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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!) Empty Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:22 pm

Ariana sat on her porch steps looking up and down the empty street. She sighed as she thought about her day at school. Ariana never had a good time a school. She was a junior in highschool, eighty pounds overweight, and didn't have many friends. And the few friends she did have were like her: fat, lonely, and having low- self confidence. But one thing was different about Adriana... She was in love.

Commonly, there are three types of love; destined: people who are perfect together, midfitters: people who are in love with arguements and problems, and hopeless lovers: when one person loves a person who could never love them back. And there are people who fit in smaller categories in these groups. Ariana, however, was a hopeless lover. She fell in love with a jock... His name was Jacob and he was the most popular guy in school. The girls fell all over him too. Why? Oh no reason really, just the fact that he was drop- dead gorgeous, a nice, tall, muscular body, and was captain of the football team. Ariana was aware that they were completely different, but she wouldn't give up.

One of the many problems with her love for Jacob was simply the fact that he treat her like dirt. He lived across the street from Ariana for years and ignored her crazy attempts to get his attention. Once, not too long ago, Ariana ran in front of his car as he pulled into the driveway. Jacob just ignored her and reversed his car and parked it near the sidewalk. He then got out of his car, walked past Ariana without a word, and went inside like nothing happened leaving Ariana in the driveway alone. Ahh yes, the things we do for love.

This driveway incident happened about a week ago and it still hurt Ariana. She looked at is house across the street and held back tears. She shook her head and lokoed down at her cat. "Have you ever been rejected Mr. Sprinkles?" she asked the cat softly. The cat stopped licking his paw and looked up at her and meowed. Ariana smiled, "Good to know I'm not alone... Oh, what am I saying? I'm talking to a cat!" she said frowning. The cat meowed again and went back to licking his paw.

Suddenly, an idea came to Ariana. An idea that would make you think Ariana was crazy, but alas, Ariana wasn't crazy... Well, actually, she was crazy in love if that counted. She went inside her house and got something. She hid it behind her back and went back outside and looked at Jacob's house. "I'll teach you to love me!" she said quietly. She snuck into Jacob's backyard and broke into his house. She noticed there was no one home, Perfect! she thought to herself. She ran upstairs and found Jacob's room. She smiled evily and hid in the closet waiting...

Ariana woke up to a door slamming- the house's front door! I must have fell asleep in the closet. How long have I been here? She asked herself quietly. She opened the closet door a little and took a peek out of the crack. She saw Jacob and his friend, Andrew, shoving something on the bed. She stiffled a gasp as she recognized the big figure. It was her best friend, Imelda.

Ariana watched in horror as Andrew tied Imelda to Jacob's bed and Jacob set up a video camera on a tripod. She felt around on the closet floor and found the object she had brought from home. She tightened her grip on the object, feeling scared and angry. Then it started to happen: Jacob pressed the little red record button and Andrew started to rape Imelda...

Ariana didn't know how she just sat there and watched her friend get raped, but she did. She just sat there watching Andrew rape Imelda. Ariana wanted to help Imelda but decided that would only compound her problems. She figured if she tried to help her friend, she would get raped. She just sat there selfishly and watched.
.................................................. ...............

After Andrew finished, he called Jacob in the room and turned the camera off. Jacob untied Imelda and took her to his car. Ariana guess he was probably going to just take her home. Ariana heard the car start and Jacob drive away with her best friend. So, now Andrew was alone in Jacob's house, or so he thought. Andrew got up, closed Jacob's room door, and layed down on the bed. He picked up the camera, turned it on, and started whatching himself raped Imelda... He was reliving the moment.

Ariana sprung out of the closet. She took the object from her behind her was a knife, a big knife. She looked at Andrew with a evil gleam in her eye, like she was a wild, blood- thirsty animal. "BASTARD!" she yelled and ran at him.

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 5953
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27

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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!) Empty Re: Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

Post  Morgan Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:47 am

annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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Age : 27
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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!) Empty Re: Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:22 am

Thanks Neavah, I'll have more soon. :]

Last edited by Alicia on Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 5953
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27

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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!) Empty Re: Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

Post  Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:59 pm



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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!) Empty Re: Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

Post  Guest Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:23 am

You never wrote more! D:


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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!) Empty Re: Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:33 am

Ahh, I told you I was busy :]
I'll get to it soon.

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 5953
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27

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Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!) Empty Re: Sad, Alone, and Reject (I wrote this and Alex said so far, it was good so he's making me post it!)

Post  ♡ Alicia ♡ Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:25 pm

Andrew looked at her with wide eyes. Ariana pounced at him, but he was too quick for her. Andrew moved out of the way and Ariana fell... out of the window... of a two- story house. She landed on the hard cement driveway, the knife next to her. Andrew panicked and called 911. He told them she tried to commit suicide. It was a lie of course but he decided that telling the truth would lead to him being arrested for rape.

Ariana's eye's fluttered open. She looked around the room, she groaned, realizing she was at the hospital. She tried to sit up and winced in pain as her leg hit the bed's rail. The nurse came in to check on her and reassured her that she was okay and only broke a leg. Ariana was, for once in her sad, miserable life, happy she was overweight. Her extra fat served as a prtective cushion. If she was skinny, like the cheerleaders she envied so much, the fall would have probably been fatal. She sighed and frowned, "But if I was a cheerleader, I wouldn't be trying to make Alex love me... he would already like me.'' she said quietly.

Ariana looked to the other side of the room. She wanted to talk to someone but her 'roommate' had a curtain around her bed. Ariana sighed feeling really sad, alone, and rejected. She looked out of the window and sighed. Then she heard it... the voice of an angel... well, her angel. The voice of Alex, the voice she dreamed would called her name one day. She smiled brightly at what the voice said. "Hey babe.'' said the angelic voice. "How are you feeling.'' Ariana couldn't say a thing, she pinced herself to make sure this wasn't a dream. Could he be talking to me? Are my dreams finally coming true? Or am I just hearing things? She turned and looked at the doorway when the voice was coming from. She wasn't dreaming! It was him Alex! But as she looked at his face closely her smiled disappeared...

(there you go taylor!)

♡ Alicia ♡
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

Posts : 5953
Join date : 2010-09-11
Age : 27

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