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Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

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Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:02 am

Brock looked at her confused. "What about the man you had Nick with?" he asked her. He was clueless about the vampire that was chasing them being the father. All he knew was that the vampire wanted her for some sick blood-lust need, no more no less.

Karin smiled. "Well your feet are on the ground," she said as sh drummed her feet on the floor of the plane. "Well, at least somewhat," she said with a giggle. "But don't worry," she turned her attention to Erik as she spoke, "things will be fine."
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Post  bree_bree15 Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:40 am

She shook her head, "It wasn't love at all. Just foolish teengers getting involved with something stupid. Though he wasn't the foolish teenager. I was, in fact the big secret is, he was a vampire..." She then glanced towards Nick, "Makes me wonder if he'll become one too... he seems pretty human now..." She then looked towards Brock not wanting to say anything more about the father especially since he was the one trying to capture her.

"Haha sure alright." He said sarcastically. "Thats what everyone says and then suddenly the plane is falling out of the sky. You know the one thing that could be very useful for a vampire is being able to fly. I mean come on, running can sometimes get tiring. But, flying in something that could burn up and stuff, yea not my cup of tea."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:06 am

Brock nodded as he looked to Nick. "I don't really know much about vampire children, but that is something we can certainly search around about while in Ohio," he noted as he looked back to Rebecca. "I am sure everything will be alright thought." Brock suddeny thought, "So why the random question about love?" he asked.

Karin started to laugh. "Well if it makes you feel better, you are more likely to suvive than more, or anyone for that mater, if the plane starts to fall out of the sky," which was completely true. Humans were kind of breakable, while vampires had a protective layer on them that made them harder to hurt.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:52 am

Rebecca shrugged, "I don't know I was just thinking since you were a vampire and all, I mean I know you guys aren't heartless. But have you been in some twisty kind of love thing with a human like me and Nick's father was in?" She stared at him in wonder hoping that she didn't ask a to personal question

Erik shrugged, "Well I guess thats true. If the plane did fall out of the sky, I would do everything in my power to protect you." He smirked as he gave her a flirty wink and then looked foreward as he chuckled a little.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:38 pm

Brock nodded. "My last one, yes," he looked out the window as he thought of just leaving it at that, but he knew he would just get asked the question anyways. "She was the last one I loved. Killed by my best friend who had just been turned. I had to sit and watch. I didn't have it in me to turn her because then she would have been attracted to my friend instead of me, the whole her blood in hs system and vise versa really makes a human and vampire attracted to one another, and if that happens during the change then it is eternal love," he looked down to his feet as he bit his lip.

Karin felt a slight blush run across her face. "Why is that?" she asked in true confusion. She was, after all, just a meer human that he had just met that day, so why was it so important that he protect her?

Ooc: This is all the same day, correct??
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Post  bree_bree15 Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:05 am

Rebecca knew she shouldn't have asked. She fiddled with her fingers, "I'm really sorry that happened to you." She said and then glanced back towards Brock who was looking off out of space. She sighed and then glanced towards Nick, "If you loved her though... maybe it would be better to let her live on."

Erik smiled, "Well I've noticed that your really smart. Funny to talk to and..." He then came closer to her and whispered into her ear, "You have really amazing tasting blood." He licked his lips and when he noticed the shocked expression on her face he began to laugh, "Just messing with you."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Oct 29, 2011 7:38 am

Brock nodded. "I guess, but then what? Have her live a fake life forever? Have her be a blood sucking monster? Watch her kill people and laugh about it later on? No, I couldn't have done that to her.. She was too special," he nodded to himself as he continued to look at his feet.

Karin felt the blood rush through her as she bit her lip, her heart racing. When he said he was just messing with her she slapped on a smile and nodded, letting a gentle laugh escape her. "Yeah," she then let her voice and laugh fade away as her memory went back to him feeding on her. She quickly pulled herself out of the memory and looked out the window.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:12 am

Rebecca nodded in understanding, "I can see where your coming from. Though, my question would be how come your not like that? How come she would become a creature so coldhearted like you say? wouldn't she have a choice?"

Erik suddenly felt like an idiot and when she looked out the window he smacked himself in the face while looking the other way so she wouldn't notice his hand. He knew he shouldn't have said something. Quickly he began to think of something to say. It felt like he hadn't done this in a long time, yet that was true. He then turned towards her, "Hey, if I said anything that bothered you, I'm sorry."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:20 am

Brock started to laugh when he heard what Rebecca said. "Oh I am, you don't know me as well as you think you do," he said before letting his laughter fade into silence. He was a monster that had no soul and would never to go Heaven, if there even was such a thing. "I am a terrible monster that cares nothing for human life if you get me hungry enough," he told her. "A monster can be trained, but never kept sane."

Karin pulled a happy face onto her face and a happy memory out of her jar o' times as then turned to Erik. "No no, you didn't. I'm fine," she lied, hoping that her emotions would show through the cracks. She locked up her emotions, but a person was only so good and could only do so much.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:41 am

Rebecca sighed. This had to be all false he seemed like a really nice guy. He had saved Rebecca and also Karin from the time they met. She sighed and then looked out the window, "Well I don't think your a monster." She whispered.

Erik stared into her face and felt her feelings inside of him. He closed his eyes and came closer to her, "Your lying to me. Actually, I've noticed you've been lying this whole time. You can't hid from the undead." He stared into her eyes.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:11 am

Brock started to laugh. "We are still vampires my dear," he reminded her, the plane too loud for anyone to hear but Rebecca. "The reason I saved you and Karin and didn't devour you both is because I was full. The reason I don't still is because I still have some sort of feelings, no matter how small they may be," he noted to her. She needed to be aware of what they were..

Karin bit the inside of her cheek as she looked up into his eyes. She felt a blush form on her face as she noticed how close his face was to hers. She tried to push that memory away as she went back to the real issue. With the blush still on her face, she started softly, "There are some things better left unsaid," she said in the best straight tone she could manage when his face was so close to hers, his eyes seeming to stare into her soul.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:50 am

For some reason she still didn't fear him at all, "I know what you are. doesn't mean your a monster." She said to him in frustration. He probably has believed that he's a monster sense the time he was turned by a blood thirsty sicko. Her boyfriend was a nut but so far she knew that she could trust the two that were with them.

Erik glared at her, "So you have been lying to everyone haven't you?" He pulled his hands away from her face and shook his head, "I understand that some things are better left unsaid, but if your in pain you should really tell someone. Talk to the Rebecca girl cause obviously I'm a soulless monster." He gave her a cheesy smile and looked away.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:57 am

Brock almost chuckled as he closed his eyes in thought. "Rebecca, I hope you know that this is permanent. Once we save you're life and get you back on your feel, we are gone. It's too much of a danger for you," he noted. He could smell her blood from all the way to his seat and he was so glad that he had control, otherwise she would have been dinner right then and there.

"No you aren't!" Karin yelled to him, which cause a few people to let their eyes wonder, but after the long silence they looked away and went back to there business. Karin felt a small tear slide down her face as his words cut deep into her. "I never said that.." she whispered as she looked down to her lap. She let her hand slowly wiped away the few tears and move her hair into her face so no one, even Erik, could see that she was crying.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:29 am

Rebecca rolled her eyes, "Yes I kind of figured that would happen." She then looked out her window. She was frustrated with Brock. He may be a vampire but she really didn't care. Her ex boyfriend was one for crying out loud. She shook her head, "Thank you by the way." She whispered, "for helping me and my son."

Erik could smell the salty tears and glanced towards her, "Hey..." He gently said, "I never said that you said I was, Its what I know I am." He brushed her hair out of her face and lifted her chin towards him, "Please don't cry, there is no need for that." He gently pressed his finger under her eye and wiped away the tears.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:48 am

Brock smiled gently as he looked to Rebecca, pain filling his heart. "It's what I wanted to do, so there is no need to thank me," he said in a very gentle voice, almost lower than a whisper. His thoughts wandered to letting her go, to letting her leave. He almost chuckled as he thought of how he could never be happy, that he would live in this sort of loneliness for the rest of his life..

Karin shook her head as more tears streamed down her face. "There is a need. You aren't that and you should know that. You are a great person and you didn't deserve to have me lie to you and I'm sorry, I just--" she cut herself off as she bit her lip in a failed effort to stop the tears--one of which just kept falling. She looked up into his eyes as she saw the humanity in them, and at that moment there was not a person on the earth that could have convinced her he was anything but a great man.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:01 pm

Rebecca knew there was good inside of Brock's heart. He had probably lived his life without family, without someone to love for the longest time. She knew that if she lost her little alexander that she would probably be hurt and full of loneliness. He was all that she had.

Erik brushed the tears away feeling like the reason she was crying was his felt, "Please don't cry Karin." He then wrapped his arms around her gently and also awkwardly because of the seats on the plane. He then smiled, "Your eyes look really pretty when you cry though." He then pulled away and looked into her eyes that had deepened in color from the tears.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:53 pm

Brock sat there in silence and felt his stomach tighten. Why? Well that he didn't know. Was it because he was thinking about food? No. What was it then? What had he been thinking of before? Rebecca? No, it couldn't have been. He shook his head as he denied what he was thinking.

Karin felt a deep blush form on her face. Her heart suddenly skipped a few beats as she looked into his eyes. Her blue eyes sparkled with tears as she bit her bottom lip gently. What was this? What was going on with her heart. It felt all weird and fuzzy...
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:07 am

Rebecca let out a small sigh and couldn't stop herself from thinking about Brock. He had protected them this far along, she knew that he wasn't just some monster. She knew that he had some humanity in him even if he was 1000 years old or so. He was just lonely, that was the only reason she could think of.

He smiled a little and then cleared his throat, "your eyes are so pretty." He then gave her a gentle hug, "If you need anything Karin, just talk to any of us. We are your friends and we do care about you." He didn't know how to cheer her up but thats all he wanted to do at that moment.

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Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:04 am

Brock noted the sigh and thought about asking her what that was about, but he decided against it. He knew if she really wanted to talk about something she would bring it up himself. He also had a feeling he was getting in too deep. As he pulled from his memories, he knew what that feeling was and it wasn't one he could feel for a human, or anyone for that matter, ever again.

Karin felt a sudden burst of butterflies in her stomach, but she locked them away as soon as Erik changed the subject. "I will," was all she could muster up the air to say as she turned back to the window. What was her dead? Why was she getting this way? She bit her lip as she looked to the clouds in deep thought as she tried to keep her emotion locked away so Erik didn't know what she was feeling.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:50 pm

Rebecca noticed her sleeping boy and smiled. She was glad she had her little boy, even if he could be some halfling vampire, she loved him more than anything. She never wanted to see him think that he was just some monster cause she knew that she wasn't. Thats how she saw Brock and yet he thought he was a monster. She knew that her son would probably think that when he grew older

Erik smiled and then looked away from her realizing that she was feeling better by the emotions he was feeling from her. He didn't know what emotion this was but he knew that she was happier which made him feel better about what he had said to her. He would do anything to protect her from the vampires, she didn't deserve this.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:54 am

Brock looked from the child to Rebecca. He still didn't know the deal about the kid and didn't really know how to address it. 'So, is your son a monster just like me?' Yeah.... not going to happen.. He thought about a better way to ask, but he found none, because he knew hat conclusion would be brought about. 'You say you're a monster so do you think my son is too?!' That wouldn't go over well. He bit his lip in deliberation.

Karin started to twist her fingers on her right hand with her left hand; something she did when she was nervous or thinking--or both she guessed. She looked out the window and started to make shapes from the different clouds as she thought of what she had been feeling or something to say to Erik. She found nothing; no answer and no conversation starter.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon May 07, 2012 6:03 am

Rebecca looked to her son and knew that he would have usual humanity. She knew that the traits that she gave him would be stronger than his fathers. If not, then she would do whatever she could to keep him stronger than that.

He sighed not wanting to bug her anymore. He knew what she was feeling but he didn't know what to say either. He then rested his head back and closed his eyes listening to the sound of her heartbeat throbbing in her chest
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon May 07, 2012 10:08 am

Brock looked to Rebecca and cleared his throat. "What are you thinking about?" he asked in a gentle tone. He could tell she was thinking, it was an easy expression to read, but knowing what exactly she was thinking about was a different story. He hoped this conversation would lead away from vampires, some way some how.

Karin looked over to Erik as her brows furrowed slightly. "Is something wrong?" she asked. She didn't quite know what the expression on his face was, but it almost reminded her of worry; or maybe something along the lines of that.
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Post  bree_bree15 Wed May 09, 2012 9:44 am

Rebecca glanced towards Brock and smiled, "Its probably something that you don't want to talk about and I won't bother you with my thoughts." She sighed and then looked away from him. She really didn't want to bother Brock or bring up something that he didn't want to talk about.

Erik opened one eye and smiled, "There is nothing wrong Karin. Don't worry about me." There really wasn't anything that was bothering him besides the fact that Karin wouldn't really talk to him. He didn't want to upset her either so he rather not say anything. "So you excited to be traveling around?" He asked changing the subject.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu May 10, 2012 10:57 am

Brock shook his head. "Rebecca, I am here for you. You can talk to me about anything," he promised her. He was actually quite curious, so he really did want to know, but he also wanted to help her out i any way he could. He was trying to pass time and find a way to help Rebecca out since she had just found out so much about her family and her son. He knew how hard it was to adjust to something like that, and he wanted to be there for her. "Really, you can talk to me. It's fine, I promise."

Karin shook her head. "You know, this blood thing isn't just a one way tie," she told him as she looked away from him. "I can tell there is something there, bothering you, upsetting you, something. Plus, I spent years as a homeless person. After a while of not doing anything, you start to people watch and you learn expressions and actions." She shook her head. "And you were upset because I didn't talk with you. This goes both ways you know," she said as she looked out the window.
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