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Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri May 06, 2011 8:37 pm

Karin had her eyes shut so tight that she almost forgot about Nick. "Nick?" she whispered as she looked over to see Nick giggling and waving his hand around in the air. 'Well at least he's having a good time,' she thought to herself as she quickly closed her eyes again. She felt like she was going to die, just fall off his back and die. It was one of the freakiest things she had ever done, and NOT in a good way.

Brock finally stopped on a dime. He looked over to a small allyway leading to downtown. "Hell," he scoffed under his breath. "Common," he said in an almost desperate tone. He then started to run again as he lead himself right into trouble.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:33 am

Erik was right behind Brock noticing the smell of Rebecca getting extremely strong. Something was wrong and something was happening that would cause a lot of problems.

Rebecca stared at her ex-boyfriend. She was scared and fear was racing throughout her veins. She was taken into the darker part of the ally and pushed up against the wall by him. He then revealed his teeth and slowly stand them into her neck. She gasped at the pleasure it sent throughout her body. She let out even heavier gasps as she felt herself going lightheaded. She was about to pass out when he stopped and pressed his bloody lips against hers.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:35 pm

Brock suddenly could smell the blood even more than before. "Hell!" he scoffed again. He set down Nick. "Keep Karin here and then common," he then ran full speed toward where the sent was coming from, soon to come apon the creep and Rebecca, his lips all over her. "God damn bastard," he mummbled under his breath as he picked the guy up and flung him in the direction of Erik, hoping Erik would get a good running punch in.. He then looked to Rebecca. "Are you okay? What did he do to you?" he then turned his eyes back to the vampire creep as he awaited an answer.

Karin looked to where the two had disapeared to and soon could feel flashes of what Erik saw. She grabbed at her head and winced slightly, then went over to Nick. "Come here," she said as she picked him up. "They are going to go get mommy and then we'll be back home in no time," she said in a soft voice.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:03 am

Rebecca couldn't believe it. Suddenly she felt her memory becoming fuzzy as she looked at Brock she stared at him for a few moments trying to figure out who he was then she began to remember everything and she wrapped her arms around him, her tears making his clothes all wet. She couldn't speak from the shock.

Erik pulled his fist back to punch the vampire creep but then realized he had disappeared. He looked around feeling fear crawling up his back for once in his life. The vampire then grabbed him around the neck and broke his arm. Erik let out a cry of pain for the first time ever sense he had changed. The vampire began to laugh and tossed him to the side.

The vampire looked over to Brock, "Do you honestly think you can kill a purebreed? I don't want to hurt you fellow mate, but I will have that girl." His eyes were black with anger and his power was radiating from him.
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:08 pm

Kari heard a chilling cry and felt goosebumps crawl all over her skin. "Erik..." she whispered as she felt a small tear roll down her face, the pain he was feeling coming back to her. The only reason she didn't cry out in pain was because she was used to broken bones and then feel of them, thought she knew Erik mus'nt have been. She bit her lip in anguish as she tried to figure out how she could help. "Wait! Blood, that's it!" she looked to Nick. "We are going to take a little detore. This isn't safe for you, so I am going to drop you at my friend's place," she said and smiled, her friend owning a day-care center. She ran with Nick to the center, dropped him off, grabbed a spray bottle from the center, then ran off back toward where the fight was going on.

Brock looked to the vampire in diqust. "Why the hell do you want her? There are so many other humans out there. Just leave her alone," he said as he felt a twinge of emotion go through his body for Rebecca. He quickly shook it off as he stared the vampire down.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:20 am

Erik laid in the corner letting out small whimpers of pain. He looked up towards the sky and then back towards the vampire that had thrown him. Erik would die just to save everyone else if he had to but a purebreed. How the hell was anyone going to kill that? The most powerful being on the world.

Rebecca hid behind Brock not wanting to look at her ex boyfriend at all. Her heart was beating and knew that the vampire could only sense her fear.

The vampire laughed a Brock, "Do you honestly not know? Her son is my baby. I've got her blood within me. Its only a matter of time when I'll be able to have her for myself again. She has the most velvety taste in the world that only you could imagine to try." He then released his fangs and hissed, "And I promise boy, I won't let you take away my prize!"
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:13 am

Karin ran into a near-by target and grabbed a few spray bottles, sneaking them out of the store and stealing them with ease like she always had done. She then snuck up behind a girl and knocked her out, pulling her into an ally and taking some of her blood by making a small cut on her palm. She put the blood into the spray bottle, then ripped some of her shirt so she could wrap up the wound. She then did the same thing to another girl, also wrapping up the wound when she was done. She then did the same thing to herself, taking some blood and putting it into a pray bottle, wrapping her wound once she was done. She then looked to where the nearest building was from Erik and Brock, then ran there with her three spray bottles full of blood, even though she was feeling slightly light-headed.

Brock felt his K-9s growing slowly in his mouth as he glared at the vampire. "I won't let you touch her. She doesn't want to be here or anywhere near you. I will kill you before you get anywhere near her," he warned as he felt his need for death growing, something that usually only happened when he got pissed. He let his hands ball into fits as he awaited the vampire to make a move, making sure Rebecca was behind him.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:25 am

Erik let out a heavy sigh and then stood up slowly as he stood up behind the vampire. He noticed Brock becoming very angry. Erik felt his teeth coming sharper and then hissed slightly. "You purebreeds are nothing but trouble here. Your the real problem of this whole place."

The vampire laughed at the both of them, "Do you believe that you can destroy me?" He then glared back towards Brock, "I decide weather she comes with me or not. I will not be ordered around by some fake vampire!" He hissed and then looked over towards Rebecca, "Baby, its okay.. Come with me. You'll be safe away from these vampires, everything will go back to when we were together with Nick."

Rebecca peeked around from Brock's back and noticed that her ex was even trying to control her this time. She suddenly felt the urge to walked over towards him. She hold onto Brock's arm tightly and looked away from him. Tears suddenly streaming down her face, "I don't love you anymore. I won't go with you."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:35 am

Karin climbed up the side of the building as she listened in to the conversation happening between Brock, Erik, Rebecca, and the scary dude. She tried to climb up faster, but with three squirt bottles in her hands it was hard to climb anything, especially since she was light-headed from all the blood-loss and she was a complete klutz. Too be honest, she hadn't thought the plan out very well, but once she got to the top of the building, which wasn't too much further, her plan would work, it just had to.

Brock sqeezed Rebecca's hand, trying to suppost her without any words to her. "Don't you see? She doesn't want you and she never will. There are plently of good smelling humans out there, so why her? You don't need her for the blood, there are tons of woman out there, so go find another one and leave her out of this," he said in a stinging tone. He hated the man that stood in front of him and he didn't even know why..
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:58 am

The vampire laughed, "You idiot! You don't understand anything about a pureblood. She's my prey till she dies. Then I move onto another one. I hate the taste of other woman because of it. Yes, their blood may smell good but they don't taste as good, if I wanted other woman then Rebecca would have to die." He said it so easily and calmly which made him seem like he wasn't the bad guy

Rebecca closed her eyes waiting for something, or anything to happen. When he mentioned her dying, her whole body tensed up as she glanced over towards him. She held onto Brock tighter and tears began to fall out.

Erik suddenly began to smell the hint of blood and started to follow the trail to see that Karin was on top of the building. She looked weak but something was going on in her head that he could feel. He just couldn't figure out what.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:59 am

Brock shook his head and was about to pounce on the bastard when suddenly he saw Erik look to the building. He then also looked up and saw Karin there. She suddenly yelled out, "Cover your noses!" and suddenly a rain of blood came down. Brock was almost overwhelmed by it, but he picked up Rebecca and ran for his life, getting out of the rain cloud only because he could smell Rebecca's blood right in front of him, blocking out the other smells. If she had been even an inch further from him he would have passed out.

Karin stood on the building and pushed with her toughts to Erik and Brock to cover their noses, not wanting the other vampire guy to figure her out. She then let loose the blood in the sray bottles, the iron even very strong for her human nose. She knew that the purebreed, with all his hightened sense, wouldn't be able to take all the smells, she just had to be right. She was going to continue to spray until all of the blood was out on every single bottle.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:50 am

Erik plugged his nose but he began to get dizzy anyways. He let out a hiss and ran out of the ally way and ended up passing out on the sidewalk from the strong smell.

Rebecca pressed her head into Brock's chest, the smell was terrible and Brock's amazingly natural smell seemed to help a bit.

The vampire couldn't get the smell out of his nose and as it got stronger and stronger his scents were taking everything in that it was starting to make him go a little crazy. He growled as his eyes went black and he looked up towards the source. He tried making his way up towards her but instantly his nose began to burn from the smell. All he wanted was Rebecca's blood. He looked around for her but when he finally found her, he fell to the ground, his eyes closed.
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:54 am

Karin looked at the epty spray bottle and then threw them down where all the other blood was, not wanting them near her anymore. Her nose started to bleed from all the smell of iron as she sat down on the top of the building, knowing that if the vampire hadn't gotten to her already he wasn;t going anywhere for a while. She wipped the blood from her nose away with the back of her hand and tried to make her headache go away as she waited for Erik, Brock, and Rebecca.

Brock ran around the building, not wanting anywhere near the blood again, and searched for Erik's smell. Once he found it he ran past where he was, picking him up as he did so, and then went to where Karin was. When he got to the top of the building he walked over to Karin with Erich and Rebecca in his arms. He set them both down before getting any closer to the edge, the blood overwhelming him and not wanting it to harm anyone else. He then quickly ran over to Karin, picked her up, and ran her back to the other side of the building where Erik and Rebecca were. He then set her down and looked at the mess around them.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:27 am

Rebecca pulled her knees to her chest and then looked towards Karin, "Is Nick alright?" She asked, her voice shaking as she talked. Her heart was pounding with extreme fear and then she hugged Karin without an answer, "I'm so glad your alright."

Erik laid there for a few more minutes until he finally came too. He looked around and moaned, "Boy I never knew blood could smell that intense." He then glanced towards Brock who seemed totally under control, who hadn't passed out yet which made Erik feel a bit stupid.
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:48 am

Karin half-smiled as she nodded. "Nick is fine. He is in my friend's day-care. I am glad you are fine too, I thought you were dead," she said in a truthful tone as she let her head lay on Rebecca's shoulder gently.

Brock looked to Erik. "I never knew either.. Karinw as smart to think of that. Especially her blood, I can still smell it. My head is pounding," he paused, "The only reason I made it out of there was because I could smell Rebecca," he then looked over to Karin. "Thank you," he said, telling her for all of them. They were lucky they got out of there alive...
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:09 am

Rebecca wanted to cry. All she wanted to do was to brake out and forget about everything that was happening at this very moment. She then pulled away from Karin and smiled then she looked over towards Brock. They all barely even knew her and yet they all came to save her. She looked down towards her hands and said, "Thank you everyone. But I think we should get out of here as soon as we can."

Erik stood up and brushed himself off and then gave Karin a sheepish grin, "The smartest girl I know at this moment." Then he looked to Brock, "I agree with Rebecca, I say we get out of here and go somewhere far so that damn vampire won't find us."
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Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:57 am

Karin nodded. She let a small blush come across her face when she heard Erik and then let her mind travel to getting away. "Well we need to go to the day-care center to get Nick. I left him there with my friend so he wouldn't get hurt," she said simply. She wanted away too, she wanted to forget about all of that day.

Brock nodded to the comments. "We will have to cover our trail and lead him on a wild goose chase to get away, but it can be done," he paused and looked to Erik, "Let's go get Nick and then we'll figure out a plan." He then picked up Rebecca gently and looked to Erik. "Get Karin please," he told him before he dashed down the building.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:53 pm

Erik smirked over towards Karin and offered his hand, "Miss Karin." Once she took it, he wrapped his arms around her gently and dashed down the building to catch up to Brock who was hanging onto Rebecca.

Rebecca placed her face into Brock's chest taking in his scent. She then glanced towards his face. She struggled to look up because of the wind but she managed. She then placed her face back into his chest not knowing what to think or where they might be going.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:15 am

Brock looked around town as he passed each place. "Where is it?" he then saw a day-care center coming up and slowed down, soon coming to a normal human pace. "Is it this once Karin?" when he looked back to see her nod he nodded back and walked toward the day-care center. He opened the door slowly, and then set Rebecca down so she could walk into the open door, waiting for Erik and Karin to do the same. Once they had Nick they were going to get their stuff and leave, just run away for good.

Karin looked at the day-care center and thought of all she would be leaving behind, which wasn't much. She would be leaving behind a friend or two, who she would miss but she would get over eventually, and the life-style of a homeless girl, which she was happy, thrilled eve, to be leaving behind for good. When Erik set her down she walked through the door slowly.
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Post  bree_bree15 Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:09 pm

Rebecca looked to Karin who stood next to her and then looked towards the boys that were still outside. She then began to look around for Nick. She saw a glimms of his hair and then she heard the sounds of him playing with some toys. She quickly ran to the room without even waiting at the front desk. She grabbed Nick into her arms and cried tears of joy that her baby was still alright.

Erik glanced over towards Brock and then sighed as he leaned onto the building bricks. "Where do you plan on going?" He was looking down towards his feet and then glanced towards Brock, "Do you think that maybe we should split up? Maybe have Karin wear Rebecca's clothes, just get Karin soaked in Rebecca's scent and split?"
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:59 am

Karin smiled happily as she walked up to the front desk. "Don't worry Jen, that's the mother. Thank you so much for watching him for me, it really means a lot," she talked with JEn while she waited for Rebecca to come out, enjoy the last few minutes she had with her bst friend before they left.

"But that still leaves Nick and his sent, and Rebecca would never leave Nick, it isn't going to happen. Plus, what if the guy finds one of us? We would have been dead if Karin hadn't been thinking on her feet, we would definatly be dead if it were just one of us. Also, that would put Karin in a lot of danger and she doesn't need that," he thought for a moment and shook his head. "I don't know what to do. All I can think of is new clothes every single day, never wear the same thing once, and put on a butt load of perfume or colone, especially on the clothes; but I don't know if that would work or not," Brock stood there in thought as she shook his head again and again.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:13 pm

Rebecca held onto nick and finally walked out of the room slowly and saw Karin talking to her friend. She stood next to Karin and gave her a warm hug, "I think we should get going Karin. We can wait a few minutes if you want."

Erik folded his arms and nodded, "Yeah your right. I don't ever want Karin in that much danger." He shook his head and then looked to Brock, "I guess that changing clothes and lots of cologne and perfume could help but don't you think that would attract attention too?"
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:59 am

Karin looked to Rebecca and smiled, her faking was great. "No it's fine, I'll see Jen later," she looekd over to Jen, "Right?" she added a smile afterwards, which made Jen giggle and hug her over the counter. "Of course!" she was told, but Karin knew that Jen was wrong, no matter how much Jen thought she was right.. "See you later!" she said as she waved and walked out the door with Rebecca and Nick.

"Not if it's the right amount of cologne, and a lot of people wear too much as it is today. We will just put on as much as the overage human and use new clothes every day." Brock's attention soon went to the two coming out of the day-care. "Everyone ready?" when they both nodded he looked to Erik. "So the house first?"
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Post  bree_bree15 Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:02 pm

Erik nodded, "yeah the house first. I think if we also get far enough after all this perfume and such, we should be able to be free from that monster." Erik then looked towards Karin and wrapped his arm around her then looked over towards Brock, "You led the way."

Rebecca held onto her son Nick as she listened to what maybe the plan was and then glanced over to Brock. Then towards Erik and Karin.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:58 am

Karin looked at Erik and then she let her eyes wander back to the day-care center in longing. She closed her eyes slowly as she tried not to think of never seeing Jen again. She opened her eyes once again and put a fake smile on her face, trying to be ope to what was to happen.

Brock picked up Rebecca gently, Nick also in his grasp since Rebecca was holding him. "Alright, let's go," he said and started off for the apartment, his mind reeling the whole way.
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