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Missing pieces are hard to find.

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:50 pm

Peyton finished dressing. "...I wont put any more people in danger.." She began putting a brave face on. "..Not again.." Peyton knew if she stayed any longer, Andre would come back, this time to hurt Sym. Quickly Peyton slung her bow and her quiver on her back. On the way out of the cave with out looking Sym in the eye she whispered, "Thank you...again.." then stepped out into the dark.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:04 pm

Sym stood and in a few quick strides, was caught up to Peyton. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and stopped her short. His entire body was shaking, almost as if with laughter. But he wasn't laughing. He was sobbing. "Peyton, don't go... I can't be alone anymore! And I need to be there to protect you.... I can't lose you! I can't be alive without you!" He sounded so lost and heartbroken.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:09 pm

Peyton stiffened, and for a moment her face was stricken with horror, but if she stayed he'd be hurt, she couldn't. Why did she care so much? They had only met the day before. Taking a deep breath she let her expression harden. "Don't pretend to care. We've only just met. I don't even know your full name..." It hurt her to treat him this way, he was so innocent. But in the long run it may just save his life.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:19 pm

Sym laughed bitterly through the haze of tears. "As far as I know, I don't have a full name. And look at this! Look into my eyes and tell me I'm pretending, Peyton." He turned her around and made her look at his face, the tear-stained cheeks, red-rimmed eyes filled with hurt and so many other horrible emotions.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:24 pm

Peyton stared for a long moment, the only sound in the cave coming from the crackling and dying fire. "I-i..." She stuttered and struggled to speak. "N-n.....NO!" She shouted and shoved away from Sym. Looking to the ground her eyes started to tear up. "I WONT PUT YOU IN DANGER!!" She turned and ran from the mouth of the cave into the dark, and just kept running, tears from pain, both emotional and physical ran down her face.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:39 pm

Sym fell to his knees, staring blankly into the dark. He looked down at the mud for a second, waiting. Wishing his emotions would go away and leave him with peaceful emptiness. He tore of the pouch that held his pieces and held it in his hands for a moment. He stood up and went into the cave. He looked around thed cave for the knife. He found it and took out the pieces he had... and tore through each one. Each time he tore through, he screamed in pain, feeling each new rip in his sewn-up soul. He kept ripping until they were torn to shreds.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:48 pm

Peyton kept running till she couldn't breath. She was weak, and collapsed in a crumpled heap in the ground, sobbing. After a while she looked up, the sun was starting to rise, and the light caught something and made it gleam. It was one of her Pieces, but, one of Sym's Pieces were tangled to it. "What...?" Walking over she picked the pieces from the tree, slicing her finger and getting blood on the swatch of cloth. The cloth was a dark red color, a warm color. Peyton's glass was also the same color on one side, but the other an assortment like all the others. Putting her piece away a memory came back to her, and this time, she smiled. Turning quickly she turned and ran back through the forest toward Sym, but when the cave was in sight she stopped, staring. If I go back...he wont be safe.. Peyton thought. So, she drew an arrow and tied his Piece too it and shot. The arrow stuck to the side of the hill with a loud thwack. Peyton stepped behind a tree and peaked around to make sure Sym got it.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:05 pm

Sym heard the twack and stood up. He went outside and saw the arrow with his Piece on it. He untied it from the arrow and suddenly started to feel all of the emotions he'd ripped up. He went inside and grabbed thetorn shreds. He went back out and sat on a relatively dry patch of ground, trying to piece them back together. Why could he still feel?! "So unfair," he whispered. Then a shout. "So unfair!" He punched the ground beside him. Picking up the knife with a trembling hand, he lifted the new Piece. He stared at it, and suddenly he knew it's name. "Love," he said. He dropped the knife. He looked up at the arrow and pulled it out. He cradled it to his chest along with the love Piece and once again started to cry.

//dammit this rp is making me an emotional wreck. I'm bawling like a weirdo.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:13 pm

//LOL OMG ME TOOO!!! NEW BEST FRIEND!? I THINK SO!! I'm over here like, *types*,*cries*, *wipes*, *types*

Peyton watched him, and when he had the piece she knew she should have left, but her feet didn't move nor did her eyes leave his face. It must have been so hard for him to be able to deal with things with so little emotion to channel. With out thinking she stepped out from behind the tree and stepped forward, stepping on a twig and making it snap loudly. Looking down her eyes became hidden in the shadow of her hair. But, she didn't look up, she started to cry. She felt so guilty for hurting him this way, then coming back, putting him in danger again.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:24 pm

Sym looked up and saw Peyton standing there. He just sat there for a minute. Then he gathered up the shreds of his pieces. He stood and walked over to Peyton, but stood five feet away. He looked back and forth from the pieces to Peyton. Finally he spoke. "I'm not very good at sewing... could you help?" And then he blushed, and stared at his feet. He actually blushed. There was more to the love Piece than it seemed.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:30 pm

Peyton flinched a little and looked up slowly when he spoke. At first her expression was sad, but then she actually smiled and laughed. That was the first time she's laughed ever since the destruction. It felt good, and she had Sym to thank. "You're so helpless...a man...always needing a woman." She said trying to make him happy, though she wasn't if he knew how to be happy. Walking up to him she held out her hands. "It'll take me a while, but I can fix this..." She said, and as she did her voice changed guilt washing over her again.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:42 pm

Sym gave a smile. It was a real smile. It seemed a bit hollow, but it was a smile. His smile faded when he saw her expression. Guilt. He shoved the shreds in his pocket and suddenly pulled her into a hug. "Why do you look so guilty?" He realized how warm Peyton was for the first time. And just giving the hug felt like a fist closed over his heart was releasing it's grip. He hugged her closer.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:48 pm

Her face heated, then she sighed. He was so warm, and it felt nice. "I-i hurt you...and then I came back...and you're not safe..." She said softly, her voice cracking. "I just..I found a piece tangled to one of mine, and....I wanted to get it back to you...but..." Her voice trailed off, she wanted to say she couldn't stay, that she shouldn't, but she couldn't bring her self to say it, she liked it here with him.
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Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:01 pm

Sym, on complete impulse, kissed her. The fist around his heart loosened ten times more. He pulled her closer for a minute before letting go and stepping back, his cheeks a light red. "I'll go get more firewood if you're staying," he said quietly.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:06 pm

Peyton stood quietly her eyes wide and her cheeks red. The wind blew her hair to the side into her face. "I-I....okay....I mean...staying, I-i'm staying." She choked out, Peyton couldn't help it, she knew what was happened and she still felt like she should leave to keep him safe, but she couldn't leave. She was selfish, and hated it, but, she'd keep him all cost.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:13 pm

Sym nodded once. "Go lay down in the cave. I can tell that rib is going to give you trouble." He headed into the woods to collect firewood.
liek hay gurl

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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Peyton Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:38 am

Peyton nodded and slowly walked back to the cave, when she got there she looked around. There were little pieces of thread every where. Sighing Peyton sat down, and pulled her knees to her chest wincing. Her rib was giving her trouble. She still felt guilty, and horrible for even coming back. She shouldn't have.
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Post  Fennec Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:12 am

Sym gathered the driest wood he could find and set it in the mouth of the cave. "Peyton? I need to go out and find some food and water. When I get back, I can help you with your rib. While I'm gone, maybe you could sew my pieces back together? It might take your mind off the pain." He pulled out all of his pieces and set them next to her. He left to go find the last stream he'd seen.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Thu Jul 28, 2011 7:26 am

Peyton didn't say anything, she just nodded. When he was gone she pulled a needle and thread from her pouch and started working, as she worked she cried. They were torn to shreds, and she had hurt him, caused him to do this. "Ow.." The tips of Peyton's fingers were bleeding as she stabbed her self left and right to get the sewing just perfect.
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Missing pieces are hard to find.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Missing pieces are hard to find.

Post  Fennec Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:23 am

Sym came back about an hour later with three baskets woven out of willow branches. In each basket, there was eaither berries, small fish, or water. He set everything down and then caught sight of Peyton's bloody fingers. He sighed. "What is it with you and injuring yourself, Peyton?" He tore more fabric from his pants-leg and tore it into smaller pieces, bandaging her fingers.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:27 am

Peyton let him patch up her fingers then went right back to work. She hadn't spoke to him nor had she looked at him. Working away she kept stabbing her fingers. Blood stained the material as she worked. Peyton felt so bad, she'd hurt him, now she needed to fix it. She had to.
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Post  Fennec Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:51 am

Sym looked over at Peyton and frowned, catching her wrists. "Peyton, quit it. Quit hurting yourself because of your guilt. I don't know how you think or what you feel, but I do know that none of this is your fault. When you hurt yourself because of me, I feel guilty, too." His voice was soft and gentle. He lifted her hands to his lips and kissed each of her fingertips. "I don't blame you for any of this," he whispered.
liek hay gurl

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Post  Peyton Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:03 am

Peyton started sobbing and fell into Sym. She grabbed onto him and cried into his chest. "I-i'm so sorry!" She said in between sobs. Peyton knew consoling in him was wrong, but she couldn't help herself. Sym was like a drug for her.
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Post  Fennec Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:15 am

Sym pulled her into his lap and held her gently, stroking her hair back. "It's alright, Peyton. Shh... Everything is okay, angel." The nickname came easily to him this time. It felt right to say. Heleaned against the cave wall and hummed a few verses of a lullaby. "It's okay," he kept saying.
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Post  Peyton Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:18 am

Peyton kept crying and crying soaking the front of his shirt. After about 10 minutes of crying she started to calm down. Her grip on him loosened and she drifted to sleep. Tears were resting on her cheeks and her face still looked pained.
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