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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:32 am

Vincent rubbed his head, turning to look at Alec. He let out a softly sigh, grabbing Alec's hand softly in his own. "Okay. I'm sorry..." he gently tugged Alec in his direction, taking a few more steps back. He looked up at the long-haired man, waving a dismissive hand. "Forget about it. We're leaving."

Conrad smirked, slowly following behind the girl. With a small cock of his head, he looked towards Elois, both brows raised. "Eh? What could the powerful and stoic Elois want with me?" he asked smugly, slowly walking over to said man. He crossed his arms across his chest. "What is it? Don't tell me he's changed his mind about me...that wouldn't be any fun."

Eureka nodded quickly. "Uh huh!" she paused, making a small noise as she thought. "Pwapa! Eury...see pwapa!"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:00 am

Alec squeezed Vincent's hand. He ignored his daughter's remark, solely concentrating on the blonde haired man. Hearing his comment, he merely scoffed.
This man's pride is overbearing! How dare he think that I would want someone like him.
"Excuse me..." stopping in his place, scowling at the ego maniac. "Just thought of letting you know, don't ever think that I would view you any different. I would never want a jerk like you."

Azura gasped, outraged by how her father spoke to someone so high in class.
"Alec! Don't talk to him so rudely, the hell is your problem you jerk??"

Elois rubbed his face then glanced back at Conrad.
I knew this wasn't going to end well...
"Hey, his friend proposed that you apologized to the guy that you touched. Just get it done so that we can go home."

Slate grin brightly, gently tugging Eureka to their fathers.
"Daddy~ Daddy! Eury and me saw a still man! It's so cool~!!"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:26 am

Vincent blinked, watching Alec as he dissed the blond for a second time. By the look on the black-haired man's face, he was certain that something like that never happened often. "Let's just go, Alec." he whispered timidly, tugging his friend's arm. "It's almost time for Eureka's nap."
Upon saying his daughter's name, he saw both her and Slate come in their direction. He gave his daughter a small smile, reaching out for her with his free hand. "How was it?"

Eureka giggles happily as she followed Slate. She did her best to keep up with her short legs, and released the older boy's hand to glomp her father. She tagled her fingers in the fabric of his pants. "Eury...saw man...!" she said excitedly, bouncing on the ball of her little feet. "He...bwig..! no go!!"
"I'm glad you had fun sweetie." Vincent responded softly, rubbing her head softly.

Conrad watched Alec with amusement, his arms still crossed and his face amused. "Man, I love them feisty." he mumbled under his breath. Taking into consideration that the other male didn't want his apology in the first place, Conrad simply shrugged.
"I apologize for my savage behavior." he said, then added. "Even if you don't accept it...I meant no harm." He then sent a small wink in Azura's direction. He turned to Elois, running a hand through his hair nonchalantly.
"Shall we go, oh bored one?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:30 am

Alec hissed at the blonde's disgusting remark, having the the sudden urge to punch him in his "perfect" face. He grit his teeth and turned away, failing to notice how quickly and roughly he held his children's hands. Tugging the two out the shop, his green eyes were full of humiliation.

Slate blinked in confusion and Azura flinched with annoyance, unable consume the wink as they followed their father out the gallery. A hand was then viciously pulled away by none other than his rebellious daughter.
"Don't touch me! What the fuck is your problem?!"
"Azura..." Alec spoke with a low growl. "I am not in the mood for your attitude... I will beat the shi---"
He felt a tiny hand squeeze his, making him grasp onto who he's around. Alec felt his son tremble, so he gently lifted him up and buried Slate's face into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry...", Alec whispered sadly. "We're about to go home, okay?"
Slate offered a slight nod.

Elois sighed, lamely smacking Conrad's hand from his hair.
"Didn't I tell you to not touch me, lord player?"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:40 am

Vincent carried Eureka out of the art shop, quickly following behind Alec. He tucked his daughter's head into his neck, trying his best to muffle the sound of Alec and Azura's bickering. When they finished, Vincent took the lead and walked in front. "Let's hurry home you guys. It's getting late."

Eureka buries her face comfortably in her father's neck, inhaling his familiar scent. With a soft sigh, she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck familiarly, drifting off to sleep.

Conrad smirked, dropping his hands to his sides. "Well, just so you know, I haven't given up on that man." he paused, glancing after them as they all left. "That daughter of his will serve me well."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:03 am

Regulating his anger, Alec softly curled his fingers in his son's silky black hair, feeling the warm breathing against his shoulder. He began to walk, relieved that Slate's shaking ceased.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you..." he whispered, a light quiver in his voice.
The slight nod that Alec received made his heart tighten.
It's understandable for him to be afraid of me...

Azura merely stared, surprised at the fact that her father would actually stepped up towards her. For the first time, she was actually thankful for having Slate by Alec's side. Who knows what would've happened without him.

Elois paused as well, facing Conrad with a slight interest.
"Oh? And what did you do this time? Becoming manipulative again?"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:44 am

Feeling Eureka's sleep breathing on his neck, Vincent kept his pace steady the entire way home. He pulled out his key and unlocked the door, leaning against it to hold it open for Alec and the kids. "After you all." he said softly, a feint smile on his face.

Conrad smirked, tilting his head and cracking his neck.
"Manipulative? Isn't that a bit harsh? I simply gave her my number and told her not to keep me waiting."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:59 am

Nodding in appreciation towards Vincent, Alec walked inside the house, heading straight up the stairs to Slate's room. He stood the boy up, assisted him in changing his clothes, and laid him down in his astronaut themed bed. A comfortable look shown on Slate's features, making his father smile slightly.
"Feeling better?" he spoke soothingly, caressing his son's hair from his face.
A sleepy grin was his reply.
"Would you like for me read you to sleep?"
A shake of the head.
With that, Alec pecked his forehead and clicked on Slate's planet nightlight, each planet known twirling around in opposite directions like the real thing.
"Goodnight, Slate. Sleep well."
"Goodnight Daddy..."
A low chuckle was made as Alec turned off the bedroom lights and closed the door quietly.

Azura walked inside the house, quickly running upstairs into her room, adding a slam of her door. She plopped on her bed, with her purse laying in her lap, searching for the small piece of paper her "Golden Prince" gave her.
Oh~ This handsome fellow will be sooo happy to hear from me...
Flicking the piece of paper out, she purred joyfully, taking out her cellphone and began to dial the very well-written number.

Elois rolled his eyes.
"I can't believe you. You know it's wrong to bring someone in your game, especially the daughter! Did you not observe their father-daughter relationship? They are not compatible. What could you possibly want with her?"
His ranting was interrupted by the muffled ringing in Conrad's pocket.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:11 am

Once everyone was inside, Vincent went upstairs to Eureka's 'princess & fairy' themed room. He flicked on the small lamp that was on her bedside table, making the illusion of small dancing fairies around her room bright it a little. He stripped and changed his child into a pale blue nightgown, took out her lop-sided pigtails and tucked her into bed. Giving her a peck on the cheek, he smiled softly before walking out of her room, closing the door softly behind him.

Conrad looked down at his pocket, grinning.
"Speak of the devil." he said as he pulled the ringing phone from his pocket. He flipped it open, pressing it to his ear and leaning on the wall. "And is this that lovely young girl I've just met?" he purred softly, grinning at Elois the entire time.
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:27 am

As Alec stepped outside the bedroom, he glanced at Vincent, seeing that he was doing the same thing. The fact that he's good friends with another single father brings comfort in Alec's mind due to them both facing the same obstacles in life. Thinking this, he smiled slightly.
"Are we still going to drink a bit tonight...? I'm in the mood for being tipsy...and the children are in bed as well...."

Azura squealed inwardly, excitedly bouncing on her bed. As hard as she could, she tried to keep her voice as seductive as possible, even more than her Golden Prince.
"Why, yes." she chuckled. "This is the young girl your just met... How may I be of service, handsome." Azura winked as if he was there in front of her.

Elois rolled his eyes and whispered softly, knowing that being rude is not his thing.
"You do know that this young lady is a teenager, correct? You're hitting on a teenager." he said, putting emphasis on the most important words.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:38 am

Vincent ran his hand through his hair, using a clip to keep his bangs out his face. "Sure..." he said softly, moving to the kitchen. Reaching up on his tip-toes, Vincent grabbed the sake out the cabinet along with two shot glasses. He looked over at Alec. "Should we drink on the couch....or at the table?" he asked, opening the sake bottle.

Conrad waved a dismissive hand in Alec's direction, chuckling silently.
"Well, that depends." he replied softly, running his hand seductively through his golden hair. "Are you by yourself?"
He shot Elois a glance, smirking.
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:49 am

Alec followed behind, glancing at the delicious bottle of fresh sake. He walked to Vincent, taking the shot glass and sat on the couch.
"Definitely the couch." he grinned with amusement. "Just in case you decide to crash~!"
Alec laughed wholeheartedly, waiting for his calm friend's reaction.

Twirling the ends of her hair with a black, manicured finger, Azura bit her lips.
"Oh, of course I am, babe... You need something from me~?" she asked with an edge of temptation.

Rubbing his face, Elois sighed heavily, leaning against the wall.
"You're very disgusting, Lord Player."

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:53 am

Vincent shook his head, taking his own shot glass and carrying the fresh bottle to the couch. After pouring himself a cup, he tossed it back quickly, licking his lips afterwards. "Crash...psh...I don't even know the meaning of the word." ended up replying calmly. He grinned in Alec's direction. "But you, Alec...I'm not sure about your tolerance."

Conrad grinned from ear to ear, rolling his eyes at Elois and his perverted thoughts. There was no way he was going to perform explicit material with a minor. He just needed information.
"Actually, I do sweetheart. I need you to tell me about yourself and your family." he paused, thinking. "And about your house, yes?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:01 am

Grabbing bottle, Alec smirked at the challenge.
"Oh really?"
He brought the mouth of the bottle to his lips, threw his head back and gulped loudly. Losing his breath, Alec leaned heavily forward, exhaling loudly.
"Aaah...nothing like a good bottle of sake." he laughed, sticking his tongue at Vincent.

Azura blinked, expecting for the man on the other line to request something inviting.
"Why would you want to know something like that? It's not important right now, is it?"

Elois shivered, feeling disgusted. he wants to know her background...!

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:11 am

Vincent laughed out loud at his friend, watching. He shook his head and took the bottle, pushing it to his own mouth and taking two giant gulps before pulling it away. He gave a soft smack from his lips. "Good indeed." he replied, smiling widely. "We should do this more often. I feel...lighter...almost."

Conrad grinned and started walking towards the exit, beckoning Elois to follow.
"Well, milady, usually when two people have an interest for each other, they have to get to know each other before their first date, no?" He chuckled softly, glancing over his shoulder at Elois before turning back around. "And I'd enjoy taking you out sometime...before things become...different."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:21 am

Laughing together with his friend, Alec agreed. Drinking always did make them feel lighter, getting rid of the stress, capable of making one feeling that they can do anything.
"If only drinking can actually make the heavy issues on your shoulders disappear...literally..."
He took back the bottle and chugged the sweet nectar. Pulling the drink away, he once again exhaled loudly, bringing comfort to his lungs.
"It'll help you and me a loooong shot..."

"Ah...That is true..." Azura agreed. "I never knew such a handsome man was full of intelligence as well!" She laid back against her sheets, resting her head against the black, furry pillow which matched her Gothic room.
"An eye for an eye." she chuckled. "You begin to tell me something and your reward for each fact will be my information! Sounds fun?"

Elois sighed, following the weird man.
"What are you possibly up to now?"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:32 am

Vincent nodded in agreement. Even though he knew it was bad, he couldn't help but enjoy the way he felt when he was drinking. He just hoped he didn't turn into a terrible alcoholic.
"Well, at least we always have a fall back option when everything else fails." he said, reaching and taking the bottle again. He took another long sip, shivering as he swallowed and put the bottle down. "Jeez.."

Conrad pulled the phone from his ears, covering the mouth piece with his hand. "I believe she just involuntarily insulted my intelligence as a man." he whispered before pressing the phone back to his ear. He let a smile slide onto his face, carefree and joyous. "Sounds interesting."
Without slowing his walking pace, Conrad added, "My name is Conrad Weller. I've never had a stead girlfriend, and my favorite color is red and gold. Your turn."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:50 am

Alec blinked, grabbing the bottle and shook it upside down.
"Aw! You drank the rest!" he pouted and sat the bottle on the table.
"Well, it's good that we don't have to drink but so much... Just let it intoxicate my body....drowning my sorrows..."
A pang in his chest reminded him of how he acted a while ago.
"Vincent?" he sighed. "I wanted to apologize for my..behavior out in the public. I was pretty rude, was I not...?"

Azura giggled.
" alluring..." she sprawled her legs across her bed. "Well, my name is Azura Mate... I also never had a steady relationship, between boyfriends/girlfriends and my family. I'm practically a loner..."

Elois chuckled, glad that the girl seemed smart enough to insult the blonde, but he frowned slightly, still seeing that Conrad was willing to continue the conversation.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:35 am

Vincent grinned slightly, leaning back against the couch with one knee across the other. He scratched his head softly, staring at the blank (and small) television in front of him. "It's fine," he answered gently. "you have no reason to apologize. They way you acted was justified by how you felt about the situation." Vincent gently patted Alec on the shoulder, turning to look at him with a smile.
"I was never upset at you."

Conrad found that little note rather interesting.
"How is your family life?" he asked, honestly curious. "You can't possibly be much of a loner if you were able to catch, and keep, my attention so easily." he said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And before you try to answer my question with a family and I are...slightly can say."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:54 am

Alec sighed, relieved that he has such a close friend in his life. He returned the smile.
"Thanks. I'm very lucky to have a person in my life to understand... Another person.." he paused, feigning a cough while hacking out his daughter's name. "...chose the opposite side of what's right." Alec leaned back, outstretching his arms,some on the couch, some behind. "I scared Slate speechless though...he's not used to me acting in such a way..."

"Hmm..." Azura began, once again trying to cover the excited tremble in her voice with more of a seductive one. "Well, when it comes to family life... I really hate my dad because the majority of his life has to be on painting as if it'll provide for us. He just won't get a normal job like a normal person, relying on his crappy art. I always asked him to let me AT LEAST live on my own, but nope! He just keeps me under this household that's not even his! It's his friend's! We don't even have our own house!!"

Azura exhaled with a hiss, releasing anger with every breath.

"Sorry, I just have a big problem with him... I also dislike my kid brother because he's the reason why my mother died... Now I'm practically alone in life, so yes, I am a loner."

Elois continued to stare, wondering what the two could possibly be talking about.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:21 am

Vincent kept his smile and closed his eyes as he tilted his head back against the couch. He peeked an eye open to look over at Alec, reaching over to poke his cheek softly. "You should work on that; you never sink to another person's level and get as angry as them. Their anger...meaning Azura's my opinion, isn't necessarily towards you. She's just....lost in her sorrows and doesn't want to talk about it, and since you two are so different, she feels the fault is you." Vincent paused, closing his eyes again and smiling sadly. "But then again, who am i to talk? I can't even keep my family alive."

Conrad blinked and almost stopped walking. I love it when things get this interesting, he thought. He turned the corner and stopped in front of Elois's house, looking back at the black haired man so he could unlock the door.
"I have another question," he said, looking away from Elois. "What makes you think you're brother is the reason for such a thing? If he's younger than you, isn't it possible that he didn't know what he was doing at the time, milady?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:39 am

Biting his lip, Alec leaned, embracing Vincent gently.
"V-Vincent..." he stuttered, at a lost for words. "Neither...of our wive's death were our fault..." Pulling away, his slender fingers, cupped his friend's face.
"I mean...if I cannot blame myself, you cannot either. And besides..." Alec chuckled pessimistically. "At least your daughter doesn't blame you and loves you for being you, instead of hating your guts and wished to leave you..."
Alec leaned back against the couch, laying his arm over his eyes. He then winced; his tongue sliding against his slightly bloodied lip.
Guess I bit too hard...

She was silenced for a while, a sick feeling rising up in her stomach as she mentally replayed that horrid day. "She died of childbirth..." Azura gulped the lump in her throat. "He doesn't have to know what he's done, it's not like his knowledge about it would bring her back. If only he wasn't alive, she would be alive too. My mother was perfectly healthy until she gave birth to the brat..." Her eyes began to water and she quickly wiped them. "He...looks like her more than I do...."

Elois made eye contact with Conrad and proceeded towards the entrance. After walking up a couple out steps, he pulled out his golden keys and unlocked the beautifully carved, white door.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:11 am

Vincent smiled almost bitterly, but snuggled lightly against his friend's hand. "Of course...I'm sorry..." he said softly. He watched Alec as he spoke, then looked back to the blank television. "Mm...but there is a chance she might hate me when she gets Azura's age. She might realize how poor I actually am and want to leave as well..." he stopped himself, patting his cheeks before standing quickly. "But enough of this depressing talk, why don't I make us something quick to eat?" he suggested, running his fingers through is own, dark hair. "I'm a bit...parched from the sake."

Conrad nodded almost stiffly, though he knew she couldn't see it. Her explanation almost brought him some memories, but he shook his head and slapped a smile on his face. "Well, milady, I don't want you sleeping how about you tell me things that you enjoy doing, yes?" He followed Elois up the steps, slipping inside once the door was open.
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:23 am

Alec, who was a bit unconscious due to the alcohol, nodded slightly
"Cake..." he mumbled. A "please" was added as he removed his arm over his eyes, glancing at Vincent. "Cake sounds...really delicious right about now..."

The fact that the man actually cared about her feelings brought a smile onto her face.
"Well... I do like smoking..." she laughed. "But you must be talking about the good, fun things that I like to do..." Azura sat up, crossing her legs and leaned over elbows on the ends of her knees. "Um...I really enjoy playing the guitar...not a typical girly thing to do, but it makes me feel better. Playing music I mean."

Elois gently closed the door and began to walk towards his personal velvet couch, most likely costing a high amount of hundreds. He continued to stare, becoming more intrigue in Conrad's conversation.
He's never conversed a normal conversation with anyone before... For this long! What a strange man...

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 2 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:30 am

Vincent forced a soft laugh, not really feeling like he could've pulled it off correctly. "Alright." he walked into the kitchen and turned on the oven. "Vanilla, right?" he called out the doorway. "With icing?"

Conrad slowly followed Elois, but instead of the sofa he plopped into the velvet armchair, crossing his legs and resting his ankle ontop his knee. "Milady, I can't kiss something that tastes like ash, you know?" he commented with a sly smile. "But I would love to hear you play me something on one of our dates." he glanced over at Elois, then down at the smooth (and needless to say, expensive) carpet. "How does tomorrow evening sound?"
alright, now keep going.

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