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Peyton and Foxy

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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Sun Jun 23, 2013 1:16 pm

//my cousin is moving there.  :P

Vara made a face, "I have a feeling I'm not going to like this..." She said and frowned slightly. But she didn't stop walking beside  Cade as he went off to his chamber. She hadn't been in his room yet and her heart raced slightly at the idea. He'd been in her room countless times since he'd been here, and as they walked she wondered what it might look like. There was probably a rather messy bed for one.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:47 pm

Once they reached his chamber, Cade opened his door and brought Vara inside. The only messy thing in the room was his bed, actually, and only because he'd been in a hurry. Everything else was absolutely spotless. "I don't let the maids clean my room for me. They work hard enough already," he said with a smile. There were a few books stacked by the fire. A few packs laying open near his bed. He brought her farther into the room and sat her down on the bed, then reached for the largest of the packs. "I thought, if we came to an agreement on the alliance, you'd like to know what is traditionally worn during a wedding among our people. I brought a dress for you to look at. I mean, if that's okay."
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:50 am

Vara shrugged slightly, "We must make the people happy, right?" She said to him and waited for him to show her what the dress looked like. She was curious though to find out if it was even a dress at all, or something a lot different from when she was wearing for the wedding here in a few days. She was actually starting to get nervous about actually being married. Alavara didn't love him, at least she didn't think she did and it was probably going to be hard to marry someone you don't love. Shaking those thoughts away she tried to focus on what Cade was showing her.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:02 am

Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Adress10
Cade opened the large pack and pulled out a beautiful dress, half deep green lace and half cream-colored silk with white roses placed at the shoulder and hip. "It's somewhat close to the white dresses human women wear, but there's always green somewhere in our dresses. It symbolizes a new beginning to a new life. Of course, you'll be able to pick any dress you'd like, not just this one." He smiled at her. There were quite a few strange things about the dress, though. There were no elaborate fastenings, no heavy silk skirts. The bodice looked comfortable and loose. And there was absolutely no corset.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:05 pm

Vara took the dress in her hands and held it up to her form. It looked like it would fit rather nicely, actually, and she loved the color. "It's not traditional for my people, but it is what yours expect," Alavara started and smiled, "Of course I will wear it, it's beautiful," Now Vara looked at Cade and grinned.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:11 pm

Cade smiled just as brightly, showing a set of perfect white teeth. "I'm glad you like it. I know that most impressions of demons bring to mind scary black clothing or even, well, no clothing at all. Be really, we're very civilized people. It's just hard for us to understand humans, just as it's probably hard for you to understand us." He reached out and tucked some of her white-blond hair behind her ear and his smile softened. "I'm glad I'll be able to get to know the humans through you, though."
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:13 pm

Vara gave him a sweet smile before walking over to the mirror with her second wedding gown still pressed into her. She looked herself over as she spoke, "I think this will be a well needed change for our people, though mixing of the two may be a bit more difficult..." Her voice trailed off and she looked up at Cade through the reflection of the mirror, "We both must be very strong, there is much more work ahead of us once we are officially wed," She told him, though Vara was sure he already knew this.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:18 pm

Cade resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Understood, love. Now, I'd like you to read some of this." He pulled out a medium-sized leather bound book from another pack. "It tells you everything about demon marriage customs and the proper ways to interact with other demons. Manners and etiquette and things like that. It's a bit boring, and I honestly didn't pay much attention in lessons when I was young, but it's important." He gave a laugh and his eyes brightened the room.
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:24 pm

Now, Vara did roll her eyes, "Why couldn't you just teach me?" She asked and walked over to the bed, where she lay the dress there neatly. She politely took the book and flipped through it, she caught several odd phrases none of which she understood. This was just more work for her to do, and she was already so busy...shaking her head at her self she nodded to Cade, "I'll make sure it gets read," She told him seriously before setting it down beside the dress, "Is there something else?" She asked him.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:32 pm

Cade became very serious very fast. He turned to her and took her hands. "Yes. First, you'll need to be very, very brave around the men and women of my castle. Most look down about humans and think them weak. You must act very casual, and very relaxed. Almost as if you own every one of their souls. It will impress them and possibly change their opinions of humans. Second, demons have no official wedding vows. Marriage is always the product of love in my country, nothing is ever truly arranged this way, and the vows are supposed to be spontaneous. Something from lovers' hearts. You cannot script out what you're going to say at the altar, though I know you have no love in your heart for this marriage. You will have to come up with something, and something sincere."
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:44 pm

Vara for a moment felt light headed, there were so many things she had to learn and change. Vows? They planned on giving vows? She'd always thought those were something for those in love, and though she wasn't in love with Cade it hurt her for him to say it. She wasn't sure why that was really, but she felt cold and callous when he mentioned it. She had made it clear, she guessed, that she wasn't in love with him. But, she didn't hate him either, even if she'd wanted to at first. He was much different than she'd been expecting, and though she did not love him now, she did not put that out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe one day she would love him, but that was hard to know. Pulling her hands from his she picked up the dress again and hung it somewhere out of the way, "Anything else?" She asked, trying to keep cool and reserved just like he'd told her she would need to be. Vara would need as much practice as she could get, considering she tended to wear her heart on her sleeve and speak openly on most matters.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:50 pm

Cade smiled and framed her face in his hands. "Yes. Don't practice being distant on me. I'd much prefer you speak as openly with me as you always do. And also..." He leaned in closer, the starlight color of his eyes blocking out every other source of light around them. "I don't think it will be very hard for me to make up vows for you spontaneously. I'm already harboring a few sweet feelings for you." He kissed the tip of her nose and pulled away, suddenly irritatingly calm. "That was all I wanted. You make take the dress to your room and try it on if you'd like."
liek hay gurl

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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:06 pm

Alavara felt her cheeks flush, and she tried to keep herself composed. When he talked about the dress she only nodded, gave him a fleeting smile, and walked to her own chambers to try on the dress. She asked a maid of hers to help her, and of course she did so willingly and happily. Once it was on, Peyton felt her cheeks heat at her own reflection. She felt more beautiful in this dress than the one she'd be wearing for her wedding at home. It held to her like it was made just for her, though of course it wasn't as tight. "Wow.." She breathed and stared at herself in shock.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:09 pm

Cade made himself busy, sending letters to his home to arrange things for the wedding and times soon after the event. He arranged for the boat to come get them in three days' time and then, having nothing else to do, decided to take a nap.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:17 pm

The rest of the day, Alavara was arranging things for the wedding here in her own castle. Was preparing the rest of the guest list, the food, and the decorations. It was only about a day away from the wedding now and she grew nervous, not sure if she was completely ready to go through with this. Though, she knew that she had to do it for her people, and for Cade's. They were losing to many lives for her not to follow through with the marriage. 
At about midnight, Alavara stopped working. She ate a small meal and was helped to her room, she was so tired, that she couldn't help while she was being undressed. They slipped her into a long white nightgown with sleeves and started a fire for her. And she heaved a heavy sigh once in bed.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:26 pm

Cade woke before Vara the next morning and arranged for the maids to starts her fire and brings her a large breakfast in bed. She had worked altogether too much the past few days, and he wanted her to relax the whole day. He walked with the maid that carried Vara's breakfast and took over from there. He brought it in to her and set it in the table beside her bed while she still slept, then wrote her a note and placed it on the tray. 'Today you will rest. You've certainly earned it. ~Cade' Then he went to take care of his own hunger.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:30 pm

It was about noon by the time Vara stirred. Sitting up she rubbed her eyes and threw her arms out into a stretch. There were only hours until the wedding and there was still so much to do, but when she looked over she saw her meal sitting on a tray for her. She read the note and then smiled softly, shaking her head. He was so considerate, which was something she'd of never expected from a demon. Then again Cade proved her wrong at every turn. Once she was done eating, someone helped her dress in a light sky blue dress, with full ruffled skirts. Her crown was pinned neatly to her head and she walked down to the throne room where several people were at work decorating it.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:34 pm

Cade stood beside the throne like a lone guard protecting something important. His posture relaxed and he gave a bright smile as Vara walked into the room. He hurried her over to the throne and made her sit. "Sit here, manon. I don't want you doing any sort of work until they bring you to put on your dress. It's your wedding day, and you should relax, even if it isn't in your preferred circumstances." He smiled and tilted her crown on her head at a more secure angle.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:39 pm

Vara made a face, "You know, it's said to be bad luck for you to see me now, hours away from the wedding," She said to him and wrinkled her nose. There was a group of maids and guards whispering and glancing over at Vara and Cade. When she looked over however they dispersed and Vara couldn't stop herself from blushing. "There is a dance, in front of everyone, you know," She said to Cade, trying to keep her mind off what it was that the workers were whispering about her. They were no doubt, gossiping about the marriage and how close she and Cade had become in such a short amount of time. And sadly, they were probably talking about her break down after the two of them had been together in her chamber.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:47 pm

Cade glanced back at the staff with a frown and instantly they stopped whispering and returned to their jobs. He looked down at Vara with a sweet smile and set a hand on the side of her face, gently rubbing his thumb across her cheek. "They're wondering what about me makes you so emotional and flustered. Which is a silly question. I'm your used-to-be enemy and you're getting married to me. That's enough to fluster anyone, wouldn't you say?"
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:54 pm

Vara stiffed and pulled her face from his touch, "I would say so, yes," She agreed and looked around the room that was bustling with people. So he could hear them, she learned more and more about Cade everyday. "Would you mind if I called you Alaric, after we're married?" Alavara asked suddenly, no one ever called him that, and though he preferred Cade, she liked his first name. It was nice to call him that, and she found a sort of affection in doing so.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:26 pm

Cade actually blushed at this, and a few of the maids who saw giggled or sighed longingly. He gave a small smile and shrugged. "Well, no one has called me that in years, not even Rhone. But if you'd like, I think I'd enjoy you calling me by my first name." His smile broadened and he turned to just stand quietly beside her and watch.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:12 am

Alavara lifted her hand and squeezed his gently for only a moment before pushing herself to her feet, "No no!" She said and her eyebrows knit together. Walking over to another part of the room where they hung paper lanterns, before Cade could catch her, Vara was telling them how to fix it. "You must pin the top, and hang the bottom," She picked one up and showed the two workers, her hands moved swiftly and gracefully, "There, see?" She gave the workers a huge smile and pat one of them on the shoulder, "Good work."
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Fennec Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:15 am

Cade grinned and came up behind Vara while she wasn't paying attention. He swept her off her feet and carried her back to her throne. "Now what did I say, manon? No working today." He set her in her throne and chucked her under her chin, giving her a wink. "That's why you have me and the castle staff. If you don't stay here, I'll tie you to your throne," he teased.
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Peyton and Foxy - Page 7 Empty Re: Peyton and Foxy

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:22 am

Alavara wiggled around like an uncomfortable child in her seat, "I cannot stand to just sit here and watch everyone working so hard," She said to Cade and frowned, pushing up from her seat again. This time once on her feet she brushed past Cade and out into the corridor, if she wasn't allowed to work then she wouldn't stay and watch. Maybe a visit to the garden would calm her nerves, the warm sun on her skin always did her good. Once out there she smiled up at the sky, the sun was out and warm, it made her feel happy. Vara picked up her skirts and walked rather deep into the garden's close to where Cade had found her before when she was such a wreck. But now she was only nervous, nervous to be getting married to someone she wasn't sure how she felt about him. Alavara lowered herself into the grass, and basked in the sun, her ice blue eyes catching the light like diamonds. She hummed the same sad tune she'd done before when she'd been lying in front of the fire when she'd offered to help Cade.
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