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Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) Empty Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:57 am

emo_sam: Rebecca closed her eyes and tried to think of something that she could do the gun was still was there from behind her back and she sighed

Erik sighed softly and then he smirked when he noticed that Brock was destracting the guns man and then Rebecca's eyes closed. Erik was then behind the guns man and then threw him on the ground.

The guns man smiled and said, "No." to brock and then started to walk away until he was suddenly thrown to the ground

Kimmy: Brock chuckled, but he was beside Rebecca before he could finish laughing, so it dragged around the room. Soon she was in the room, set down on the couch. He hurried out of the room and closed the door, locking it tightly. He looked to the guns man and smirked. "Ready?" he asked Erik.

Karin held onto Nick tightly and sighed. She closed her eyes tightly and bit her lip gently.
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Post  bree_bree15 Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:11 am

Rebecca opened her eyes and found herself in the room. How did she get there so fast? She was in shock and then she looked towards the closed down and could still hear things. She then quickly hurried and hid on the one side of the couch and watched the door with beaty eyes.

Erik smirked and looked to Brock, "Oh I am totally ready." He hissed.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:32 am

Brock laughed sydistically(SP), then darted to the man, whispering in his ear. "That wasn't very nice of you," he said with a smirk. He looked to Erik knew that he was pissed. Brock was pissed too, but one part of him was holding him back from ripping out the man's throat right then and there.

Karin heard a noise and held Nick tightly. She didn't know who or what it was, but was as quiet as she could be. She was scared and all she could think was that she wanted Erik. She could feel the anger radiating off of him and it made her bite her lip.
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Post  bree_bree15 Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:16 am

Erik hissed and smiled at the guy his teeth growing a little behind his lips.

The guy watched them and then said, "Please don't hurt me... I haven't even tried killing someone... This gun..." He held it up, "Its fake... My brother said I had to be a gang member in order to help get what I wanted to save my life from being hurt. I would be powerful but I don't kill..."

Rebecca stood up scared to death about her son in the other room she looked towards the normal door and then walked slowly to the bedroom door keeping her eyes on the main door she then knocked quietly, "Hey Karin..." She whispered, "Its me Rebecca...."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Sep 24, 2010 8:39 am

Hunter's blood lust was off the roof, but his teeth had already retracted. He took the gun quickly and put it against the man's head. "It's fake yes?" he asked the man. If he were telling the truth then he would get shot by the gun Hunter held, if it were real then he would die and Erik and Hunter would get their meal. "Are you reasy to actually find out?" he asked once more.

Karin looked at all the things in front of the door and blushed. She thought it all a bit silly now, but when she looked back to Nick and his sleeping body she knew it was something she had to do. "Hold on a second," she whispered and walked toward the door.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:22 am

The man shook in fear, "I swear its fake its one of those airsoft guns! Please just let me go." He was scared for sure and this guy was truely speaking the truth. His brother was the bad guy not him

Rebecca stood there waiting for Karin till she heard and slam and then a crash. She looked over to the window and was shocked to she a hug guy with vampire teeth. Her heart stopped and the man smiled, "Hello Beautiful." He held a guy and had really dark hair with dark eyes. "Leave me alone!" She yelled.

Erik grabbed the guy, "You lier!! then why don't you tell us where the hell your brother is?!" Erik was pissed off and really didn't want to deal with these guys. Then he heard a crash. He looked to Brock, "That was in our room...."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:29 am

Brock was pissed. He grabbed his hand tightly with his other and swung his arms, hitting the man in the back of the head with his elbow, then ran to the room as fast as he could. He looked at the man with another man in his arms and was surprised to see that the man had fangs. "Who the hell are you?" he asked. He smelt that Karin was still in the room and knew the otehr vampire could smell her as well. He had to stop the vampire or both of the girls would be dead, not to mention Nick.

Karin heard a crash and was going to ask what had happened, but then heard what Rebecca yelled and stopped dead in her tracks. She hadn't moved anything yet, but was close to doing so. She thought that she was all she had to lose, but then remembered Nick and shook her head. She had to keep Nick safe at all costs and if Rebecca was just foolinf or wanted in she would tell her.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:40 am

Rebecca hopped that Karin would hear what she said even though she had said it really loud. This guy was huge plus the fangs and everything which ment he was a vampire.... He was scary too....... He looked more than a vampire... he was like a demon or anything of that. She then saw Brock come in and shook her head.

The vampire grinned at Brock, "Why hello Young one...." He smirked and when he asked who he was he just laughed, "You really don't need to know that. Now if you don't mind I'm going to take one of your woman with me..." He noticed Rebecca beginning to slid down the door, "and sense this one is in such a close range." He smirked, "I'll take her... but before I do so...." He suddenly was standing next to Brock and threw him down onto the ground into a bedroom below there's. Brock was nothing but a tooth pick to him.

Erik still held the guy there wondering what was going in the bedroom and then walked in after the guy was finished and noticed that there was glass on the floor by the couch and a huge hole in the ground. Plus he could tell that Rebecca was gone
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:58 am

Karin had heard the whole thing and was trying to get out of the room. When she finally threw all of the furniture out of the way and opened the door the only person there was Erik. She fell to the floor and cried. She could have helped. She could have come out and made the vampire take her instead so Nick still had his mother. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, feeling the tears run down her face quickly.

Hunter lifted his head in pain, then shook it off and looked around. What the hell had just happened? He saw the humans in the room and sighed. "Great," he walked over to all of them and looked into their eyes. "You saw nothing. The hole in the ceiling is from water rotting. Go down stairs and demand for a new room, telling the manager what happened," when the humans nodded in a daze he smiled. "Good."
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:43 am

Erik looked over to Karin and wrapped his arms around her holding her lightly and asked, "What happened? whats wrong?" He then noticed that Brock jumped threw the hole and asked him, "What the hell happened Brock?" He then suddenly heard Nick shouting momma.

Nick walked out of the room holding onto a pillow and demanding where his mom was at? "I want my momma!" Suddenly tears were rolling down his eyes as he cried for Rebecca.

The vampire held onto Rebecca and was far from the hotel they were at. He held onto her lightly and was now in an alleyway with many gang members surrounding them, "Leave us!" The vampire demanded then kneed down and looked into Rebecca's eyes, "Your soft sweet face.... your long blonde hair and the eyes of a green diamond." He then smiled, "Its been a long time Rebecca." He said softly kissing her cheek gently.
Rebecca softly whispered, "who are you?"
He laughed a little, "You really don't remember...." He then stood up and walked away from her, "I'll leave you alone... get some rest.... we're leaving this city tomorrow."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:03 am

Karin shook her head and looked to the hole in the wall, where Rebecca had left. When Nick came out of the room she dried her tears before looking to Nick. "It's okay sweety, she'll be back soon," she got up and walked over to him, picking him up gently and holding him tightly. "She'll be back soon," he told Nick.

Brock looked to Erik holding Karin and was confused, but then shook it away. "Rebecca was taken. We need to go after her. I need you for this. This vampire was strong, and I mean strong. I need to feed so I can get my strength and you do too. Karin and Nick will need to come with us. We have to find her," he said, staring at Erik, before looking to the giant hole in the wall.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:11 am

Erik looked over to Brock and nodded, "How are we going to keep Karin and Nick save though? Like you said this vampire is strong... how are we going to keep these two save and then kick this guys ass?" Erik looked over to Karin who held onto Nick. He felt himself going soft and had to shake his head mentally then he looked back at Brock.

Nick held onto Karin and was whimpering. "I want my momma now..."

Rebecca was scared. She held her knees to her chest and started to think of what she could do. She prayed that her son was going to be alright. Glancing over towards the gang members Rebecca's mind started to think deeply into thought. This powerful vampire was out of sight. Maybe... just maybe she could get away.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:46 am

Brock looked to Karin and Nick, then back to Erik. "I have a feeling that his Vampire knows Rebecca. I don't think he would have gone to all the trouble of taking a girl from other vampires if he didn't really know the girl," he looked to Karin again, knowing that she knew they weren't normal people anymore. He looked back to the whole in the side of the wall and sighed. "Nick will not be hurt, and Rebecca cares and trusts Karin enough that she let her care for her baby," he told Erik. "He won't hurt people that aren't a threat and that mean a lot to her, especially Nick. We just need to make sure Karin holds Nick the whole time," he then looked to Erik again and saw him looking at Karin and Nick. He saw something in his eyes, something almost human and soft. He decided this wasn't the time to asked.

Karin held onto Nick tighter. "I know sweety, I know. She needed to get some food for us to eat though," she told him. She wanted to get his mother off the subject and looked to the kitchen. "Do you want some milk?" she asked Nick gently. She was so scared right now and so confused, but she had to hide all of it for Nick.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:34 am

Rebecca sat there waiting for a moment to do something but soon the vampire came in and smiled running his fingers under her neck. "ah its been a long time... I wonder, how's your baby boy doing?" He smiled his teeth, sharp as daggers showed. That's when it hit her. He was a vampire? That ment that Nick... was...

Nick looked at Karin and smiled just a little and nodded.

Erik stared back at him and sighed a little, "Alright. So the plan is take him out, at the same time. how will we know where she is yeah, we have a stronger sense of smell, but..." He thought about it. If this vampire was as strong as Brock was saying, then this vampire of course would be able to unsent his track
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Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:28 am

"I don't know how we are going to find her, but she's smart and must be doing something to get herself saved. And I don't really plan on taking him out, not yet at least. I think we should wait until he leaves her alone to go do something and then we will kill all his men, then grab her and leave. We will than tell him something about how we'll trade her for something, I don't really know what, and we will pick the place so we can set a trap or some sort there," he said. He really hadn't thought it out very well, but he knew this was better than attacking him on their own.

Karin smiled back to Nick, as much as she didn't really want to smile, and started for the kitchen. She kept Nick in her arms as she grabbed a cup from out of the cabinet and found a top for it, almost like a sippy cup, but not quite. She had to make something work, so a coffe cup lid worked very well in cases like this. She then walked over to the fridge and got the milk, pouring it into the cup. "Do you want this warmed up Nick?" she asked him.
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Post  bree_bree15 Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:29 am

Rebecca staggered away from him saying, "Your not... you can't be..."
"But I am." He smiled, "I'm so sorry for what I did. Lets start all over." He moved over next to her brushing a strand of her hair out of her face. "Your so beautiful." He kissed her lips softly and she flinched pulling away quickly.

Erik nodded and then put his hand to his chin. "Alright. Sounds like a plan. I hope thought that she'll use her smarts instead of instinct does that will get her killed." Erik sighed then said, "We going now? To search for her?"

"No, no its fine cold." He said in a little kid voice. He smiled up at Karin who held him in her arms. His mommy would be back soon so he wasn't to worried about her at the moment.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:20 am

Karin smiled brightly. "Okay!" she told him and walked over to the others, closing the door of the fridge with her foot. She looked at the two with a straight face, having listened to everything they had said the whole time. She handed Nick the bottle gently.

Brock looked to Erik. "I think we should hunt first, er, feed," he said, looking to Karin. "Do you want to go first, or should I?" he asked. They would need their full strength to find Rebecca, and needed more blood for that.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:38 am

He smiled and then started to drink from it looking over towards Erik and Brock who were talking about something that he didn't know. Who was Rebecca? Of course Nick only knew her as mommy.

Erik looked at him then over towards Karin and closed his eyes remembering that he had fed off of her. "I'll go first..." He looked back to Brock and walked over to door. "I'll hurry as fast as I can Brock." He then left without letting Brock say anything.

Rebecca felt him move his lips down towards her neck and she quickly tried to push him away but it felt like she was pushing a boulder and he just smiled and got a nip of her blood and sending her hormo's racing throughout her body and she gasped in pleasure
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:57 am

Karin looked to Erik and locked eyes with him, then watched as he darted out the door. She looked to Nick, and then back to Brock. "Since you guys are, er, eating, should I eat as well?" When he nodded she headed back to the kitchen, set Nick on the counter, and then walked over to the fridge, pulling out an apple, and bit into it.

Brock nodded to Karin and then looked to the hole. He walked over to it and looked at the sky in longing.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:22 am

Her sent from the blood was released in the air and she hopefully wondered if Brock could smell it. It was obvious that he was a vampire... He had to be. If he wasn't then she was good as dead. She gasped again and let out a sharp yell. But not in pain.

Erik wondered outside with his hands in his pockets staring at the ground. He bumped into a young girl and she turned and asked, "Sir are you alright?" He looked back at her, "No... I just lost my family." Erik noticed the girl walking towards him and said, "Well can I help?" Erik smirked a little and said, "Yeah, you can." There was no one else around to see so he bit her neck drinking slowly and then leaving enough blood into her to live. He licked the wound to heal it up and set there. erase her memory of what just happened. he then found another woman and drink from her and did the same thing and then one more. He felt that he was a stronger and decided to head back to the hotel to let Brock go.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:44 am

Brock soon caught of wiff of something in the air. His head started throbbing as he tried to figure out what it was. Blood, of course, yes, but who?? His grabbed at his head and fell to his knees. Why was it so strong?? What was this? He then figured it. It had to be Rebeccas. He knew that smell from when the gang member had come and her blood was pumping faster than ever. "Rebecca," he said.

Karin turned right when she heard Brock fall and ran over to him quickly. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked him over. Was he okay? She then heard him say Rebecca's name. Did he just miss her? No, it had to be more. "What is it??" she asked, but he didn't answer. He seemed to be in his own little world.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:00 am

"ah... let me go!!" suddenly the vampire pulled away but sealed the wound smiling to himself and licking his lips. "you taste even better then you did a long time ago." now when did he freaking bite me? rebecca thought. he seemed so human...

erik got to the room and saw brock on the ground with karin hovering him, "brock whats wrong?" he said when he was standing next to him within seconds. suddenly he caught a sent and noticed how strong it was. plus it smelt pretty good. blood. "who's is that?"
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:36 am

"R-re," he couldn't seem to speak. Why was it so strong to him? What the hell? Soon he heard Karin next to him. "It's Rebecca," she answered in a very gentle tone. How was she so calm? Was it for Nick? For Erik? Soon his head hurt again. God dammit he needed blood. He stood up slowly and started to walk to the other hole in their floor. He felt Karin try to help, but shook her off. He then jumped into the hole and dissapeared.

Karin looked at where Brock had been only moments ago in shock. She really wasn't calm, not at all. She was actually freaking out. What was going on?? She then, slowly, sat down and put her head in her hands. How did some little homeless girl get sucked into all of this? Oh my..
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Dec 07, 2010 8:52 am

He left Rebecca alone and she sat there hugging her knees to her chest. How could she get out of there. She wanted to see her son more than anything, she trusted him with Karin but it was still a motherly thing to want to be her child in time of need.

Erik watched Brock leave, looked over to Karin and tried to sooth her. "Her blood is strong, its probably just really hungry." Rebecca's blood was insanely strong like she was very close yet so far away. It was pretty mouthwatering even though he just ate.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:32 am

Brock went off to hunt, walking down the stairs, pulling a woman aside, and biting her neck. He drank until there was just enough left for the girl to survive, wiped her memory of him, and then walked out of the hotel. He found three other woman and did the same to them, wanting so badly to taste the blood of Rebecca. He then quickly shook his head. "What in the hell are you thinking? Get your head in the game!" he told himself, not really knowing how good she smelled until her blood was out in the air. Karin and Rebecca had both smelled great from the start, but he didn't know either of them could smell this good.

Karin nodded and looked to the hole in the wall. She still felt odd about what had happened earlier and put her hand on her neck where Erik had bit her earlier in the day. She looked to the sky as she held the place where he bit her and sighed lightly.
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