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Missing pieces are hard to find.

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 4 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:45 pm

Sym looked over at Peyton, wondering why she was being so quiet. "Are you okay? You seem a little... at war with yourself," he said. There were different emotions on her face that he couldn't read, but he was still strangely intuitive.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:08 am

Peyton didn't open her eyes, but only shook her head. "I'm fine." She said, not really in the mood for sharing. Slowly, with her eyes still shut she lay on the ground, her hair falling into her face hiding it. "Goodnight.."
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:45 am

Sym shrugged and closed his eyes. After about ten seconds he was sound asleep.
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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:26 am

Peyton hadn't gone to sleep, when she could hear Sym breathing steadily she got up and went to the mouth of the cave, the wind had calmed and the rain had stopped, but every now and then lighting would flash and thunder crash. Quietly she stepped onto the wet grass and mud squished between her toes. Peyton wasn't suited to go out, no weapons or armor.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:31 am

Sym dreamt of nothing.

//lol thats all i got. Mostly I'm just waiting to see what happens. That vamp-faker Andre is probably going to show up again, am i correct xD
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:37 am

//Didn't plan on it, but it's happening now. XDD

Peyton traveled out into a open field, memories flashed through her head. "I'm sorry..." She murmured and then started crying. When she buried her face into her hands, she felt a hand on her shoulder. But it didn't comfort her.
"It's sad how you let your whole family die. A pity really." It was Andre, standing behind her in the dark, he'd been following them.
Peyton moved to jerk away but Andre threw her to the ground, she wasn't terribly strong. She was running on little food and sleep. "You killed them, you... you BASTARD!" She jumped to her feet and came after him.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:58 am

Sym woke, sensing something was wrong. He looked around the cave. No Peyton. He was up instantly, and already outside the cave. It was easy to se where she had went, because her feet had left impressions in the mud.
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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:04 am

Peyton was now covered in mud, and bleeding in a few places from landing on rocks or sharp twigs. Andre was playing with her, letting her run her energy down so when he took her it would be easy, she wouldn't fight back. It was true, he had killed Peyton's family, and it was to get to her. You could say the destruction of the entire world was to find her, and others like her.
Andre was the cause of the pieces, he made them from people's memories, emotions and life. With the selfish people on this earth to worried about finding them, snatching those he needed would prove to be a much easier task.
Peyton charged at him and most every time was thrown to the ground, hard. "You will pay for this!" She shouted has lighting flashed. Peyton charged, and again was thrown to the ground. A hollow crack echoed in the field. It was a rib, breaking.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:29 am

Sym appeared behind Andre. Anger was clear in his eyes. "Leave her alone," he said, his voice somehow deadly calm. He lashed out with his foot and caught Andre in the back of the head.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:34 am

Andre smirked after a small flinch and transported himself behind the collapsed Peyton. "Well, that wasn't very nice." He said and picked Peyton up by the hair.
She reached for Andres hands, obviously in pain. "S-sym..." She was weak, and it showed in the sound of her voice. She winced as a small syringe was stabbed into her neck, Andre was drawing blood. When he was done he threw her down and in the blink of an eye was gone.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:00 am

Sym got on his knees and scooped Peyton up in his arms. He hurried back to the cave and laid her in front of the fire. His hands moved over her body quickly, looking for her injuries. He ripped off a pieceof his pants-leg and pressed it to the small dot of blood on her neck. He pushed her hair from her face. "What hurts? Tell me exactly what happened and keep talking."
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:05 am

Peyton was shivering and dirty. "I-i went" She was too weak to even think straight at this point. "Sym...." Peyton forced herself to sit up and she fell forward into Sym.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:46 am

Sym fell back as Peyton fell on him. He blinked, Peyton was suddenly on top of him. And something was touching his lips. He realized Peyton was kissing him, whether she was aware of it or not.

liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 9:54 am

Peyton's eyes went wide. She quickly lifted herself off and fell to the ground beside him. "I-i'm sorry...!" Her cheeks heated fast and she avoided looking at him.

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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:14 am

Sym sat up and turned to her, continuing to treat her like nothing happened at all. He pulled a little tube from his pouch and held it close to her nose. "Breathe deeply. It'll help your rib. It's not relly broken, just moved."
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:35 am

"W-what is it?" She asked as she sat up and did as she was told. Peyton had hardly noticed her rib until he said something. "I-i'm sorry...I shouldn't of left like know..." She looked away from him, "You're just gonna be in danger being around me..."
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:57 am

Sym shook his head. "No matter what, we're always in danger, angel." He paused for a second, not knowing where the pet name had come from. He shrugged and continued. "You might be having a little trouble breathing. The adrenaline is numbing the pain. Your rib is pressing against your lung. Breathe as deep as possible and it'll pop back into place."
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:18 am

Peyton blushed lightly at the world Angel. "Uhm, I mean, if you weren't here..." She breathed in deeply, and winced, it wasn't deep enough. "...You'd be..safer." She said and tried to pot into place again. "Ow.."
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:45 am

Sym patted her back gently. "Lay down and relax. It's like trying to fall asleep. Just relax and breath as deep as you can." He laid her down. After a second of hesitation he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Just keep breathing and you'll be fine." He showed almost no emotion at all.
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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:52 am

Peyton wold have blushed but the expression on his face stopped her reaction. "What was that for?" She asked with out really thinking. She tried to take a deep breath and she could feel the bone stab at her lung. She gasped in pain and a popping sound echoed in her chest. "I-i think it's in place..."
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:25 pm

Sym ran his fingers over the area and nodded. "It's good for now. When your clothes are dry you should put them back on, I'll need my shirt back." Again, the twitchy smile appeared. "And I don't know why I kissed your forehead. I guess I thought it would calm you down or distract you from the pain."
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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:31 pm

Peyton nodded, "I think the fire dried them but, your shirt is all muddy....Sorry..." Peyton frowned and slowly got up, groaning softly in pain. She hurt but she wasn't going to complain, she was going to try to hide it, just like she always did."You know...I think we should separate tomorrow..." She slowly pulled her clothes from the branch and waited for an answer.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:14 pm

Sym took a deep breath, fighting the fear rising inside him. "I don't think I can manage on my own," he said quietly. His voice cracked a little bit. He hoped the she didn't hear it. "Go ahead and change." He turned so she could change.
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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:18 pm

Slowly to keep from whimpering in pain, Peyton dressed. "It's dangerous with me around, you've saved me twice now..." Peyton choked back tears, her voice betraying her. "...You can...can handle it..." Sym was the first one she had been near in a long time, the first to show her compassion, and she was telling him to leave.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:45 pm

Sym poked at the fire with a twig. He didn't answer her. Somehow he knew he couldn't manage. "Not without you," he whispered. He kept wondering why he felt so attached to her, but no answer came to him. He hugged his knees to his chest and stared at his feet. "I want... I want to be here.... to save you again." He looked into the fire and fell silent, waiting for her reaction.
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