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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:50 am

Meh, I guess /I/ could act him?
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Nov 20, 2010 6:29 am

Ooc: You sure??
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:35 am

Yeah, I don't think chick face is coming back.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:42 pm

Ooc: Gah!I hate when people bail on a RP.. >__<
Okay, if you wanna, or I guess I could get someone else to join.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:21 am

Dane looked around, Kat was just about passed out in her seat and the plane was shaking. He wasn't sure what he would do if something bad were to happen. The necklace he and Brock had bought for Kat suddenly felt very heavy in his pocket. Dane tried to look over to see Peyton and Brock, but they were too far a head for him to see anything but the top of Brock's head.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:46 am

Brock held onto Peyton tightly. He looked out the window. Was everything okay out there? What was going on? He flagged over one of the girls that had been helping them and asked what was going on. "Is there a storm, or what?" he asked her. She just shrugged, told him that it probabaly was, and then walked off. Helpful..

Kat soon jumped. One thing that scared her the most were planes. She was so used to flying on her own she hated someone else doing it for her. She gripped ontoDane tightly and then slightly remembered what he had said. He liked her? How on Earth... She would ask once more what he ment when they were safer than right then. She felt the plane wobble around again and bit her lip as she clinged onto Dane without much notice.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:56 am

Peyton watched the lady walk off and suddenly everything seemed to stop. The only people who could move were, her and Brock. Peeking over her shoulder she saw Kat and Dane looking at her, able to move too. "Crap." She mumbled and quickly got to her feet, 'We've got to get out of here." She said quickly everyone and everything frozen.

Dane couldn't help but smile when Kat grabbed onto him. But when everything stopped, and he saw Peyton on the move he got worried, what was he going to do if something bad happened? He had no powers.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:34 am

Brock looked around in shock. "Peyton?" he looked over, seeing she wasn't there. He then saw Peyton walking across the plane. "Peyton, what's going on?" he asked as he hurried next to her side. Why did everyone stop moving other than the two of them?

Kat looked at Dane with fear in her eyes. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew it wasn't good. "Dane? Can you move?" she asked in a worry. She didn't know if it was just people with powers, or just their group. She then saw Dane move and sighed in relief. She hugged him tightly and then look back up to him.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:19 am

Peyton didn't respond to Brock, she didn't have time to. Before she could even turn to look at Brock the door to the plane flew open and people, masked, with wings snatched her up, and with almost lightning speed started off. Peyton tried to struggle, break free, and burn them but nothing was working. With a press to her neck she was out cold.

Dane nodded to Kat. "I can. Don't worr--" His head snapped in Peyton's direction. Brock was yelling and Peyton was missing, the plane door wide open. Putting a protective arm around Kat he gritted his teeth. "You stay close to me."
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:42 am

Brock got up so quickly his belt snapped off. He looked to Kat and Dane as she ran toward the open side. "Keep her safe. I can't stay, I have to save her. Kat, go toward Washington. Hurry it the hell up. We can't have to guys getting hurt. Ket, you know where I will meet you when I get back, but just go now!" he yelled and then jumped off the plane, his wings there in a flash as he followed behind the figures.

Kat screamed as Brock jumped off the plane and quickly bit her lip. "Brock.." she whispered and wished they were both here and the plane was still safe and that she could just hug her bother and tell him she loved him one more time before they left. She gripped onto Dane unconciously and held back the tears as he lip quivered.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:10 am

Peyton could feel and hear, but couldn't see or move. Who ever had her in their arms was moving fast, and smelled oddly of peppermint. A smell that seemed....almost...familiar. Where were they going to take her? She didn't exactly know but she only hoped that Brock could get to her before something really bad happened.

Dane nodded and looked at Kat. "You're going to be fine." He said in a concerned tone. "You're probably going to have to carry me, cause of the...not being able to fly and all..." He touched the back of his head awkwardly and looked to the opening in the plane, everyone around them still frozen.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Dec 11, 2010 12:37 pm

Brock squinted to see and he continued to follow the black figure. He didn't think he would be able to catch up, but as long as he could see the figures in the night he knew he would be able to save Peyton. He was in love with her and he would never give her up at all. He would fight until the moment he died for her. He then felt the necklace start to slip out of his pocket and gripped it in his hand tightly. He put it around his neck and continued to fly as fast as he could.

Kat nodded, blushing a deep red. "Okay," she told him and unbuckled her belt. She stood up slowly and walked over to the end on the plane where the opening was. "Ready?" she aksed in a nervous tone. She hoped she could hold him.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:28 am

Peyton wanted to open her eyes, to scream, to fight but nothing she did to move would work. She gritted her teeth as who ever carried her squeezed her tightly, almost to the point of pain. Where was Brock? Was he hurt? Were these men creature things too fast for him. Suddenly Peyton felt air flying past her, her stomach feeling as though it were in her feet. She was falling! They had dropped her, aiming to kill her, suspecting that who ever was after them to save Peyton wouldn't get to her in time.

Dane nodded."Ready." He said and stepped closer to the edge of the whole in the plane. The door was ripped off and missing. Who ever those people, those...things were, they were strong. He wasn't sure if Brock was going to be alright but he wasn't going to tell Kat anything about that.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:51 pm

Brock heard a wosh go past him and when he saw it was a human, he looked closer, seeing it was Peyton quickly. He darted after he with a much speed as he had, going faster than normal falling. When he finally saw her close enough he reached out for her. The ground was getting closer and closer. He soon grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, wrapping his wings around her tightly as he knew he couldn't stop and hit the ground, slightly slower than normal falling speed because his wings had slowed down the fall in a just a little bit of time.

Kat braced herself, lifted up the back of her shirt as her wings expanded, and picked up Dane slowly. "Please please hold on as tightly as you can," she warned, not really trusting herself at all. She then took off when she fet his grip around her tightly and started for Washington, flying steady enough to keep ahold on Dane.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:17 am

Peyton felt the warmth of someone around her, someone had caught her. She smelled the familiar smell of Brock and then they hit the ground, rolling and her falling from his grip and rolling limply to the meek and sparse ground. She slowly opened her eyes the dark purple of the sky being all she could see. "W-what..." She began to mumble, an extreme headache over coming her.

Dane nodded to Kat. "I will." He said as he felt them go into the air. "If you get tired, we can land, and walk for a while." He said to her, sure that if that did happen he would do everything in his power to protect her. He was never like this with anyone, and it was odd to feel this way about a girl, but he couldn't stop how he felt, and he would give his life for Kat's.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:32 am

Brock lay limp on the ground, unmoving, his mind going a million miles per hour. What had happened to Peyton? Was she okay? Where was she? Why couldn't he move? Was he knoked out? He certainly hoped he was only knocked out and nothing else. He wanted to protect Peyton more, but he knew that at least his wings had savedher life and that she would most likely still be concious. He tried to fight agaisnt the growing darkness, and continued to battle against it as he thoughts of Peyton started to overwhelm him.

Kat flew until she felt like she couldn't fly any longer, and then on. She let a small tear fall from her face as she continued on toward Washington. She knew that if she landed then they would both be in much more danger than her just fighting through the pain and flying.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:49 am

Peyton scrambled over to Brock, using the little energy she had. "B-brock?" She said softly, her voice full of a fearful tremble. "Brock..." She touched his cheek gently, and leaned over him. "Please...wake up..." Her voice was weak, her every move was weak.

Dane kept his eyes shut, he had never been a fan of heights. Slowly though, he opened his eyes, to figure out where they were. By what he was seeing they were almost there. "You gonna make it? It's not that far now..." He asked and stated looking up at Kat.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:25 am

Brock tried to wake up because he could hear the fear in Peyton's voice and felt horrible when he couldn't. he wanted to wake up and hug her and kiss her and tell her that they were okay now and that everything would be okay, but his head just hurt so much and he couldn't find the strength to wake up.

Kat looked to Dane, and then back to the sky. "I've got it. I'll be fine," she lied and winced a little as he wing started to hurt. She then felt herself getting weaker and weaker and bit her lip slightly. She looked to the Washington state line and sighed. "Thank you," she said under her breath.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:36 am

Peyton lightly shook Brock, but with no reply she stopped. "B-brock..." Suddenly she broke into deep sobs, her face berried in her crossed arms on Brock's chest. She was convinced he was dead, and he had been saving her worthless life.

Dane looked at Kat, studied her. She was in pain, and he knew it. "Lets walk the state line." He said tugging on her so her flight path was slightly more down. "You need to rest, I'll carry you." He was very serious, no room for argument in his voice.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:17 am

Brock was in pain, not from the fall or anything, but from the sobs he heard coming from Peyton. He needed to get up. Why was this so hard? All he simply had to do was open his eyes, or even say a simple word or groan. Why couldn't he?? He was scaring Peyton and that wasn't okay with him, he needed up.

Kat wanted to argure, but it would have take too much of the energy she didn't have. She was soon to land and noticed that her shirt was slightly ripped. She blushed a deep red and turned her back away from Dane. "C-could I borrow your jacket?" she asked, her face a cheery red as she held the back of her shirt together, struggling just to stand.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:37 am

Peyton sobbed hard, into Brock's chest, her tears soaking the front of his t-shirt. "I'm s-so sorry.." She said in between sobs. She suddenly was filled with a rage, getting to her feet quickly, she broke to run but the same men who had snatched her stood there. She let her rage fester, and soon her hands were engulfed in flame and the fight was on. "HOW GOD DAMN DARE YOU!" She shouted and ran at them.

Dane looked at Kat and slowly put his jacket on her. When she had it completely on, he swooped her off her feet and started in a direction. "Tell me where we're to get there, and then you can rest." He said looking down at Kat who looked very worn.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:45 am

Brock soon got some feeling in his hands and legs and could find some strength to move. "P-Peyton," he tried to tell her to stop and caughed when he couldn't find the air to speak. He took a lot of air in and suddenly shocked himself so that he could get up. "Peyton!" he said. He quickly got up, not caring about the pain, and grabbed Peyton. When one of the men tried to grab at her and shocked him until there was blood on his hand. He quickly started to run.

Kat looked to Dane with worried eyes. "You keep walking until we get to the train station," she told him. "We get on the train to Seattle and we'll walk from there," she explained.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:55 am

Peyton gasped and a fire ball shot off in a random direction and the tree lit up in flame. "W-what is..." She was forced to run. It was Brock! Brock was ALIVE! She wanted to stop and to hug him, tell him she loved him, kiss him, but there was no time for that, one of those winged men were still after them.

Dane nodded, and kept walking, he used to live around here, until his parents died. He looked at Kat and smiled gently. "Shut your eyes and just relax. You'll be able to sleep on the train as well." He said, then looked around as he walked.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:44 am

Brock picked up Peyton and ran faster. Just one of those demon things. Now that he thought about it, Peyton still didn't really know he was a demon, or that Kat was an angle really. He mentally sighed. He would probabaly hold off on telling her that he was a demon, for a while. He felt the guy gaining on them, but weren't there four?? What happened to the other two? Did they go after Kat? He was then flooded with anger and stopped suddenly, set Peyton on her feet, then turned and zapped the guy before he even had a chance to realize Brock had stopped. He then looked to Peyton. "I think they went after Kat," he told her, making sure he was right before he made any decisions.

Kat shook her head. "Don't you need me to tell you where the station is?" she asked. ?that wasn't the only reason she didn't want to go to sleep, she wanted to help Dane. If something came after them, she would have to try and help. She had been practicing this one power where she could access the elements, but she had only gotten simple tasts done.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 7 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:55 am

Peyton watched as the man-fried- fell to the ground limp and smoking. "B-brock...?" Peyton wasn't afraid of what he had done but more afraid of the people behind her, she knew they were there even with out turning around. The way they were was all to familiar their scent...she jerked around, her hands lighting in flame. With out much thought she ran at him, but he didn't move rather simply let her kill him. "You're stronger than I thought.." Said the other demon, he held still, and when he talked it was distant as though a ventriloquist was really speaking the words coming from it's mouth. Stumbling back Peyton's knees dared to buckle fear painted in her eyes.

Dane looked down at her. "I can read signs." he said with a quirky grin. There were directional signs every where that he had only just noticed. They told you how to get from here to there and there to here, pretty much every where it seemed.
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