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Missing pieces are hard to find.

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 10 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:48 am

Sym laid Rowan's now limp and bloody form on the ground gently and stood up. "Peyton, this isn't you. You know it isn't. Fight. Fight as hard as you can. You know how evil Andre is. I promised I would kill him if he laid a hand on you again. And I will." He turned his gaze to Andre. "Why are you doing this to her?"
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:52 am

'There isn't any use, Sym." Andre spat the name. "She hates you, you let her get hurt, and left her. You can't protect her. But I can. " He said and drew her into him. Peyton looked over at Sym as though she were trying to fight but she was losing. "I need her, you know." He said and kissed Peyton again. "Does it hurt to know she would rather have me?" He asked as he looked back up to Sym. Glancing down at Rowan and smiled. "You better tend to that brat if you want her to live." he said and smirked. "Come, we must be going." And with that Peyton and Andre jumped back into the leaves hidden.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:58 am

//Urgggh can you play rowan? I don't want to play two characters if im practically alone and just watching whats happening with your characters.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:59 am

//LOL i have no idea what to do with that character..
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Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:31 am

//Act like sym's cute, annoying, sweet, slightly innocent little sister until I can figure out what to do with her. By the way, her pieces are shaped like small black musical notes and for some reason, they disappear right when she finds them. Because they're absorbed into her soul. Sort of.

Sym could see the rapidly growing pool of blood touch his shoes. He bent and picked up Rowan quickly, rushing back to the cave as fast as he could. There, he ripped off her shirt and bit his lip, unsure of how to deal with her wound. He found a few handfuls of moss and quickly pulled out the arrow, then stuffed the moss into the wound to staunch the bleeding. He went out and covered the cave entrance with rocks to make sure he could trap some heat inside the cave and started a fire as big as possible to keep Rowan warm. He would have to worry about Peyton later. Andre needed her for something. He probably wouldn't kill her...
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:58 am

Peyton felt her heart aching, on the inside she was fighting. Or she was trying to as it seemed. She didn't seem to be fighting it well. What if she had killed Sym she would never forgive her self.

Rowan was in pain, slowly she opened her eyes and looked around. "S-sym?" She was worried about her big brother, he had been shot by that, that evil woman. Who was she anyways? "D-did you rip her heart out?" She asked smiling faintly at the idea. "I'd much like to do that.." She said and she coughed. She could tell it was a bad wound but it wasn't fatal. Thank the heavens.
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Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:40 am

Sym was appalled at what Rowan was saying. "God, no!" He shook his head. "I'd never hurt Peyton. Never..." At the thought of Peyton, zombiefied and helpless in Andre's arms, tears sprang to his eyes and he buried his face in his hands. "Oh, god... Peyton!" He couldn't talk past that point. He made horrible, strangled screaming noises. He felt like his heart was being ripped into a million peieces. What was he going to do?! How in the world was he going to find her again?
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:46 am

Peyton was off doing work for Andre right now. She tried hard but he used her over and over again. Peyton was strong and Andre knew it, he used it against her, to make her do evil and horrible things. She had attacked several people now and was collecting their memories bringing them back with her as mindless minions, that would believe any and everything they were told.

Rowan scoffed. "She's rotten, there isn't a sense in being so worried over her." She said rather coldly. She was mad about her being injured and Sym being hurt. "She doesn't deserve the care you're giving her." She said to him and looked down at her wound. "I on the other hand, could use some help." She winced as she get ready to bandage her own wound.
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Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:54 am

Sym glared up at Rowan, his mood changing in an instant. His eyes were black as night, and colder than the arctic. "Don't you dare talk about Peyton like you know her. She's sweet, and kind, and... And I'm in love with her. She's so different. I need her back. The Peyton that you saw was not my Peyton. That wasn't my angel. Andre did something to her..." His eyes hardened and a muscle twitched in his jaw. "I don't know how, but I'm going to kill him. I'm going to snap his neck like a twig and get my angel back." He tore off the fabric of his jeans below the knees and absently bandaged Rowan's wounds. "Get some rest. I'll keep watch."
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:59 am

Rowan stared gaped mouthed. She hadn't seen her brother this way for a long time. In fact it had been a long time since she had seen him at all. This, Peyton was causing her brother pain, and she wasn't going to forget that so easily. Nodding she laid down and shut her eyes.

Peyton was dragging a beat up man no older than 16 along the ground. She had beaten him up to get his 'pieces'. She was in an open field probably not to far from the cave. "Shut up." She said to the boy as he groaned in pain. She had taken his memories so all he knew now was that he had been beaten. He had no idea why or what was taken from him. "Andre.." She breathed, as though the word made her stomach hurt, but she loved it all the at once. He was still controlling her, and the fighting from inside was making her weak.
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Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:09 am

Sym watched Rowan for a second, then made her sit up. Some old brotherly urge made him want to braid her hair back. "You shouldn't let your hair get this long. It'll get all gross and knotted." He weaved grass into a long strip to tie back her hair for her. And then, something caught his eye. It was a long cloak sitting in the corner of the cave. His heart ached. It was Peyton's cloak. She'd forgotten it. He made Rowan lay down and grabbed the cloak, laying down with her. He pulled the cloak over them as a blanket, adding to their warmth from the fire. "Go to sleep. I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?" And he'd said the same thing to Peyton. He shut up after that.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:14 am

"I like it this long!" Rowan had said. She would have folded her arms if it didn't hurt so much. She smiled when he braided her hair, he used to do that a lot. Silently she laid down and shut her eyes. She WAS tired, and she did travel far.

Peyton tossed the boy aside and went after another. Someone who looked as though they knew where they were headed and then she stopped. Andre was there. "Don't worry of that girl." He said reffering to the person running. "Go fetch me Sym and Rowans pieces." He said with a dark smile. In Peyton's mind she was screaming. No, no, no! she didn't want to, she would hurt him, her Sym. On the outside she stared at Andre, and he frowned. Slowly he walked to her and kissed her lips. She then smiled as darkly as he and started off toward she had last seen Sym, crying as she did so. Her inner emotion seeping out.
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Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:25 am

Sym waited until Rowan was asleep to take the cloak from her and go outside. He sat right at the entrance of their cave, wrapping himself in the soft fabric of the cloak. Oh, god... It smelled just like Peyton. His shoulder throbbed where Peyton had shot him, but he knew it wasn't life threatening. It had barely even bled. He buried his face into the cloak and called up memories from the night before.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:28 am

Peyton looked around, it was some where in the afternoon now. Slowly she was approaching the area of the cave. She had grown to know it well, too well for her liking. As Peyton drew her arrow, she felt her chest tighten, NO! PLEASE NO! She was trying hard to fight it, and she saw Sym, he was sitting outside of the cave. She pointed the tip toward his head, but at the last second she finally jerked it away and dug it into her chest with a scream, she crumpled to the ground. If this was her life, she wouldn't live it. She couldn't hurt Sym any longer.
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Post  Fennec Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:31 am

/Oh. Ma. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to go to bed. HOW DARE YOU POST SOMETHING SO TINGLY AND HEART WRENCHING?!
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:38 am

//NOOO don't go to beedddd
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Post  Fennec Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:48 am

//I don't usually have a choice on school nights. At the most, I'll normally only be on until midnight IF I'M LUCKY.

Sym's head snapped up when he heard the scream. And there, barely visible and hidden in the trees, was Peyton with an arrow in her chest. "Oh my god... Peyton?!" He was on his feet and at Peyton's side in seconds. He muttered as many curses as he could think of (and a few he made up on the spot) as he gathered her in his arms and brought her into the cave. "Rowan! Rowan, wake up, I need some help!" He laid Peyton down on her cloak and hovered over her, unsure of what to do.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:24 am

Rowan sat up and looked around. "What!? What is it!?" Then she saw her. Frowning from her to her brother. She shook her head. "Let her die." She blurted coldly, and when her eyes met with Sym's she looked away. She didn't want to see him like that, but with that girl around, she was afraid she'd see his face that way a lot more. She wasn't going to let some girl hurt him in that way.

Peyton didn't move, she wasn't breathing and blood was pooring from her chest.

//well damn this time zone shit.
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Post  Fennec Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:00 am

//What time zone stuff? Are you two hours ahead of me or something? (Around 6:30 at my house right now)

Sym shot Rowan a cold look. "I don't know if I can call you my little sister if you won't even help your big brother save the life of the woman he loves." He shook his head in disgust and turned back to Peyton. "Peyton... baby, stay with me, come on!" He pulled out the arrow and was rewarded with a spray of blood on his face. "Oh, god..." He tore off some fabric from her cloak and pressed it into the wound to stop the bleeding. It got soaked, but the bleeding started to slow down. That's when he noticed she wasn't breathing. He started to panic. "No, Peyton! Breathe!" He leaned down and started giving her mouth-to-mouth.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:03 am

Rowan looked at him but said nothing, she couldn't see her brother go through this. "I swear, if she does this again, I'll kill her myself." She said and went over to help.

Peyton suddenly started coughing. Gasping for breath her eyes flew open. "I CAN'T!!!" she shouted, and started coughing again. It was as though she were still trying to fight off the effects of what ever Andre was doing to her.

//It's 5:05 right now, so we're like an hour apart.
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Post  Fennec Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:35 am

//It took me a half hour to post that lol. And it says you replied at 7:03 so I think we're two hours apart. You know, I always wondered how far apart we were because of how late I stayed up to post on missing pieces before. So when I posted at 4 in the morning, you were two hours behind me, and you replied at two in the morning. Ugh... time difference.

Sym quickly kissed Rowan's cheek. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He turned to Peyton and almost started laughing. He was so relieved she was breathing again. But he contained his joy and grabbed both of Peyton's hands. "Rowan, go hide her weapons somewhere in the back of the cave," he said quickly. Then he leaned over her and squeezed her hands tightly. "Fight him, Peyton. Fight hard. Kick his ass for me, angel. I know you can do this," he said in a low voice. And then he kissed her, hard.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:44 am

Peyton was still coughing but it calmed down when she heard Sym speaking. "I-i...hate....I'm trying..." She was half speaking the words of Andre, and that of her own. It hurt to fight the power, she had let it take her over before. For a moment she screamed, loud. Then she fell quiet and still. "I-i....i was hurting you..." she began after a long moment of quiet. "...I had to hurt myself... to stop.." she opened her eyes then, they were tired but bright.

Rowan stared at the two, not really sure what to do. When Sym commanded she did it swiftly and quietly. Ignoring her own wounds.
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Post  Fennec Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:50 am

Sym looked at Rowan and nodded in thanks, then mouthed, 'Stay there.' He was afraid that seeing Rowan might do something worse. He looked back down at Peyton and smiled. "That just means you're strong. You're a tough nut to crack, and that's one of the things I love about you. Keep talking to me. It doesn't matter what you talk about, as long as it's about something happy." He shifted and set Peyton's head on his thigh. He did everything he could to keep her fighting. He brought her hands to his lips and kissed all of her fingers. He pulled her hair away from her face and played with it.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:53 am

Peyton felt dizzy and she wasn't sure what she could say. "You're not too hurt are you?" It wasn't exactly a happy subject but, she was talking none the less right? She looked around her, and frowned. "Why are we still here? Why haven't you run away?" She was tearing up, from pain, and emotional stress.
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Post  Fennec Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:06 am

Sym shook his head and kissed her quickly. "Shh. We'll leave in a few hours. No, I'm not hurt badly. It's barely hurts at all. We can't leave until you're a bit stronger. Now, talk to me, angel. Talk about anything in this world you think is beautiful."
liek hay gurl

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