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Masquerade Party (Closed)

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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:32 am

Rebecca smiled at brock and nodded, "We better attend to help Karin, would you like to go with her to town. If you do, don't forget to wear a sweater and some sunglasses." She then smiled towards Karin when she was next to her, "Sweetheart, I'm sure your really hungry right?"

He hummed to himself as he grabbed a cart and began walking through the grocery store searching for food that seemed very appealing to him.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:21 am

Brock shook his head. "I might have gone before all this, but finally having something to live for I am not going out there with a vampire hunter on the loose," Brock looked to Karin. "Look, for now I won't compell you, but you need to get us some blood please. One from a man, one from a woman. Here's some cash, you can get what you like," he said as he handed her a few hundreds. He then looked to Rebecca in question. "Did I forget anything?" he asked her in a gentle tone.

Karin looked at the two with weary eyes. She had almost forgotten about the blood. She had just been so hungry she didn't think about having to cut someone and get blood from them. Her stomach instantly dropped when she thought of that as she let a deep gulp pass by her throat.
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Post  bree_bree15 Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:31 am

Rebecca looked at Karin's weary face and then placed a hand on her shoulder, "Your not going to have to kill anyone. There are humans that do give out blood because they love the feeling of helping us out. They are pretty much supporters for us." She then looked at Brock, "unless you want blood that way but I don't think we should put her through that." She then looked towards Karin and said, "There is a grocery store downtown and ask for a man named Kurt, he'll get you a wrapped package of blood from the back, just ask for male and female, don't say anything other than that."

Ruki hummed still to himself and watched as woman passed him and he chuckled to himself after checking them out. then he continued at what he was doing.

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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Mar 01, 2012 8:49 pm

Brock nodded. He had never had to deal with Kurt, and his stomach always had a sinking feeling when he needed to call upon Kurt. "I'm going to go get a bunny from the backyard, I am starving. Sorry Karin," he said as he turned his attention to her, "thank you so much for doing this for us." Then he walked off to the backyard.

Karin nodded and smiled. "Okay, thank you very much," she said as she turned to the door and waved back behind her. Needless to say she was very eager to get out there and get some food. She probably would pick up a doughnut at the store too and eat it while she was walking around getting supplies.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:53 am

Rebecca waved goodbye to Karin and then walked back towards the bedroom where Alexander had been sleeping he was snoring a storm it seemed and all she could do was smile. She then wondered over towards the window and watched Brock, it was dark back there because of the special thing the vampires had built

Ruki was pretty unlucky cause as he started getting all the stuff into the cart he knew that he would have a hard time going home with all the bags. He sighed and shrugged his shoulder. Well it was better than not having any food. His cart was full of foods all the way from the sweets to all the healthy vegetables
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Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:36 am

Karin smiled when she saw the grocery store. Her stomach almost yelled with happiness as it knew food was on its way. Walking into the store with pride, she headed over to the doughnut rack. Slowly and with careful thought she picked out the perfect doughnut; a cinnamon roll was just perfect! As she took a huge bite she walked up the the cashier's counter. "Hi," she said with a gentle gulp of food following, "may I speak to Kurt please?" The woman nodded at me and smiled, then walked off to go find him. Karin stood there and ate her doughnut with joy as she looked around the store in idle thought.

Brock took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Suddenly his eyes shot open, blood red in color, and he ran off toward the rabbit he smelt four miles away. Knowing he would be there in less than two minutes, he kept his pace steady and his eyes fixed. Tackling the rabbit and almost engulfing it, he sucked it dry of blood. Soon his put his thumb to the crease of his lips, let the blood stick to his thumb, then then licked it off gently. Picking up a steady "jog", he went back to the house in what a vampire could consider 'slow'.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:49 pm

Ruki had finished gathering all his groceries and then noticed the girl waiting and seemed to be out of it. He smiled at how gorgeous he thought she was. He felt like saying some cheesy pick-up line but he didn't want to turn her off. She ate the doughnut and soon the woman she must have been waiting for came back with a man. Ruki looked at the man in confusion. He knew this man, a man who would get blood to vampires in secret. He then looked towards the girl, she didn't appear vampire at all. Maybe she was helping some.

Rebecca smiled when she saw him and then walking towards the living room feeling hungry but knew that Karin would be home soon to give her some blood. Alexander was awake now and had walked over and sat on Rebecca's lap. He had a little stuffed animal and rested his head against her chest.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 6 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:28 am

Karin smiled at the man, asked for some blood, one from a woman and one from a man. She told him she needed quite a few bags since she knew Brock and Rebecca would be very hungry. The man nodded and told her to wait just a minute. She nodded back to the man and smiled happily before turning around again to lean her back on the counter. She was soon to notice a man staring at her, but she tried not to make a big deal out of it--after all it was probably just her imagination; why would anyone be staring at her of all people?

Brock bit his lip as he thought to how Rebecca was hungry too. "Do you want me to get you something?" he asked in a gentle voice. He knew Alexander didn't need anything because human food was still good enough for him, though a raw steak probably would be best; he nodded at his thought. Soon he went back to Rebecca as he waited for answer; he had already sniffed out four rabbits and two deer.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon May 07, 2012 1:23 am

Maybe she was being counted as a slave but she didn't seem like she was being abused, she did looked hurt emotionally which made him wonder if the vampires had been tormenting her. He had to follow her. If she was working for the vampires then maybe the leader would be with them.

She felt her stomach. She was a little weak but she knew that Karin would be to the house soon. She shook her head to brock and smiled, "I'll be fine my love." She walked towards him and placed a hand on his cheek, "Your so kind for worrying though." She then pressed her lips against his.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Mon May 07, 2012 9:37 am

Karin continued to notice the man looking at her; being subtle was not one of his strong suits she guess. The she heard the man come back and clear his throat for her. She looked to the package in confusion. "There is food in here for you as well, you look starved half to death," he told her. She looked herself over and guess she did look pretty awful--that was probably why the other man was staring at her. She nodded and smiled. "Thank you so much. And how much do I owe you?" the man put up his hand and shook his head. "Just go ahead home and get something to eat," he told her, which made her feel a little bad. She felt how heavy the bag was, so she knew there was a lot of food in there. She nodded once more before saying a very shy "Thank you," and walking out of the store. She thought she would go grab some clothes and other necessities while she was out, but then remembered how starving everyone had to be. She would go home first, then go out again after some well needed food.

Brock smiled into the kiss as he held Rebecca gently. He hugged her to him as he broke the kiss and pulled away just enough to look into her gorgeous eyes. "I love you so much," he told her with a loving smile. He had never, in his years of being undead, felt this way. He usually couldn't give a damn about anyone; but Rebecca was different.
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Post  bree_bree15 Tue May 08, 2012 10:50 am

Ruki narrowed his eyes and finished paying for all the stuff he had bought. He knew that she could be the key to another group of vampires. She then began to follow her with the bags in his head. He knew that if he acted helpless or in need of help that she would probably come to his add. As they walked down the street, Ruki only a few strides back, he dropped one of his bags. "how shoot." He said out loud and then glanced to see if the girl was looking back, "Hey, miss do you think you could help me?"

Rebecca gave him a croaked smile and placed her lips on his again. "You and Alexander mean so much to me. I don't know what I would do without you two." She rested her head against Brock's chest after whispering on his lips. She knew that Brock would protect her and alexander with his life but how would Rebecca protect Brock? Yes, she was a vampire but there was a difference in male from female. especially having the boy she did. It was a while ago but she still could feel the human feelings of the situation.
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Post  its_me_kimmy Wed May 09, 2012 7:37 am

Karin almost jumped when she heard the voice as she turned around. She looked to the stuff on the floor and gasped. "Oh my, yes, I'm sorry," she told the man before scurrying over and picking things up. She slowly put each one in the back with care, making sure not to mess up the man's things. When she looked up she was surprised to see that it was the man that was staring at her earlier. She looked back down and tried to hide her face with her hair. "Uhh, that's the last of it I think," she said as she looked around herself for more items.

Brock hugged Rebecca to his chest as she smiled. "You'll never have to know because you'll never lose us," he told her in a reassuring voice. He would never leave Rebecca's side, not as long as he 'lived'. He couldn't be happier with this woman, or any other for that matter. he would always love her, and his son, for the rest of eternity.
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Post  bree_bree15 Wed May 09, 2012 9:48 am

Ruki smiled at her, "Oh I'm so thankful that you were there. You see, my car is kind of in the shop right now and I have to walk all the way to my apartment with these bags." He sighed softly, "Thank you for your help. Now, its time to get on my way." He said as he stood up and began to walk hoping that this girl was the generous type. If she wasn't, then he had a plan up his sleeve.

Rebecca smiled and closed her eyes. She couldn't hear his heartbeat but she knew that there was one there that cared so much for her and Alexander. She loved Brock more than she had ever loved any other vampire. In fact, she didn't care to much except for the love and abuse. It was basically thanks to Andrew and Karin that they had met.
you've got the hang of it.

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Post  its_me_kimmy Thu May 10, 2012 10:30 am

Karin looked after him as he started to walk away. Her heart throbbed for him as all that came out was a simple "Oh". She bit her lip in deliberation and then finally took a deep breath in to get some courage. "Is there a way I could help?" she called after him as she took a few steps in his direction. He had already dropped his bags ones, and he had a lot to carry, the least she could do was try and help.

Brock looked into Rebecca's eyes and smiled. "So shall we go inside?" he asked her. He thought to his little boy and wondered what he was up to. "Should I get a bunny for Alexander? I don't want him getting into a 'mood'," he explained as he looked to the house. He knew little ones got hungry faster and he couldn't have his little boy run off in a temper tantrum.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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