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Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:07 am

Erik could feel Karin's uncertainty with the bond and sighed softly and started chasing after Brock. He felt bad for her, he never really had to worry about family for a long time. Brock was like him and Rebecca had Nick. Karin seemed like she had no body. He the glanced towards her and smiled. He could be a friend for her.

Rebecca pressed her face into Brock's chest and felt Nick pressing his face into her's. She was ready to get out of her. She wondered if the whole world was dealing with the same thing is this town was. Most of the towns around this city was practically the same. She prayed that maybe their was one nice place so nick could be alright.
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:43 am

Karin caught Erik's glance and looked over his smile. She let the fake smile return, telling him she was okay. The fakeness of her smile wasn't very noticable, so she hoped Erik wouldn't notice it just like pretty much everyone else she used it on.

Brock looked to the apartment and didn't even so much as stop for the door. He quickly opened and closed it then ran all the way up the stairs and to their room. He was going so fast that no human would have seen anything and if they had they wouldn't have known what it was. When he got to the room he stopped and looked around for what they would need. Money.
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Post  bree_bree15 Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:21 pm

Erik knew she wasn't okay. He could feel it through the bond that he created from drinking from her blood. He nodded letting her know that he believed her even though he didn't. and then looked foreward towards Brock and followed him into the apartment.

Rebecca was surprised about how fast he was going. And then realized that he was searching and trying so hard to protect them all. She wanted to help but she would probably mess things up again and probably get captured. She noticed that Erik was looking around for stuff to. All she could do was try her best in protecting nick sense that was the only thing she could do.
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:33 am

Karin let her smile fade into a blank expression once Erik had nodded. It had worked once again, just like it always had, and now she could go back to silently thinking and morning for her lost best friend. She then saw them looking around for things and took pause. "What are you guys looking for?"

Brock kept darting around the room, collecting anything he though would help them. "Money, clothes, food, anything useful." He didn't know what Erik was looking for, whether it was the same thing or not, but he didn't care at the moment. He wanted to get what they needed and get the hell out of there as fast as they could.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:44 pm

Erik stared at Karin and then began to help search for things. He already knew that Brock and Rebecca would have found most of everything so instead, he went and found a bag so they could fit everything in it, "Its something to hold some of the things in. It'll be complicated to caring it but, it'll be useful."

Rebecca had finished gathering the food out of the kitchen and then sighed looking over towards Nick who was wondering what everyone was doing. She wished he wasn't born in this time, she hated seeing his confused face, it made her feel like a terrible mother that she couldn't do anything for him.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:24 am

Karin walked over to where Erik was and started loading things into the bag silently. She didn't know what else she could do to help, so she would just compact things away and stay quiet and out of people's way. She slowly locked the hurt away with each passing thing that went into the bag.

Brock kept darting over to the bag where Karin and Erik were every so often to drop things off. He was mostly gathering all of the money stashed around the room and stuffing it into his pocket, but the things that weren't money he set with Karin to put away in the bag.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:32 am

Erik sat down when started to notice that things were getting full. He grabbed a map and started to look at places they could head which would be saver. He knew that the world had fallen and some places would be dangerous to even go near with human girls.

Rebecca gathered Nick into her arms and waited for anything that the boys wanted them to do. She glanced over towards Karin who had a very emotionless face.
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:14 am

Karin looked up to Rebecca and flashed her the all-too-convincing smile that she always gave everyone. She waiting for the nod that showed she accepted the smile and thought she was okay, which for the moment she was because all the emotion was locked away and not hurting her.

Brock looked to the bag and when it was full he looked to Erik. "Found anywhere we can go?" he thought for a minute and then was suddenly at Erik's side, looking at the map. "I was thinking Oregon, but you know the places better than I do. What do you think?"
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:56 am

Rebecca knew something was wrong. The smile seemed a little off. Rebecca didn't return a smile or nodded instead she glanced over towards Brock and Erik. She saw the map in their hands and she sighed. At the moment she just wanted nothing to do with this anymore.

Erik nodded, "Oregon could be a good place. We'll have to take a few shortcuts but, that'll be a good place to head."
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:52 am

Karin saw where Rebecca was looking and looked there as well. Relocation. The word hurt a little, but it was getting easier and less painful the mood her mind said it. Relocation. Relocation.

Brock nodded. "Sounds good. How are we getting there? I was thinking mostly plane, but I don't know for sure," he said as he looked around the room for where all the bags were. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Five bags, that was how much they would need to carry around. Two for food, two for clothes, and one for vampire things that the girls didn't need to know anything about..
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:26 am

Erik nodded, "Yeah thats what we can do. Plane would probably be easier because then our scent won't be so easy to track." He then looked towards the girls and stood up, "Alright are you guys ready?"

Rebecca stood up also with Nick on her hip. She nodded and then towards Karin and Brock next, "So we're traveling by plane?"
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:10 am

Relocation. "Yeah," she said as she walked toward the door without a nod to anyone, holding one of the bags. She was ready to go. Her mind kept reeling as she tried to sooth herself with that one small word: Relocation.

Brock nodded. "Alright, then let's go," he then walked over to the door as he picked up two bags from the couch and one from Rebecca's arms. She already had Nick to carry around so he would carry the bag for her. Three bags in total, only leaving two more for Erik, which seemed fair. He was soon at the door, opening it slowly as he walked outside.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:48 am

Rebecca was surprised when Brock had taken the bag from her. She then held onto Nick and whispered, "Thank you Brock." She then joined them all at the door and waited for Erik to grab the two bags so they could head out.

Erik folded up the map and placed it in his back pocket. Swiftly, he grabbed the two bags and soon they all headed out the door and were at the streets. He watched Karin carefully feeling her emotions and wanting so badly what she was thinking. They were near the airport by now and he carefully listened to the sounds of any 'bad noise' signs.
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:26 pm

Brock looked around and then enhanced his sense of smell to see if he could smell any vampires around the airport. When he couldn't he turned to Erik. "Did you hear anything?" he said in a very gentle tone so it didn't over-power everything else he was hearing.

Karin felt the knot in her stomach return as she saw the planes taking off. 'Good bye life, I will miss you,' she thought, as if a last hurra before leaving everything behind. She slowly locked all her feelings away again, or at least most, before turning her attention to Brock and Erik.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:19 am

Erik shook his head, "No, we should be good to get on a plane." He still looked around for anything out of the ordinary. There were a lot of crimes and it wasn't just vampires that were causing it. Some were humans and some were things that he would rather avoid.

Rebecca placed a hand on Karin's back and sighed softly then whispered, "If you need to talk to someone you can talk to me." She said softly and then walked up towards the boys sides.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:59 am

Brock nodded. "Okay, I'll go get the tickets, just stay here and watch for anything out of the ordinary, okay?" he then set the bags down and walked to the line for tickets. The line was short, so once the few people where done he smield to the woman. "I need to next plane out of here to Ohio please, four adults, one child."
"One moment please," she said before ringing up the tickets and prints them out. "There you are." Brock smield and said thank you before taking the tickets and giving her the amount she needed.
"Keep the change," he said before walking away, slowly back to the girls and Erik.

Karin smiled as she walked up to where the guys were as well. "No, I am fine, but thank you so much. It means a lot," she told Rebecca before turning to the window and looking at the gentle planes taking off and landing.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:36 am

Erik noticed Brock walking back towards him and quickly he picked up the bags that he had set down and said, "Alright, it should be a nice ride over to Ohio." He then looked towards the window and noticed how dark it was, "We should probably get going. The most problems happen when it gets dark out."

Rebecca watched Karin and sighed noticing that she wasn't okay, "Well if you need anything, just let me know." She rather the boys not be in the conversation when she was telling Karin that. She then picked up Nick and followed the boys to get aboard the plane to Ohio
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Secrets behind these masks (Closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: Secrets behind these masks (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:01 am

Brock noticed them all walking over to him so he stoped walking. When they got to him he nodded to what Erik had said. "Yeah, just keep on your gaurd and we will be on the plane before we know it," he said as he walked to the plane in no apparent hurry as to not worry anyone.

Karin nodded and smiled once more before walking with eveyone. She really would be okay, as long as she was with everyone. If she got left alone, that would be when she would break down, when the locked away thoughts and pain would sneak back up on her and attack her. She made sure to keep up with the group as she looked around, slightly worried about the darkening sky.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:23 pm

Rebecca stayed next to Karin as she kept her some company. She was a little worried about the night sky. Hopefully nothing would happen on their flight over to Ohio. Nick was finally asleep in her arms and she didn't want to wake him up.

Erik stood behind the girls making sure everything was alright. He watched Brock in the front glance around every so often just to check if there was something wrong.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:48 am

Brock walked onto the plane as he handed all the tickets to the lady standing there with her hand stuck out. "Go on ahead," she said as he passed her. She looked at everyone as they passed, which gave Brock an uneasy feling, bu he was always uneasy after the attack on Rebecca. He showed them where their seats were before he loaded the bags up. After he was done with that he sat down in the ro with the seats. He sat on the end so Rebecca and Nick would sit on the inside, just incase anything happened.

Karin looked to where Brock was sitting and lauhed silently to herself. He was very over protective, which she could fully understand. She smiled and then went to the row with two seats and sat down next to the window. She loved window seats and loved watching the small clouds go by.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:22 am

Rebecca gently set Nick down by the window so she would be able to protect him if anything happened during the plane ride. Nick was balled up and fast asleep which made her smile. She then sat down next to Brock who was resting his head back on the seat. She noticed that Erik and Karin were sitting together which was really good.

Erik smiled as he approached Karin, "Is this seat taken?" When she gave him a smile and shook her head he put his bags up in the carrier and sat down next to her, "Have you ever been on a plane before?"
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:48 am

Brock looked to Rebecca and then to where she was looking. "What's with that look?" he asked. She was looking at them like it was some sappy romance movie. He always wondered about that, but never really had the chance to ask other then that moment.

Karin smiled a his simple joke and then looked to him. "No, never befoe in my life. Usually homeless girl's don't get to go on planes very often," she said as she smiled. She was glad for being able to share this expriance with anyone. She thought she would die having never been on a plane before.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:41 am

"Oh nothing I just think that its kind of cute how well they get along. Karin could use someone like Erik." She smiled towards Brock not knowing if he understood what she was saying since he had been a vampire forever. "I have a question... when was the last time you felt love?"

"This is my first time too. Vampire guys like me usual don't get on a plane too. Instead we run wherever we go." He gave her a cheesy smile and then chuckled a little. He noticed the smile on her face which made him feel a little happier. With the feeling of still being able to feel her emotions, he was happy that there wasn't anything sad that was happening.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:44 am

Brock shrugged, never really noticing it before. "I guess," he let the comment hang in the air before she asked her next question. He listened and then sighed. "Not really sure. Probably 10,000 years ago," he said. He had never gotten close to a human again, not since Kita. The brutal murger of the person you loved kind of made a lapps in the way you would feel about loe for a while. He had never really gotten close to anyone else after that, until then that was...

Karin looked over to see Erik's cheesy smile, which only made her smile more. "Well now you finally get to see," she noted as she looked to the window. "I am sure it is a lot different from unning around at top speed," she said as she watched the plane start to move for take-off.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:19 am

Rebecca stared at him shocked, "Wow thats a long time without love." She then glanced towards Nick, "I guess you could say the only love I've really felt was from my little boy here Nick. Of course when he gets to the teenage years you probably will think I'm the devil but right now thats all I need." She then smiled towards Brock.

"Oh yeah," He then closed his eyes, "Honestly I am scared out of my bones right now." He then noticed that they were moving and that soon they were in the air. "I rather be running around. At least I'll have my feet touching the ground."

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