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Peyton and Foxy

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Peyton and Foxy Empty Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:25 am

Peyton and Foxy Cade11
Cade. He has the exact personality he was named for. Calm and gentle, almost irritatingly so. That is, until someone presses the wrong buttons.

Last edited by Fox on Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:53 am

Peyton and Foxy Anime-girl-braids
Alavara.*Vara for short
She can be fierce when provoked, but mostly is docile considering the life she leads. There is no point in standing up for yourself when it can get you there?
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:57 am

//So, girl has to start. :D
Setting: Sort of medieval-ish, armor and swords and horses type of thing. The two are in a private meeting, except Gareth-- Eh, no. I change his name to Cade now. His name is Cade. Except Cade is pretty much covered in chains and weighted to his chair, about twenty feet away from Vara because e has sexy seduction powers and the guards don't want him to steal her innocence. Razz
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:02 am

//that just confused me...I'm tired. Explain it again please?
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:08 am

//NO no, wait, I think I understand. hahaha. But I need to go to the store first then I'll reply. :3
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:11 am

//Okay. I changed Gareth's name to Cade.
Because of the impending doom on humans and sexy demons, Cade has requested an audience with Vara. None of the humans know that if the war doesn't end, everyone will die. Cade is going to inform Vara of this and propose a peace treaty and an alliance. Now, addressing what I said about his powers. He is a sex demon. He feeds off of sexual energy, and he can also seduce someone by releasing a very strong pheromone into the air. Everything on him seeps it; his hair, his clothes, his skin. Vara's guards are afraid he might try to seduce her, so they chain him to his chair during the meeting and keep a good distance between them. Got that? :3
I dun wanna get rid of all this, so I'm gonna keep it there 'cause I'm lazy. Just read it and make sure what you were thinking is somewhere along these lines. xD
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:13 am

//But who is the royal in this? I thought it was going to be you? I'm lost in that aspect..
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:17 am

//Oh, both of them. Cade is king of the demons. Because there are so few humans left, the race switched to a monarchy as well and Vara is their queen.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:09 am

//OHHHH. Okay. alright, Meeting time to start. 

Vara looked around the room, there were several guards in the room and a man...or what appeared to be a man chained in the corner. "Look, we need to get this sorted out, sexual jokes aside," She was saying, leaning on her hands on top of the large oak table in front of her. Everyone was on edge,and Cade not wanting to cooperate wasn't helping. "I would have asked you here, if I did not want this war to stop," She said and went to walk over to the chained Demon King but was stopped and she only sighed.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:22 am

Cade sat still in his chair, his bright silver irises ringed by a very deep, forbidding black. He calmly tossed his hair from his face with an easy jerk of his head, seeing as his wrists were chained behind him and thick ropes wrapped several times around his midsection. There were a few bruises on his face from the guards hitting him, but nothing in his expression or body language had once betrayed fear or pain. He just took the blows and regarded everyone with the same cool, detached gaze. Finally, after staring at the guards quietly long enough to frighten them, his eyes flitted to Vara's and he spoke in a soft, slightly bored tone. His speech was accented somewhere between Irish and British, hinting at his Welsh heritage. "I never spoke such crude things to you, dei. You merely misunderstood. I want this war to end as much as yourself. You see, we demons need humans to stay alive, otherwise the lack of sexual energy will weaken us until we die. Neither species will benefit from the death of the other, for demons have also contributed great things to human society that you would otherwise be lost without. I was proposing an alliance. Or at least, something that means if we leave you alone, you'll leave us alone. We do so enjoy our privacy." Something in his eyes changed slightly, a glint of amusement perhaps, and the ghost of a smile traced the corner of his mouth. He sat there with that unsettling calm, as if he had all the time in the world, wasn't being threatened, and wasn't being chained to an uncomfortable wooden chair.
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:32 am

Alavara pushed so hair from her forehead with her hand, and then crossed her arms. lThe guards around her gave her an uneasy look because there was agitation in her expression. "Let me pass," Vara demanded.
"But you're Highne--"
"Let me pass!" She demanded again and this time, not without reluctance they let her through. She walked over to stand closer to Cade then, her startling blue eyes locked on his equally as shocking iris'. "I did not vote to have to tied up, but sometimes these buffoons think with their guts and not their heads, should you of even looked at me wrong all hell would've broken loose and then there would have been no hope for a treaty..." This was sort of her way of apologizing, and she shrugged then. 
"So what is it you suggest we do now?" Alavara's eyes narrowed in thought and she waited his answer.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:43 am

Cade tilted his head up to meet her eyes and captured her gaze, his face a mask of nothing for a moment. Then, his eerie calm broke and he gave a somewhat reluctant grin. He almost looked embarrassed. "Well, the fight has been going on for so long that there's only one thing my people will accept as a true sign of peace." He took a deep breath and jerked his arms outwards, breaking the ropes around his torso. His handcuffs easily bent, the weak metal not enough for his strength. "Seeing as my people greatly outnumber yours in number and strength, I suggest..." He reach out and gently took her hand in his, completely ignoring the shouts and sounds of blades coming free. He leaned in and nearly put his lips to her ear, speaking so softly only she would hear him. "I suggest marriage." The pommel of a sword struck the side of his face, leaving a shallow gash that started trickling blood, and the force of it caused his eyes to roll back in his head as he passed out. The guards grabbed him and pulled him away from Vara quickly.
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:56 am

Alavara gasped once, and then twice. The first due to his words and the second when they hardly missed her own head to put a gash into his. Marriage!? It was a wild thing to suggest, but the more she thought about the more right he was. She wasn't sure if her people would take it as greatly as Cade believed his would, but she was backed into a corner now. Just because she didn't love him didn't mean she couldn't marry him, right? If it would help her people, she would do anything and she knew this war had to stop. It wasn't a choice for her and she nodded to herself as she made of her mind, "I'll do it," Vara mumbled to herself and then followed after the guards who'd taken Cade off.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:02 am

Cade was literally dragged by the back of his shirt to a metal cage structure in the throne room of the palace, where they had kept him before questioning. Someone tossed a filthy wet rag on his chest to clean his cut when he woke, then closed the door and locked it. The head guard turned to Vara, looking suspicious and worried, as if Cade had managed to suck out her soul in those few seconds. "My lady, are you alright? My apologies, we did not know the ropes wouldn't hold him, and I cannot believe he got so close to you." The guards face burned with shame and he dropped to his knee, bowing his head. "Forgive me, my lady."
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:08 am

Raising her hands, Alavara crossed her arms tightly over her chest, "Leave me," She said and waved a hand dismissively, "I'm perfectly alright," She told him and almost shouted as the guard left slowly and reluctantly. Once he was gone Vara rushed over to the cage he was in and managed to open it. The 'man' inside was still out cold and she used a clean rag she'd grabbed from beside her throne to clean his wound, "Sometimes those guards are idiots," She sighed, though she wasn't sure if Cade was even listening.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:14 am

Cade's eyelashes fluttered and for a moment, the silver of his eyes shone through like starlight. Then he made some noise between a sigh and a groan and closed his eyes again, pain just barely flitting across his features before it disappeared into his once again calm demeanor. He wanted to talk, but the pain in the left side of his face changed his mind. Instead, without opening his eyes, he reached up with his hand and lightly dragged his fingertips over the back of her hand, the hand tending to the cut on his face, as thanks.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:19 am

Alavara gave a slight smile and shook her head, even though she knew he couldn't see it, "No need to thank me, it's the least I can do when we're trying to cooperate together," She told him and then pulled back when  the wound was no longer bleeding and was clean. She quickly undid the bindings on him and caught him when he fell into her. "C'mon, lets get you sitting down," She walked him over to a padded chair made from oak and let him slip down into it, "Now the next time, I suggest you don't make such rapid movements, it freaks people out," She laughed slightly at that, because she hadn't been afraid.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:27 am

Wincing, Cade spoke past the intense ache in his cheekbone. "Yes, well, hard not to move rapidly when one's species is dying at an alarming rate. It's one thing with wild animals, because they're easier to breed, but pair two beings of higher intelligence under our circumstances, then breeding isn't quite so easy." He rambled easily, used to people letting him go on and on because usually they tuned out after the important things. Now his cheek was really starting to bother him. "By the devil, that guard either has a pommel made of brick or the strength of an elephant. Give me your hand." He didn't let her answer before taking her slender fingers and placing them on the cut. Heat was radiating from the offended area, but nothing quite as intense as his eyes next... They burned some soft of golden silver for a moment as he stared into her eyes. He was drawing out her sexual energy to heal himself.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:35 am

Alavara winced slightly when her hand was pulled up so quickly. She would have said something to him but the way he was looking at her caught her attention and she couldn't find the words to speak them. She knew what he was doing, and though she didn't exactly approve she couldn't help but let it happen. Vara was sure if they did get married this was something that was going to happen often, he needed it to live after all.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:45 am

Cade stared into her eyes for a moment longer before his entire body gave a slight twitch and he broke eye contact, as if he had merely been deep in thought. He let her hand leave his face. All that was left was a small yellow-green bruise that would be gone in the morning. His eyes quickly returned to their natural silver and he leaned back in his chair, tossing his hair from his face with a neutral expression. It was like he was a stone pulled from a river. Worn round and neat and smooth by the water over time, leaving nothing but a spotless surface that betrayed nothing inside. He looked her up and down, his eyes lingering on some of the more female parts of her anatomy, before his eyes returned to hers. "I bet you feel quite a bit relaxed, don't you? That's how us demons work. We remove most of the sexual frustration and tension, leaving nothing but what is necessary for the humans to repopulate." For half a second, he looked slightly irritated. "All the rumors of Incubi dragging young girls away, kicking and screaming, are mostly lies. Rape is the cause of an Incubi forgetting to draw the sexual tension out of humans, and then it explodes. Although, in recent years, as you can imagine, we've felt much less inclined to relieve you of such stress."
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:55 am

Alavara looked him over and frowned slightly when he looked at her in such a way. "I never said I believed such things," She said and stood, stepping back from him. Vara wanted nothing more of the conversation and that was obvious. Walking over she sat down on her throne and put her head in her hands, "I do not care what it is either side of this war have done. Each of us have done horrible unspeakable things, and I wish for it all to stop," Vara said and shook her head, brushing her bright blonde locks from her face.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:15 pm

Cade's expression remained impassive, even a little bit disinterested, but he stood and without warning, scooped up Vara and sat in the throne, placing her in his lap. He settled her comfortably against his chest and leaned back, giving an appreciative hum at how comfortable the seat actually was. He started to absently fiddle with some of her hair, pulling it from her face and weaving small but very intricate braids. "True, that. It really is a shame." He was quiet for half a moment. "You can relax into me as much as you'd like. I'm used to touching someone in this way, and besides, it seems you've agreed to our engagement, so you should get as comfortable as possible with me." Again, half a moment of silence. "Did I tell you my first name isn't Cade? It's Alaric. I just go by my last name because I like Cade better." He was Alaric Cade. It flowed strangely to say it in his head.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:19 pm

Alavara yelped slightly at his sudden movements. Pulling herself free of him after a long while she frowned, "Well I am not used to it, so please refrain and remove yourself from my throne," She told him fighting the urge to stomp her foot. She knew that though she was in charge if the guards saw him there, loose and willingly sitting in her throne they'd try to rip off his head. "And thought I do agree to the engagement, that does not give you right to do as you please," Her arms went over her chest and she bore her icy eyes into him.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:31 pm

Cade was starting to break through his calm surface, bored of all the stuffy sitting up straight and cool glances. This girl made him playful. He could see her trying to resist the urge to stomp her foot like a child, pout and flush with frustration, and all he wanted to do was tease her. A very genuine grin spread across his lips. It was crooked, more up than down on the left side, and showed a bit of dimple that had been hiding. His eyes flashed with pure mischief. "Aw, our first fight as almost husband-and-wife. Interesting experience, I'll have to remember this." Instead of getting out of the throne, he sat at the edge and drew her closer despite her protests. He waited until they were knee-to-knee to speak. "Remember, dei, that this is no longer just your throne. It's our throne. From here on, we rule over both kingdoms together. Why, I think this is marvelous. Let's announce it to the whole human race, shall we? I believe they camp just outside the palace doors." He stood and started puling her with him, a funny grin on his face.
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Peyton and Foxy Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:39 pm

Alavara gasped and smacked him on the back, not hard but it made a solid thwack when her hand made contact. "You don't rule anything of mine yet, not until we're officially married," She said and moved away from him. "We are not announcing this until I've talked with the rest of my council and you too yours," She said and crossed her arms once more. She was very serious on the matter, and it was clear that she wasn't going to budge on the matter. "We are not bound by marriage quite yet, and you will act as such."
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