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Masquerade Party (Closed)

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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri May 06, 2011 8:41 pm

A Week Later:

There was a small rasp on the door as Brock looked around for an sign of 'life', or vampires actually. He sniffed the air but couldn't smell one. A week with only a human was a long time to be away from vampires, he had pretty much lost all of his smell for them, which was a lot for a vampire. He looked to Karin. "You stay here and I will go check on how Andrew has been doing first," he warned.

Karin simply nodded. All she wanted was to be in Andrew's arms, even if she was scared. She wouldn't change for him, she didn't want to be a vampire, but she would be there for Andrew and hold him when he needed her. Even though he was dead didn't mean he didn't have any feelings.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:38 am

Rebecca smiled at how Andrew was controlling himself from the bloody human that was in front of him. She nodded lightly and said, "You've really worked hard for this haven't you?" She noticed a nod and then turned around to see her son who had drawn a lot in only a couple of weeks. His vampire teeth were in and ready for killing and he also could speak.

Andrew smiled lightly feeling his ego head swelling up with pride. He then sensed Brock and soon could feel Karin's heart beat. He took a deep breath in feeling himself slowly lose his humanity but then regained it quickly and took another deep breath.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:28 pm

Brock opened the door and quickly close it behind him as to not let in the sent of Karin too much. He knew any vampire would crave that girl more than anything in the world. He had always wondered why she had smelled so good, but he let it pass when he saw Andrew and Rebecca. He was then soon to see his, who was that?, his son? "Rebecca? Is that our son?" he asked in a small voice, seeing himself slightly resembled in the small boy.

Karin stood outside and sighed. She couldn't hear a thing but the loud wing that kept clunking around on the house doors and windows and walls. She walked a few feet away from the door and sat down slowly, waiting for what felt like forever to see Andrew.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:57 am

Rebecca smiled over towards Brock and soon her son joined her side, "Yes, this is Alexander." She said as the boy hugged her close to him. Alexander smiled at Brock, his white teeth shining slightly. She knew that the both of them would get along just fine.

Andrew noticed Brock and smiled, "How is she?" He asked as he referred to Karin. He wanted to see her so badly. Honestly, he was terrified. He thought the only reason he wanted to see her, was because he wanted to drink the amazingly smelling blood right out of her.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:58 am

Brock ignored Andrew. "Rebecca, how did he do? Will he be okay to see the girl or is it too early still?" he asked as he tried to focus on the problem at hand and not his little boy, though it was very hard when all he wanted to do was hug his son and do whatever it was a father would do with his vampire child.

Karin continued to wait, sitting far enough away so that she wouldn't be able to hear the vampire's conversation. She knew that she would probabaly only get hurt it she stayed to listen to the conversation, so she figured it was best to just wait.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:30 am

Rebecca nodded, "I think he'll be fine. He's learned to control very well, he'll have those moments where he can lose a bit of himself but he's learned to control that and regain himself." She then glanced towards Andrew. "He'll still need a bit of training though."

Andrew stared at Brock and then folded his arm as Brock ignored him. Karin was just outside that door. He wanted to see her more than anything. To see if she was alright and how she was. He wanted to protect her and now he was able to with a bit of control. Andrew still needed some extra help but he figured that he would be alright.

Alexander looked over to his father once more and then turned back to playing with his toys. He acted like a regular human boy at times which was okay, but he still had the blood and strength of a killer.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:22 am

Brock nodded. "Is he okay to go see the girl right now while you finally introduce me to my son, or does he need to be under supervision when he is with the girl?" he asked in a flat tone. He didn't want to babysit anymore, unless it was with his real son. He wanted to get done with this human and vampire mix-up and just finally get to know his son.

Karin picked at th grass in a bored fashion, looking around at various objects as she did so.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:26 am

"He should be fine by himself but if anything goes wrong, Well lets just say I advice you to keep your sense up. No telling what he'll do. I've trained him long enough so he should be good on his own." Rebecca folded her arms and then looked over towards Andrew, "I believe that he can be very strongwilled when wanting to."

Andrew noticed her peircing eyes land on him and he froze a bit from the fear. She worked him to his limit throughout the training of controling himself. He passed but the final test would be if he could face Karin again
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:54 am

Brock nodded and looked to Andrew. "It's hard as hell for me not to rip that girl's throat out, so I don't know how he can stand there without the pain of wanting her blood," he then shrugged and walked over toward the door. "I guess there will only ever be one way to find out," he then opened the door and let the scent of Karin flow into the room, even though she was quite a bit aways from the actual door.

Karin heard the door open and turned around slightly, still sitting down. She looked around, but saw no one pass through the doorway and come toward her. She wondered slightly if Andrew would come or if he still wasn't ready. She really hoped he was.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:19 am

Andrew let her scent linger in his nose and began to feel the blood lust he wanted. But he contained himself and walked over towards the door and took a deep breath. He then walked out to see Karin's beautiful face. His heartless chest felt like something was pounding on it. His stomach churned and he felt himself slowly slipping from control but quickly he sinked his nails into his hand and made himself regain control. He smiled towards her. He knew that He was going to look a bit different from when they last saw each other but he hopped that she wouldn't mind.

Rebecca smiled and folded her arms, "I told you he was ready." She watched for a moment then was soon by Brock's side and kissing his lips, "I believe you still have someone to meet." She then looked over towards Alexander who was playing with some toys.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:26 am

Karin turned and saw someone. She squinted slightly and saw that he looked like Andrew, but he looked different as well. "Uh A-Andrew?" she said in a small tone, too low for any human from that distance to hear, but probabaly loud enough for a vampire. "I-is that you?" she asked in an even smaller tone, biting her lip slightly to keep from crying and running over to him in joy and disbelief.

Brock kissed Rebecca back before looking over to his son. "I believe I do," he said and walked over to Andrew. "Hi there Andrew," he knelt down so he was about as tall as Andrew, "I am Brock; your father," he said in a gentle tone, offering his hand to shake. He didn't really know how to be a father, so affection was new to him.
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Post  bree_bree15 Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:53 am

Andrew gave her a crooked smile and nodded lightly, "Yeah its me." He watched her as if he knew what she was thinking. Her joy was a bit overwelming that for a second he thought he was going to lose control. But he kept control and smiled towards her as he got closer, "How have you been Karin?" His voice was low and a bit seductive, which me obviously didn't mean too.

ooc: haha you said andrew writing that.

Rebecca smiled towards Alexander who was now staring at his father curiously. He then smiled and hugged Brock, "Hi Daddy!" He giggled lightly and showed Brock the toy truck, "Look what mommy gave me."
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:45 am

Karin stood still, not wanting to move and trigger anything. She wasn't afraid of him, she just wanted to make this as easy as she could for him. "I-I've been fine. I've missed you a lot," she told him in a truthful tone. She really had. Even thought they hadn't know eachother that long, the bond between them seemed really close, probably for what they ahd been through together. She looked to his eyes and continued to bit her lip gently.

Ooc: Sorry

Brock smiled and looked to the truck. "Wow, it's awesome! Mommy seems to spoil you a lot," he said in a gentle, sarcastic tone as he smiled and chuckled. "Speaking of, is Mommy being good to you?" he said as he smiled more and snuck a glance up at Rebecca.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:45 am

Andrew watched her curiously as he waited for something to happen. He watched her bit her lip lightly and then he smirked as he slowly made his way to her. He placed his forehead on her's and chuckled, "You know, I've missed you too."

ooc: its cool Smile

Rebecca folded her arms at Brock but couldn't help but smile. Ever sense she had Alexander, she seemed more human then ever. She wasn't the way she used to be. Never did she smile this much in her life.

Alexander looked towards his momma and giggled, "Yes! I love mommy very much! she told me about papa!"
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:48 am

Karin watched as he came closer and felt her heart beat out of her chest. She felt his warm forehead pressed against hers, loving the chuckle that followed. Some things just never did change and she was so glad for that. "Sorry you had to do this," she said in a small voice as she thought about wrapping her arms around him, but then stopped herself.

Brock smiled. "Oh did she?" he smiled as she glanced at Rebecca again. "What did she say about papa?" he said in a very light and playful tone, his son already the most important thing in his life, right next to Rebecca.
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Post  bree_bree15 Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:24 am

He frowned and took a step back. He could feel her pulse rising as he came closer to her. He let out a small sigh and looked down towards their feet. "Crap happens all the time. It just happened to fall upon me this time and all I have to say is just forget about it." He put his hands in his pockets.

Alexander put his finger to his lip as he thought of what Rebecca had told him then he giggled as he whispered, "Mommy said to keep that as a secret." He giggled and then gave his papa a big hug. "I missed you. I remember your voice from when I was in mommy's belly.." he whispered gently.

Rebecca smiled down towards the two most important boys in her life. She had no idea what she would do without them.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:43 am

Karin watched Andrew's motions and felt as if she had said something wrong. She bit her lip and looked down to her feet. "O-okay," she said in a small tone, barely above a whisper as she tried to figure out what she had done or said wrong. She ran through it in her head, not understanding.

Brock chuckled. "Oh did she? Well Papa will just have to ask her later then," he smiled. He then heard his boy tell him he missed him as smiled over more. "Well I am here now, so don't worry," he picked up Alexander and spun him around a few time before hoisting on his back. "I won't leave you again," he promised his son.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:06 am

Andrew felt her heart rate begin to race when he stepped away. He let out another sighed and then lifted up her chin, "Whats wrong?" He stared into her amazing that seemed almost the same before he left. He couldn't believe though how much she had changed. Yes he had changed, but not in anyway someone would want too..

Rebecca smiled at her two boys and then walked out of the living room and towards the kitchen getting closer to the door that Andrew and Karin were at. She could feel the blood racing in Karin's body. She was really surprised that Andrew hadn't done anything yet.

Alexander giggled, "Yay! Then daddy and I can play all the time!" and brought his truck into the air, "look daddy the truck is flying!" He giggled once again and then leaned forward more so he could see his dad's face.

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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:48 am

Karin looked up to him and blushed, looking at his perfect face and feeling like an ant next to him. "Nothing, y-you just stepped away, that's all," she said, mentally kicking herself for stuttering. She felt so insignificant next to him, all the changes he had gone through in simple a week.

Brock smiled and started to chuckle. He then popped Alexander up in the air and caught him with his hands, then raised him up toward the ceiling; something done easily by a vampire like himself. "And now little Alexander is flying too," he said as she started to swoop him around in the air, jogging around as he did so.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:49 pm

he gave her a croaked smile and asked, "What about me stepping back? I won't leave you." He leaned down by her ear, feeling her pulse going crazy as he did so. He swallowed and whispered, "I promise." He then stood up straight to stare at her blushing face. She was radiant that standing beside her made him feel like something that was going to jump out of someones closet.

Alexander squealed with joy and giggled as his dad flew him around the room. "Mommy! Mommy! I'm flying!" Alexander then put his arms out and made airplane sounds.

Rebecca heard Alexander and said, "I'll be right out to see you." She then started to listen to the conversation outside. She knew that Andrew would never leave her but Karin would sometime leave him. This wasn't any good for a vampire and a human. Andrew knew very well that this couldn't happen. She listened to the heartbeat of Karin and then listened to Andrew's breathing. Something about it though didn't seem right even if Andrew couldn't feel anything.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:11 am

Karin looked up to him, her being so small next to him. She then bit the inside of her cheek as she felt the threat of tears. She closed her eyes quickly so no tears would flow and nodded. "I know..." she let her voice barely make a sound, not wanting the sound of her voice to give away the pain she felt. He wouldn't leave her, but someday she was going to grow older and die; but she could never become a vampire, she just couldn't... She let her mind reel as she started to lean into Andrew, her arms wrapping around him as she did so.

Brock smiled as he laughed, watching his son fly through the air. "He's a great pilot. Best I've ever seen," he said with a smile in his tone. He knew what Rebecca was doing, and was glad she was keep tabs on them, but they wouldn't be able to do that forever. Someday the would have to let them go on their own and just trust in what they had learned.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:04 pm

Andrew was surprised and stood really stiff for a few moments then he relaxed and hugged her back. His thoughts were racing as she held onto her small frame, being careful not to hurt her in anyway. He knew that he could brake her like a toothpick. He sighed at the thought and closed his eyes.

Rebecca sighed and shook her head. Those two... something terrible was bound to happen between them. She finally left the kitchen and walked out to where her son and Brock were. She watched as Brock was running around with Alexander in his arms. She giggled at the sight and watched as she sat down in a chair.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:55 am

Karin bit her lip as she let herslf rest in Andrew's arms, oblivious as to what could really happen to her. All she could think of was about her getting old and Andrew never getting that way.. When she felt his arms wrap around her she smiled in a small way and burried her face in Andrew's chest, taking in his sent.

Brock smield as she continued to fly Alexander around and then glanced toward Rebecca. "Best pilot you've evere seen, right dear?" he said in a light tone as he continued to fly his son, hearing the laughing soming from him only making him happier.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  bree_bree15 Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:09 pm

Andrew held onto her smelling her blood running through her veins and noticing that her heartbeat was racing. He couldn't pull away from her even if she was making him want to bite her, he didn't know how to turn anyone anyways. He would probably end up killing her, and he did not want that. The blood started to get to him though and he felt his eyes changing to silver. He closed them and felt his fangs with his tongue. He couldn't pull away though, "Karin..." He whispered.

She giggled and clapped her hands together, "Yes honey, he's the best I've ever seen in my life." She watched as her son was being flown around by his father and it made her smile that his father was her for him forever.
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Masquerade Party (Closed) - Page 3 Empty Re: Masquerade Party (Closed)

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:53 am

Karin looked up to Andrew with a confused look on her face. "Yes?" she saked in a small tone, looking to his face for some sort of expression or hint at what he wanted. She looked at him as the normal Andrew, the one that was there for her at the party and at the house; not the changed one that tried to attack her and eat her.

Brock chuckled and then spun his son around before setting him down gently. "Of course he is. The best one ever," he said in a gentle tone and smiled. Being a parent, it was so new to him, so fantastic, so joyous. Knowing there was a little piece of him standing there in front of him with a little piece of the woman he loved in him as well, it made his head spin that he was so lucky.
annnnnddddd you're fabulous.

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