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Missing pieces are hard to find.

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:43 am

The world has fallen to ruins, very little people had survived. People can't remember everything about themselves. They're all lost, and confused, trying to survive. Day by day each person goes to find there own 'pieces'. Each persons 'pieces' eventually become an object that will completely restore their memories. These 'pieces' are hidden throughout the world, and each person's pieces look different. Some people are out to destroy others pieces, or help others find them while they look for their own. Where do you stand?

2/25 pieces found

Peyton has been looking for pieces for as long as she can remember. Her pieces are little colorful shards of glass, so far the shape of the object is unable to be identified.
She is tough on the outside, but she really is hurting on the inside. All her family was killed when the world fell. Peyton is skilled in fighting, and can handle herself in most fights though she is pale and frail.

Missing pieces are hard to find.  Warriorgirl
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:56 am

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:15 pm

This is amazing! XD it reminds me of a book i read called 'unwind' kids under eightteen that werent wanted or cared for were sent to the unwind centers where every part of their body (jaw bone, arms, eyes, etc.) would be taken from them (unwinding) and given to someone who apparently needs it.

9/58 peices found
Sym is tall and lithe with long, dark hair that falls into his face and eyes so black it looks like he has no pupils. He knows nothing of himself but his name and what emotions he still has after he lost his peices. That's the only thing he's found so far; emotions. His peices are small swatches of cloth. Sym doesn't know exactly what the shape will be but he thinks it will be some sort of cloth doll. He can only feel the emotions regret, anger, sorrow, loneliness, shame, fear, affection, love, and confusion.

Last edited by Lizzi on Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:31 pm

Just to let you know i love you for joining. :3
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:46 pm

Peyton was sitting on top of a pile of rubble; staff in hand. She had just found the second piece, a blue shard of glass. Peyton winced when it cut her finger open, blood trickling down to her wrist. "Damn it." She murmured. As she stood, she slipped her shard of glass into a burlap bag, tied the strings and put it safely away.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:20 pm

Sym walked through the forest aimlessly, not knowing if he should be looking for one of his pieces or something to eat. He couldn't feel hungry yet. When he stumbled on a rock and fell, scraping his arm, he barely felt it. He looked at the blood oozing out of his arm and said, "Ouch," in a strangely flat and lifeless tone. His emotions came and went as they pleased. He couldn't understand it.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:46 pm

Peyton sided and climbed down from the rubble. She had found one of her most important pieces a while ago, the one to control her emotions. Luckily they hand't split separately. Her stomach gurgled, she hadn't eaten in a few days and she was getting weak. "The forest is near by' Peyton thought to herself. She started heading to the line of trees slowly.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:57 am

Sym got up and looked around at the trees, expression blank. But then something made him sigh and keep moving, wanting to leave the forest. A feeling had made it's appearance. It was a feeling of missing somehing or wanting someone, and somehow he knew this was loneliness. About fifty feet further into the forest, he could see bright light break through the thinning tree-cover. And he could see something-- someone-- else. It was just a dark shadow outlined by sunlight. Still, another emotion filled him, chasing away loneliness. Fear. He stumbled backwards into a tree, eyes wide.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:16 am

Peyton became alert when she heard the sound of crackling branches. Someone--or something-- was there, near her. She swiftly pulled a bow and an arrow from her back. Drawing it with what seemed lightning speed she looked around. "Show yourself!" She said loudly. Though she was trying to be intimidating, she was weak and the emotion didn't exactly come across well.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:30 am

Sym didn't know what to do. He was debating his options when his emotions slipped away again. His face went blank and his stepped foreward until he was five feet away. He nodded at the person- clearly a girl- and stared at her with his blank face. "Hello miss," he said in an equally expressionless and soft voice.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:35 am

Peyton pointed her arrow, but felt no threat. "S-sorry..." She mumbled and slowly dropped her hands. The slice in her finger was still bleeding and she hid it behind her back, bleeding to an enemy is a sign of vulnerability. "E-excuse me." She went to step around the man, hoping to get by with out a confrontation.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:51 am

Sym could see blood oozing from her finger, so he grabbed her wrist gently. "You're bleeding, miss. You should bandage that." As he looked at the cut with a sort of half-interest, his straight, dark-colored bangs fell in his eyes. They were long enough to reach his nose.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:55 am

Peyton gasped as his grip wrapped around her tiny wrist. "I'm fine." She said and looked up. With out having a chance to stop it she giggled, it was musical and light. Reaching up with her free hand,"And you, should get a hair cut!" Her fingers brushed his hair. Peyton didn't know why, but this strange man made her feel, well, safe. It was odd, he was the first she had come to make her feel this way in years.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:09 am

Sym blinked at her through his hair. "Hair cut. Okay..." He blinked again. "Why do I need a hair cut, miss?" He let go of her wrist and stared at her with his blank eyes.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:15 am

Peyton looked at him, "Because your hair is too long!" She said this as though it were an obvious statement, and should be to him. "I'll cut it for you if you like!" She said and wiped her blood onto her pants. "C'mon." She tugged at his hand and sat him down under the shade of the tree.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:27 am

Sym sat and kept his eyes on her. "I didn't know my hair was too long. Are you looking for your pieces," he questioned. As innocent as a small child, he raked his hair from his face, thinking it would please her. It made his hair wild and messy. But it revealed his eyes entirely, showing the hollow, dead shell that he mostly was.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:33 am

Peyton smirked and pulled out a knife. "Who isn't?" She said and gathered his hair in her hand and started to saw the hair away. "Hold still!" She said as she worked, "I don't want to cut your forehead." When she was done she stepped back and put her hands on her hips. "Now aren't you just a hansom guy!" She was beaming at her work.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:46 am

Sym tilted his head a little to the side. "Am I handsome? I don't know what I look like. I've never seen my reflection before," he said in his hollow and soft voice. "As far as I know anyways." He reached up and felt his hair. It was a lot shorter. "My forehead feels cold," he murmured.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:48 am

Peyton giggled musically, and reached into her burlap sack and pulled out one of her pieces. "Have a look." Kneeling down she held the piece tightly in her already bleeding hand. Squeezing it so hard she started to bleed again, this time from the palm. "You look very...nice.." Peyton winced and then stood, put the shard away and wiped the blood on her leg.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:21 pm

"Stop doing that." He took her wrist again and tore off a piece of his shirt. He wrapped it around her hand and tied it tightly. "I don't like seeing blood." He dropped his hands into his lap. The he grabbed a bag from the beltloop of his tattered pants and opened it. He pulled out a light green peice of cloth. "This is sorrow. I don't know what it means."
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:24 pm

"Thanks, sorry." Peyton mumbled. When the cloth was presented to her she gasped lightly. His pieces, he must have trusted her enough to show them to her. When she heard the word 'sorrow' she winced. That was an emotion she knew all to well. "I don't exactly know how to tell you, but's a feeling people get, and it's...sad....and they are sad cause they lost something they loved, or they're disappointed..." Her smooth voice trailed off and she stared blankly at her feet. She had only one memory, her families death, and right now, that was all she could see. It was a brutal blood bath of a scene.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:37 pm

"I don't... understand." He tilted his head at the expression on her face. "Miss? Are you feeling sorrow right now?" Suddenly he could feel a strange gnawing feeling and his face changed. "I'm feeling... sad. You're all alone, aren't you? And so am I..." A single tear slid down his cheek. Then the emotion was gone, as quick as it had come. "My cheek tickles," he said in his hollow voice. He touched a fingertip to the teardrop and watched it dangle there. "What is this?"
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:41 pm

Peyton's expression hardened, she rarely showed this emotions and she wasn't about to express them with a stranger. "I'm fine. I can handle myself and it's non of your business." She turned sharply and started down the only trail there was. "Good luck on finding your pieces." She said coldly and stalked off. Tears were welling up in her eyes but she quickly blinked them away. 'STOP IT!' She shouted in her head. 'You're pathetic and weak! You couldn't even save them!'
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:54 pm

Sym got up and followed her like a lost puppy and took her wrist again. Three emotions now: fear, loneliness, and confusion. "Please don't leave. I don't have anyone. It scares me being so empty. I can't be alone... did I do omething to offend you? Why are these emotions so tangled? Please help me, miss."
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:59 pm

Peyton stopped and looked at the man, who seemed like a lost little boy. "I'm sorry." She said with a sigh, "And the names Peyton, not Miss." She corrected. "Oh! I know. Let me see your pieces." Peyton said holding out her hand. When he handed them to her she pulled out a needle and thread and sewed them together. "That should make the emotions you've found understandable. Well, more so anyways." Peyton was lucky, her emotions weren't split, she ha found those first, one piece in tact.
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