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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:31 pm

Brock looked down to the meal. He swore, one day he would get Peyton to finish an entire meal. "Sure, if that's what you would like," he set down her fork and looked to his food. He picked up his first peice and ate it slowly. He had forgotten completely about his meal for the longest while, until he finally saw it sitting there, untouched.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:03 am

Peyton smiled in thanks and then looked around the air port. Her eyes caught site of a clock and she realized it was almost time to head to the gate where they would be boarding the plane. "We better get going soon." She said looking back towards Brock.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:37 pm

"But why??" Dane asked her with a sigh. He just didn't get how she could not know herself. Dane galnced down at his half-eaten french fries and glanced at his watch. "Umm, I think we should start moving towards the gate. Do you want to keep it for later or just throw it out?" He asked her, getting up slowly and streching.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:33 pm

Bock nodded. "Okay. He looked to the waitress standing near and asked for a box. When she came back with one he said thank you and put his food in the box. After closing it, he stood up and smiled to Peyton. "Do you want your leftovers for later, or no?" he asked.

Kat looked to him and was about to tell him to forget about it, but then he suddenly changed the subject. It worked fo her, but she would be asking about what he really ment by 'he liked her', on the plane. She looked to her food and nodded. "I would like a box," she told him, though she didn't knwo where one was.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:47 am

"Alright. I'll be right back." Dane said rushing to one of the stands and requested a box. He hurried back to the table and scooped the food delacitly into the box. "Shall we go?" He asked Kat lightly as he looked towards the exit.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:11 am

Peyton looked down at her food and nodded. "It will save us from spending more money later on." Then Peyton's face lit up. "We have to go get that necklace now!" She said excitedly. Slipping her hand into Brock's she started tugging on his arm. She was pulling him towards the little jewelry shop.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:36 am

Kat shook her head. "Maybe we should meet up with Brock. I can feel where he is," she looked toward the jewlery shop and nodded. "Please?" she asked. She wanted to talk to Peyton about what she was feeling, and maybe Dane could bond with Brock a little. Kat just really needed Peyton at the moment. She picked up her box slowly and looked to Dane.

Brock looked around, grabbed the boxes quickly, and hurried off with Peyton toward the jewlery shop. Where was Dane when he needed him? He looked at the nearing store and tried to slow things up by walking slower.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:42 am

Peyton stopped when she saw Kat and Dane. "I'll go distract Kat." She said in an excited hush. "Hey Kat!" She stuck her hand up in a wave. "Over here." And she started over. When she met up with the two she looked over at Brock and told Dane that Brock wanted him. 'Did you guys eat?" Peyton asked when Dane finally walked off.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:27 am

Dane walked over to Brock. "Umm, Peyton said you wanted to talk to me?" Dane said standing near Brock. He watched Peyton and Kat from a distance. Kat, looked happier, even now.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:33 am

Kat nodded. "Yeah, we ate," she held up her box of leftovers and tried to smile more. "Uhmm, can I talk to you though?" she asked. As fun as the topic of food was to her at the moment, which it really was, she had something on her mind that she wanted to talk to Peyton about.

Brock nodded. "You got a lot of money right?" he looked over to the jewlery store. "I can tell you like Kat and I think we should get our girls a necklace. You don't have to, but I think it would make her feel really happy. She is pretty stressed right now," Brock then looked to Dane again. "But I am sure you knew that, didn't you?" he waved off the question with a new one. "So how about it?" He asked, refering to getting the jewlery.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Peyton Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:48 am

Peyton looked at Kat with a confused look on her face and then smiled. She glanced back at the boys and nodded. "Of 'course." Peyton told her as she looked back to her. "Anything for you. You know that." She said with her perfect smiling lighting up her face.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:51 am

Kat nodded and walked over to the near-by talbe, setting her stuff down on the table top and looking over to the guys before looking to Peyton. "I think I am falling for Dane, and-," she looked to her food in wonder of what words to say. "H-he told me he liked me Peyton," a light red line ran across Kat's cheeks as she thought of what he had sad. She didn't even know anyone was capable of liking her, but then this?
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:22 am

"Oh. Well I have about $200 on me right now. Yeah, that sounds good. Did you have something specific in mind?" Dane asked him while pondering over what Brock had said. He started walking slowly towards the jewelry store.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:28 am

Brock walked nect to him and nodded. "I'll show you when we get in there. Both are pretty expensive. They are about 99 bucks each," once they got inot the store he walked to the clerk, knowing Dane was following behind him. "Sound good?" he asked. He knew that was a lot of money, but he wanted both of the girls to be happy, and knew Kat and Peyton would both really enjoy this. He got the clerk to show the necklaces to Dane and Brock pointed to the one with the wings. "That one is," he revised, "would be for Kat."
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:35 am

"That's great. It would be perfect for her." Dane said examining the butterfly's intricate patterns. "So about $100, right?" Dane asked, not caring if the cashier or Brock answered.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:48 am

Brock nodded and the clerk said "Yes," in a voice that told he was glad to have a customer. He then stuck out his hand for the money and Brock paid tha man, watching as Dane paid him as well. He looked to the necklace he has just bought for Peyton and smiled. He knew she would love it, maybe even more then Kat would love her necklace. He had changed his thought from earlier when Peyton had dragged him out of the store he had pointed to a small rose. The rose was, in fact, a diamond, but it was still easily known as a rose. He looked to Dane after he garbbed the necklace for some sort of expression.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:55 am

Dane grabbed the necklace from the counter. He had a serching look in his eye as he looked at the necklace. As though it would tell him everything about its future owner. Dane looked up at Brock and was surprised to see him looking at him. "Umm, so are we going to give it to them now, or later?" He asked umcomfortably.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:04 am

Brock loked to where the girls were and sighed. "I don't really know. I am just kind of winging it. Peyton thinks I am so great, but I am just guessing at what I should be doing," his eyes had a hint of a smile in them, but then he shook his head and looked back to Dane I think you should just give it to her whenever you feel is right," he told him, then lookd back to the girls, this time looking at Kat. He knew Dane could take care of her, he just didn't know in what ways.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:16 am

"Alright. So how did you and Peyton meet, anyway? You can not answer if it's too personal." Dane said looking in the direction of the girls. He had never really found out the whole story. It was almost like a mystery to him.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:22 am

Brock sighed. "Well you see," he paused, thinking back. How long ago was all of this? Porbabaly not that long, he shook the thoughts away. "You see, I was put into this 'crazy home', only it was for people with powers. Kat wasn't sent because she rarely used her powers, and they aren't quite dangerous anyway. Anywho, Kat came with me because we were all each other had and we needed to stick together. When we got there we saw a girl get bullied," he looked to Dane. "People may say I am a monster, but I still have morals and guys like thst shouldn't pick on a girl like Peyton, or any girl for that matter," he then looked back to the girls. "Then she ran off because she thought she couldn't touch me because anything she touches goes to flames. I then saw smoke coming from the house later on and found Peyton laying on the floor passed out near the fire. Once all was said and done, they were trying to take Peyton away so they could punish her for setting the fire. I wouldn't have it, so we left, just ran off," Brock continued to look at the girl, then shook his head and turned away from the both of them.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:29 am

Dane stood there quietly, not quite sure what to say. He never knew that it was that complicated. "I'm sorry for asking." Dane said finally, still looking at the girls in the distance.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:37 am

Brock shook his head. "Don't be," he told Dane. It's not like Dane and Kat's story was any easier. Which, when Brock thought about it, they didn't have their 'story' yet. He knew Kat wasn't going to say anything to Dane first, that's why he had wanted Dane to get her the necklace. Maybe then, somehow, they would BOTH get their feelings. He shook his head and looked to Dane, then back to the girls.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:41 am

Dane glanced over at Brock and looked back to the girls. "You seem like you have something on your mind." Dane stated, not lloking at Brock.

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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  its_me_kimmy Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:43 am

Brock nodded. "Don't take this weirdly," he prepared, "but I am going to be leaving with Peyton one day, once this whole mess is over with, adn I just don't know how Kat is going to take that, if she even knows, or who will protect her after we are gone," he todl Dnae and looked at Kat. He couldn't watch her for the rest of his life, but she needed someone with her.
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Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]  - Page 4 Empty Re: Crazy...? If only you knew. [[CLOSED]]

Post  Sky Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:56 am

"I understand. She actually is hoping for it. She wants to move to Washington....with the one she loves." Dane said, his voice low for the last part. He looked at Kat as well with a far-off look in his eye.

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