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this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone?

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this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone? Empty this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone?

Post  Jenna Thu May 29, 2014 12:55 pm

it's definitely been a while since i've been on here. anyways. i took creative writing this past semester, and i had to write about either my favorite memory or my least favorite memory. mine ended up being a mixture of both. so anyways. it's really not quite a story, so i'm just gonna post it here.

also. if anyone would like to rp, i wouldn't mind doing one. i haven't done one in a while! message me or comment and we'll see what we can come up with. Smile

here's the thing:

We'd crossed paths a few other times before, but this time, he stuck around for a while. He was a simple boy--about six feet tall, buzz cut brown hair, and a pair of old, dirty work boots always on his feet. His face always held a wild smile so big you couldn't help but smile, too.

The few times we hung out before he left my life for the final time were normal and not in the least romantic. We would ride around in his truck, and blare country music. His truck, a lifted white F150, held most of our encounters. It was always mud splattered, and required him helping me in. Once in the gas guzzler, we'd ride around, going nowhere and saying nothing.

It was mid-summer, and we would spend all day talking. We never talked about anything too deep or important, but we always have something to talk about. He was from (a small town), so I didn't get to see him much. Despite him living a few towns over, we still became quite close in the two month time span of our not-quite-dating-but-more-than-friends relationship. We only went on one day in the two month time span, but it was still a good one.

It was nearing the end of summer when he asked me out on the date. He texted me and said, "Do you want to go to the movies with me?" I had replied yes. We agreed on that following Friday, and I was wired up until that day. Once Friday rolled around, the excitement faded away and the nerves hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn't know why I was nervous; I've hung out with him plenty of times before. Maybe it was the "date" title.

He rolled into my driveway at a quarter after five. His truck was covered in mud, he had a hat on his head, and that same silly grin stretched across his tanned face. One look at him getting out of his truck was all it took for the nerves to subside. He helped me into his truck, and even shut my door for me.

We headed out to (a nicer town) to go to the movies, because he "liked to piss off rich people with his truck". We parked between twwo little cars, and got out. (Well, he got out. I fell out.) Next door to the theater, was a sports shop; I can't remember now if it was Dick's or Academy Sports. We walked around inside of the store for close to an hour to kill time, and he joked around like his normal self.

Around six-thirty, we left the store and entered the movie theater. He purchased two tickets to Grown Ups 2, and we headed towards the designated theater. All throughout the previews, we talked. We talked about all of the deeper things we'd never say over text. Once the movie started, he held my hand and refused to let go.

Long after my hand had gone sweaty, the movie ended. On the way to (my town), we sat in a comfortable silence. We ha cranked the stereo up, and booming country music filled the small cab of the truck. Once we neared the (my town) exit, he lowered the music and spoke up.

"Tonight was fun," he'd said to, his voice smooth and even.

I'd smiled, and replied, "It was. Thanks for it."

He smiled in return, but it didn't reach his eyes. A weird look crossed his face, but at the time, I didn't think anything of it. We pulled into my driveway a few minutes later, and he shut off his truck. We sat in the truck and talked some, but he was quieter than usual.

His laughs got shallower, and his eyes didn't light up quite the same way as before. He didn't touch me, and didn't look at me much, either. All of these hints, and I never once looked into it.

He left after giving me a short hug, and I went inside. It took him close to an hour to get home, and when he did, he droppped it on me. "I never meant any of it," the text read. I read and re-read the text a few times before I fully understood.

It was all a game to him. He'd never meant anything he'd said. He was bored, and i was fun to mess with.

That boy hit me like a freight train.

if any of you are still reading this, i'd like to apologize for the awfulness of this story thing. i had an hour to write it and turn it in, and this is what i got. this is based off of true events, and some of you might even remember this guy. so yea.
I'm great and you're jealous.

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Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone? Empty Re: this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone?

Post  Taylor Sat May 31, 2014 4:33 am

HEY JENNA!! It's been forever wow.
Your story was really sad Sad What an asshole, seriously.

I haven't role played in months? I haven't really written anything in that time either so I don't know how good my writing is anymore lol but I'd be up for an RP
alright, now keep going.

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Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
Location : Chicago

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this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone? Empty Re: this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone?

Post  Jenna Sat May 31, 2014 6:02 am

it's been FOREVER. how have you been?

meh. he was a douche bag, but oh well.

i haven't roleplayed in probably close to a year. not like a real one anyways. my writing is basically shit at this point, but anything to save me from the boredom.
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone? Empty Re: this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone?

Post  Taylor Sat May 31, 2014 9:22 pm

I'm alright, better now that school is ending at least. You?

And yeah same lmao it's fine! Do you have any plots in mind?
alright, now keep going.

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Join date : 2011-02-11
Age : 27
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this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone? Empty Re: this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone?

Post  Jenna Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:01 pm

not really. i'm sure we could dig one up.
I'm great and you're jealous.

Posts : 1488
Join date : 2010-09-10
Age : 25

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this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone? Empty Re: this dumb thing i wrote for creative writing + rp, anyone?

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