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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:40 pm

Ooc: Time skip again?
When Brock was finished with his food he pushed his plate away. The smile, of which had been plastered on his face the whole night since his dance with Peyton, continued to grow as the night went on. "Did everyone like their food?"

Kat nodded, finishing up her last few sips of her tea, hoping more would arrive soon. "It was amazing!" she said happily as she looked around the place, seeing all the happy people mingling.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:45 pm

Peyton nodded and pushed her plate away from her as well, "I did," She said and sipped at her water. Most of the people had cleared out now, mostly all that was left now were couples, or really drunk singles at the bar. All of which seemed to be hitting on one another. Glancing around Peyton's eyes rested on the water, she had always been so amazed by water, wanting to feel it, knowing she never could. This had always made her so curious. With out a word she got up from her chair and went over to the bank, away from all of the people, slipping into solitary moon light.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:53 pm

Brock got up and followed Peyton, slipping out a few seconds after her. He looked up to the full moon and the many stars and smiled a gentle, content smile. "It's great view," he mentioned as he looked out from the balcony they were standing on. He walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked down to the lake and its reflection staring back at Brock.

Kat finally waved over a waiter. "Yes hi," she paused and looked to the name tag, "Dane. May I please get some more mango tea?" she asked in a gentle voice. He nodded and soon came back to refill her glass.

Ooc: He is staying, yes? ^
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:54 pm

Yes, but for right now I'm pooped and need to go to bed. Night.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:55 pm

lol Just about to say the same thing. xD Night.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:47 am

Peyton's eyes caught the moon light, and even through her contacts they glowed warm and bright. "Yes, it is," She said in agreement. A soft wind blew through moving Peyton's long red hair from off her shoulders. Curiously Peyton leaned over the balcony edge to look at herself in the glassy water. To her surprise she did look beautiful, her eyes mesmerizing, her hair attention catching. Then she bit her lip and looked over, Brock's reflection right next to hers. "What is it about me?" She asked softly, meeting Brock's eyes in their reflection.

Dane smiled at the girl, "Here you are Miss," He said. He'd never seen this girl before, she was cute. "Where are your other two diners?" He asked casually. There was something he liked about this girl, maybe he'd get lucky and get her phone number or something.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:55 am

Brock looked up from the water to the real Peyton, his eye brows knitted together. "What do you mean?" he asked, caught by surprise. He didn't really know what she meant. What about her? She was Peyton, she was beautiful and nice, sweet and kind, there so was much about her. The question was so random, however, that it caught him off guard.

Kat, mid sip, quickly swallowed and looked to where Peyton and Brock used to be before looking back to Dane. "They went to the balcony," she said with a gentle smile. The man was nice for having talked to her. Thinking she was going to get him fired, she looked around to see who else he could be serving, but there was really no one left in the restaurant.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:59 am

Peyton bit her lip and looked away in thought for a moment and then looked back at Brock, "What is it about me, that...that makes people want to help me? To love me?" She asked and then turned so she was facing Brock now. Peyton didn't understand people, she was weird and dangerous, yet people saught after her, helped her, protected her.

Dane smiled slightly looking toward the balcony, " A couple of love birds those two, eh?" He joked, really hoping to have her agree to confirm that good looking guy she was with wasn't her date. Being around this girl made him sort of nervous, in a good way. The kind of nerves someone might get before performing.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:05 am

Brock smiled a gentle smile. "Some people it might be your looks, at first I mean. But once they get to know you, I know it would be your personality. You are such a great person, inside and out, everyone feels they should help because they feel a need to help a good person," he smiled and leaned his back on the balcony's edge. "Take Kat for example. No one would want to hurt her because she is so sweet and kind. Now look back to you. It's the same reason," he said as he looking into the window of the restaurant. His eye then slowly shifted to Peyton to read her expression.

Kat giggled. "Yeah, they are," she said, pausing for a moment to think. "It's so nice to finally see my brother happy," she mentioned, really glad that he was. She hadn't seen him smile so much in a long time. She knew he always smiled for her because he never wanted to upset Kat, but a real smile, one of real happiness, she hadn't seen that one for a long time and she was so glad it was back.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:18 am

Peyton looked at Brock and then looked away her cheeks heating in the moon light. "But...then why do so many people hurt me?" She asked, her voice was sad and pained. She didn't understand any of this, why these people hunted her like an animal. If she was so sweet and kind why did people want to hurt her so badly? A few tears threatened to spill over as Peyton kept her eyes on the moon lit water, not daring to look at Brock.

Dane smiled now, he was glad to know that those two were together and not with this girl, "I'm Dane, as you know," He said pointing toward his name tag. "May I ask what your name is?" He asked and then pulled out a chair. He raised and eyebrow questioningly while he looked to the girl, he was asking with out words if he could sit down.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:24 am

Brock shook his head in a slight anger. "Because you're different. People turn away from others who are different." Brock looked to Kat inside and saw the man sitting with her. He thought about that man, if he would run and hide like everyone else always did when they found out about Kat and himself. "People don't like dealing with different," he said in a very gentle voice now. That was their curse, their one curse in life.

"Oh of course, go ahead," she said with a smile as she looked to the chair. Looking back to Dane she offered out her hand. "Kat," she paused, "It's nice to meet you." Kat looked around once again, "I'm not taking your from your job am I?" she asked, just hoping that there wasn't anything else he needed to be doing.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:30 am

Peyton looked at Brock now, "I guess that's why we need each other," She said and smiled at him. She leaned into him then and laid her head on his chest. She always felt so much better when she was near Brock, ever since she had met him.

Dane took Kat's hand and kissed the top of it lightly, there was something different about this one, he could tell. He liked it, and wanted to get to know her and find out what it was. "Don't worry," He told her waving his hand dismissively, "There are a few other people working that could use the tips," He said and smiled at her from across the table.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:36 am

Brock put his arm around Peyton gently and hugged her to him. "No, I need you because you," he looked down to his shoes and studied them intensely as he thought if saying the next few words would be alright, "you complete me Peyton," his voice was gentle, almost a whisper. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking back up from his shoes to Peyton. He hoped to God she wouldn't think that was too much to say.

A deep red blush found its way onto Kat's face as she bit the inside of her cheek slightly. "O-okay," she stammered as she tried to calm her rushing heart. She felt the heat on her face and knew she was only getting redder and redder by the second. Did he-did he like her? Butterflies erupted in Kat's stomach as she took a few sips of her drink awkwardly.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:41 am

Peyton looked up at Brock, a blush flushing her cheeks. Her heart was thumping hard in her chest and in her ears. All she could think about was Brock at this point, and she knew just how he felt. She had always felt off, something in her life was not there, and when Brock came into it, that feeling was gone. "I-i know how you feel," Peyton murmured her eyes going up to meet Brock's.

Dane smirked when he saw Kat blush, she really was adorable. "So I don't usually see you around here, what's brought your little group by?" He asked Kat, smiling at her from across the table.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:47 am

Brock let a smile creep onto his face. "I'm glad I'm not the only one," he said before turning to her. He hugged her with love and with care. He felt so right near her. He had no idea how long it had been since he could have even said the words 'I love you' to someone other than his sister and mean it. Feeling his heartbeat speed up he took a few longer breathes, trying to be subtle with it all.

Kat looked off to a window as she tried to think of a reason they were here, other than the real one. She just met someone and already she had to lie to him. Something in her stomach twisted and she felt sick, having to lie to Dane already. "We were just passing by. It seemed like a nice place and we thought we'd stay for a night or so," feeling like she had just killed a puppy Kat picked up her drink and took large gulps of it to calm her nerves.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:57 am

Peyton smiled and through her arms around Brock's neck. "I-i love you," She stammered shyly. Her heart was going so haywire so she was sure that Brock could feel it. When she was close to him her whole body tingled, he pulled her in with his very presence, and when they were apart she felt lost. Being with Brock was something amazing, something she never wanted to end.

Dane knew their was more to her story, but didn't press it. "Yeah, it is rather nice here," He said with a nod and smiled. "I'm glad you guys decided to come in here," He said. Flirting was something he seemed to be rather good at though on the inside he was freaking out from nerves.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:09 am

Brock smiled as he just held her in his arms. "I love you too," he said as he closed his eyes. Something about even just being in Peyton's grasp, something about holding her close to him made him feel safe, happy. He didn't really know how to describe the feeling, it was just, warm. He never wanted to be away from Peyton, not as long as he lived. He knew, from then on, he would do anything to get away from these mad men and live, finally, a peaceful life with Peyton.

Kat smiled. She wanted to say something cheesy and dumb like, 'Really, you are?' but decided against it. She was never really one to get hit on, mostly because she had never been in an area where people didn't know about her powers. For some reason, even though she had the powers of an angel, everyone avoided her for that. "I'm glad we came in too," she said with a smile and a gentle blush. "So how long have you been working here?" she asked in a curious tone.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:16 am

Peyton smiled and then pulled gently from Brock's grasp. "Thank you," She said softly not looking at Brock but toward the water. "You've saved me 100 times now, and I just hope that one day I'll be able to repay you," She said and then turned back to face Brock, a small gentle smile touching her lips.

Dane looked around in thought, "Uh, about 3 years? My uncle owns this place," He explained and looked around. It was a nice little place, very popular. Glancing at the clock Dane realized that his shift was over. "Hold on," He said and got up from the table. When he came back he wasn't dressed in his waiters outfit anymore. "Care for a dance?" He asked and held his hand out to Kat.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:27 am

Brock shook his head. "What you don't realize is that you've already saved me," he told her before he kissed her gently on the forehead. He meant that too. Without Peyton he didn't what happiness really was anymore. Kat gave him a hint of that happiness every so often, but he had really lost sight of everything in life. Being with Peyton put him back on the right track again.

Looking to Dane, and actually looking this time, she blushed. He was a really good looking guy. His gentle deep brown hair was spiked and his light grey jacket brought out the blue in his eyes. Smiling as she stood, Kat nodded. "I'd love to," she said as she took his hand slowly and reluctantly. She was just as good at Brock with dancing, but she always felt as if she were horrible at it.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:45 am

Peyton smiled, "Really?" She asked softly, her eyes met his with sparkle. It was nice to be alone with Brock. The last time she was alone with Brock was when they first ran away together. It had been several weeks since then and their relationship had blossomed. "I know this will sound cheesy, but..." Peyton bit her lip nervously for a moment and then swallowed the lump in her throat, "I was miserable and lost before you came along," She said and looked down, letting her red locks hide her face.

Dane smiled, and walked Kat over to the dance floor. He had taken a few dance lessons his self and was rather graceful. Swinging Kat around he grinned down at her, "You're a lot shorter than I thought you'd be," He said with a hint of humor in his voice.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:51 am

"Funny," Brock paused as he looked into Peyton's eyes, "that's exactly how I feel." His voice was rich and strong and he knew that was the case for both. They needed one another, it was why they were so attracted to one another right away. Like the missing piece to the puzzle or that last touch-up on a painting. They were what completed each other, what made each whole.

Kat giggled, "Wow, you sure now how to sweet talk a girl," she said, the sarcasm in her voice was laid on thick as her smile widened. Having to look up to him, he was quite tall as well. She assume just as tall, maybe a little shorter than Brock, knowing that only because she had to crane her neck a bit to see him when she was so close. Close. She was really close to him. A gentle blush spread across her cheeks as she continued to dance to the light music.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:59 am

Peyton smiled and then pushed herself up onto her tippy toes. Gently she pressed her lips against Brock's, when she was around him she was so confident. She felt like she could do anything, be anything. It made her so happy, and kissing him always made her so happy. It made her head spin and her heart pound, it was almost like a drug.

Dane grinned, and laughed slightly. He laugh was smooth and rich, "I sure do," He said in a fake self complimentary tone. Changing the subject he looked down at Kat, "So where did you learn to dance?" He asked tilting his head slightly in curiosity.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:04 am

Brock kissed Peyton back passionately. He loved this woman, so much. Smiling into the kiss, he knew there was no one else like her in the world. Not just the fact that she had powers, but her personality, her vibe, she was the one and only. Loving the sound of that, one and only, he kept it replaying in his mind like a broken record.

Kat continued to dance as she thought back to a time where she had no family. "When Brock, my brother, and I were orphans there wasn't much else to do. We made our own entertainment," she said in a gentle voice. "And what about you?" she asked getting the subject off of herself. "You're not too bad yourself."
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  Peyton Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:15 am

Peyton blushed at the movement of his lips, so gentle yet so hungry. It was nice to have someone wanting her, someone caring about her. But, this was different, it wasn't just that he cared for her, but it was how he made her feel. She knew she would never find another person in the world like Brock, no one would ever make her feel the way he did. No one. That she knew, was a fact.

Dane glanced over toward the balcony and then looked back to Kat, " I took a few classes, cause my Aunt Marie insisted," He explained, "Apparently, it makes me a dignified gentlemen," He said with a slight roll of his eyes.
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Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed} - Page 13 Empty Re: Crazy? If only you knew.. {Closed}

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jun 19, 2012 4:19 am

Brock parted lips with Peyton and smiled to her before looking to the sky. "It's getting late and I don't know when they close. Should we get going? There is a hotel a little ways up that we can stay at," he mentioned. It felt good knowing the city or town they were in instead of having to guesstimate everything all the time. He knew he was getting a little tired, though he had been flying that day, so he had no idea how anyone else felt.

Kat giggled. "Well I can certainly say that it's nice dancing with you," she mentioned, hinting that she was glad he took those lessons. Twirling around, she face Dane was again and looked up into his eyes. A slight twang of pain rolled through her, knowing they were going to have to leave again tomorrow, meaning Dane would be gone. Trying to push the thoughts away she focused more on her dancing.
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