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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:11 am

Conrad was about to do something he didn't expect, but was caught off-guard again by his new male crush. I think I'm falling in love, he thought childishly. He winced at the slight pain in his arm, sighing heavily as he thought about all the shit he was going to have to hear from Elois when he got back. Hopefully he'll get back on time.
"Actually," he said softly, his breathing hitching a bit at the pain. "I did tell you...yo just chose not to believe me, no?" Conrad chuckled dryly, shaking his head and struggling lightly. He was getting a bit irritated, even if this was fun. In one swift motion, he flexibly twisted out of the uncomfortable position and pushed Alec against the wall, not too hard but not softly either. "It's time for me to go now," he mumbled softly, glancing behind himself at the chimney. There was no way he was going in there again...Conrad turned to the window and grinned. "Alright, I have an idea.." he said softly. "How about we play hide and seek, yes? If you find me again after five seconds, you get to hurt me as much as you'd like." he paused, pressing Alec harder against the wall. "Deal?"

Vincent smiled and held Slate. "Mhm, you're father is very strong."
He softly pushed Slate down and tucked him in next to Eureka. "Now promise me you'll get some sleep, alright? We'll have some fun tomorrow if you do."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:34 am

Alec cried out in pain as he made bruising contact with the wall. He began to lightly lose his breath as the man's body strength was stronger than the man look.
"Sorry..." came a low grumbling, his eyes continuing to scowl at the taller man. "But I'm not interested into playing with cocky men like you."
He smirked darkly.
"As a matter-of-fact..." a loud thunk was made as Alec painfully clashed his forehead with the man and pulled his leg up in the small space between them, kicking him away.
"I wouldn't mind kicking your ass and getting it...over with..."

His words began to slur. The slender hand, bruised, gently cupped his now bleeding forehead. Unconsciously gasping from the ache, Alec leaned heavily against the wall. The room before him began to turn sideways, then upside down.
S-Shit... I did it too hard....

Slate nodded with a grin and laid next to Eureka, lightly laying a protective arm over her and the covers.
"If Uncle Vincent promises to keep Daddy safe, then I promise to keep Eury safe too!"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:52 am

Conrad winced at the impact and muffled a small groan. He held his now sore head and glared lightly at Alec, but then sighed heavily and shook his head slowly. "Dammit," he mumbled softly, taking small breathes. He looked at Alec and held the man gently, laying him on the couch. "just lay here..." he advised. "I guess this means I win this round," he paused, grinning weakly and wincing.
"I suppose this means we get to play hide and seek after all, huh?" He managed a small chuckle before walking closer to Alec, kissing his forehead in an almost loving way. "You should rest though, lovely, before we meet again for our next battle." And with that, he walked into the kitchen. He happened to notice the cake and took it out the oven (and turned off the oven) before sliding out the open window and climbing on his bike.
Rubbing his throbbing head, he sped back towards the house to wash up and get some bandages and medicine.

Vincent blinked and looked down at Slate with slight surprise.
"Ah," he said breathlessly. "Of course I'll keep your father safe." he stood and walked to the door. "Speaking of which, I'll go and check on him right now. So, goodnight." And Vincent closed the door, walking down the stairs.
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:12 am

Alec didn't noticed that he was taken to the soft couch, but what he did know that he was being touched by the man. His glare hardened, except it was lightly glazed with a bit of a concussion and unconsciousness. The throbbing in his hand numbed, but as for the ache of his still bleeding head, it was agonizing. Hearing the faint words,
"...I win...."
His heart sank. The last time Alec lost a fight was when he was a bit older than Slate, but very younger than Azura. After all those years, in the rare fights he would be in, he would be the victor. But as of tonight, he let the man get away. Boiling anger grew from the pit of his stomach as he felt light lips on his already straining forehead. Before he could protest, the man walked away from him, most likely getting away from the house.

"Dammit..." he managed weakly.
The feeling of the man's lips aggravated him, no matter as soft as the were, the fact that a disgusting man would even...have the audacity to do something so outrageous...
He wanted to throw up, but he couldn't move his sore body...

Slate yawned sleepily and closed his eyes as he snuggled closer to the smaller girl. Hearing the last part of his Uncle Vincent, he fell asleep.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:53 am

Conrad made it back...but it was late. At least by an hour. He had to stop for a while to rest when his head was throbbing too much for him to concentrate where he was going and when his arm started to cramp up. After he parked his bike into the garage, he slowly climbed up the step, unlocked the door and stumbled into the house. He coughed some soot out of his lungs and walked slowly up the stairs, rubbing his head and keeping his arm as still as possible.

Vincent bit his lip when he noticed how quiet it was. Slowly, he went down the stairs, looking around to make sure the coast was clear. "Alec?" he called softly, looking around.
He flinched when he saw his friend laying on the couch with a bleeding head. He bit his lip and ran to the kitchen, ignoring the cake and wetting a clean dishtowel before taking it out to him, kneeling an lightly pressing it to his wound.
"H-hey...Alec....? Can you hear me...?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:09 pm

Alec weakly glanced around until he met the worried eyes of his friend. Blinking dizzily, he continued to stare,hearing many muffled words within his mind. His friend mouth moved,adding more noises.... Releasing an aching moan, Alec's tired orbs rolled back with exhaustion,following the closing of his eye lids. Ignoring the freezing feeling on his forehead,Alec surrended himself to an uncomfortable unconsciousness...

Elois stood angrily at the end of the stares,giving his injured friend a scolding look...mixed with worry of course. The tapping of his foot proved that he was standing there for quite awhile.
"So..." he began. "How was your 'night out?' It is unusual for a classy man such as yourself to arrive home like this..." Elois lifted up the card case behind him and walked down the stairs to Conrad. Wrapping a supporting arm around Conrad's waist,he slowly led up upstairs to the very large bathroom.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:42 am

Vincent felt useless, only able to watch his friend slip into unconsciousness. There wasn't anything else that he could really do with his small, cheap, home -made material. He bit his lip and considered calling the ambulance...
He objected when he realized he wouldn't be able to pay for anything, so they might not operate if needed. With a heavy heart, Vincent elevated Alec's head on a pillow, then sat in front of him on the floor with his knees to his chest.

Conrad chuckled dryly at his 'friend'. He slowly followed, grateful that he was able to sit on the toilet seat once they walked inside. A small, airy, hiss escaped his lips as he leaned back against the wall, his eyes closed. "It was actually...really entertaining." he ended up responding after minutes of silence. He opened his eyes slowly and looks up at Elois.
"The address that I received this time," he started slowly, staring blankly at the wall. "was the address of that wonderful man and his friend we met at the art museum. Pretty interesting, yes?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:09 am

Alec breathed shakily,wincing with every breath. He truly wanted to mentally escape the dark abyss of his mind,the pain in his heart after being so...weak... He was never this bad before... More like rusty in his opinion.
"Dammit..." Alec mentally spoke within his unconscious mind. "I need to wake up...Vincent...please...try to wake me or---OW!!"
There was a sharp pain in his head,but a slight comfort at the back. A cooling feeling.
"Jesus...what the hell... that was so painful...why the hell did I do that...A head-butt especially at my age... Why... am I so stupid...?"
His mind went silent and without him knowing, small tear droplets began to seep out from his closed eyes.

Elois blinked in surprised as he opened the first aid kit. Taking out the bandages,he gently held Conrad's wounded arm,slowly caring for it.
"Well,well..." he chuckled with amusement. "You must have been in your glory..." Then Elois frowned. "I hope you did not hurt anyone of them..especially the man's friend...I saw that he has an adorable daughter....I cannot imagine the sadness if you were to hurt him..."

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:29 am

Vincent sighed softly, mentally attacking himself for always relying on Alec to protect him...almost as if he was a child. It was a stupid thing to do, considering he himself was a grown man; with a child no-less. He figured it was about high-time he learned to at least fight for the protection of his baby girl, if not for himself.
He glanced over his shoulder at his unconscious friend, flinching when he noticed the small tears. With slight hesitation, Vincent reached and gently wiped a stray tear from Alec's cheek, gently flipping he cold cloth on the much colder side.

Conrad grinned stupidly, staring at the wall as he re-imagined the encounter.
"Of course I didn't." he answer numbly, wincing lightly at the pain he felt. "I didn't even hurt that lovely man." he paused, sucking in his breathe sharply and speaking in a strained voice. "All I did was hold him against the wall..." Then Conrad released his held breath. "He actually might've hurt himself more than he hurt me with his little head-butt stunt."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:31 am

Alec sighed shakily and after a amout of minutes, he awoken with a groan of pain... with glazed eyes,he glanced up at his worried friend... He wasn't sure which was worse, the aching feeling in head and body or the dull pain due to worrying his only friend...
"Vin--" he fliced at the crack of his voice. " long was I out..? Im guessing it wasnt a longer time than I anticipated..."
Alec reached towards his friend's face,cringing as to how stiff his muscles were. The lightly bruised hand brushed against Vincent's cheek.
"I didn't beat him...did I?" He asked.

Elois blinked.
"I wasn't talking about your adversary... I was talking about his friend... I hope you did not hurt anyone other than your target." His voiced hitched of a slight worry. "Apparently he doesn't seem like the fighting type..." Elois paused,clearing his throat. "N-Not...that"
At the mentioning of the head butt, Elois couldn't help to chuckle.
"You're telling me...that man,who looks very elegant...did a head-butt move on you?"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:14 pm

Vincent flinched at the groan and quickly turned to face his injured friend. With his face contorted into worry, Vincent gently held Alec's hand, staring with tears in his eyes. "It's...only been a few hours..." he answered plainly.
A few stray tears fell down his face and he it his lip, cursing himself inwardly for not being able to hold them in. "I...honestly don't know...I had to convince Slate to go to sleep and by the time I got down were already on the couch."

Conrad raised both brows, turning slightly to glance at Elois with a questioning glance. Wearily, he answered. "Well, the other one went upstairs to the children I'm guessing." He carefully, reached up and rubbed his head, flinching afterwards.
Conrad ignored the comment, not really sure how to go about it.
"That's exactly what I'm telling you. I didn't even see it coming, to be honest." he paused, glancing out the window. "I suppose he really didn't want me to leave."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:45 pm

Alec blinked, his eyes becoming sad when Vincent began to cry.
"Vincent...." his bruised fingers gently wiped the warm tears. "I'm sorry....please don't worry. I'm just a bit older and did my stupid head-butt...." Alec smiled weakly,adding a squish to his friends flushed cheek. "I'll be okay, my head is just...throbbing a lot... So don't cry!"
The smile brighten,hoping that it would get Vincent to smile.

Elois scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself, Conrad. That man clearly wanted you to get your butt kicked...that is the real reason." He continued to tend Conrad's wounds and stood. "Don't touch your head,idiot. I just wrapped'll get more of a splitting headache than you already do..." With a gentle shove, pushed his friend on the bed and flopped blankets on him.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:01 pm

Vincent looked down at Alec sadly, his tears falling more profoundly. Vincent didn't know if he should be happy or upset that he did such a thing, knowing that his head wouldn't be able to tolerate something like that right now. "Stupid..." he whispered, rubbing his eyes.
He looked at Alec again, a small smile spreading on his face. "Just rest up, okay? I'll give you some cake in a while."

Conrad chuckled softly, winces and sucking in his breath.
"Sure sure," he muttered absently. "he clearly wanted me there, because if he didn't he would have - could have - kicked me out way before, instead of warning me." he paused, looking up at Elois. He didn't appreciate being called an idiot and he scoffed. "Right. What--" he stopped, wincing as he was pushed on the bed and covered in blankets.
Witha heavy sigh, Conrad gave a muffle 'thanks', before dozing off.
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:20 pm

Now that made Alec smiled, for he always loved his cake. Especially if it was Vincent who makes them.
"Oh boy!" wining as he smiled happily. The slender fingers added another squeeze of his friend's face. "I love your cake! But..." Alec began to sat up slowly, putting a hand onto his injured head. "I can get some already went through the trouble of watching me from hours on end... I'd rather get myself a plate..."

Elois chuckled lowly, laying a bit of spaces next to Conrad.
"Like I said..." The large blankets were gently pulled over his body and he laid on his pillow. "Don't flatter yourself..."
With that, Elois once again closed his eyes and hoped to be able to get as much sleep as possible before the sun risen.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:48 pm

Vincent wiped the tears from his cheeks and stood slowly. "It's alright." he said gently, softly pushing Alec back down on the couch. "You need all the rest you can get, so just let me do it." He scratched his head softly, then walked to the kitchen. He carefully covered the cake in icing and small sprinkles, then started to cute small pieces.

Conrad mumbled something else before he was completely succumbed by his sleepiness. He buried his face into the pillows and blankets, yawning softly and snoring silently.
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:06 am

Alec puffed his cheeks with disappointment.
"Heeey... I'm not that's just a piece of cake!", he complained. He once again sat up, followed by a heavy throb of his head. A low groan came from his lips and plopped back onto the couch, his eyes rolling in dizziness.
"T-There' worry...." he managed softly.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:00 pm

Vincent ignored Alec as he slid a piece of cake on a paper plate. As quietly as he could, he slid a fork from the drawer and walked out the kitchen, kneeling next to Alec. "Here you go, Alec." he said softly. "Here's your cake."
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:23 am

Alec smiled weakly, sitting up slightly and taking the delicious offer. He gently ruffed Vincent's head. "Thank you so much, Vince... I promise to not worry you anymore..." Opening his mouth widely, Alec took a nice bite of the creamy cake, his eyes sparkling as it simply melted within his mouth.
"H-How...", he stammered with a stuffed mouth. "are you able to make cake THIS good... It's like heaven just...implanted it's awesomeness within one...single....bite...!!"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:00 am

Vincent smiled softly, blushing lightly under Alec's soft touch. He gave his friend a small nod, acknowledging his compliment and stretching. "It's a secret," was all he said in reply to his friend's excited question. "Just enjoy it so we ca get some sleep." he added, grinning slightly. "Alright? As long as you rest up and regain your health, I'll forgive you. Okay?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:07 am

Alec chuckled slightly and he took another bite of the delicious desert.
"Oh? So you haven't forgiven me yet? And you're not gonna tell me your secret to you awesome cake~??"
Alec's chuckle became a light laugh, which made him wince a bit.
"I can make art with something so beautiful~ I don't need sleep at all...psssh! I can paint this thing all night...and sell it!"
He smiled brightly, his tone serious as ever. Alec was willing to paint anything that would have his creative mind working and hopefully, would sell their shop.
"I can make a colorful cake monster....!"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:16 am

Vincent decided to not elaborate on whether he forgave the other male or not. Instead, he focused his attention on the new subject: their shop. He was sure it needed to be checked out sooner or later. It's been at last two days sense he was last inside.
"Well, I bet your cake monster would look more happy and colorfully cute rather than scary, if you get some sleep ya know?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:29 am

"PSSSH!!" Alec scoffed once more. "My ideas are flowing when I'm not asleep! And it shall be cute, of course!"
He turned his body and began to stand, handing his empty plate to Vincent.
"I should get started with helps me keep all this...drama outta my head. As for you, you should probably get some sleep, Vince... I promise, I'll go to bed in a while, alright? Oooor, I'll go to bed when you forgive me....which is probably won't be for a while..."
Alec offered a bright smile, wincing as he rubbed his back. He walked towards an empty room, with only paintings that him and Vincent have done. They hung on the wall, making the empty room more than plain.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:47 am

Vincent sighed softly, taking the now empty plate and washing it. He stuck said plate into the dish rack and watched his friend stand.
It was a bit difficult to think of a way to get Alec to go to bed. He was worse than Eureka when she'd had tons of sugar before bed. Once he was amped up, it would take nearly forever to get him to go to sleep. Vincent didn't want to let his friend of easy, since he did something he knew he shouldn't have, but he wanted Alec to have a good night's sleep.
It took all his strength, but Vincent leaned on the counter and stared at his friend. "I can begin to forgive you, IF you come to bed, alright? We can even get the blankets and sleep down here on the floor together if you want. But I can't let you go so easily this time; you could have seriously hurt yourself you know?"
alright, now keep going.

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Derpface Sat Sep 28, 2013 11:57 am

Rolling his eyes, Alec grabbed his pencil and sketch book. He walked outside of the art room and walked back into the couch.
"I said I'm fine, Vincent." Alec grinned slightly, trying to hide the wincing. His whole body ached, wishing for him to lay down. "I'm just going to draw a few things. We need some money...."
He sat on the couch, flipping the booklet a numerous amount of times until an empty page showed up.
"I just gotta deal with the pain, silly!" he grinned once more and smiled. "I don't mind sleeping with you though.... So you can get the blankets ready if you feel like it!"

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Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l - Page 4 Empty Re: Alright Derpy. Here we finally go..! >:l

Post  Melody Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:03 pm

"Fine fine," Vincent responded with a sigh.
He walked over to the closet and pulled out three thick blankets. He laid the thickest of the three down first, making sure it as straight before laying the second on top. With the last and biggest blanket, Vincent laid it down lightly, flipping it back a little so they could just slide under. He grabbed two pillows from the couch and flopped them down in their designated spaces.
He plopped down onto the makeshift bed, puffing his cheeks childishly and scratching his head. "Bed's ready."
alright, now keep going.

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