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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:56 pm

When I looked up the first thing I saw was a black cloak with red clouds on it. The second thing I saw was an orange mask with a hole in one eye and in a swirling pattern. He reaches his hand out and helps me up.

"Are you okay."


I then waited for him to attack but he didn't. Instead he got really hipper and started jumping up and down.

"Ya Tobi is a good boy. He found the mean girl who caused us to find two new members and a new hide out."

"Damn I only killed two."


He then grabbed me with my arms twisted behind my back and transported us with some weird jutsu. Within seconds we were in another akatsuki hideout and they were prepared this time. They tied mt up with chakra restrainers and with iron. They also put me in Pains room, so he could keep a close eye on me, which he did. He also continued to torture me each time I said I wouldn't join the akatsuki. This continued for weeks.
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:06 pm

after i get three biju i com back with them in scrolls, i look around for you and start getting worried that my eyes turn blue and i start looking around for you, nor able to find you i start my plan and start sealing the biju into my body, my mind going crazy i start sealing them off as personalities,i wake up a week later my eyes normal, freaking out i couldnt do any thing i used to be able to do, so i started working on being a normal ninja for a while " ill find you, but i have to figure this out" i look inside myself and see three seal cages, a horse with 7dolphin tails in it, a smoky twin tailed cat, and dragon with 11, "i didnt know about the 11 tailed dragon but ill somhow get his power" i look at the eyes of the dragon,

"let me out and ill share my power"

"ill share my body when i cna trust you" i sleep after that
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:12 pm

After a month of torture all my restraints snapped. I let that thing take control, the 18 tailed-Wolf. My hair turned white I grew fangs and my eyes glowed red. I broke through the restraints and attacked Pain. Who was getting a knife to continue mutilating my body. I tore him in half, but of course another showed up. So I ran for it. I got out of the hide-out safely and went deep into the wilderness and stayed stuck in biju form. I had no sense of myself for I had lost my way long ago and I had been hanging on by a thread but now that thread was long gone. Just like my humanity.
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Experiment 627
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:22 pm

another month and i start begining my traingin to use the twin tail cat,

"hold on" the cat luaghed as we fell to into the water again

"your claws are smoke its hard" the twin tailed cloak on my faded
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:28 pm

After hunting I became thirsty and head to the nearest lake where someone was at. I'm not scared and drink from the lake keeping an eye on you.
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:30 pm

i look over seeing a wolf, i feel all the tailed beast force their chakra into me and i roar as the mixed chakras burn my skin and i force them to calm down and look at it and breath heavily not moving
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:47 pm

I hear a roar come from you and growled getting ready to defend myself if I had to.
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:47 am

a green red and blue cloak forces out of my skin

"that wolf is dangerous, watch out for it" the dragon said

"i know it personaly shes a visous warrior" the cat said

"just dont die" the horse said

the added up tails sprout and my skin turns black the dragon shape as main body, smoky wings, stong horse dolphin tails, my eys spilt in three parts, red greenish blue and black,

"let us take car of it"

i let my body go, the chakra too stong for me to push it back so i let them go,
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:34 am

I made a cloak around me and a barrier not attacking but instead defending.

"I'm not here to kill anyone I'm simply trying to keep my host out of danger. You know I have mellowed out. But what would you do if your host was being slowly killed and her trying to protect you. Well once she passed out I took her into a deep sleep so her spirit could heal along with her body. The akatsuki is the people you should be worried about not me."

I then wait and stay that way. Checking on the girl that protected me more times than I could count.
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Experiment 627
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:58 am

the eyes of the cimera beast faded and i forced myself to take over, cslowly i walk towards the wolf, my body changing rapidly back to normal "tell me what you know about the akatski" my eyes turn to normal eyes then bakt to the spining red blue and green " i have to know everything about them"
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:10 am

I let down the barrier and got out of my defensive stance.

"I know that they are an evil organization that hunt us down and kill our other halves while extracting us. They plan on using us to take over the world and restore their version of peace. I also know that if I ever see that piece of shit Pain ever again I'm ripping him to shreds for torturing my other half. Just because she wouldn't join."

I growled the last part wanting to find that vermin and tear him to pieces right there.
Experiment 627
Experiment 627
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:29 am

i turn to run, and i stop, "whos your other half"
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:00 am

I look you in the eye and tilted my head to the side.

"Her name is Kira. They had captured us a little over a month ago and put us through hell. She was on the verge of dying when I took over. So I took over healed her body and escaped so her spirit could heal to and she wake up out of her coma."
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:15 am

i drop to my knees "that girl is something" i cry and luagh "thank you," i hold my hand to the wolfs face
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:34 am

I growled not liking being touched.

"Get your hands off of my face. I don't like being touched and it kinda disrupts me healing her."
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:18 pm

"sorry" i put my hands on my knees "im just relived that shes safe"
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:49 am

I glower at you.

"And what exactly do you mean by that. You planning on taking her back?"

I then start growling and got in a defensive stance again.

"Over my dead body. I won't let you take her back to that stinking hell hole just so you can torture her some more. I'll kill you before I'd let that happen."

Getting ready for a fight and yet trying to contain myself I growled.

"And just to let you know. Them stinking weaklings you have is nothing compared to me even when they are put together in one vessel. They forget that I used to be the child of the demon lord himself and before he was gone passed his powers to me."
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Experiment 627
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:45 am

"calm yourself freind" i say " im taking her yes, back to that horrible place no, i was with her before she was taken, i left ehr for a day for a mission, then i came back and couldnt find her, i bound myself with these biju, weak tho they are with my eyes they are strong, i dont want to fight becuase the girl you are carring" i look into the wolfs eyes " is the girl i love"
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:52 am

I stop growling and relaxed into a normal standing position. Even though I didn't trust you as far as I could throw you.

"Love you say. I heard love is a pain and it hurts."

I then think for a moment and went to the back of my mind checking on her. Seeing that she was almost healed I smiled. Then I growled at you.

"Fine you can take her but if you hurt her I will rip you into a thousand tiny pieces and burn them to ash."

O look you in the eye.

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Experiment 627
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:56 am

i take out a kuni and cavre tha smybol for wolf into my sholder " i vow my life to it" i seal the cut and clean the blood to show a scar
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:01 am

I smile a sadistic smile.

"Well you are vowing your life for it. Since it will cost you your life if you hurt her in anyway whatsoever."
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:19 am

i bow my head "i know this, she is my life, i will protect her with mine, my power is hers, my biju as well"

i felt the three bijus roar in aproval

"this is the strongest warrior i have ever been with" the cat purred " my power is his to the fullest

"he is young, but stong. he will keep his word i see that from a month of training" the horse dolpin nayed

"this young boy captured me him self brother" the dragon forced his cloak over me to speak "ill make sure your deal is kept " the dragon melted away and i remained on my knees, head down
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:22 am

I smile and concentrate a little.

"Well now if they put so much faith in you I'll do the same with my other half. You better stand up now or she might get hurt."

I then concentrate some more and pull her to the front to where she dominated and I didn't. Once out she started to fall still unconscious.
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Experiment 627
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Dragoono Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:30 am

i stand and catch her i hold her carfully eyt closly to me
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Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!) - Page 6 Empty Re: Naruto Shipudenn, (make ur own twist to naruto!)

Post  Experiment 627 Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:35 am

After a few minutes but it felt like years I finally woke up in someone's arms. I jump up thinking that it was another torture method and pushed the person away. I then jumped back flipped and landed in a crouching position only to find myself really dizzy. After taking a few deep breathes I could see clearly and I saw that it was you.

"Draco what are you doing here? Oh no don't tell me they got you to?"
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