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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:40 am

Brock darted to Peyton and picked her up quickly, doing all this before Peyton could probabaly realize what was going on. He then started for the hills. He felts two in the air, so that ment one more was galivanting about. Brock lookd to Peyton in concern. He was the reason for all of this. Hell, he WAS one of this. He was a demon just like these things, only more advanced. You could tell when they didn't know as much because they didn't run as fast and couldn't use many of their powers yet. He looked Peyton in the eyes suddenly. "You need to stay safe while I kill these other two, then we will go find Kat," he told Peyton as he tried to find a hill to hide Peyton behind.

Kat sighed. "Fine, if you say so," she lied to him. She wasn't really going to go asleep, but if it put some ease to his mind she would lead him to believe she was going to sleep. She wanted to make sure he was going to be okay. She wanted him to be safe and since she could heal herself she would be a lot better off in the bad position than Dane would. She never, not once, forgot he was human. She was always so scared that she would end up getting him hurt, or ever worse, killed..
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:56 am

Peyton looked at Brock, her eyes, -even through her contacts hid most of her iris- had obviously changed color. "Put me down." She demanded. It was though something had risen out of her, something that seemed to please the demons. The indication that it was pleasing was the sudden stop to their running. The smirks on their face only confirmed their feelings. What ever was happening to Peyton was exactly the reaction they had wanted. Peyton got to got to her feet, managing to break away from Brock. Her frail body trembled and the flames that engulfed her hands turned an ultra violet a white.

Dane smiled and looked away for a moment, and when he looked back thinking Kat had fallen asleep. He stopped walking leaned down, and kissed Kat on the forehead. Slowly he started to walk again not really looking for any sort of reaction in Kat's being. Her being in his arms right now was all that really mattered to him. She was safe and he'd do anything to keep it that way.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:45 am

Brock stoped quickly and spun around on his heels. He could not- no!- WOULD not let Peyton get hurt; he refused. He quickly went to her side and looked to the demons. They didn't have time for this, they needed to save Kat if his hunch was right. He didn't want to upset Peyton though as he felt the electricity surge through him. He let his hand ignite with electricity and waited. If Peytoned didn't get him the first time then Brock would end it. They needed to help Kat and Dane.

Kat suddenly blushed a deep red and turned her head slightly. People did still move in her sleep, so it wouldn't be as weird if she burrowed her head into Dane's chest than if she started blushing for no reason. Sh then thought to the small kiss on her cheek. She was still able to feel the warmth of his lips on the side of her soft cheek, the kiss lingering there for Kat to enjoy.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:50 am

Peyton suddenly fell to her knees as some unknown force sucked the life out of her, the demons stood frozen, smirking. Peyton gasped for breath but none would flood her lungs. Slowly the flames in her hands started to die Peyton collapsing into the dirt. With a flash the demons were gone, not trace of them anywhere. Leaving Peyton cold on the ground. Her skin was icy, something that never happened all her life, something that was supposed to be impossible.

Dane felt her shift and looked down with a smile. When she stopped he looked back up and kept walking following the signs as he did. People every now and then would glare but he ignored them, Kat was safe, so he didn't care.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:01 am

Brock zapped what wasn't there and then turned his electricity off. He suddenly fell to the ground next to Peyton and warmed his hands with the smallest bit of electricity he could. He pulled Peyton into his arms and held her tightly. "Peyton? Peyton..." He whispered, hoping she was still alive. He had already been close to losing her once, and he refused to have that happen again. If he found out Peyton was still alive he would go right away. Kat could heal Peyton, maybe, and he needed to protect Kat; he couldn't lose sight of that.

Kat suddenly felt her eyes become heavy as she tried to fight sleep off, but failed horribly. She was soon fast asleep in Dane's arms, a dream evoking her to nuzzle up to Dane gently.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:06 am

Peyton didn't move on her own but his touch did shock her, jolting her body. What had they done to her, the heat and the fire was gone in her, the resistance to his shocking touch. When Peyton collapsed back into Brock she gasped and her eyes flew open.

Dane smiled when Kat nuzzled into him. She must be dreaming, and he wasn't complaining. Pulling her in tightly to him he kept walking. This walk, he hoped would last a long while, Kat needed the rest, and he liked having her this close.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:12 am

Brock looked to Peyton with worry flooding from his eyes. "Peyton.. Are you okay?" he asked and hugged her tightly to him. He was so glad she was still alive, but she was so longer warm like she usually was. She felt like, well she felt like a human. He didn't dare tell Peyton that, but that was what it seemed like to him.

Kat continued to dream, obviously about Dane. She faintly felt his warm arounds holding her tightly, which made her face heat. She loved this feeling, but she didn't realy know why. All she knew was that she loved Dane holding her and couldn't stop thinking about the kiss to her cheek.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:20 am

Peyton quickly scrambled away fear and pain written on her face. "Who are you!?" the expression on her face was clear, she was scared and confused. 'Why am I out here? Where am I?" She looked around, fear glassing over her eyes. Who was this person standing in front of her, how did she get her?

Dane sat on a bench his legs tired from the walking, he watched Kat and smiled. Gently he stroked her cheek and smiled more. She was so beautiful, how someone hasn't already snatched her up he didn't know.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:25 am

Pain struck through Brock like a bullet. "Y-you don't know?' he asked, trying to hide the pain. What happened to her on her fall. Did those demons take her memories as well? If they did he was going to kill them all slowly and painfully, then give Peyton back her memory. "I-," he paused and tried to think. "I am Brock. Your boyfriend," he said. It would be better to keep that he had powers away from her, at least for the time being.

Kat suddenly got a shot of black in her dream, leaving behind black feathers. She then looked over to the white slate beside her and saw Brock, along with Peyton, but Peyton look- what did she look like?- scared? She looked upset and scared for some reason. She then felt the pain surge through her and opened her eyes quickly. What was going on. She clinged to Dane without much thought and tried to think of what could be going on. She could feel the other demons in the air then, and it frightened her.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:08 am

Peyton looked baffled. "B-boyfriend? Who in there right mind...?" Then she stopped, and shuddered, as a wind blew past, something she would have never had done if she had her normal high body temp. Hugging her arms around herself she looked up at the sky, storm clouds were closing in, and it started to poor. The storm was loud which caused Peyton to have to yell. "What am I doing here!?" she sounded scared, lighting and thunder clapped int he distance and though with out her memories still scared her, she flinched and with out really thought, what seemed more like instinct ran to Brock but when their skin met it wasn't exactly a pleasurable experience. For some reason, even with out her powers, and shot that should have killed her didn't, to Peyton all it felt like was a tiny needle in her skin jabbing at her quickly.

Dane jumped at Kat's sudden movements. "W-whats wrong?" He asked fast, a worry in his voice. though he had asked, he knew, it was Brock and Peyton, and what ever they had been running from on the plane was here too, he guessed.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:18 am

Brock looked to Peyton, then pain still shooting in his back. Who in their right mind? Was he scary? Was he not good looking to her? He then felt Peyton cling to him and he noticed she didn't really seem happy about it. The electricity... He then felt himself get slightly weaker as he let the electricity die down a lot. He then wrapped his arms around her protectivly and started to stand up, picking her up in the process. "We need to go meet my sister, Kat. I know this is a lot for you to take in right now, but if it makes you feel any better, you loved her a lot," he told her, the necklace in his pocket weighing him down mentally. Would Peyton ever even get her memory back?

Kat composed herself and tried not to look as frightened as she felt. "We should hurry to the train. Are we almost there?" she asked, her vision blurry from her just waking up. she knew that around people they wouldn't act as rash. Whilst they may not have cared about human life, they cared for their own and she knew the demons wouldn't want to be exposed.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:54 am

Peyton felt his arm tighten around her and she was lifted from the ground. "If all of this you say is true....did someone take my memories?" She asked in a frightened tone. Her red eyes looked up to meet Brock's, and when they did Peyton could feel a warm feeling flood her, the way she felt seemed so natural and right.

Dane nodded. "Yeah, just a while longer." He looked around and then nodded to himself as if confirming his answer. "I had only stopped to let you rest some with out being moved around too much." He explained to her as they started walking again.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:03 am

Brock looked forward with stern eyes, trying to hide the hurt and sadness that he felt. He racked his brain for an answer that didn't hurt, but he could find none. "Yes," was all he could find to say. He kept jogging for where he felt Kat's pressence. He could feel the fear in the air from her, but it was so faint. He hopped he wouldn't be too late. He needed to help his sister and Dane, and he needed Peyton's memories back.

Kat blushed and looked ahead of them. "I am sorry," she said. Her resting might be the thing that saves or kills them. She had no idea wheather it was good she rested or bad. In some ways it was good because she could help out a little more now, but that also might have put them closer to the demons, making it terrible and deadly. She just hoped this would end up being a good thing.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:51 am

Sneezing from the cold, Peyton looked up to Brock. This person she was looking at looked so pained, so...hurt. If what she was doing here did include him the way this man had said, then she was determined to get her memories back. Though she wasn't sure why, and maybe it was because this boy was her boyfriend, she couldn't stand to see him so hurt.

Dane nodded. "It's fine." He looked up and a smile of relief passed over his face when he saw the train station. "We made it." He said looking down at Kat with a comforting grin.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:08 am

Brock looked own to Peyton. "What is it?" he asked, seeing that look in her eyes that she always had when she was thinking. Some things just never changed and he was so glad this was one of them. He never wanted to lose some of the little special things Peyton did, including this.

A bullet of pain then slashed through Kat as she scream in horror. She hated pain, and had no idea why she could feel it. She then looked to her stomach where she had felt the pain, tears falling from her eyes, and saw nothing. Did she heal around it already? No, there was no blood. She then felt another shock of pain as she screamed again. They were here!! "D-Dane! The train," she yelped as she felt another shock of pain. She felt like she was being put to death slowly. She couldn't take it. Another shot, only worse this time. She screamed even louder and gripped onto Dane, the teras soaking his shirt.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:21 am

"It's nothing." She said in a trobled voice, as though it almost hurt to try and remember. "We better get going." She said and then started off in a random direction. Suddenly she stopped and turned on her heels to look at Brock. "Where were we going exacty?"

Dane looked at Kat worry all over his face. "What!? What are they doing to you?" He wasn't sure what he could do, nothing probably, but he wouldn't stop at nothing.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:46 am

Brock walked over to her and picked her up. "Just close your eyes and hold onto me tightly, okay?" he said in a gentle voice as he looked deeply into her eyes. He hated the feeling in his stomach, the one that told him she had no memories of him, but he had to get over all of that at the moment and find Kat and Dane.

Kat shook her head. "I-I don't know," she cried out, then felt another shock of pain. She screamed loudly and grinded her teeth together. "We need to get to the train." Kat didn't know if the pain was really that bad or if she just wasn't used to pain like this. She then decided she didn't care when another shock went throught her. "Train!" she screamed out in the smallest voice the pain would allow.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:16 am

//LOL lets see if I can remember whats going on. XD

Peyton nodded and did as she was told. Still as confused as ever. Suddenly Peyton opened her eyes as she was in Brock's arms. "Were we in love?" She blurted out then instantly her cheeks heated. She shut her eyes quickly again and bit hard on her lip.

Dane nodded and ran, he needed to protect Kat. When they finally made it to the train he got Kat on and sat her down. "We'll be okay..." He said to comfort her. What was going to happen?
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:39 am

Ooc: lolol Same here. xDDD

Brock smiled, a small twinge of happiness running through his heart as he looked at the same Peyton he had known for so long, the same one that blushed at just about anything; at least that hadn't changed. "Yes, we were," he told her in a gentle voice as he looked into her eyes and then to the field ahead of him.

Kat winced more and more as she tried to keep the tears away, but failed. She then grabbed at her head. "Dane, it hurts so bad," she squeezed her eyes shut as she lay her head on his chest, grinding her teeth together once again to keep from sreaming. "We need to get to the house and fast," she said in between wincing.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:43 am

Peyton looked up at him. "Are we still....?" She asked him with out really thinking. IF she didn't remember anything how in the world was he going to know that? Gripping his shirt with her hands she buried her face into his chest. This empty feeling she had scared her.

Dane winced, looking at Kat in so much pain hurt him greatly. "The train will get us there in no time." He said and wrapped his arms around her pulling her in close. "Shhh..." He smoothed her hair with his hand. Luckily the house they were headed too would keep them safe from magical harm.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:52 am

Brock smiled again, only it was more of a pained smile, and looked to the grass. "I love you because no matter what memories you have, you are still you. I still love you. I will always love you," as he was talking to Peyton he could feel Kat getting closer to the house, so running afeter them right then wasn't going to help her no matter what.

Kat wipped under her nose and then looked to the back of her hand and quickly closed her eyes when she saw blood. She turned her head away from Dane's shirt and let her head fall in front of her face so no one would be able to see the blood, including Dane. She wiped her hand off on her pants and then winced again. "I hate this," she cried out in a soft voice, trying so hard to keep quiet.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:57 am

Peyton felt hurt, she was in pain. For some reason her heart still reacted to him, as though it hadn't forgotten. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled and nuzzled into him, hiding her face. "I'm so sorry..."

Dane frowned when Kat moved away. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly. "Kat...?"
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:00 pm

Brock looked to her in confussion. "What on Earth are you sorry for? You didn't do anything," he soon started to walk, but his walk was so slick that he knew Peyton probabaly wouldn't even have been able to tell. He continued to look at her as he walked, though his demon sense knew exactlly where to go and where to walk.

Kat shook her head. "N-nothing," she winced again. "I will be fine," she said as she tried not to cry as she inhailed in spurts every so often.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:03 pm

Peyton shook her head. "I'm hurting you, I can see it." SHe mumbled into him. They were almost to the house, and there they could figure out how to get things more back to normal.

Dane helped Kat up when the train stopped. "We're there. Lets go." He moved her quickly and headed for the house.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 8 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:11 pm

Brock shook his head. "Peyton, I love you. There is nothing more to it than that. I am going to get your memories back and I am going to fix this. I am the one that is hurting you. If only you knew the half of it," he said, his voice trailing off as he continued to the house, knowing Dane was going to be there first.

"Ahhh!!" Kat grabbed at her head again as she screamed. "Stop it!!" she bit her lip hard as she felt the blood trickle down from her nose and the tears trickle down from her eyes.
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