going to have to squeeze into the front seat, sorry. He needs the whol seat so his back doesn't get messed up."
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:03 pm

yumi smiled and then nodded, "thank you so much shinka." she gave her a huge then continued to look around for clothes that the boys might fit into. she glancced back towards the boys and realized they didnt even know their names, "Hey whats your guys names?" She waited and then answered, "Yumi."

He nodded, "Yeah I guess thats the only thing we can do for now." He then heard the girl and smiled softly, "My names Ruki." He then glanced over towards Kyto who said his name then he asked, "Whats yours?"

Kaiko rolled her eyes again and then groaned, "I have to sit with this guy?" She motioned to Brock. Then she sighed and as she got Brock into the front seat and she squeezed in next to him, "Don't try anything funny pal." Then she looked back towards her sister, "Hey do I need to go back to the CIA because of... well you know." she asked her sister. She was just captured a while ago and usually she went to the CIA office to try and figure out what her powers are. She didn't want the boys to know so she very well hoped that her sister knew what she was talking about. Maybe that was why Kaiko was in such a bad mood.

Aki laid there and looked towards the girl that was helping him, "Don't worry everything will be better. Sometimes it takes a while but everything will get better just you wait." He then looked towards the ceiling of the car and closed his eyes.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:27 am

Shinka smiled. "It is very nice to meet you both. Shinka is my name," she then found a small booth with just the right look for them. She hurried over to the booth and smiled. "I would like two of your finest. Please give the two boys here anything they ask for and I will pay when they are done," she said and smiled. She then looked back to the two men and motioned at the booth. "Anything you two will need or what is yours," she flashed them a smile.

Kyto nodded and smiled. "It's nice to meet you both," he then looked to the booth in wonder. The clothes were very cool and reminded him of the festival his parents and him had gone to all the time when he was little. He looked around at the booth for a moment and then looked to Ruki. "What are you getting man?"

Brock smiled. "No promises," he smirked as he listened to what she said next. "CIA? What for?" Why would the CIA be involved with this? Did the guys raise that much of a question? Were they going to be taking them in for questioning? Well hell, he thought these girls we4re helping, not turning them over to the government...

Kianna shook her head. "A lot has happened today. As far as they know none of that every happened. You need to rest, along with these two, and we will get everything sorted out over a nice diner, okay?" she said before looking back to the boy. "Yeah, they said that twenty years ago and here we are," she said, trying to think positive, but it all crashing down in the end. If only this boy had lived through it, he would understand.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:16 am

Yumi nodded and smiled when she heard their names and then she watched them pick out what clothes they wanted. She had never met such strange boys and they really made her curious.

Ruki looked at the clothes and shrugged his shoulders, "Eh, I think I'll just get some of those pants or trousers, and a nice button up shirt." He then looked at the shoes that were all slop made and then looked towards the girls then to Kyto, "Well I rather wear my shoes."

Kaiko sighed, "Well I would rather try and figure out whats going on with the thing but whatever." Then she turned back to Brock and said, "You know, I don't think any of that is your business." She smiled, "My sister can help you out but I won't do a thing." She then glanced out towards her window. She would leave and go train and figure out whats going on by herself. She wanted to figure out her powers and the CIA usually would help a little.

Aki frowned and then let out a sigh, "I'm sorry Kianna. I wish things were a lot better for you two." He didn't know what else to say. He noticed the struggle of putting on a smile for him and it made Aki kind of sad.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:13 am

Shinka looked to his shoes and shook her head. "Unless you want to be the talk of the town the shoes have to go," whatever those odd looking shoes were, they stuck out really bad. She studied themmore as she looked at the enscription on the side. "What does 'Vans' mean?" she asked in a gente voice. The word 'Vans' sounded odd coming out of her mouth, such a weird word it was...

Brock started to chuckle when he looked at their shoes. "They do kind of stick out," he said and then looked to the shop. He got a simple white button up, long navy blue pants, and then some simple shoes. Nothing too facy, at least for what he thought, so he hoped it wasn't going to be much.

Brock looked at her questioningly. "Touchy touchy this one is," he said before putting his head on her shoulders. "Wha'cha thinking about shorty?" he asked as he looked out the window in the same direction as her.

Kianna went from looking out the window to looking at Aki, her face changing as well. She went from having a very fake looking smile to a more real looking one, though they were both just as fake. "Don't worry about it. I know this isn't your world, it's plain to see, so we will try to get you back soon enough," she told him in a soft voice.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:28 am

Ruki smiled and then nodded towards his friend, "Yeah, your probably right." He then grabbed the same style of shoe that Kyto had grabbed and then looked towards Shinka, "Alright I think we're ready." He glanced at his arms that were covered with the clothes, hopefully nothing would fall to the dirty ground.

Yumi stared at the fancy stuff they had grabbed and was surprised at what they were grabbing. The stuff would probably cost Shinka a whole lot of money just to pay for some of it.

Aki nodded and then stared at the ceiling of the car, "I really hope that we can do something to help you though, just before we go. It would probably change a lot for you guys." He then glanced towards Kianna and smiled.

Kaiko glared at Brock, "I find that none of your business. Why do you keep bothering?" She then looked away from him and then stared ahead they were heading back to the base so they could help out Brock and Aki then around midnight she would leave to go train. She usually did it all the time too.
you've got the hang of it.

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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:02 am

Shinka smiled to the boys and then looked to Yumi. "Aren't you going to get anything?" she asked. When she had taken everyone out to shop she expected Yumi to get something as well. That was what she ment with "I will buy you all something". She thought Yumi had caught that.

Kyto smiled as he looked to the clothes. "Is there a changing room or something?" he asked as he looked around the small huts. There were tents everywhere and he wondered if anyone had come up with the idea of a changing room yet or if you just had to wait until you got back to where ever you happened to live.

Brock made a fake pouting fake. "Ouch, no my wittle feelings are huwt," he told her as he turned away over-dramatically. He then looked over to her with a pleading face. "What's on your mind sweet cakes?" he asked once more, still trying to get a rise out of her; though he trully was wondering what she was thinking and thought there was something wrong that maybe he could have tried to help with.

Kianna shook her head as she thought of the madness going on. "I really doubt it, but you can try. Though you can't get yourself killed. If you do if could affect a lot of the future. That's why we need to get you back home as asoon as possible. " she sighed as she closed her eyes. She couldn't let these two get hurt. It just couldn't happen...
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:26 am

Yumi was surprised by what she said and smiled a little. She had never really gotten anything like this and if she really was offering Yumi didn't want to be a moocher. "Are you really sure?" She asked with a heart pounding voice. When Shinka nodded a sudden joy filled Yumi as she reached for a yellow dress and some regular shoes for her feet that were so badly scarred up.

Ruki looked at the clothes that Shinka had bought them. He was surprised that she could even afford such a thing. These were pretty expense stuff if they looked this nice from the things that the others were wearing.

Kaiko decided that the best thing to do was just ignore Brock. He sure was getting on her last nerve and she knew that he wouldn't be able to get him to shut up and leave her alone. When the cab finally stopped they were in front of a huge silver building, "We're here."

Aki nodded in understanding, "Well then we'll try our best not to get killed and to help you guys with your future, Maybe thats why we've been put here." He gave her a small smile and when the cab stopped he was slowly helped out of the car and was standing before a huge building.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:23 am

Shinka laughedat the silly language those two had. "Changing rooms? I have no idea what those are, but if you are wondering if you could change in tent around here then I am sure yu would be ble to," she plashed a smile at the three and then looked to the merchant. "May they use your tent to chane quickly?" she asked in a very gentle and kind voice. When the man nodded she motioned for them to go into the tent.

Kyto smiled and nodded. Changing rooms; he wondered when those were invented. He then smiled to Shinka and the merchant as he walked into the tnt. "Thank you," he called after as he walked to a corner and started to change.

Brock looked to the house in shock. "Jeez, you guys live here? You must be loaded!" he thought aloud as he looked over the mansion-like house. He was actually pretty intimidated by the huge house, though he knew no one else felt that way, even Aki...

Kianna nodded as she listented to what the more hurt of the two men said. "Yes yes, could be. Excuse me for a moment," she said in a calm tone, though she had wanting to scream for the past half hour. She walked slowly up to the butler as she whispered something in his ear, "Please put away all the pictures of Leader Aki and Leader Brock. You must hurry, their past selfs are here and they can't know who they are later in life," she warned. The butler then hurried off as she, calmly, walked back to the men. "Alright, let's go," she said as she helped the very hurt man inside.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:31 am

Ruki smiled lightly after he had changed into his clothes and stretched. The sun beamed down on his face. This was a strange time. He looked over towards Shinka and Yumi. How in the world were Kyto and him going to get home? He sighed and shook his head with his hands crossed over his chest.

Yumi had also changed but in a different tent. She was in the beautiful dress that Shinka had bought her. Also the really nice shoes that made her feet honestly smile. She noticed the boys coming out from the tent and she smiled softly.

Aki smiled towards Kianna, "Thank you so much." He then gazed back towards the house. He was honestly shocked at how huge the building was. He looked towards Brock who's mouth was wide open.

Kaiko rolled her eyes and then began walking towards the building. she opened the doors and then looked back towards the other. She really wanted nothing to do with Brock or Aki. She honestly didn't know that they were from the past like her sister did. She wondered why she was being so kind to them.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:44 am

Shinka looked to the three and gasped. "Oh my, you all look wonderful!" she exclaimed in happiness and she jumped up and down while clapping. "Hold on, please. I want to capture this moment, it's just so wonderful," she said as she took a mental image. While everyone in town knew who Shinka was, and she knew who everyone in town was, she never really had many friends. It was so nice to finally feel what everyone else around her had been talking about for years.

Kyto chuckled as he posed for Shinka, letting her take in the moment. When he could tell she was done and looked to Ruki and he knew they were both thinking the same thing. Even though his thoughts were full of worry, he kept the happy disposition that he had had the whole time.

Brock walked into the house slowly with the others as his eyes pretty much glazed over. The giant house and butlers Aki might have been used to, but all the flying stuff, all the technology, he knew neither of them would have ever been able to even imagine. "Wow, so this is what we have to look forward to? Awesome!" he exclaimed, not knowing a thing about any of the turmoil the world was in.

Kianna nodded to Aki and Brock when they were speaking. She kept looking around the house to make sure every picture, ever document recording that Aki and Broke were in this future were gone and hidden. Kianna did this, though, with such subtly that she knew not even Kaiko would have noticed.
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Past and Present (Closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: Past and Present (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:20 am

Ruki then smiled towards the girls after the moment catching and said, "What shall we do right now? Would you like to show us around? Maybe show us a few things that we could do for fun?" He turned towards Kyto, they might as well figure out stuff to do while they searched for the time machine.

Yumi giggled and gave Shinka a big smile, She had never had friends or a family. Even if she had met all of these people she was happy with them in her new clothes that Shinka had bought her. She had never worn anything like this.

Kaiko sighed as she walked through the corridors and towards the living room. First she would ditch the doo-doo's and then run of towards the science lab, after all she wasn't human, she was something else. not robot, not human but something else that could possibly stop the problems. and she was willing to do anything to save her sister.

Aki glanced towards Brock and smiled and then glanced around noticing the steel of the walls. He then looked towards Kianna, "It really chances..." He whispered, "Even I'm surprised at how rich you are with all this... beautiful work of a house."
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